Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1: A belated speech from Sanjiang


It’s finally Sanjiang. I only received this news at about 10 o’clock yesterday afternoon. I was a little confused when I received the news. It felt very unreal, just like a dream. I really never thought that this day would come!

As usual, first of all, I would like to thank Editor Zhu and my editor Sister Donggua. If she hadn’t given me so many strong recommendations, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to go to Sanjiang. Well, my books are a bit unsuitable for girls, but I always think of my editor. She is a beautiful woman, so I am very confused, but I also feel a little inexplicable joy.

Of course, the most important thing to thank is every one of my readers. It is every click, every recommendation, and every book review that has brought me to this point. Without the support of my readers, I might not be able to reach this point. The eunuch has long been lost, aha! Here, I will not say any disgusting words of gratitude. I can only repay my readers with sufficient updates and rich plots. In the next few days, I will put aside all trivial matters and concentrate on typing!

I don’t remember when I started getting into online writing, but it was probably around 2004 or 2005. Rental bookstores were very popular at that time. Many middle school and high school students liked to go to rented bookstores to read online articles to pass their time. I was no exception. At that time, The first book I read was "Ethereal Journey". I was so amazed by this book that I read it over and over again two or three times. I was amazed that there could be such a wonderful book in this world. Such a wild and unconstrained imagination is really a life story. Just seeing you! (I was only a junior high school student at the time... so my knowledge was naturally very low...)

After reading "The Misty Journey", I fell madly in love with online books. I went to rent a bookstore to read it and devoted most of my spare time to it. I stopped playing online games and basketball. Going to school and reading, seemingly nothing else...

About half a year later, I read all the interesting online articles in the book rental library! But I still have more to say. I just feel that the world of online literature is so colorful and full of strange things. A successful online article is simply another parallel world and another wonderful life!

Later, when I went to high school and college, I still had full enthusiasm for online literature. Although I wasn’t as obsessed with it as I was in junior high school, I still spent two hours every day reading my favorite novels. Well, I’m ashamed to say that my books He is not young anymore, but he is still an ignorant little bookworm, and he is also a very happy bookworm. He is still very far away from the realm of Lao Bai and Lao Niao. This is because I don’t know how to complain.

To be honest, the results of this book are really beyond my expectations. When I opened the book, I told my friends that I would be satisfied as long as I could sign a contract. After all, I am a newbie in both conception and writing. , are very immature, maybe I will rush to my grandma’s house!

I remember very clearly that on the first day the book was distributed, there were only five collections, on the second day there were fifteen collections, on the third day there were fifty collections, on the fourth day ninety, on the fifth day one hundred and three, on the sixth day one hundred and eighty... Every day, the collection is increasing - I made a bet with my friends at that time that if I could get on the science fiction public list, I would post the results, and then on the ninth day... I actually posted the results.

Along the way, I feel really incredible. I didn’t ask for votes or collections. I only signed a contract after 100,000 words. I didn’t have friends to recommend me, and I didn’t even advertise. When people in the author group asked me what novels I had written, I didn’t dare to tell them. Others were afraid of getting poor grades and being laughed at in the end, but in the end, I was actually qualified to hit the science fiction public list, the click list, and even the homepage new book list. All of this, in my previous opinion, was Out of reach, I never thought that one day, a "semi-illiterate" whose high school essay did not exceed 50 points would rush out of the numerous new books and achieve good results...

Next, let’s talk about the structure of this book. The settings of this book are very rich. The main plot and sub-plots are very long. There are more than a dozen dungeons of various types. The settings of characters, skills, and equipment are also very rich. If she feels happy, like dyeing Hongxia, I will get her a "Dream-Breaking Knife". The curse of this knife... Haha, just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Of course, what I am most grateful for are the book reviews from readers and friends, which not only injected fuel into me, but also allowed me to gradually improve the worldview of this book. Some readers and friends’ suggestions were very pertinent and even inspired me, making me think of It has a more novel and interesting setting, haha, my reader friends are so cute, sometimes I think about never setting up a Q group, just let the book review area be the only place for discussion, because every article here Book reviews will record readers’ love and thoughts about this book!

But that's impossible. Without a readership, it's inconvenient for me to communicate with my readers and friends... Hey, let's wait until I collect 10,000. I believe there will be more than fifty people joining the group by then, haha.

Oh, by the way, another one is the description of human nature... Regarding this issue, I have been scolded bloody in the book review area. Well, I admit that there are indeed many shortcomings in the writing. After all, I am just a stupid young college student. , I don’t have a thorough understanding of human nature. I thought that after reading a few apocalyptic articles, I should write in a dark and cruel direction, ignoring the truth, goodness and beauty of human beings. Well, when it comes to this, I have to talk about what I read on the Tieba yesterday. That post contains all kinds of precious spirits of people in desperate situations, between mothers and children, between old couples, between friends, and even some people whose bodies are too damaged to look like, but are still strong and alive. The examples touched my heart - and the "Chinese version of the loyal dog Hachiko" on the Youku homepage made my heart sour... Well, human nature, human nature, is indeed elusive. Faced with the same desperate situation, some people They will be indifferent and selfish, but there are also some people who will behave in a way that is admirable!

In fact, from the beginning of this book, I never thought about describing human nature, because I was afraid that the tiger would not turn out to be an anti-dog. Even the protagonist was set as an absolutely dark and cold-blooded person, but as I wrote, I I started to feel confused. If I write it like this, the apocalyptic novel will lose a lot of connotation, and the cold-blooded character of the protagonist will definitely make the book lose many exciting plots, just like the protagonists of "Ali", Farrell John, Rowe In the beginning, Mori set him up as an absolute bad guy, but as the plot develops, the protagonist slowly grows and matures, from a pervert who doesn't recognize his relatives, is heartless, and selfish, to a great hero who saves the world. He would even give up many things for the heroines who were hurt so much by him...

Our protagonist, Li Jiayu, has a dark mind. Even he thinks he is insensitive and callous, but in fact, he longs to live in the sun and be recognized by his friends. When it comes to a critical moment, Li Jiayu will still He did something that even he himself did not understand, just like "The Battle of Female Luo Teng". The protagonist kept thinking about escaping, but Lan Xiaoyue was captured. He was hesitated by Xiao Wanqing's words, and then Ran Hongxia was captured. He actually did something stupid. Instead of retreating immediately, he stepped forward to help Ran Hongxia. In the end, Xiao Wanqing was captured. Li Jiayu, who knew that it was impossible to do anything, never ran away again and directly planned to die together. The inner monologue of the protagonist at that time , and also revealed the protagonist’s sharp-tongued character...

This kind of character is what we like, and his experiences in his previous life will be in sharp contrast to his experiences in this life. Under the influence of his friends and relatives, he will gradually change from being fucked up, to being sarcastic, to being cold and arrogant. Becoming a little bit more normal, well, just a little bit normal…

Okay, that’s it for writing here, go to sleep first, update at 9 o’clock.


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