Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 133: Cold on the outside and hot on the inside... seize the city and leave


After the fallen angel disappeared, the original residents of the residential area were still immersed in excitement and marveled.

Even many girls at Sogang University were moved, looking at the gloomy sky with shining eyes, recalling the gorgeous and heroic appearance of the fallen angels.

Their worship of fallen angels is no less than their worship of Li Jiayu, or even more so.

After all, Li Jiayu was too close to them. No matter how powerful Li Jiayu was, he was still a human being, but the fallen angels were extremely mysterious, like gods descending to earth.

In fact, Li Jiayu's appearance is not inferior to that of a fallen angel, but Li Jiayu's appearance is handsome, fresh, elegant and picturesque, like a fairy.

The fallen angel is tall and straight, with long silver hair and perfect facial features. He looks charming and charming, with a bit of wild and unruly nature that is both good and evil, making people involuntarily immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves.

For girls... the charming fallen angels are obviously easier to capture their hearts. Well, as for Li Jiayu, although they also like her very much, she is even more beautiful than a beautiful woman. They feel a lot of pressure to stay with Li Jiayu.

In this world, there is a word called love at first sight.

Many girls fall in love with the fallen angel at first sight, and the figure of the fallen angel will occupy their hearts for a long time in the future.

Especially the war song shaman Wang Caiyi, the earth mage Luo Yanyu, and the shape-shifter Lan Xiaoyue. These three combatants are already in shock.

Even Li Jiayu never gave them the feeling of electric love.

But what they don’t have is…

The fallen angel is actually Li Jiayu’s second clone.

"I thought you would just sit back and watch..."

Platycodon retracted her wooden bow, and her pair of clear autumn water stared at Li Jiayu with a smile but not a smile, looking at his face curiously:

"I always thought you were a cold-hearted person... I didn't expect you to be quite compassionate. Hey, you are not as annoying as you thought."

Kikyo didn't mind at all that all her credit was taken away by Li Jiayu. In fact, she didn't care about the credit either.

What she cared about was Li Jiayu's amazing performance, and she could not see through Li Jiayu more and more.

"Hmph, I just wanted to test the flying ability of the second clone... It was just a matter of convenience to save the mother and daughter. Don't be sentimental. You don't know how selfish and ruthless I am."

Li Jiayu turned away and said coldly.

"Jiayu, my cousin is proud of you...? Saving that mother and daughter is just a little effort for you, but for that family, it is equivalent to pulling them from hell to heaven..."

Yan Zisu looked at Li Jiayu with joy and pride, seeming to regard Li Jiayu as her greatest pride in her life, even more proud than Li Jiamin.

Among all the people present, only Platycodon and Yan Zisu had fallen angel secrets, but naturally they would not tell them.

In fact, many students at Xijiang University suspected that the Fallen Angel was Li Jiayu's new summoned beast. After all, the Fallen Angel sprang out of the air above Li Jiayu's head, but Li Jiayu did not make any statement, and they could not ask further questions.

"That fallen angel is so strong..."

Ran Hongxia guessed it and looked at Li Jiayu with complicated eyes. She didn't expect that Li Jiayu still kept this trump card.

The aura of hell exuding from the fallen angels shook Ran Hongxia's soul. Judging from the aura alone, the fallen angels were more than ten times stronger than Ran Hongxia.

"This guy Li Jiayu, we haven't seen him for a few days and he actually created such a powerful summoned beast... Damn it, I, Ran Hongxia, must not be discouraged. The more powerful Li Jiayu is, the more I have to catch up. One day I will catch up with him. "Pace" Ran Hongxia clenched her pink fists, her white nails almost piercing the flesh of her palms.

The storm finally subsided, and the ** family went to the crowd at Sogang University, bowed to Platycodon over and over again, and thanked Platycodon in thousands of words for their help.

Kikyo responded with a smile, but she glanced at Li Jiayu from time to time with a rather teasing look.

In fact, the person that this family really needs to thank should be Li Jiayu. Unfortunately, because of Li Jiayu's various reasons, this family may not have a chance to know who their real savior is.

Soon, there was a crackling sound from the residential building.

Rhino Warrior, the leader of the residential area, led people into Dr. Zhang's home, where there were two pugs infected with corpse poison. Rhino Warrior slapped the two living corpse dogs to death, and poured the corpse poison water studied at Dr. Zhang's house. Entered the toilet.

