Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 138: Ridiculous justice...Li Jiayu's code



The police officer who quickly led the team shouted anxiously.

He had already seen that it was Xu Li who was being pinched by Li Jiayu.

Who is Xu Li? A ministerial-level official

For the small city of Xijiang, ministerial-level officials are the only ones they can look up to.

Now that the end of the world is approaching, everyone is in danger, but many people are not desperate yet. They still stubbornly believe that sooner or later, the country will send a large number of troops to Xijiang City and even Tiannan Province to use high-tech weapons and even nuclear bombs to destroy those monsters. annihilate them all

By then, Tiannan Province will be safe again and social order will be restored.

Therefore, the police officer still believed that being an official was extremely useful, and he did not want to watch Xu Li being killed.

If you save Xu Li and get on Xu Li's side, you might be promoted by your superiors and rise to prominence from then on.

What's more... Li Jiayu, a cruel and bloody murderer, kills people in the street at the slightest disagreement. It is a heinous crime.

It doesn’t matter if he kills someone, but he is still a prince. I don’t know how many people will be offended. If a superior police officer is present but does not help, he will definitely be angered.

Due to both emotion and reason, the police officer must stop Li Jiayu and at least save Xu Li.

"Put him down"

The police officer and his patrol team were only about ten meters away from Li Jiayu. They all pulled out their pistols and pointed their guns directly at Li Jiayu.

But they didn't shoot because Xu Li was held in Li Jiayu's hand. It would be terrible if Xu Li was accidentally injured.

"Oh, there are more than thirty people...a dozen guns pointed at me. Should I surrender immediately?"

Li Jiayu glanced at the patrol policeman opposite, his eyes full of mockery.

If you are a combatant below the second level, you may still be threatened by the pistol, but after reaching the second level, you will more or less have telepathy, and you can use various means to deal with bullets. For example, the Dark Temple can easily dodge. The dragon man resisted with his body, the shapeshifter twisted his muscles, the war song shaman used a thunder shield, and the demon scholar summoned the white-haired yaksha to help block the bullets...

Of course, this only refers to the normal situation. A second-level low-level ability user can generally only deal with three or five pistols. If there are more, it will be very difficult. One person may really be killed by a pistol.

But the advantages of combatants are unimaginable with pistols. For example, the Dark Templar can become invisible, and ordinary people cannot see him at all. No matter how many pistols he brings, it may not be useful. Moreover, once a combatant of level two or above takes action, ordinary weapons with A lot of gunmen are going to die.

For example, the second-level high-level dyeing Hongxia can tear through the sky with a sword energy, rolling like thunder, and its power is comparable to a rocket launcher.

Not to mention a dozen people pointing guns at her, even more than thirty people would still be turned into dregs by the sword energy stained with red clouds.

And Li Jiayu's methods are much more powerful than Ran Hongxia's. Will he take the patrol police's pistols seriously

"Of course you should surrender immediately. Put Master Xu down quickly and lie on the ground."

The police officer shouted, but he did not dare to relax the pistol in his hand. He, Li Jiayu, is dangerous, extremely dangerous.

"Okay, I'll let him go."

Li Jiayu's tone was very cold, as cold as ice frozen for thousands of years. As soon as Xu Li heard Li Jiayu's words, his eyes widened and he wanted to beg.

Because of him, once Li Jiayu compromised casually, he would kill someone. Xu Li remembered that Li Jiayu said the same thing when he killed the vine botanist.

"Don't… "

The next moment, he heard a "click" and Xu Li first felt severe pain, then fell into darkness and completely lost consciousness.

Just like his friend the botanist, he had his neck crushed alive.

The bloody neck was like a crushed tomato. It was too horrible to look at. Li Jiayu’s hands were stained with blood and minced meat.

"You...you killed Xu"

For a moment, there was a short circuit in the police officer's head.

This white-haired girl who looks extremely sweet and mellow can be so cruel. She dares to kill people when being pointed at by more than a dozen pistols. This is simply the courage of an ambitious leopard.

Moreover, she also killed Xu Li. If it were other young people, maybe not yet. Their parents were just local officials, but Xu Li's parents were indeed powerful officials. When Xu Li's parents were traced, even the police officers would be required. implicated.

"You are simply rebelling. You are simply rebelling against your inhumanity. Stop pitying her and take her down quickly."

The officer had to shoot because he could hardly imagine the consequences if word got out about it.

All he can do now is to use thunderous means to capture Li Jiayu and hand it over to Deputy Commander Zhou to deal with it, otherwise...

"Shoot, it doesn't matter if you shoot her or kill her mercilessly, it's best to shoot her and leave her here."

The police officer shouted, and his men did not dare to neglect and fired quickly. However, the next moment they were quickly shocked beyond measure.


In an instant, a huge rock appeared in front of Li Jiayu. It was rugged and bulging with lump-like stone bullets.

No, that's not a rock, it's clearly a dragon made of rocks.

More than a dozen guns and forty or fifty rounds of bullets hit the rock dragon and only sparks bloomed, but they were unable to hurt it at all, let alone Li Jiayu behind it.

"Damn it, that's a sorcery, it can actually create such a difficult monster to deal with."

"Go around, go around, go behind the monster and shoot the girl."

Before the police officer finished speaking, Li Jiayu waved his hand impatiently, used the bright spiral to suck the alloy dagger inserted into the neck of the shape-shifter A Tao into his hand, and then threw it out as a hidden weapon.

"Well… "

The police officer's eyes widened. He lowered his head and was shocked that the wrist holding the gun was pierced by a dagger.


