Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 86: Unknown person


In the neighborhood behind.

Sluggishness and shock began to appear on the faces of those who refused to participate in the battle. They actually won!

A mere 700 people killed a group of 18,000 zombies? !

Such a huge gap, but the final result was a victory with 700 people and zero casualties!

His eyes were focused on Chu Han, who was standing on the pile of zombies. He was obviously very young, so why did he have such shocking talents

Everyone knows that the real strength of Chu Han is not the eight hundred zombies he killed with his axe, but the leadership that unites everyone and the decisiveness when a crisis breaks out. Not everyone can survive the zombie siege. People can be so calm in times of crisis, and not everyone can control war so accurately.

That's right, control, control everything in this war!

He seemed to be the master of this side, easily creating destruction with his hands. Whoever wanted to live would be able to live, and whoever he wanted to die would be spared.

Many people began to beat their chests with regret, thinking about the fate of themselves and others after the battle. The 700 people participating in the battle at the front had unprecedented cohesion. These 100 people were not old people and children without any fighting ability. Many of them were They are grown men with great strength. In this base from now on, they will be ostracized and pointed at. Look, those deserters!

In fact, they missed the opportunity to follow the person who could become the overlord of the party in the future.

In a tightly closed room, Duan Ming's extremely unwilling expression could not be retracted before his body turned completely pale, and a faint rancid smell began to spread in the room. The virus had taken over his body and had already entered his brain.

Roar! A zombie roar came from his mouth, and his opened pupils were completely gray!

Everything is under Chu Han's control, without any deviation, including Duan Ming, who turned into a corpse.

"This is impossible!!" Cheng Zehao in the other room hammered the glass window crazily, unwillingness and humiliation rushing into his mind: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

How could such a thing happen? Killed 18,000 zombies without spending a single soldier? ! He doesn't believe it, this is impossible, this is false, this is false!

But no matter how he recalled the deduction, he couldn't find any loopholes. Chu Han just did it.

And it’s done perfectly!

The bald man sitting on the rooftop in the distance, holding a telescope in his hand, was completely stunned. From the three thousand zombies walking into the maze, to the shocking turn when he mistakenly thought they were being hunted in a cage, to the scattered zombies being eliminated one by one, to In the end, Chu Han killed 800 zombies by himself. This was too unbelievable.

The war is over, a great victory!

It was obviously a death crisis, it was obviously an unsolvable situation, but it was solved one by one under the control of the man in the distance, and no one even died!

"Chu Han!"

"Chu Han!"

The deafening shouts coming from the front were high and loud.

"Chu Han? Chu Han!" The bald man's eyes were red with excitement, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably: "Idol! My idol's name is Chu Han!"

The Konoha group, who were driving slowly, couldn't help but feel anxious. The road was too difficult to walk, and they would not be able to reach the fresh fruit base for a while.

"Chu Han!"

"Chu Han!"

Suddenly, high-pitched shouts came from the front, and the uniform voices were more powerful than the military troops.

"Chu Han?" Konoha's eyes flashed with surprise. Is this the commander's name

"Speed up." Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Konoha's commanding voice was filled with shock and anxiety.

It seems that the battle ahead is over and the Fresh Fruit Base has won.

So fast? !

Outside the fresh fruit base.

The shouts had gradually subsided. Chu Han stepped down from the pile of zombie corpses step by step, and the crowd naturally gave way to a path.

Shang Jiudi stood aside with her face flushed, and her heart kept beating wildly. She just got so excited that she hugged him.


Just when I turned on the system notification sound, a notification suddenly came in.

"The unknown character's loyalty has reached 6o."

Unknown person

Chu Han's footsteps slowed down. He ignored the loyalty prompts on the screen and stared closely at the unknown character. After today's battle, hundreds of people became loyal to him, even if these people he Most of them can't match their names to their faces, but they all have names and surnames.

But what is the situation with this unknown person? And the loyalty is still so high.

Suddenly, Chu Han's mind flashed, and the situation in Ange Town suddenly rushed into his mind. Could it be the same one from before? He looked around and saw that the four-character unknown person was still on the system screen.

Frowning, who is this person

"Great!" Cheng Xianguo said excitedly, interrupting Chu Han's thinking: "So many zombies have been eliminated! The Fresh Fruit Base survived!"

"Yes! Boss Chu Han!" Someone in the crowd began to call him "Boss Chu Han" directly.

There was no dissatisfaction in Cheng Xianguo's eyes, but he said directly: "I think how about letting Chu Han be the leader of our base? Doesn't everyone have any objections?"


"Very good!"

"Follow the boss!"

Everyone agreed and cheered loudly.

Chu Han was stunned, base leader

Looking at the faces filled with sincere smiles in front of him, and feeling the close relationship between them due to loyalty, a shocking idea suddenly popped up in Chu Han's mind.

If he takes these loyal people under his command and builds a group of his own personal army, is this possible


The regeneration system is an incredible plug-in. Loyalty is the most important thing for the top commander in a team. Loyalty represents a high degree of obedience. Forced orders will never be as powerful as the effects from the heart.

If the loyalty of everyone in his legion reaches 90 or above, they will be a group of die-hard loyalists who will never betray him!

Think about it, he has countless information brought from the future in his mind. This information covers a wide range of things, whether it is about zombies or humans. If he can have a large number of die-hard loyalists, he can follow the plans of future generations. To train them, how strong can this army be

The highest loyalty, the most comprehensive training, the most advanced tactics.

This will be a group of terrifying combat power with gods blocking and killing gods, and demons blocking and killing demons!

Chu Han's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and his body couldn't help but tremble. He returned from the future to ten years ago, bringing not only a chance to do it again, but also the most important prophecy!

But at this moment, the faces of the two people suddenly rushed into Chu Han's mind, and his excitement suddenly disappeared. The emotions in his eyes disappeared, and Chu Han looked at the people in front of him quietly.
