Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 121: Accumulating strength...sharing the spirit


On the football field of Nuo University, only Li Jiayu's words rang out quietly.

On the lawn, in the sun.

Many students have shed tears and meditated silently. An unstoppable heat flow is like a butterfly that has been closed for a long time and breaks out of its cocoon.

Ran Hongxia next to Li Jiayu looked at him in disbelief, her eyes full of shock and disbelief. She almost didn't recognize Li Jiayu.

Li Jiayu, who has always been difficult to get along with, was able to teach this lesson to his classmates so vividly

There were no long and smelly declarations, no exciting slogans, and no sincere encouragement. Just a simple demonstration fully mobilized the morale of the students and shocked them like a tsunami.

Yes, Yan Hongxia and Xiao Wanqing spent several hours last night, but they still couldn't achieve this effect.

Is this still the arrogant and arrogant boy

Is this still the boy who laughs at others all day long and looks down on ordinary people

Overnight, he became a little different

It was as if Ran Hongxia had met Li Jiayu for the first time. She thought she had some understanding of Li Jiayu's character, but now she realized that Li Jiayu was not something she could figure out at all, because almost every time they met, Li Jiayu would bring her great joy. Big mood swings, both good and bad.

Her eyes sparkled, looking at the boy who looked as delicate as a girl, and her heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

Under the sun, the snow-capped hair reflects the golden sunlight, giving it a feeling of floating away from the dust.

Li Jiayu, you are indeed the patron saint of Xijiang. Maybe we are equal in strength now, but I am far inferior to you, because you are their spiritual belief. You always attract their attention. Every time you A word, every movement, every expression can shake their souls and bring them endless courage.

"Did you say it? In order to protect the one you cherish, I will fight hard."

"The limit... where is my limit..."

"It makes my blood boil"

"Jiang Feng and Lin Zhibin can do it, and so can we."

"Courage... After living in the bustling society for a long time, the comfort and enjoyment almost made me forget the word courage... "

"Let's fight hard and push together to see how high and how far our limits are."

The small discussions gradually became louder and louder. In the end, the two thousand people could not help but boil with excitement, like cooking oil boiling in a cauldron, making a sizzling sound.

Their hearts are like the flames of the battlefield, burning and hard to extinguish

"Ran...how many water mages are there in the school?" Li Jiayu suddenly asked.

Ran Hongxia was stunned and immediately replied:

"There are eight, all of them girls, but their levels are still very low..."

"Call them all, and I will guide them in the practice of hydration and hydrotherapy."

Li Jiayu didn't have much exposure to water magic, but in his previous life he was often injured when he was in Yongcheng, and his body was often exhausted during exercise. Yan Zisu helped him recover every time, so Li Jiayu had a deep understanding of the hydration and hydrotherapy techniques. , and he also wanted to practice the hydration technique and hydrotherapy technique created by Yan Zisu.

As long as those eight girls quickly master the hydration technique, they can deeply moisturize their muscles and relieve fatigue. Although it cannot help the students recover their physical strength, it can at least prevent their hands and feet from numbness and muscle soreness after each extreme exercise. sky.

Extreme sports can maximize potential, but they are also quite dangerous and have serious side effects that must be dealt with properly.

"Well, I understand what you mean... Let's go and take them..." Ran Hongxia said with twinkling eyes.

"Wait a minute, bring the three therapists from the school. The healers' light of recovery is also very useful."

Li Jiayu called to Ran Hongxia and said:

"By the way, let's put dozens of buckets of water in the stadium. Only girls with abundant water resources can get twice the result with half the effort."

After Ran Hongxia left, Li Jiayu stayed and taught her classmates some physical fitness exercises, and also taught them a set of breathing techniques, which can make them breathe more smoothly and save more energy.

Among the ability users at Xijiang University, there is only one qigong master Yin Soul inheritor, and that is the second-level low-level Lu Feiyang, while there are three fighting qi yang soul inheritors, who are only the first-level intermediate level, but fighting qi is easier to practice than qigong. Quite a lot, and its defensive power and lethality are also higher than Qigong.

"Qigong is difficult to practice. It is important to cultivate the inside first and then the outside. Although qigong becomes more powerful in the later stages, the initial effect is not significant, so it is impossible to see results within half a year. On the contrary, it is purely based on fighting spirit. It’s all about how to fight, it doesn’t care about nourishing the body, it’s completely born for fighting. If you have a connection with Dou Qi, you can develop the first ray of Dou Qi in ten days…”

Li Jiayu said to those boys:

"So, it depends on how you choose. Do you want powerful fighting spirit in the early stage or qigong that can be effective in the later stage? But those who choose qigong must think clearly, because you may not live to the day when you can practice qigong..."

