Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 158: Throw you to death


"How dare you shoot at the army! Death penalty!" Kuang Cheng didn't notice his son's face and spat hard.

"Dad!" Kuang Zhiran ran to Kuang Cheng in two steps and pointed at Chu Han angrily: "It's him! It's him!"

"What?" Kuang Cheng was confused.

Kuang Zhiran gritted his teeth: "He was the one who cut off my hand!"

"What?!" Kuang Cheng's expression changed, and he looked at Chu Han suddenly. The meaning in his eyes was clear, this boy's death was coming.

"Dad is here, I will not let these people go!" After comforting Kuang Zhiran, the heartbroken Kuang Cheng stared at Chu Han fiercely and roared: "If you dare to hurt my son, you fucking know Don’t know who I am?!”

Chu Han glanced at him, and then moved his gaze to the soldiers behind the two of them. There were twenty people, nineteen ordinary people, and one first-order evolver. Some of the soldiers in the convoy arriving from behind were missing. Get off the car, it seems that such a major general is not so popular.

Chu Han's ignorance completely angered Kuang Cheng. He trembled all over and suddenly reached for the pistol on his waist. He wanted to kill this kid.

Luo Xiaoxiao, who had just been helped out of the car by Shangguan Yuxin, happened to see this scene and suddenly pointed his finger at Kuang Zhiran and shouted: "It's you?!"

Luo Xiaoxiao's voice was impolite and bright, causing Kuang Cheng, Kuang Zhiran and his son, and the people around them to look over. Everyone was stunned. Little girl? A beautiful twelve-year-old girl

"You're a scumbag!" Luo Xiaoxiao was very arrogant. He soon saw Kuang Zhiran behind Kuang Cheng, and his face turned red with anger. He bent down and picked up a stone from the ground, and suddenly threw it towards Kuang Zhiran smashed it away.


Kuang Zhiran felt a sudden pain on his face, and it was a real hit, which was very accurate.

Everyone was stunned. Luo Xiaoxiao actually threw a stone at the face of the major general's son? !

Luo Xiaoxiao's movements were so fast that the pebbles flew out before Shangguan Yuxin could react. Shock suddenly appeared on the face of the female military doctor. She knew that Luo Xiaoxiao had a domineering temper, but she really I didn't expect this little girl to be so domineering. The person opposite was the son of a major general!

"I'll throw you to death!" Luo Xiaoxiao cursed while throwing stones: "I told you to hit me! I'll throw you to death!"

Kuang Zhiran was thrown in the face by Luo Xiaoxiao. He had never been treated like this before. His eyes suddenly burst out with murderous intent, along with the resentment of having his left hand chopped off by Chu Han: "I'm going to fuck you! I'm going to hit you." Are you looking up to you? You refugee bastard bug! Do you know who I am? Do you know whose blood is flowing in my body? Let me tell you! My dad is a major general. Do you refugees know what a major general is? I am one Life is nobler than all of your lives!”

"And you!" Kuang Zhiran's eyes were bloodshot and he stared at Chu Han angrily: "Chu Han? I will let you know today what the consequences will be if you go against someone like me!"

"Shoot! Shoot! Kill them all!" Kuang Zhiran yelled angrily: "Keep this little bitch with Chu Han, I will torture them slowly! I will throw this little bitch to The beggar raped twenty times!”

"How dare you touch my son?!" Kuang Cheng was also extremely angry. He pointed at Chu Han and others tremblingly: "Kill them all! Kill them all! Especially this one named Chu Han and this little girl, I’m going to cut you into pieces!”

Swish, brush, brush!

A row of guns were pointed at Chu Han and others. These people all knew that Kuang Cheng's doted son was lawless. These people were afraid that they would die today.

"Wait! Put down the gun!" Just when the guns were about to eject bullets, a middle-aged man among the soldiers suddenly said, and then he took a few steps forward excitedly and stood opposite Chu Han. The survivors who were together said: "Xiaoxia? Is it Xiaoxia

"Dad? Dad?" Chu Xia, who was standing behind Chu Han, covered her lips in disbelief. She was so excited that she wanted to run forward: "Dad! Dad!"

Chu Xia is a student who has just graduated from junior high school. She lives with her mother in Tongshi. Her father is serving in the military in the Shishi Military Region. However, the explosion of the apocalypse caused a tragic accident to her mother. She really did not expect to meet her father here. She was so excited. She couldn't help but want to run into her father's arms.

Opposite him, Chu Xia's father was also extremely excited. He quickly put away his gun and wanted to reunite with his daughter, but at this moment


A cloud of white smoke erupted from the pistol in Kuang Zhiran's hand: "Seeking death!"

Chu Xia's excitement disappeared in an instant, and the blood all over her body was cold to the bone. She watched helplessly as her father was shot in the right leg and half-kneeling on the ground, blood flowing out gurglingly.

Chu Xia's father also looked frightened for a moment. Half-kneeling, he turned back to look at Kuang Zhiran who fired the gun in disbelief: "She is my daughter. Can't I even recognize my daughter?"

"Who asked you to admit your marriage? Are you worthy?!" Kuang Zhiran yelled: "Why don't you bastards kill these untouchables quickly?! If anyone dares to take a step forward, I will kill you all!"

Kuang Cheng did not object to his son's behavior. Kuang Zhiran's hand was chopped off by Chu Han. Not to mention sacrificing a personal guard, even if his son killed all the soldiers around him, he would not frown, whether it was the refugees or the people on the opposite side. These soldiers under his command are not as important as his son.

"Why don't you take action quickly?" Kuang Cheng glanced coldly at the soldiers holding guns around him.

The surrounding soldiers couldn't help but frowned, and for a moment they didn't obey the order. The attitude of Kuang Zhiran and Kuang Cheng made them completely chilled. Although they were soldiers who obeyed orders, they also had family and friends. The man in front was hit in the right leg. The middle-aged soldier who died was their comrade, a companion who had experienced a life-and-death battle together. He just wanted to reunite with his daughter, but he was shot in the leg by Kuang Zhiran. Not only did the major general Kuang Cheng not Stop it and let Kuang Zhiran do whatever he wants


"Hurry up and kill them!" Kuang Zhiran looked at the motionless soldiers and kicked someone next to him: "You bastards! Untouchables! You are just like bedbugs like those refugees! I'll kick you to death!" "

Bang bang bang!

One kick after another, the kicks were extremely hard. Even after Kuang Zhiran kicked the soldier who didn't fight back to the ground, he directly raised his foot and stepped on the opponent's face. He trampled the young soldier until his face was covered with blood!

Anger appeared on the faces of these soldiers, and the hands holding the guns could not help but tremble, but they had nothing to do. Kuang Cheng was a major general, and Kuang Zhiran was the son of a major general. If they resisted Kuang Zhiran's violence, Then it must be them who die.

Chu Xia's father, who was lying on the ground in front, tried hard to get up. At the same time, he tried desperately to signal Chu Xia with his eyes: Don't come here! Go quickly!

Chu Xia wiped her tears fiercely, and did not listen to her father's words and run away. Instead, she rushed to Chu Han. A pair of hands full of vicissitudes of life that had been tortured in the apocalypse grabbed Chu Han's clothes tightly. The girl cried helplessly. Helpful and bitter.

