Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 82: The winner is king


That 'explosion' brought with it some extreme madness, like a desperate move before death. Chu Han's black eyes stared straight ahead. The crescent-shaped open space was like a big bowl, swallowing up a large number of zombies. Packed to the brim.

Master Chen suddenly raised the torch and lit the last two ropes fiercely!


Two fire dragon-like ropes curved around the inside of the maze, extending all the way to the entrance and exit of the maze. These were the only two blasting points.

The final madness blocked everything.

Chu Han stood on the command podium, his body motionless, but his forehead was covered with sweat. If there was even the slightest error, then two words would be waiting for him - death.

So, you must succeed!

Seven hundred pairs of eyes stared closely into the distance. They didn't know Chu Han's layout, but they deeply felt the tension in the atmosphere at this moment. The tide of corpses at close range was unprecedentedly huge. They gathered outside the entrance of the maze, surrounded by rows of vehicles. The crescent-shaped wall formed has begun to tilt. The zombies are constantly crowding and pushing forward. They will collapse in almost a second, and then swarm into the maze.

At this moment, the two ropes reached the end.



Two huge explosions occurred on both sides at the same time, and the air flow instantly squeezed toward the middle. The impact on the tightly packed group of zombies was extremely huge this time. Countless zombies were thrown into the air, forming a breathtaking rain of corpses.

Seven hundred people felt the shaking of the earth at the same time. The intensity of the trembling was like an earthquake. The concrete floor in front of them was blasted into craters, exposing countless deep and invisible cracks. Groups of zombies were blown away and maimed. Black blood fills the air.

"So strong!"

"so amazing!"

Everyone let out extremely strong exclamations, and their admiration for Chu Han reached a climax.

But this is only the first step.

Just before the broken limbs and arms that were thrown into the sky fell down—

Boom boom boom!

The fire all over the sky suddenly surged out and rushed into the sky!

The rows of vehicles gathered in a crescent shape suddenly produced a series of explosions. The thick black smoke instantly polluted the sky in this area extremely dirty. From a distance, the area had completely turned into a half circle of flames, like a half circle of flames. A giant crescent moon emitting flames.

not end yet!

The area where the flames were blazing soon gave off a strong burning smell, which was the smell caused by a large amount of burnt carrion. The flames were very strong, and the cars were completely damaged by the explosion.

Chu Han put gasoline in the crescent-shaped row of vehicles!

The explosion of the lithium battery, the burning of gasoline, and the crescent-shaped design of the vehicle caused the airflow to rush out in the direction of the mouth of the bowl in an instant. The successive large-scale impacts made the footsteps of ten thousand zombies suddenly slacken.

How many died? they do not know.

The raging fire blocked everyone's view and raised the scorching temperature in this area. Many people in the depths of the maze behind were sweating due to the heat.

Chu Han couldn't predict the casualties of the zombies through the firelight. He could only wait nervously with the seven hundred people, waiting for the first batch of zombies to burst out of the flames, waiting for the fight after the gorgeous war horn sounded!

Let's see who can fight to the end between them and the zombies.

The winner takes all!

The people staying in the houses far away in the community were also shocked beyond measure. From their perspective, they could see it more clearly than any of the seven hundred people participating in the battle below. It was similar to the design of the mouth of a bowl. Let the hordes of zombies squeeze together, and this explosion is stronger than any previous ones in the open space of the park!

Many people began to regret that this battle started with an egg hitting a stone, and Chu Han advanced the layout step by step. At this moment, the scale has gradually tilted, and no one of the 700 people below has started to truly confront the zombies. But most of the zombie swarms have been eliminated!

The successive explosions of lithium batteries and gasoline killed at least five thousand zombies instantly, but the fire continued, and the long line was still burning. The zombies had to pass through the flames if they wanted to come over, because it was burning gasoline, and rows of vehicles were destroyed. Burning red and hot, the flames will harm them again, and the red-hot steel will block their footsteps. In the end, there will definitely be no more than three thousand zombies that can enter the maze.

The number of zombies this time should be around 18,000, but Chu Han killed 15,000 zombies without even using a single soldier. Who would believe it

Everyone understands what this data represents. In this war, maybe the final winner is Chu Han!

He turned out to be such a genius!


A speeding pickup truck suddenly stopped on the road with a screeching sound. Everyone in the car was stunned. The huge explosion and fire not far ahead were too conspicuous, as if they were going to blow up the entire community there. The huge heat flow caused the air in front of them to become erratic and refract light. They could not go any further, otherwise their fate would be the same as those zombies.

Konoha sat in the co-pilot, his eyes full of unknown colors. Based on his understanding of Cheng Xianguo, Cheng Xianguo definitely did not have the courage and ability to make such a move in his base. This was almost a desperate move. Cheng Xianguo did not have the ability to make decisions. .

The reason for the formation of the zombie wave is unknown, but it is obvious that the Xianguo Base was prepared for this battle and had comprehensive arrangements for the confrontation with the zombie wave. They must have a lot of guns and ammunition. The most important thing is the person who commanded this battle. That must be an extremely brilliant commander!

The several previous explosions and the big scene in front of us killed enough zombies, but it was also completely exposed that the person who caused this movement was either a complete madman or an extremely arrogant military wizard!

There is such a person hiding in the fresh fruit base

Konoha's eyes flashed with excitement, and he kept speculating in his mind that this person should be a soldier around thirty-five years old, and maybe he had a high military rank. Otherwise, how could Cheng Xianguo let him act so randomly?

Konoha knew that not only himself, but also someone in other survivor bases in the city must have noticed what was going on here, and many ambitious people were on their way there.

There are usually only two endings for this type of arrogant genius:

Be conquered or be killed!

Konoha's brows wrinkled slightly, who is this person? The word fear didn't come to his mind? Exposing one's abilities and talents so early is not a good choice in this apocalyptic world where people cannibalize people.


On another roof, a bald man sat motionless, holding a telescope with both arms and observing the distance without blinking. He had maintained this posture for a long time, and even his sweat from excitement had soaked his collar. Didn't realize it.

"Here you go! What a powerful layout, what a powerful command! Who is this person? He is simply a hero in troubled times!"
