Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 135: I am a man...violent conflict


Soon, the devil dog took Li Jiayu and ran outside the underwear city. Li Jiayu frowned, wondering if the devil dog also had perverted habits like the dark octopus, and would fall off the chain at the critical moment, right? Wu Novel Network has many words

Fortunately, the devil dog was simple-minded and did not have a special liking for underwear like the dark octopus. It turned around again and led Li Jiayu through a corner, then turned back and whimpered at Li Jiayu, "woof, woof", as if urging Li Jiayu to hurry up.

"Huh? You mean... so that someone can take it away? You want me to catch up quickly?"


The devil dog rolled its eyes, nodded its head repeatedly, stretched out its tongue and licked its nose.

"Then why wait? How can someone take it away? See if I don't snatch it away."

Li Jiayu's eyes flashed fiercely, and the corners of his lips curved into a cruel smile unique to bandits.

Li Jiayu has done a lot of things like gangsters and gangsters, and robbery on the way.

Therefore, while Li Jiayu is known as the Great Summoner of Darkness and a rebel against humanity, he is also known as a rural gangster.

No one knows how many demon hunting groups, evil organizations, and even major forces have suffered disasters. At least they have lost huge amounts of property, and at worst they have been murdered and their lives have been lost.

However, Li Jiayu rarely shows cruelty. If he does, it's usually those who have deep grudges against each other. For example, all the researchers at the Scientific Research Institute in Yongcheng were made into living zombie puppets by Li Jiayu, and their souls will remain forever. Imprisoned in rotting flesh.

Because the Yongcheng Scientific Research Institute transformed Li Jiayu's father into a blood corpse warrior, there was a sworn hatred between them.


The devil dog barked again and gestured with its claws. Li Jiayu understood it, sneered, shook his head and said:

"You said there are a lot of them? Don't worry, no matter how many there are, they can't do anything to me."

The devil dog no longer hesitated and rushed forward with Li Jiayu. At this time, he had already left the commercial street and came to a square.

There are quite a few scattered people here, all busy on their way. Obviously these people are from the east of the city. Because the distance between the east and west of the city is too far, they rush on their way relatively late.

The devil dog barked at a group of well-dressed young people. Its unique barking sound was quite eye-catching. The young people also turned around and were immediately startled by the strange black shape of the devil dog. .

"Where did the stupid dog come from? It looks like a black poop. Grandma's dirty dog's eyes are dirty. Get out of here."

In this world, there are always some people with outrageous temperaments. One of them, a rather strong young man, held a piece of strange fruit shaped like a cucumber in his hand and threw it at the devil dog's head.

The young man's cucumber-like strange fruit is very hard, harder than rocks, and the young man is a very powerful person. The fruit he throws will really hit the devil dog's head, and the little devil dog will be seriously injured even if it is not dead.


The Devil Dog is a low-level summoned creature. All its abilities are concentrated on its nose, so it has almost no fighting power. It can only watch the fruit getting closer and closer to it.

But the devil dog is not worried at all because its owner is right behind it.

Sure enough, when Li Jiayu chased the devil dog out of the corner, he immediately saw the devil dog being bullied by the group of young people, and his eyes radiated a fierce and fierce light.


Li Jiayu waved his right hand, and light immediately condensed in his palm like silk.

Since there is no sunlight, the silk formed by those rays of light is very light and almost invisible to the naked eye. The power of the silk is not very powerful, but the "spiral of light" flying out is enough to deflect the cucumber. It won't hit the devil dog on the head.

"A Tao, you are too inferior. You can't even hit a dog..."

"It's strange, I obviously aimed very accurately... Well, you see"

“I rub the best”

This group of well-dressed young people all had their eyes widened, and their eyeballs almost fell off. They were all in a daze for several seconds, until Li Jiayu walked from the corner to the devil dog with an unkind expression and picked up the cucumber-shaped egg. The strange fruits appeared, and those young talents seemed to be waking up from a dream, and their eyes were all shining.

"A Ming, this...this girl is the best."

"Can't let it go, absolutely can't let it go"

"We actually have such a fairy in Xijiang City... The ones we used to play with were just vulgar fans."