The boys hesitated.

In the end, the proportions of those who chose Qigong and those who chose Dou Qi were almost the same. The remaining 20% either had a combination of Dou Qi and internal skills, or were inclined to learn magic.

In fact, Li Jiayu knew very well that no matter how hard they worked, only a few dozen of them would be able to learn it. The rest would either be dull and unable to learn it at all, or they would have no choice but to be cannon fodder after practicing for ten and a half years. You may not be able to beat the red-capped beetle.

However, Li Jiayu did not say these words, because it would pour cold water on them and completely dampen their enthusiasm.

Only the stronger they are, the better they can unite and resist the endless sea of Zerg on the way out of the city.

Throughout noon, Li Jiayu taught the eight water mage girls how to practice hydration and hydrotherapy. Fortunately, they were not stupid, and Li Jiayu had a wide range of knowledge, and he quickly allowed them to master these two basic water magics.

These two primary magics consume very little magic power. Even with their low mental strength, they can probably use them sixty or seventy times a day, which is enough to save those students whose bodies have collapsed due to extreme sports.

In fact, Yang Soul and Yin Soul inherently carry a lot of knowledge inheritance.

But inheritance is not about comprehensiveness. The knowledge and memories brought by inheritance are like a book.

No matter how good the book is, it will still be of no use if you can't learn from it.

"Li Jiayu, why couldn't Ling Shaoping and the other five together defeat you yesterday?" Chu Xiang raised doubts.

"Because they are far from mastering the inheritance, they have no strength, but they are not familiar with and proficient in various skills. Moreover, their combat consciousness is still at the same level as ordinary people, a good second-level low-level. As a result, they have exerted Even the red-capped beetle may not be able to beat it with strength.”

It was around two o'clock when Li Jiayu finished his work and had time to go out for lunch. He stuffed the roasted insect meat into his mouth and said:

"You, the inheritors of the ghost, all have unlimited potential and are the darlings of nature. You don't have to do anything now. You just need to perfectly integrate with the inheritance as soon as possible, improve your fighting awareness, and master your skills. When you can truly display your second nature, Only when you reach a lower level of strength can you truly step onto the battlefield..."

"Okay, I understand." Chu Xiang exhaled from his nostrils, but a dragon like him purely relied on terrifying brute force and hard dragon scales. It was really difficult for him to improve his combat consciousness.

The entire cafeteria was once again crowded with people, but instead of various dishes for lunch, there were large pots of insect meat.

Because insect meat can warm and nourish the body, stimulate potential to a small extent, and even slightly improve physical fitness. If you insist on eating it for ten days, you can increase the physical fitness of ordinary people by about 10%.

A 10% increase is too important in the apocalypse. Maybe this achievement is your last bit of strength to escape.

Of course, not all insect meat can be eaten. Only the meat of red-capped beetles is delicious. However, even the meat of red-capped beetles cannot be eaten too much, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

, the students who had clearly set their goals began to practice like crazy. Whether it was the stadium or the school road in the open space of the school, there were many students sweating profusely. The roars exuded shocking power, like spiritual magic in novels. It has a magical appeal and quickly spreads throughout the campus.

morale soaring

The boys' morale and enthusiasm were mobilized by Li Jiayu, like the blazing sun, which lasts forever. In order to survive in the apocalypse and to protect their friends around them, they burst out with unprecedented strength. Many timid and weak boys also Infected and thrown into the playground.

Ran Hongxia and the other dozen or so Yin Hun inheritors were not to be outdone, and each used actual combat. Ran Hongxia didn't take any action, but when she did, her sword energy filled the sky with starlight. Even if she was holding a wooden sword, it was enough to kill Ling Shaoping. , Lu Feiyang’s attack was easily repelled

The four people, Ran Hongxia, Ling Shaoping, Lu Feiyang, and Feng Liaoyuan, have experienced the fastest improvement in combat experience. They are all very orderly and look like masters in movies and animations.

The shapeshifter Lan Xiaoyue is also quite astonishing. Her hair is as if it is alive, changing in countless ways, extending and shortening extremely smoothly, and is extremely flexible. It can wrap around others like tentacles, and can be used when necessary. Hair hardens and turns into long black hair

What's even more sharp is that Lan Xiaoyue can also use her hair to curl up and protect her like a turtle shell.