Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 124: Stay... or move across the city?


"Two or three days?"

Commander Li felt like a thorn in his back, and his heart was beating wildly.

"Could it be that... two or three days later, more bugs and corpses will escape from those space cracks?"

The wrinkles and scars on Captain Li's face wriggled like centipedes.

Many officers next to him were also silent and cold.

1. The military camp conference room was filled with an indescribable tense atmosphere, with only the sound of each other's heavy breathing.

It seemed to be frozen, and many people's minds were in a mess.

Over the past few days, they have paid close attention to the changes in the space cracks everywhere. From various observations, they can know that the space cracks everywhere are like tides, with rising and ebbing periods. Once the space cracks reach the high tide period, they will definitely face The human world opens

Next time... will it appear in the space crack

Just like last time, the endless sea of insects, the black flaming crows, the stinky corpses that are not afraid of bullets

If it is those... it may not be desperate. Although the bullets are almost exhausted, as long as the citizens of Xijiang City are gathered together, find a place that is easy to defend, and then all the inheritors are mobilized to form a defense line, there will be a unified Command, should be able to compete with those monsters that come from different time and space.

However, there are no absolutes in the world. What if a more powerful monster comes out of the space crack

Or maybe there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of bugs that escaped

Can you resist when the time comes? Use it to resist

Do we want to watch the citizens protected by the army die tragically one by one

Everyone knows that the inheritors are very powerful, but most of the Yang Soul inheritors are only at the first-intermediate level, and their combat effectiveness is not as good as a pistol. The Yin Soul inheritors are strong, but they may not be as powerful as the red-crested beetle and the armored corpse. where to go

Calculated in proportion, among the remaining 580,000 survivors in Xijiang City, there are only about 11,000 Yang soul inheritors, and the Yin soul inheritors are even more pitiful, with less than 400

This number is too rare, and it is impossible to resist unknown alien monsters.

"Li, Commander Li, what should we do now? What should we do next?"

"Li, Captain Li, you are..."

"We shoulder the responsibility of protecting the people. Even if we fight to pieces, we cannot retreat. If those monsters dare to come again, I will be the first to go up and fight."

"Old Liu, calm down. We soldiers are also human beings. We must not make unnecessary sacrifices. If you want to die, your soldiers may not want to die."

"What do you think we should do... stick to the spot, or take the citizens away from those space cracks?"

The entire military camp conference room slowly became a noisy mess, foaming at the mouth and blushing from the argument. Everyone had their own opinions and viewpoints.

There is no way, the catastrophe a few days ago really scared everyone to death. The catastrophe shrouded everyone's mind like a nightmare. Even if it is temporarily safe now, it has been so many days. But these officers always feel scared when they think about it.

Soldiers are not afraid of death or sacrifice, and can throw their heads and blood on the battlefield.

Yes, but this is only limited to the human battlefield.

The most terrifying thing in the world

The unknown, only the unknown danger, is the most disturbing and terrifying.

Those unexplainable bugs and corpses were like sharp swords hanging on their heads. Not only did they frighten ordinary people, but even the soldiers were terrified and had no sense of security.

Fighting with the enemy, at best, means being killed by a musket on the battlefield. Once and for all, you will be a good man again after eighteen years. But if you fight with those unknown creatures... you will die in an extremely miserable way. At least, you will be broken into pieces and buried. Insect belly, or more seriously, the body is poisoned by corpse poison, turning into a pale zombie with muscles bursting and hair growing all over the body.

All kinds of weird, creepy and horrible ways to die. Just thinking about it can make people's hairs explode and make them have nightmares all night long.

So... now we must make a choice immediately, whether to continue to hold on or lead the citizens to evacuate Xijiang City.

"Vice Captain Zhou, do you have any good suggestions? Don't skip the words. Captain Li rubbed his brows with difficulty. He hasn't been sleeping well these days, and his extreme anxiety has almost drained him of his energy.

"Maybe we should wait and see what happens... If we take action too early, there will be a lot of rumors. If the news is known to the citizens, Xijiang City will definitely be in chaos again, and the public order that was finally restored will fall apart again. …”

In the past seven days, the army, police, and enthusiastic people have worked desperately to maintain public order and adopted various means. With the repeated promises of the old mayor and other officials, the citizens of Xijiang City have gradually eased from the high level of panic and chaos.

Riots, riots, and crimes were at their peak in the first three days, but they have turned around a lot in the following four days. At least there are no large-scale riots under the suppression of the army. Although the occasional riots and crimes are difficult to contain, they are only Very few.

However, the citizens of Xijiang City are still extremely worried and trembling every day. The factories, commercial streets, and shops in the east and west of the city are not open at all, and there are no people at all. The streets are extremely depressed and chaotic, full of garbage and paper, but There are no cleaners to clean at all.

