Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 106: Let's go together...suppress it hard!


With Li Jiayu not in charge of Xijiang University these days, many people are feeling anxious. This is naturally inevitable. With so many people dead, and being frightened all day long, with no trace of their spiritual support, they will definitely feel extremely uneasy.

At such a critical juncture, Li Jiayu did not comfort people in the school and lead a team to eliminate the insects. Instead, she ran out of the school secretly. Except for Ran Hongxia and other people close to Li Jiayu, other people with abilities who were qualified to know the news felt that Extremely ridiculous

It is true that Li Jiayu is very strong, very strong, but if you only need to stand on the thirteenth floor and use a high-power telescope to look at the streets outside, you will understand how terrifying the bugs in the north of the city are, not to mention the overwhelming and rolling dark clouds in the south of the city. The flame crow, even if Li Jiayu has three heads and six arms, he may not be able to escape completely.

Maybe... there will be pros and cons. Even if everyone doesn't want anything to happen to Li Jiayu, the enemies Li Jiayu needs to face are too terrifying. It's really hard to say whether he can survive.

In fact, Xiao Wanqing and others were also worried and often prayed for Li Jiayu in private. Even they could not maintain 100% confidence in Li Jiayu's safety, let alone those with abilities who had never seen Li Jiayu.

On the day Li Jiayu left, there were only 2,500 survivors gathered in the teaching building. Later, under the leadership of Ran Hongxia, the remaining dormitories in the South Campus were also liberated and more than a thousand people were rescued. Finally, Ran Hongxia returned He led the team to attack the North Campus and wiped out nine amoebas, a dozen red-capped beetles, and more than 300 poisonous spiders. He completely liberated the North Campus opposite the school gate and rescued more than 2,000 survivors.

Among these newly rescued survivors, there are naturally awakened ones. There are five in total, namely Dark Templar Ling Shaoping, Demonologist Yi Tianzhao, Earth Mage Luo Yanyu, Qigong Master Lu Feiyang, and War Song Shaman Wang Caiyi.

Including the original six, there are a total of eleven awakened ones... Of course, the male and female animal trainer Jelly is very low-key, and at her insistence, Ran Hongxia did not include her in the count.

The five awakened ones had not seen Li Jiayu, but they could hear others praising Li Jiayu all day long after being rescued. Among them, Luo Yanyu and Wang Caiyi had no objections, but Ling Shaoping, Yi Tianzhao, and Lu Feiyang raised their eyebrows. Dissatisfaction.

How can Li Jiayu enjoy such a high reputation

Why do everyone worship Li Jiayu like an idol

Why do those girls' eyes light up when Li Jiayu is mentioned

Why does the whole school revolve around Li Jiayu

Originally, these three awakened people were still afraid of Li Jiayu's astonishing achievements, but in the early hours of this morning, all three awakened people obtained the Yin Soul inheritance, and their strength increased dramatically, and all of them reached the second low level. Being able to destroy a wall, they felt they had enough strength to make a decision with Li Jiayu

Even at eight o'clock in the morning, Dark Temple Ling Shaoping and Dragon Man Chu Xiang had a small competition. The result was a complete victory, and Chu Xiang was completely killed instantly.

This battle completely exploded Ling Shaoping's self-confidence. He believed that his strength was already number one in the school, surpassing Li Jiayu.

As for Ran Hongxia... Ling Shaoping will not ask her to compete for the time being, because Ling Shaoping has been pursuing Ran Hongxia for two years and loves her to the extreme. Ran Hongxia is the goddess in his heart and cannot be blasphemed. He is not willing to attack her.

However, when all the ability users were summoned for a meeting today, Ran Hongxia mentioned Li Jiayu again and again, which made Ling Shaoping extremely angry. The three emotions of jealousy, jealousy, and loss were mixed together, which made Ling Shaoping extremely angry. He broke out completely and competed with Ran Hongxia many times. As long as Li Jiayu was mentioned, Ling Shaoping would definitely jump out and offer the opposite opinion.