It turned out that it was because the two dogs secretly drank the corpse poison water and then bit Dr. Zhang's family, which led to such a tragedy of annihilation.

"What happened just now, as well as the contagiousness of this corpse poison water, must be reported to the military immediately..."

Rhinoceros warrior Wang Shaoze pondered and personally led people to the army garrison three kilometers away.

But these have nothing to do with Li Jiayu. At this time, Li Jiayu was sitting cross-legged on the lawn, closing his eyes and letting the cold wind blow his hair.

He had to wait a long time before he could leave the city. While there was still a lot of time left, Li Jiayu simply turned his back on what was happening outside the window and tempered his mental strength.

However, Li Jiayu's heart was a little uneasy. His heart seemed to be getting softer and softer, which was not a good sign.

In the past, Li Jiayu had a heart as cold as ice. He would not look twice at things that did not concern him. He could even watch thousands of people die in front of him indifferently without being affected.

Even though he saved Xijiang University, he did it for Xiao Wanqing's sake. Of course, a small part of the reason was to cultivate the power of Xijiang University.

Therefore, Li Jiayu has always claimed to be a cold and selfish person. Even if Kikyo hated him and insulted him, he did not object at all.

But now, Li Jiayu suddenly seemed to have changed a lot. His expression was still cold, but there was an obvious trend of change...

Is it because of the influence of the Pope of Light

Maybe, maybe not...

Perhaps the reason is that Li Jiayu saw hope. His cousin-in-law and Xiao Wanqing brought him unparalleled warmth, gradually melting the frozen world in his heart.

"So what if you have a soft heart? What if you have a hard heart? I can do whatever I want. I can save if I want to save, and kill if I want to kill. Is there any trouble? There is no essential difference between good people and bad people."

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Li Jiayu's heart.

At about... 2 o'clock, the rhinoceros warrior Wang Shaoze came from the military camp. He brought news and informed everyone to gather at the exit to the west of the city.

There, most of the citizens of Xijiang City will be gathered together to accept unified arrangements and commands.

However, even Wang Shaoze was a little dissatisfied.

An army of less than 10,000 people may be able to control nearly 600,000 citizens, not to mention that there are many inheritors among the citizens who accidentally gained new powers and became unruly.

There were two thousand original residents in the residential area. They carried large and small bags of necessities and headed for the exit of the city.

The people from Xijiang University followed the procession in the residential area and passed through the streets in the west of the city.

The road was bustling with people, and as far as the eye could see, there were crowds of people, which was much more spectacular than parading through the streets.

Many people fled with their families in tow. Children could be seen everywhere being carried, held, or dragged by adults. You could even see some elderly people walking with difficulty on crutches.

What was quite amazing was that Li Jiayu also saw several people riding two-meter-high camels. These camels were from the zoo.

The streets were filled with noise, pushing, swearing, and even the scraping of bicycles and trolleys.

Street after street, with panicked citizens one after another, although the situation cannot be said to be unmanageable, it still appears to be extremely chaotic.

There was a middle-aged man who fell to the ground and was suddenly trampled by the crowd rushing up from behind. He was trampled for dozens of seconds before he got up, but he was already half dead.

There was a child who got lost from his parents in the chaotic crowd. He stood blankly on the round platform at the intersection, crying loudly, his little face covered with tears of panic.

In the chaos, a stupid idiot took advantage of her and screamed to attract some of her men. The idiot was stabbed several times on the spot.

To make matters worse, larvae seemed to crawl out of the sewers again, and two or three people in the chaotic crowd were accidentally bitten.

Seeing the two or three compatriots who had lost too much blood and died, the crowd became even more panicked and pushed even more.

Although there are many police and military forces to maintain order, the results are still extremely shallow.

Under the leadership of Xiao Wanqing, Xijiang University not only did not rush to the front, but moved a little slowly. This also prevented Xijiang University students from mixing with panicked citizens.

At this time, the main force of seven or eight thousand troops was stationed outside the city entrance in the west of the city. Senior officers and officials had gathered here early. Tents were set up not far away, and many supplies were placed inside. , bicycles, fresh water.

"Lao Yang, where is Commander Li?"

The person who asked the question was Captain Zheng. He was very tired at this time. He had been getting up since six o'clock in the morning and had been riding a bicycle. He almost went around the entire Xijiang City. Just now he was in several places in the west of the city. Citizens gathered for a long time to inquire about the whereabouts of Xijiang University.

