Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 122: The theory is of no use at all


Chu Han glanced at these people, and then said to Master Chen and Shang Jiudi without any worry: "Just stay here and find a clean place to settle down later."

Chu Han's words were completely rude, as if he regarded this supermarket as his property.

"Who allowed you to stay here?!" the burly Gao Yi yelled. He pointed unceremoniously at Luo Xiaoxiao who was lying on the simple wooden board: "Was she bitten by a zombie? The injured person cannot Stay alive!"

"Kill her!" The crowd immediately burst into enthusiasm and the atmosphere was high-pitched.

"Kill this little girl! She will turn into a zombie!"

"Get these people out!"

"This supermarket belongs to us, drive them away!"

The more than 80 people gathered around were noisy and yelled at Chu Han and others.

Out of guilt for Chu Han's previous misunderstanding, Shangguan Yuxin couldn't help but stand up and said: "This girl's wounds were not caused by zombies, but were hit by a car. You can't touch her!"

"Fart!" The angry crowd didn't care about Shangguan Yuxin's words. They gathered around Chu Han and others step by step, getting closer and closer.

"We don't believe it!"

"Yes! You still want to rob our supermarket, get out!"

Chu Han looked at the messy crowd in front of him. After a quick glance, he roughly divided these people into several parts. A few strong men with high status, some low-ranking people who talked the most, and the old, weak, women and children gathered around quietly. We didn't dare to talk together, and there were a few beautiful women who stood very delicately.

This is a complex team, with normal people, abnormal people, and team prostitutes.

"This child really wasn't bitten by a zombie!" Shangguan Yuxin was making a last-ditch effort. With a very high professional ethics, she was desperately arguing with the group of people in front of her: "There are no teeth marks or torn fingernails on the wound. There are no marks, and there are no signs of the wounds turning black after being bitten by zombies, you see."

"Don't think we will believe you when you say that!" Someone immediately interrupted Shangguan Yuxin's professional words.

"Yes! We have seen this kind of thing a lot. When we came in, we all said it wasn't a zombie bite, but in the end, they were all infected, and several of us were bitten to death!"

"Get out!"


The other party refused to give up. In their view, Chu Han and others who broke in forcefully were aggressive. Not only did they kick the obstacles they had worked so hard to place into a mess, but now they were dragging an injured little girl with them. Who would want to Let people in!

Shangguan Yuxin was anxious. She pointed at herself excitedly and said firmly: "I won't lie to you. I am a doctor and a military doctor! I have dealt with many cases of people being bitten by zombies. I have the ability and confidence to tell you Guaranteed, this little girl is really not infected!"

It's a pity that no one listened to Shangguan Yuxin's words. The female military doctor was undoubtedly in good shape. Her chest was rising and falling with excitement. The place pointed by her white and slender finger was very interesting, which made many men swallow their throats for a while. At this time, everyone began to observe Chu Han and the others. There were actually four women among the six people. Except for the unconscious little girl, the other three were all stunning beauties.

Shangguan Yuxin is wearing a light green military shirt, full of wildness but also a sense of nobility. These two extreme feelings appearing in the same woman are undoubtedly a fatal temptation, especially when she uses This temptation will reach its peak when professional theories are explained in the calmest tone.

Shang Jiudi, who had been looking after Luo Xiaoxiao without saying a word, was wearing tight-fitting black clothes and black trousers, which fully revealed her powerful figure. Her black hair was tied high behind her head, and her eyes were revealed inadvertently, as charming as silk. The Black Widow played by Scarlett Johansson has a powerful visual impact.

Baek Yoon-ah, who is wearing a white dress, is like a tall, cold and straight girl from the comics. It is hard to imagine how extremely seductive she is under her cold appearance.

This is what every man wants, it’s nature.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the supermarket began to become weird, and the sound of swallowing saliva came one after another. The supermarket was transformed into an airtight shelter. It was stuffy, dirty and smelly. Because water use needs to be restricted, the women here are mostly Most of them are not very clean, and some even have strong body odor.

The three women who entered the supermarket at this time, whether they were Bai Yun'er, Shang Jiudi or Shangguan Yuxin, were undoubtedly like big pies falling from the sky, so beautiful and tempting.

Greedy and excited eyes appeared in the eyes of many men, and even many people with insufficient determination took a step forward. If beautiful women in the apocalypse have no strength, they will end up as men's playthings.

"You can stay if you want." At this time, Gao Yi glanced unabashedly at Shangguan Yuxin, who was wearing a light green military shirt next to him and had a contradictory combination of wildness and aloofness. His eyes were full of passion and smile, Gao Yi was powerful Holding a very long and heavy steel rod in his arm, he walked up to Chu Han and pointed at Luo Xiaoxiao on the board with an arrogant expression: "But this little girl must die, we can't let anyone who is injured come in. You and the women behind you all need to be inspected!"

"Examination? Whole body?" Chu Han's eyes narrowed, and he smelled an unusual smell. Then he put his hands in his trouser pockets and said in an unhurried voice: "What kind of examination method?"

"Hahaha! Of course I took off my clothes for inspection!" Someone in the crowd immediately let out a laugh.

These unabashed words suddenly woke up Shangguan Yuxin who was excited and defensive. She couldn't help but take a few steps back and looked around the group of people in front of her. She saw many beautiful but scantily clad women standing in front of her. Around strong men, some may show charming expressions, or some may have dull eyes like puppets.

The body trembled, Shangguan Yuxin suddenly thought of the eyes of those men in the army, with suppressed desires in their eyes, because the system and class made them want to do it but dare not, but at this moment, in the apocalypse where the law is bullshit, what else is there? Don't you dare

The frightened expression of the female military doctor made a group of men burst into laughter wantonly, and their behavior became even more wanton. They moved forward step by step, gathering Chu Han and others closer, and the eyes that stared at the three women became more unscrupulous, and even Someone ignored Chu Han, a big living person, and directly started to say obscene words to the three women.

"How's it going? Now that you've come in, no matter whether you stay or go, you have to leave something behind." Gao Yi played with the steel rod in his hand, waiting for Chu Han's answer. In other words, he enjoyed playing with his prey. The feeling of pleasure is that even when a cat catches a mouse, it won't eat it immediately.