And Ling Shaoping's last sentence, "Maybe he encountered an accident on the road long ago and can't come back" completely revealed everyone's worries, leaving Ran Hongxia, Xiao Wanqing and others stunned and falling into collective silence.

But at this moment, a very pleasant female voice came from outside, "Thank you for taking care of me... I'm done now, dear classmate Ling Shaoping." Hearing that voice, Ling Shaoping's heart suddenly sank, and he "knocked". I had a bad feeling.

The two words "" were like a heavy hammer, hitting Ling Shaoping's heart so hard that he almost suspected that he was sleeping.

"Maybe, could it be him..."

Ling Shaoping suddenly turned his head and looked towards the voice... only to see that the door of the conference room had been pushed open, and a beautiful woman stood there impressively. She didn't need any gestures, just standing casually was enough to attract everyone's attention.

"Li... Li Jiayu?"

Xiao Wanqing, Ran Hongxia, Chu Xiang, Feng Liaoyuan, who had been having a huge quarrel with Ling Shaoping, suddenly trembled when they heard those words. This voice was extremely familiar, yet extremely unfamiliar, so shocking. It entered their souls and made their hearts tremble suddenly.

Then, more than a hundred people in the entire conference room looked at the door and saw that strange and familiar figure. Almost at the first moment, Ran Hongxia, Feng Liaoyuan, and Lan Xiaoyue seemed to have found them. With a backbone, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

As long as Li Jiayu is here, even if the sky falls, he will be there to carry it.

Li Jiayu is the symbol of Xijiang University’s undefeated

"? We haven't seen each other for two days... can't you recognize me?" The upward curve of Li Jiayu's lips is still the same as before, with a touch of sarcasm, but his appearance is too soft, and in the eyes of others, , that smile was extremely bright, like the first melting of ice and snow, making people feel warm.

"Is it really you? Oh my God, this change is too big, isn't it? There are so many words on Wuxiaowang." Ran Hongxia exclaimed, standing up suddenly, a faint blush suddenly appeared on her face, her big eyes There was a strange look in his eyes.

"One day without seeing you is like three autumns... Two days without seeing you means six years. No wonder I don't recognize you..." Chu Xiang laughed loudly, his heroic voice making the ears of others rumbling.

"The moon will be full and people will change. This is nothing to make a fuss about. You were still an ugly ghost when you turned into a dragon. You still have the nerve to tell me..."

Li Jiayu hated it when others used his appearance to criticize him, so he hit back at Chu Xiang out of habit, and then said to Ran Hongxia:

"I have brought your grandpa to school...he is sitting downstairs."

"Really? Grandpa is here too. Li Jiayu, you are so kind."

In this chaotic and dangerous apocalypse, Ran Hongxia's biggest wish was to be reunited with her closest grandpa. Unexpectedly, Li Jiayu actually helped her realize it. She glanced at Li Jiayu excitedly, and then left the seat like a storm, unable to wait Run downstairs to meet Xie Wenyuan.

Ran Hongxia is like this, she has a true nature and is not coy at all. When it is time to take the overall situation into consideration and when it is time to be arbitrary, she clearly distinguishes between her inner feelings and rarely hides her inner feelings. This is why she is so popular among so many classmates. one of the reasons.

Besides... With Li Jiayu in charge, there is no need for Ran Hongxia to be present. Anyway, with Li Jiayu's domineering power, all objections will be suppressed - so Ran Hongxia thought.

"Are you Li Jiayu... Maybe, they said Li Jiayu is a man..."

Ling Shaoping's eyes widened, he looked Li Jiayu up and down, and said with great astonishment, in fact, not only him, but also Yi Tianzhao, Lu Feiyang and others who had never seen Li Jiayu were shocked, and they were stunned for several seconds before they came back to their senses. Come

This, this is Li Jiayu, who is rumored to be so amazing throughout the school

Maybe, he has neither the three heads and six arms, nor the bearing of a hero, nor the demeanor of a peerless master.