There is no way, Xijiang City is too chaotic now. Even if Xijiang University's target of 5,000 people is so big, it will be impossible to find out in a while, let alone Li Jiayu deliberately leading Xijiang University to a remote place to stay.

In desperation, Captain Zheng simply stopped looking. He only needed to convey the news that the white-haired girl was at Sogang University to Captain Li.

"Captain Li is holding an emergency meeting. Why are you looking for him? See if I can tell you something." Staff Yang said.

"I found a clue to the white-haired girl. She is at Xijiang University..." Captain Zheng wiped the dust and sweat from his face, took a bottle of mineral water, and took a sip.

"Uh, isn't it? Captain Zheng, is your news reliable?"

The corner of Staff Yang's mouth twitched and he said something that made Captain Zheng's balls hurt:

"Don't think that the girl with white hair is that girl. Let me tell you, Deputy Commander Zhou just led his team out and captured all the girls with white hair and brought them back to the military camp. Tsk tsk, I counted more than 20 of them. Now The girl is really following the trend. She doesn’t want to have black hair, but she wants to dye it white..."

"Uh..." Captain Zheng rolled his eyes, swallowed before roaring:

"Deputy Captain Liu Zhou who is chasing your sister is simply adding to the confusion. The white-haired girl I found at Sogang University is the real thing."

"Are you sure you won't skip the word?" said Staff Officer Yang.

"Yes, of course," Captain Zheng vowed.

"Okay, let's just wait here. Anyway, the team from Xijiang University will come here to gather at that time."

As soon as Staff Yang finished speaking—


Deafening sounds came from all directions, and the ground shook like a stick, making both officers unsteady and fell to the ground.


"Another earthquake"

The two officers were stunned and looked at each other in horror.


This earthquake didn't just shake once, but lasted for half a minute.

The heart-pounding earthquake that lasted half a minute must have been above level 7.5. The terrifying power of nature was so intense that it made people’s hair stand on end. The soldiers in the entire military camp were terrified, and some soldiers fell to the ground.

Next, there were trembling aftershocks. All the soldiers could see a crack in the road at the west exit of the city. It was two hundred meters long and more than ten meters wide. It was bottomless, like a ravine in hell.

"An unknown premonition, this is an unknown premonition"

"Captain Li, don't wait any longer. We are lucky that there were no casualties in the sudden earthquake this time, but we are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If it happens again in a short time, there is really no guarantee that we will not be in danger. So don’t wait for those citizens, let’s leave the city urgently first,” said an official, who is the political and legal committee of Xijiang City.

"That's right, don't wait any longer. Anyway, just treat us as leading the way and tell the citizens that we will act as the vanguard of the team..."

The strong earthquake really frightened a large group of officials. Even the old mayor and the municipal party committee secretary were ashamed and frightened. These two officials with the highest say did not seem to object to leaving the city early.

"Well… "

Captain Li hesitated. He actually wanted to unify the pace and unite the front, but now it seems that the situation is not optimistic.

And just then...

A magnetic field sensor suddenly narrowed his pupils and exclaimed:

"Li, Commander Li, those space cracks seem to have become a lot more active, and the space-time turbulence of the magnetic field is spreading... At this rate, I am afraid that the space cracks will open in less than two hours."

Another visually enhanced user also stiffened his neck and swallowed bitter water and said:

"Yes, there are more and more black insects gathering in the space cracks. Captain Li, please lead the officials to leave first. If we are really slow, I'm afraid the insect army in the space cracks will kill us all." People were torn into pieces..."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, a gasp sounded from the temporary meeting tent in the military camp.

Everyone's scalp was numb and their eyes were covered with a haze.

They thought that there would be no bugs until night, but they didn't expect that there would be so few bugs left.

The storm is about to come and the wind is filling the building. The escape provided by God to the citizens of Xijiang City is too hasty.

I don’t know if two hours will be enough for the 600,000 citizens of Xijiang City to completely move out of the city...

"Quickly, go and inform the citizens, tell them not to waste time, stop gathering, and get out of the city as quickly as possible."

Commander Li stood up and issued an order in a deep voice:

"Deputy Commander Zhou, Deputy Commander Zhang, Second Lieutenant Yan, and other combatants are preparing to leave immediately. We will leave here in ten minutes and embark on the road to Yongcheng."
