Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 16: The flower protector adds insult to injury


Many students heard Han Xiaoqi's words and ran to the window to take a look. Without exception, their faces turned pale with fear. The poisonous spider was at least as big as a face. It was dark and poisonous at first sight, and its six hairy legs were It is covered with hard barbs, and the smelly jaws hang out from the ugly head. It is much scarier than the ghosts and monsters in horror movies!

A full two hundred highly poisonous spiders swarmed up and covered the windows and edges from the first floor to the fourth floor, just like ivy, especially when they climbed the wall with their legs piercing the wall. The "bang bang" sound is just like beating a drum.

"Li Jiayu, what should I do?"

Chen Qinian, who had just vowed to kill ten bugs and avenge his companions, was terrified. He asked Li Jiayu with trembling lips. The courage and anger he had finally gathered were defeated by fear again!

"What to do? You guys think of a way! It will take at least thirty seconds for the Hyōrinmaru I summon now to come to this world..."

Li Jiayu was also impatient. Facing so many poisonous spiders, even if he had great abilities, it was extremely difficult. The poisonous spiders were so dangerous that one drop of their venom could bring down ten elephants!

As long as you are lightly bitten by them or your skin is broken by their fuzz, the black poison will immediately attack your heart and you will die in five seconds. No one can save you!

Even though the poisonous spiders are of low rank, they cannot tolerate their flexibility. Even high-level warriors may be bitten to death by the poisonous spiders if they are not careful!

"Thirty seconds? That's too late!"

Han Xiaoqi was so anxious that she almost cried. Between them, the poisonous spider had almost climbed to the fifth floor. I am afraid that if they wait for another ten seconds, the poisonous spider would have climbed to the sixth floor. There are enough people below. Two hundred spiders! Even if it is divided among so many classrooms, at least three or four poisonous spiders will enter the classroom first... By then, what can be done? Without Li Jiayu, who will protect her

"It's too late? Then run away for your lives! Run to the thirteenth floor and hide!"

Li Jiayu was also anxious. He gritted his teeth and squeezed his hand seals desperately. He no longer cared about conserving his mental power and fully activated the magic circle. Even if it speeded up the summoning for a second or two, it would be good!

"What do you do? We escaped... Do you face the poisonous spider alone? Otherwise, you can escape too... Didn't you say that only half of the people will die? Why do you have to fight the poisonous spider? You... You should run away too, I don’t want you to die! Don’t worry about the summons, survival is the most important thing, if you die, everything will be over!”

Sun Weiwei ran to Li Jiayu with jealousy, gently pulled his arm, and tried to pull him away. Han Xiaoqi also nodded and said quickly:

"Yes, Jiayu, you can keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood!"

"If you want to leave, you can leave! The corpses of the royal family are too precious, how can you give up casually... Moreover, the most important thing is that if the summoning ceremony is interrupted, the backlash will be huge. I can't bear it now, and I will be stunned!"

Li Jiayu swung his arm fiercely, pushed the two away, continued to perform the mudra, and at the same time cursed fiercely:

"Get out of here! Get out of here, all of you! Don't get in my way or hold me back! Get away from me! You guys here will only distract me!"

A few of the less courageous students swallowed a mouthful of bitter saliva and hesitated:

"Uh... that's good! Li Jiayu, we... we're running away first, I'm sorry... please forgive us, I'll leave the monster to you..."

As he said that, a total of thirteen boys and nine girls ran out of the door in a panic and ran straight to the thirteenth floor!

As a result, apart from Li Jiayu, there are only five boys and four girls left in the class.

"You guys should get out of here, learn from them, be smarter, and don't do stupid things like using your arms as a chariot. If you follow me, you will only do harm!"

Sweat broke out on Li Jiayu's forehead, but under the effect of Hyōrinmaru's cold ice mist, it quickly turned into ice.

"Li Jiayu, I... I won't leave! You saved me several times just now... I, Sun Weiwei, will never leave you alone..."