"I'll wipe it, don't grab it from me."

Those young people muttered a few words and then reached an agreement with eye contact. No matter whether they were mentally disturbed or not, they could still have some useless evil thoughts because they were facing imminent disaster.

At this time, Li Jiayu looked at the strange cucumber-shaped fruit in his hand and couldn't help but frown. He was sure that this was a devil fruit, but the shape of this fruit was too weird, right? Wu Novel Network has many words

Aren't normal Devil Fruits supposed to look like pineapples, apples, or melons? No matter how bad it is, it should be oval. How can a devil fruit look so weird and look like a cucumber

Seeing Li Jiayu frowning and silent, holding the fruit in his hand and looking at it carefully, the young people quickly joined in, smiling playfully or pretending to be successful people.

"Girl, don't be stupid looking at this thing. We just saw this thing halfway. We thought it was a cucumber, but it turned out to be as hard as a rock and impossible to eat."

"Stop playing with this cucumber. I want my brothers to play with you."

"Sister, don't mind. They are just teasing you. In fact, they are all good people with bad intentions."

"Hey, we are all ability users and we are powerful. How about you join our team and let us protect you?"

There are seven of these young people in total, most of them are "second-generation children" from the east of the city, or the sons of wealthy businessmen, or officials, and there are even two children of high-ranking cadres from Yangcheng. A character who grew up with a golden key.

These days, seven young people are mixed together, each of them is the inheritor of Yang Soul. Coupled with their backgrounds, they have formed a small force. Although they are not acting arrogantly, their arrogance is getting stronger and stronger. , always feel that not only are they naturally superior to others, but they are also extremely noble after receiving the Yang Soul inheritance.

They did not follow the army, or even their parents. Instead, they agreed to act in a team of seven. Apparently these seven "second-generation children" were overly confident, or were they doing it to look cool

There are always some young people in this world who have no worries about food and clothing who like extreme sports. Do these seven people also like to engage in survival challenges

However, Li Jiayu didn't want to know about their situation at all, because he didn't take these seven young people seriously.

What makes Li Jiayu even more speechless is that these young people really shouldn't be judged. They were lucky enough to pick up Devil Fruits, but they used them to beat dogs. It was a waste of natural resources...

"Did you want to hurt my devil dog just now?"

Li Jiayu suddenly interrupted the chattering words of those young people and pointed at the rather strong "A Tao".

"Uh... is that dog yours?"

"A Tao"'s expression changed, he scratched his head with a smile and said:

"I'm really sorry. If I had been the owner of this dog earlier, I wouldn't have been so cruel. Haha, everything is just a misunderstanding..."

"Apologise to it, then break off your right hand, and I can let you live." Li Jiayu said calmly.

This is already light. At least A Tao can do it. If Li Jiayu does it himself, I am afraid that all seven people will suffer.

"?You want me to apologize to a dog? Are you kidding?"

A Tao looked at Li Jiayu in astonishment. He did not expect that the weak Li Jiayu would dare to say these words to him.

"Ah hahaha, we didn't listen..."

A Tao and several of his companions looked at each other and laughed loudly. One of them, a young man wearing a blue sportswear and looking quite elegant, laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears. There was a faint sense of superiority in his laughter. Arrogance above all others.

"Niu'er, are you sure you didn't drink too much? How dare you say such things to A Tao... Haha, don't you know who we are? There are many words on Wuxiao.com"

"I don't need who you are, I just want to ask, should you do it or should I do it?" Li Jiayu raised his eyebrows with a trace of impatience.

"I like this girl so hot, haha, she's so lovable."

A Tao laughed and looked at each other:

"I didn't mean anything bad, but who made you so lovable? Well, since you want me to apologize to a dog, I'll make you smile."

As he spoke, A Tao squatted down and gave the devil dog a playful bark:

"Wow, I apologize to you. You can continue to be a dog in your next life, hahaha."

Then, A Tao was cruel and twisted his right hand into a twist, but there was no expression of pain on his face.

"Look, I have fulfilled all your requests. Now can we talk about serious matters? There are many words on Wuxiaowang."

