Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 125: Dire situation... Find the young man!


The officers in the conference room all looked at each other, some with gloomy faces, some with bulging eyes, and some with clenched fists.

At this moment, the conference room of Nuoda seemed to be filled with thousands of tigers looking down at them, bringing an invisible and huge pressure to people.

Just now they forced Commander Li to express his position, which was very satisfying, but now that Commander Li kicked the ball and handed the decision-making power into their hands, they realized how heavy and hot this decision-making power was.

It is as heavy as a huge rock and as hot as iron juice.

If this decision is even slightly wrong, I am afraid it will kill countless citizens and soldiers. If it is even worse, the entire human race in Xijiang City may be buried with it.

If you just die, that's fine, you'll be turned into dust and that's it. But when you have to take responsibility for the life and death of more than 500,000 people, you will look forward and backward, worrying about gains and losses.

The weight of this responsibility is enough to crush a person into powder.

"Vote... I respect your choice, but I will give up my right to vote automatically. The life and death rights of nearly 600,000 people are in your hands. I hope you will consider it carefully."

Captain Li took a deep breath, steeled himself, and spoke with a serious face.

There was silence at first, and then whispering, causing quite a commotion. The atmosphere was extremely strange. It took about ten minutes before more than 30 officers began to vote.

The final results show that there are slightly more people who support staying in than those who support leaving the city.

"Very good... Since there are more votes to stay, let's make it final. The plan to leave the city is completely cancelled... We concentrate our forces and quickly organize the people to go to the air raid shelters... "

Captain Li's face moved. He actually didn't want to stay, but he chose the minority to obey the majority. In his opinion, whether leaving the city or staying behind were full of variables, both roads were extremely dangerous, and it didn't matter which one he chose...

Anyway, I can only leave it to fate.

Hearing Commander Li's final words, the officers below breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment...

"Report to Commander Li"

Another officer rushed into the conference room and shouted uneasily:

"Several space cracks that we focused on observed violent fluctuations... In addition, we also detected the birth of more than a dozen space cracks in the city center, either on the streets, in the radio building, or in Xijiang University We have evacuated the residents in the hotel, but some news was still leaked, causing a lot of panic, and the capable people among the residents even clashed with us."

"? So many space cracks were born again?"

Commander Li stood up again, took off his military cap anxiously, threw it heavily on the table, and said harshly:

"You guys are so stupid that you would leak the news. Once the news is leaked, the security of the entire city will collapse in advance."

Captain Li fiddled with the inch board head fiercely, with a twisted expression on his face. However, he did not pursue who leaked the news. What needs to be dealt with now is not to investigate the responsibility, but what measures to take to face the new situation. increased space cracks

The officers below looked at each other again. If the number of space cracks increases...does it mean that Xijiang City will face more monsters

Then, if you stay behind, the risk factor will greatly increase.

1. The decision that had just been made was shaken.


The soldiers' report sounded again outside, and Captain Li's heart became entangled again. His report at this time must be extremely bad, and people really don't want to hear it.

This is already the third emergency report within half an hour.

"Say it, there is another one"

"Reporting to Captain Li, the animals in Xijiang City are experiencing abnormalities. The chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs are all agitated and running around like crazy. Some experts say... this is a sign of an earthquake."

"Earthquake? The ground is shaking!" Battalion Commander Zhao shouted angrily:

"Tiannan Province has a gentle terrain, and Xijiang City has not experienced an earthquake in hundreds of years... uh..."

At the end of the sentence, Battalion Commander Zhao obediently shut his mouth. He suddenly remembered that everything now cannot be considered with normal thinking. Xijiang City is already ridiculous enough. Even if there is an earthquake for the first time, it may not be strange.

"Captain Zhao, don't interrupt... Soldier, please continue." Commander Li said solemnly.

"Yes, this morning, many larvae emerged from the sewers of Xijiang City... After seven or eight days of growth, they have grown from the size of walnuts to nearly the size of a baby's head. They are already quite aggressive. If an ordinary person is attacked by them, they will not die. Seriously injured”

Seeing the officers' expressions change drastically, the soldier paused, swallowed a bitter gulp, and continued:

"We are all dead... We thought that we had eliminated most of the larvae. In fact, they are still hiding in many places, such as sewers, septic tanks, and garbage dumps. Now they are popping up all over Xijiang City. These are rough estimates, I’m afraid it’s more densely packed than our total population, it’s pervasive, it’s everywhere.”