Sun Weiwei picked up the hammer again and said weakly, in fact, her legs were so weak that they were trembling. If she were to fight with the poisonous spider, it would probably not be of any use and could only be used as a human shield. But she didn't know why, she felt Only by staying with Li Jiayu can she feel a sense of security... Although in the future that Li Jiayu sees, she will be a shameless mistress, but Sun Weiwei is extremely resistant to that kind of future. She feels that if Li Jiayu protects her, she will She will not become a mistress... In other words, she is really afraid that she will get dizzy after reaching the thirteenth floor and really find a senior to protect her, but the cost is her body...

No! How about finding a random man

Without an emotional basis, it's just like a physical transaction! Sun Weiwei felt that she only felt a little bit safer when she was around Li Jiayu, because she knew Li Jiayu very well.

A sense of security... No, it's just a sense of security. The four girls, including Sun Weiwei, actually have a very good relationship with Li Jiayu. The reason why they don't want to leave is not only the trust between acquaintances, but also to put it bluntly, they still feel that Li Jiayu brings them a sense of security. The usually weak Li Jiayu has become so heroic, mysterious and powerful, just like the Supreme Treasure in "Journey to the West". If you follow him, you may be safer than anywhere else!

"Grandpa! How can I let you steal the limelight all by yourself? Li Jiayu, let me show you this time that I am not a vegetarian. I am just a bug. My ax has long been hungry and thirsty!"

Lin Zhibin waved the fire ax given to him by Li Jiayu, shaking because he was so excited and nervous. In fact, he was also extremely scared, but Zhou Jiamin, whom he liked, stayed, so naturally he would not leave.

The other four boys wore the same pair of pants as Lin Zhibin. Their friendship was so deep that they were inseparable, and they stayed because of Lin Zhibin.

"Stupid! I don't need your hypocrisy... you will regret your self-righteousness!"

Although he said some harsh words, Li Jiayu was actually slightly touched in his heart. In his previous life, Li Jiayu had a bad fate and a bumpy journey. He was like a lone star in the sky, and everyone who was close to him would Disaster was imminent and the end was miserable. When Li Jiayu was promoted to the Great Summoner of Darkness, he looked around, but sadly he no longer had any relatives or friends around him...

Deep down in her heart, Li Jiayu actually longs to live a normal life, with relatives and lovers, instead of being chased by people all day long and hanging out with dark creatures such as the undead and zombies all day long!

To Li Jiayu's surprise, these men and women in front of him stayed... He really never thought that someone would dare to risk their lives to stay with him!

Li Jiayu originally thought that... they would be like ordinary people, confused because of fear, hiding wherever it is safe. Even though they have been with their classmates for a year, they usually don't talk much and have a calm temperament. Although there are many, they have one confidant best friend. No, one of those five boys was just an acquaintance!

Even if they left Li Jiayu like those classmates who escaped, Li Jiayu wouldn't blame them, but they just...

Although I'm not moved, at least I feel a little warmer inside and feel quite comfortable...

At this moment, a black limb covered with barbed velvet penetrated the cement wall of the window with a "snap"! Everyone was suddenly shocked - the poisonous spider arrived as promised!

Looking at the poisonous spider's gray-black jaws that opened and closed, as well as the scarlet evil compound eyes, those students who stayed behind couldn't breathe smoothly. For a moment, they really wanted to stop talking about moral integrity and sense of security. Hurry up. The rat scurried away with its head in its hands.

However, since you have decided to stay, let’s go for it!

The dark octopus that was standing next to it finally took action. It squirmed its lower body and attacked the spider in the window. The speed was not fast, but it was better than a sneak attack. It actually caught the poisonous spider in one fell swoop!

The next moment, another poisonous spider climbed up the window edge, but it was still caught by the dark octopus and wrapped in its tentacles!

"Looks like I'm not doing a good job!"

Li Jiayu was overjoyed. He had already expected that the dark octopus could deal with at least three poisonous spiders, but he did not expect it to be so effective. He controlled two of them in a row. Depending on the situation, the poisonous spiders would not be able to defeat the dark octopus. He delayed it. A few dozen seconds shouldn’t be a big problem!

But soon, he did it!