Li Jiayu frowned. He could see that A Tao was also a shapeshifter, so even if he broke his right hand, he would not feel any pain. Moreover, A Tao was different from Lan Xiaoyue. Lan Xiaoyue focused on hair deformation, while A Tao focused on muscles. Deformation.

However, Li Jiayu was too lazy to care. He turned around without saying a word and wanted to leave with the devil dog.

The main reason for this trip back to the city was to get the Devil Fruit. Since the task had been completed, there was no need to add any extra complications.

"Uh, don't go. Hey, are you listening to us?"

"Don't bother me. I won't be in the mood to get the devil fruit. If you insist on angering me, you will all become dead souls under the sword." Li Jiayu turned around and smiled coldly, but his footsteps did not slow down at all.

"Oh no, it's really hot. Do you think you can just leave if you pique our interest? Then wouldn't it be useless for me to apologize to your dog just now?"

A Tao and several young men chased after him and surrounded Li Jiayu. One of the young men pulled out a dagger and played with it in his hand. He had an evil smile on his face. He really thought he was the romantic protagonist in the novel. .

"The soul of the dead under the sword? Hahaha... Judging from your tenderness, I'm afraid you have never seen a real sword, right? There are many words on Wuxiao.com. Although this one is not a sword, it is similar to a sword. It comes from the army. An uncle gave it to me. It is made of alloy and is extremely hard. With just a slight touch, the skin will burst open and blood will flow like water... If you refuse to do it with us today, I will give you this dagger. ?”

The young man played with the shining silver dagger while showing a cat-and-mouse smile.

"What? Like?"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Li Jiayu's mouth, which made people feel refreshed and refreshed as if the spring breeze was blowing on their face.

He stretched out his hand and said:

"Show me if the dagger is sharp."

"Oh, take it." The young man was stunned and quickly put the dagger into Li Jiayu's hand.

He wasn't worried about what would happen if Li Jiayu held the dagger, because he was very confident in the strength of his companions, and Li Jiayu didn't look like an expert at all.

"No, this dagger is quite sharp..."

Li Jiayu looked at it for a moment, then glanced at the group of young people and said:

"I'm really not in a good mood today. Let's do this... I'll give you another chance. If you disappear on your own within ten seconds, I won't hold you responsible for annoying me."

"You...you like to joke so much? Haven't you seen the situation clearly?"

The young man who gave the dagger was a little angry. He felt that Li Jiayu and Li Jiayu were not afraid at all, and there was a cold arrogance in Li Jiayu's eyes. That cold arrogance was even more unbearable than his arrogance.

What's more important is... Li Jiayu was surrounded by seven strange men. He acted calm and calm from beginning to end, without any consciousness of being a mouse surrounded by cats.

What's the matter, is this fairy-like beauty too naive, or is she actually an extremely powerful master? But it looks nothing like it.

"It's been three seconds. It's still too late to run away..."

Li Jiayu said lightly. The seven young people seemed to be serious about Li Jiayu. They couldn't help but look at each other, a little surprised and a little amused.

"Run away? Haha, how can we be willing to run away when you are such a beautiful woman? Even if you die under peonies, you are still a ghost. Looking at you, we are almost drunk to death. In fact, you want to kill us. It's very simple, just use a honey trap... "

One of the ruder young men grinned in a rather vulgar manner and looked intoxicated.

Li Jiayu smiled lightly, bright and innocent:

"Don't call me girl, forget to tell you... I am a boy..."

"Uh, isn't it? Wuxiaowang has a lot of words."


"Don't think that flat chests can fool us into being men. We don't accept this trick."

The seven young people first looked at each other in astonishment, and then they all laughed together, not caring what Li Jiayu said.

"Okay... ten seconds are up. You can't run away even if you want... So, just accept your death. I haven't killed anyone in almost ten days."

Suddenly, Li Jiayu put away her charming smile, with a fierce murderous look on her face, sharp and violent.


The dagger in Li Jiayu's hand flashed a ray of lightning, and in the next second it hit A Tao's right shoulder.

With a "pop" sound, blood sprayed out

A Tao's right shoulder was broken at shoulder level, and his entire arm fell to the ground.

"It also depends on the owner when beating a dog... This is the interest recovered for the devil dog."