The pistol fell to the ground. The police officer covered his pierced wrist and screamed miserably. But before he screamed twice, another long sword was shot at him quickly.

That's Hyōrinmaru

Li Jiayu is addicted to throwing throwing knives. This is the second time he has used the Hyōrin Pill as a long-range weapon.

The police officer was kneeling on the ground with his mouth wide open and screaming in pain, but the next moment, the Hyōrinmaru penetrated his mouth with great accuracy, and then penetrated through the back of his head.

Penetrating through the brain, this is simply too dead to die

Within a second, the police officer's body was covered with a thick layer of ice, especially his head, which still retained the shocked expression at the moment of his death, which was extremely vivid.

"Crazy, crazy, you actually killed Officer Zhao too"

The dozen or so patrol policemen armed with firearms were pale, and they were all shocked and angry. They did not expect that Li Jiayu's angelic appearance lurked such a crazy and violent heart. Not only did he kill six high-ranking officials' children, but even the police dared to kill him. It was their boss who was killed.


A shrill scream suddenly sounded from the mouth of Windrunner Lan Jinxiong.

He was concentrating on fighting the mummy, fighting from street to street, so he didn't notice his companions. Now he finally tried his best and finally defeated the mummy with wisdom and the cost of injury, but he was limping away. When he returned to the original place, he was shocked that all six of his companions were already lying on the ground one by one, their necks had been crushed, their heads had been stepped on, or they had turned into ice sculptures.

One by one, all died

This is possible. It took only a minute. In less than a minute, they were all dead. Even the ice and fire mage as powerful as Xu Li was dead.

Lan Jinxiong felt a chill running down his spine, and he wondered if he was dazzled.

That extremely beautiful girl, the girl who made people fall in love with her at first glance, actually chopped his companion to death like a melon or a vegetable.

She even killed the police officer who came to the rescue

She is clearly a murderer

Lan Jinxiong looked at the corpse of his companion and smelled the strong smell of blood. His pupils tightened, he trembled his fingers crazily, pointed at Li Jiayu and shouted:

"You...you actually dare to kill Xu Li and the others. Not only will Deputy Commander Zhou of Xijiang City and the Director of the Chengdong Branch not let you go, but even several high-ranking officials in Yangcheng and Tianjing City will seek revenge on you. Tell you, they won't let you go. Even if you hide in the ends of the earth, there's no point. After the bugs and monsters in Tiannan Province are wiped out by nuclear bombs, you will be completely finished. If you don't want you to be finished now, you should shoot her. Her body is made of flesh and blood. , she will be injured once she is hit by a bullet. This woman is extremely evil and vicious. I will take action to lure her out from behind the monster."

Lan Jinxiong, the only remaining member of the seven-member group of high-ranking officials, screamed like crazy. He ignored the fact that his leg was injured by the mummy and insisted on taking action against Li Jiayu.

He saw the opportunity, because at this moment, Li Jiayu had no weapons in her hands, and her mummy had been defeated, so she had nothing to rely on.

After so many deaths, you will eventually fall into the hands of me, Lan Jinxiong. Tonight I will ask you to live and die...

Before Lan Jinxiong could even dream of a perfect night, he heard a "bang"

He stared in horror at the stone coffin that appeared in front of Li Jiayu

Oh my God... Then, isn't that a mummy's coffin? Maybe, Lan Jinxiong just fought to defeat a mummy despite being injured, and now Li Jiayu summons a mummy again, how can Lan Jinxiong resist

Damn it, didn't it say that once the summoner's summoned beast is defeated, it can't be summoned within three days

The beautiful summoner in front of me calculates the situation

Before Lan Jinxiong had finished being surprised, the mummy in the coffin had already pounced on him.


The afterimage flashed, and a cluster of bright red blood immediately burst out from Lan Jinxiong's neck - the mummy had thrown him to the ground, frantically biting Lan Jinxiong's neck with its rancid black teeth, killing him instantly. Huang Quan

At this point, the small alliance of ability users composed of seven senior cadres' disciples was declared destroyed.

"You...you crazy female devil, kill them all, even the police officer."

A young police officer trembled his lips, quickly took out a grenade from his waist, and then threw it towards Li Jiayu.

However, the mummy that was chewing the corpse suddenly jumped up, opened its mouth, and swallowed the grenade into its belly.


The next moment, the mummy's belly exploded, and a large black smoke spewed out from its foul mouth. Its body was also messed up by the grenade, and its shriveled belly had a small hole, but the mummy seemed to be enjoying itself to the heavens. It looked like this, and even pointed at the patrolmen to signal them to give it a few more grenades.

Mummies obviously have a tendency to self-abuse. Their souls are imprisoned in their rotten and shriveled bodies, their tongues are removed, their eyes, noses and ears are all sutured, and even their brains and internal organs are hollowed out. So you can imagine the resentment they have accumulated for thousands of years. How ferocious

What can give them pleasure is undoubtedly the crazy killing of living creatures. In addition, there is severe stimulation to their bodies. Although swallowing grenades alive is masochistic, it can make them temporarily forget their mental pain.

"Nah... this monster won't die even if it eats a grenade."

"If I let it eat one, it will explode through its belly. If I give it another one, I will see if it will be blown apart."

Another young police officer is about to throw a grenade, but Li Jiayu has already taken action

"You really think your grenades are very powerful? You still want to blow up my summoned beast? What a beautiful thought. You guys can try the treasure I gave you."

Li Jiayu recited the summons for clay bombs early. When ten seconds passed, a small group of white spiders, white centipedes, and white doves made of clay immediately appeared next to him, and then these clay creatures flooded his mind.