What's surprising about him... is that his temperament and appearance are absolutely perfect. His soft snow-colored hair is shining, and his delicate face is extremely delicate. He is even more beautiful than dyed red clouds, but the most special thing is It is Li Jiayu's temperament, ethereal and distant, pure and vivid, extremely strange. The rays of light behind him are twisting and dancing invisibly, as if he will become the light source for everyone if he is willing.

Strange... It's really strange. Wasn't it said that Li Jiayu was cold and arrogant? Didn't he say that he had strong murderous aura and came from hell? Now it seems that there is no negative and cold aura at all, but instead it is as dusty as the light, as bright and dazzling as the light

And she is actually a great beauty, a beauty even more gorgeous than dyeing red clouds

Oh my god, which bastard misrepresented that Li Jiayu was a man

Ling Shaoping felt jealous and envious for so long. It was really not worth it.

Everyone was looking at Li Jiayu. Many of them saw Li Jiayu's face for the first time and were naturally shocked. Only people like Xiao Wanqing and Chu Xiang who were very familiar with Li Jiayu were not so surprised.

Those ability users who had never seen Li Jiayu were all focused, as if they wanted to carve Li Jiayu's figure firmly on their eye masks. They were extremely curious about Li Jiayu. Is this the legendary Li Jiayu who turned the tide and had a brilliant record

He doesn't look like a strong man at all. How on earth did he kill sixty red-capped beetles, how did he kill the female vine, how did he take President Ran's grandfather away from the south of the city while the insect swarm outside came and went freely

"Sister Xiao, have you obtained the archbishop's ghost inheritance as you wished? Congratulations to Wuxiao.com..." Li Jiayu ignored Ling Shaoping's question and said directly to her favorite Xiao Wanqing without even looking at him.

"Congratulations, our prophet seems to have improved to a higher level. Congratulations..." Xiao Wanqing smiled calmly.

"Li Jiayu, I'm with you," Ling Shaoping interrupted.

"Noisy, it's not your turn to disturb me and Sister Xiao." Li Jiayu waved her hand impatiently, as if to ward off flies.

If it were someone else, such a gesture and disdainful tone would naturally not make Ling Shaoping angry, but the image of Li Jiayu today is too lethal, with a careless mockery on her delicate face, her eyes raised but looking at He didn't even look at Ling Shaoping, and completely regarded the amazingly powerful Ling Shaoping as a nuisance. This really hit Ling Shaoping's self-esteem.

"They all say you are very strong... Are you interested in competing? Just here, just click away, how about that?" Ling Shaoping's eyes flashed with a sharp light, he took a deep breath before calming down, and said to Li Jiayu.

He wanted to kill Li Jiayu's majesty and did not want to be looked down upon by Li Jiayu.

And... It would be great to attract Li Jiayu's attention. It would be even better if the seeds of failure could be planted in Li Jiayu's heart.

Regardless of whether Li Jiayu is a boy or a girl, defeating Li Jiayu is very wonderful for Ling Shaoping.

"Spar with me? Just you? The Dark Temple is very strong in a duel... There is no doubt about it." Li Jiayu glanced at Ling Shaoping and commented.

After being praised by Li Jiayu, Ling Shaoping felt as if he had eaten honey. He finally got Li Jiayu's attention to him, and judging from Li Jiayu's tone... he seemed to be quite afraid of Ling Shaoping, which made Ling Shaoping's self-confidence soar again.

"Are you also very strong in the Dark Templar? Haha... It doesn't matter. I'll stop here and won't hurt you. If you're still worried, then I don't need my right hand..." Ling Shaoping smiled confidently and put his palm behind his back. Pinch.

"No... you understand, the strength of the Dark Templar lies in its possession of the Heart of Shadow. With your current mentality, you are not worthy of being called the Dark Templar... In other words, you are not worthy of challenging me. "

Li Jiayu looked at Ling Shaoping like an ant, raised her delicate eyebrows slightly, pointed casually at the four awakened people sitting next to Ling Shaoping, and said:

"Demon scholar Yi Tianzhao, earth mage Luo Yanyu, qigong master Lu Feiyang, war song shaman Wang Caiyi... the four of you, plus Ling Shaoping, come together. After suppressing you, I still have things to do."