The officers took a breath and cursed angrily:


“It’s bugs again”

"The big bug has just left, and the small bug has grown up again. It's only seven or eight days old and it's as big as a head. If it takes another seven or eight days, wouldn't it be as big as a face?"

"It's impossible to clean up the larvae after adding chaos to the mess."

The conference room at Nuoda was noisy again, and the officers had to consider again whether they should re-vote.

And just then...

The fourth report sounded suddenly—

"Captain Li...the old mayor and the municipal Party committee secretary are visiting."

"Well, let them in."

Soon, the decrepit old mayor and the middle-aged municipal party committee secretary came in together. Their faces were covered with dust and sallow. It was obvious that they had not been able to eat or sleep well these days.

"Old mayor, you are here, we are having a meeting..." Captain Li calmed down and said to the old mayor in a pleasant manner.

"No need to greet me... Xiao Li, I already understand the specific situation. Now Xijiang City is in danger and faces a major decision."

The old mayor's cloudy eyes were full of fatigue, but they were still extremely clear. He said in a hoarse voice:

"Are you... Ten days ago, Jianguo and I were rescued by a very touching girl. Her fighting power was extremely terrifying. What's even more incredible is that she knew very much about this catastrophe. She said that the insects would retreat and gave instructions I treated the citizens kindly during the ten-day respite period... These days, I have been thinking about why she said that the respite period was only ten days. Now I finally understand that she meant that after ten days, the catastrophe will happen again."

"Old mayor, who is the girl you are talking about? Can you take me to meet her? Don't skip the word. Captain Li frowned, quite moved.

If you can predict the movements of this catastrophe in advance, that girl must have more information. No matter what, you have to find her. Maybe if you find her, you can seize the opportunity step by step.

"I don't know... She is too mysterious and too cold. She seems unwilling to have too much contact with me, and she did not tell me her specific situation, but she must be from Xijiang City, and she is dressed very young... Li Leader, please pay more attention. If you see a young man with white hair and an unusually delicate face, it must be her. You must find her at all costs."

"Well, that's natural... But there is a huge crowd, Xijiang City is in such chaos, and the streets are full of big-headed larvae. I'm afraid we won't be able to find her in a short time..." Captain Li was confused.

"If you can't find it, look for it. As long as she is still in Xijiang City, sooner or later she will come forward. I can feel that she is aloof, cold and arrogant, and disdains to be associated with us as officials, but she has a sincere heart, and she will Xijiang City is her hometown, and she will never watch this disaster worsen."

Battalion Commander Zhao couldn't help it, he slapped the case again and said:

"Wait a minute, old mayor, have you done it? Now we are discussing whether to stay or abandon the city... It was somehow brought to the head of a young man. Even if she has enough, so what? Is it possible that she can do it alone? Can it also influence the decision-making of our military camp?”

Battalion Commander Zhao just finished speaking—


A violent earthquake shook the mountains

The entire conference room shook violently. The cup on the table beat loudly and the water in the cup spilled out. Several officers became unsteady and fell to the ground one after another. The old mayor even more It was so unbearable that he immediately fell down, falling so hard that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.


"Get cover quickly"

"Don't stay in the conference room. Everyone, get out quickly. Such a violent earthquake is too dangerous."

The conference room suddenly exploded, and the officers' expressions changed drastically. However, when they left the conference room, the strong shaking stopped again. By the time they reached the open space of the military camp, they could no longer feel any earthquake at all. .

Even so, the officers were extremely uneasy. The earthquake just now was extremely strong, at least level seven or above.

The buildings in the military camp are quite solid, but the buildings in the city are not optimistic. Although the earthquake is only a small one, it will definitely collapse dozens or even hundreds of houses, and there will definitely be many dead and injured citizens.

The panic caused by the earthquake will only add fuel to the fire and further collapse the already tense citizens.

"Damn it... An earthquake at this time is simply the straw that breaks the camel's back. The public security that was so hard to maintain has completely collapsed... "

"It's not safe... It's too unsafe. If you continue to stay in Xijiang City, a more terrible earthquake may happen."

"That way? If you leave Xijiang City, don't skip the word.

"Captain Li... let's vote again..."

"Yes, I think it's better to abandon the city... Xijiang City is facing earthquakes, countless larvae, and all kinds of bad forms. I'm afraid there won't be much benefit in staying here."

The officers expressed their opinions one after another, and even Battalion Commander Zhao was hesitant.

The final result was that the number of votes to abandon the city was three times greater than the number of votes to stay.

This time, there is no need to think too much... just start organizing people and prepare to leave the city as soon as possible.

But whether to go to Yongcheng or Yangcheng is also a controversial issue.