At this time, when everyone has too much time to take care of themselves, how can it possibly continue? It's too late to hide at home, not to mention the entire city is without water and electricity. Citizens who have become accustomed to automation have difficulty adapting, let alone resuming production.

Xijiang City, which used to be prosperous in the past, has now been completely reduced to an island-like city. The bustle and prosperity have faded away, leaving only a gloomy air of death. Occasionally, when the wind blows, missing person notices will be greeted in front of the face, as pale as a picture. Zhang Mingbi is indescribably scary

"We can no longer wait and see what happens... We must make a decision as soon as possible. After all, we only have two or three days left. If we drag our feet and do not come up with a complete plan after two or three days, we will cause heavy casualties to the citizens. Then we are sinners and bring shame on our uniform.”

Captain Li slapped the table hard, his face full of solemnity.

"Captain Li, I suggest that everyone who stays behind should continue to stay in Xijiang City... You see, we have air-raid shelters that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of old, disabled, sick and weak people. Well, then we will build some defense lines outside the air-raid shelters. With the help of our reserved The ammunition, as well as the organized inheritors, should be able to carry it for three or four days... "

He is a battalion commander. Although his position is not high, he is one of the few ghost inheritors in the military camp. He is a person with rock giant ability. He has extraordinary strength and his body is as hard as gold and stone, so his weight in the military camp is very important. .

"Battle Commander Zhao, are you sure you want to stay? Are you sure those monsters... will retreat again after wreaking havoc for three days like last time? If they don't retreat, won't we be surrounded by them forever? By then we will I don’t even have a chance to break out, I can only become a turtle in the urn and be slowly killed by them.”

This time it was another battalion commander, an old man with a beard, a rough build, and a heavy sense of oppression all over his body.

This is also a successor of the ghost, a fighting spirit master. He can spread a layer of blue fighting spirit on the body surface. The lethality and destructive power are extremely frightening. He can be called a human tank. Who knows better than the qigong master of Xijiang University? Lu Feiyang is many times more powerful.

"Yeah... I don't agree with staying in Xijiang City. After all, there are too many uncertainties. Besides, how should we build a defense line? All cars and construction machinery are paralyzed. It is impossible to rely on manpower alone for two or three days. As long as an effective defense line can be established, ordinary cement boards cannot stop those monsters," said Deputy Commander Zhou.

"Then what do you mean, do you mean to relocate the whole city? Where to move to? Are you sure there are no space cracks in other places? Maybe other places are more dangerous than Xijiang City." The rock giant capable person slammed the table excitedly, and there was a loud bang. , and the table was smashed to pieces.

"Well... Battalion Commander Zhao, you are right to the point. According to news from other places, many monsters have also appeared in the counties, towns, and villages under Xijiang City. Most of them are mainly insects. Their casualties are higher than those in our Xijiang City." It will be even more disastrous... It can be inferred that many monsters may appear in other prefecture-level cities in Tiannan Province, and space cracks are probably found all over the country. No matter where we go, we have to face the huge pressure from the space cracks. .”

Second Lieutenant Yan's military rank is not high, but he knows a lot of information and his mind is very flexible. He changed the topic and continued:

"But... these days, several magnetic field sensors and I have walked dozens of kilometers on the national highway in the west of the city. There are very few spatial cracks in the west of the city, so I suggest that the citizens be moved to the city west of Xijiang City. I think, we There shouldn’t be too many bugs and corpses encountered on the road.”

After a pause, Lieutenant Yan continued:

"The most critical point... Yongcheng, the capital of Tiannan Province, is only 800 kilometers away from Xijiang City. If the whole city is moved, it will take about 20 to 30 days to get there."

"Moving to Yongcheng?"

Captain Li's expression moved slightly, and he frowned and said:

"Yongcheng has a population of three to four million, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops around it. They are well-equipped with weapons and even have a lot of heavy firepower ammunition. I think the city defense in Yongcheng must be very strong... If we can lead the citizens It will probably be much safer if we move to Yongcheng."

"Captain Li, do you really plan to move the whole city? This is simply the craziest move. What if there is an accident along the way? We don't even have a place to defend. Why don't you think about it? Eight hundred kilometers, two or three How many changes will occur in the ten-day journey? Don’t skip the word. Battalion Commander Zhao’s voice was extremely loud, like rolling thunder.

"Yes, Captain Li... This decision is too arbitrary. If the whole city is moved, it will definitely be chaotic. Even if there is no danger on the road, the panicked citizens will trample on each other, and some people will take the opportunity to cause chaos. I'm afraid it will just be internal strife. A lot of people will die.”

Captain Li waved his hand heavily, took a deep breath, and said quietly:

"In that case... let's vote... All the ghost inheritors and military ranks above captain present have the right to vote. Whether to stay or move, the decision is left to you."