The dark octopus roared in pain and swung its tentacles wildly like a madman. Li Jiayu clearly saw that the two tentacles binding the poisonous spider had turned black and swollen rapidly, as if they had tumors!

"Poisoned, damn it... The velvet of the poisonous spider penetrated its tentacles, and the venom infected it... Doesn't the dark octopus have anti-venom properties? The mutated dark octopus with tentacle bloodline is not resistant to poison?"

"It hurts... it hurts... it makes me... so uncomfortable..."

The dark octopus let out an unpleasant groan, as if it couldn't stand the pain of the venom, and finally decided to cut off its wrists, contract its tentacle muscles, and break off the two tentacles binding the poisonous spider!

At the same time as it was broken, the two tentacles and the poisonous spider had flown out of the window!

The dark octopus only paid the price of two tentacles to kill two poisonous spiders!

But the dark octopus seemed to have received a big blow. Once it huddled together, it no longer dared to show off.

Two seconds later, three more poisonous spiders appeared. Without the first stop from the dark octopus, they actually jumped out of the window, entered the classroom, opened the spider legs and started swimming flexibly!

"Ah! Spiders, they're coming in, everyone!"

Lin Zhibin roared, emboldened, and rushed forward with an axe. The other four boys barely overcame the fear in their hearts, picked up the table and used it as a weapon to hit the poisonous spider on the ground!


The poisonous spider is so flexible. Lin Zhibin's ax did not hit the ground, but hit the ground, making his jaw numb. The table of four classmates was very lucky. The blind cat hit the dead mouse and hit one. The poisonous spider smashed it backwards and turned it over!

But it was just one spider that was defeated. Don’t forget, there are two more spiders!

The remaining two spiders quickly swam to the feet of a male classmate named Zhang Pengyu, crawled up his legs, and crawled to his chest. Then they opened their jaws and fiercely Bite him hard on the neck!


Zhang Pengyu let out a short scream, but the scream was quickly extinguished because more than half of the flesh on his neck was removed, and the throat bones and vocal cords all entered the mouth of the poisonous spider!

The first male classmate left behind died of a broken throat!

The third poisonous spider that broke in was not to be outdone. It shook its weird-shaped spider legs and ran towards the four girls. In its opinion, the four girls had delicate skin and tender flesh. , it must be more delicious!

Seeing the ferocious and disgusting poisonous spider running towards them, the four girls turned pale with fear and almost had to urinate again. However, at this moment, the dark octopus seemed to be stimulated and suddenly became active again, shouting:

"I am... the flower protector... the messenger... can't... let the beautiful... female... get hurt..."

As he spoke, the remaining ten tentacles of the dark octopus actually rolled up several tables nearby and smashed them desperately against the poisonous spider that attacked the girl!

"Bang bang bang"

The strength of the dark octopus itself is huge, and with its desire for protection aroused, the flower protector's small universe was ignited, and it actually exerted 1.5 times its power, smashing the tables that hit the poisonous spider. The poisonous spider was transformed into a meat pie!

One of the three poisonous spiders that broke into the classroom died miserably, but two were still wreaking havoc. At this moment, two more poisonous spiders broke in outside the window. Even though the dark octopus was able to protect the girl, it was still... A male classmate was bitten on the thigh, and a large piece of flesh and blood was torn off. The wound was deep enough to see the bones. In less than a second, the huge wound turned pus and smelly, and the blood turned black!

Obviously... this male classmate was basically killed. No one can detoxify the poisonous spider.

The situation has become increasingly critical!

However, Li Jiayu still had hope in her heart - ten seconds, just ten more seconds, Hyōrinmaru can be summoned successfully. My dead classmates, I will recover a hundred times the blood debt for you!

Unfortunately, God did not fulfill his wishes. It seemed that God was against Li Jiayu. There was another roar outside the window. When Li Jiayu saw it, he broke out in a cold sweat again!

Three-headed sickle beetle!

Damn it, three sickle beetles came again in one breath!

This can be done. The situation was already bad enough, but to make matters worse, three human harvesters came. Isn't this completely destructive
