Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 18: Spider brain core... rush to the thirteenth floor


This person with white hair and white eyebrows who suddenly appeared, cold and picturesque, who else could it be besides Li Jiayu

For more than a minute when he summoned Hyōrinmaru, Li Jiayu's heart felt like a roller coaster, rising and falling, ups and downs. He thought that after rebirth, he would still be as cold-hearted as in his previous life, and he would remain calm in the face of everything.

Now nineteen years old again, he is no longer the Great Summoner of Darkness. He no longer has the power to stand out from the crowd. Even his mind seems to have regressed back to his youth, which was sensitive but full of vitality.

"Hua Xiaolu!"

The first thing Li Jiayu did after taking back the Hyōrin Pill was to run to Hua Xiaolu, half squat on the ground, and hold her in his arms with one hand. However, he saw that her face was already gray and her left leg was stabbed by the barb of a poisonous spider. Black pus and blood flowed out, and the poisonous gas spread, making her originally white thighs turn blue and black!

Her life is on the verge of death, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on for many seconds!

"Jiayu... is it Jiayu? Don't skip the word."

Hua Xiaolu opened and closed her pale lips slightly, opened her eyes tiredly but stubbornly, and looked at Li Jiayu with nostalgia, as if she had exhausted all her strength:

"You, you must have a headache. I... pester you all day long... You know, I am very vain. The reason why I pester you is because you are so lovable. I want to chase you and then kill you." I want to become a school idol and make those women jealous of me... Don't be sad. For me, dying next to you is much luckier than dying at the mouth of a bug... "

"Is there something wrong with your mind! Why do you want to stay? Will you die if you don't act like a nympho? How much is vanity worth? If you are handsome, you can't eat it. What's the point of being a school idol? Besides, I'm not handsome either. Ah! Bastard, no one wants you to die!"

Li Jiayu breathed heavily, and those memories that had been dusted for many years came to his mind little by little. Those memories were almost forgotten. For Hua Xiaolu, only a few months had passed, but for Li Jiayu, it was almost like a lifetime ago!

He still remembered that the girl named Hua Xiaolu had a bold style. At the freshman party, she announced in public that Li Jiayu was her favorite and no one could compete with her, which made Li Jiayu extremely embarrassed.

He still remembered that Hua Xiaolu pestered him tirelessly all day long, occasionally popping up in the dining hall to give him lunches made by herself, and even bravely ran to the boys' dormitory to play guitar to express her love for Li Jiayu!

It can be said that Hua Xiaolu is the person who troubles Li Jiayu the most. Although Hua Xiaolu wants him to be his sexual partner, Li Jiayu regards Hua Xiaolu as a very good friend of the opposite sex and is never willing to see her die like this.

"Dark Octopus! What are you doing, idiot! Search for me quickly! See if those eight poisonous spiders have brain cores! If not, you're dead!"

Li Jiayu, whose heart was surging, yelled at the dark octopus. The dark octopus was already covered in bruises, but after hearing the order, he immediately opened his eyes angrily and said in a muffled voice:

"This... I'll search... It's all my fault... I didn't protect the flowers well... and the beautiful female... was poisoned..."

As he spoke, the remaining nine tentacles of the dark octopus moved together, searching the brain of the poisonous spider that had been dismembered.

The body fluids of highly venomous spiders are usually highly toxic, but there is a saying that everything turns to its extreme. The brain plasma of highly venomous spiders not only does not contain toxins, but is a good medicine for clearing away heat and detoxifying, nourishing the body, promoting muscle growth and stopping bleeding!

Venomous spiders are considered first- and intermediate-level bugs, and naturally do not have insect crystals in their brains. However, some older poisonous spiders that are about to evolve to a high-level first level will condense scattered brain nuclei in their brains. This kind of brain nucleus can effectively resist and alleviate the toxins of highly venomous spiders!

As long as she finds it, Hua Xiaolu may be able to survive!

The efficiency of the dark octopus was extremely fast. In less than three seconds, it had sucked out the brains of eight poisonous spiders, but did not find any crystal objects. It was stunned and dejected:

"No... not found..."

"Bastard! How come you didn't find it? There must be something! There must be something!"

Li Jiayu yelled regretfully, could it be that... will the tragedy happen again

I, Li Jiayu, the lone star of the Tiansha, will my good friends die tragically in front of me one by one like they did in the previous life

The oath to make up for all regrets after rebirth...what's the point

The death of other boys was not a big blow to Li Jiayu. Although he blamed himself, he was not sad. After all, Li Jiayu did not have a deep relationship with his male classmates, but Hua Xiaolu, Han Xiaoqi, and Zhou Jiamin had an excellent relationship with him. I really don't want to see them die a second time.

While Li Jiayu was talking angrily, another highly venomous spider miraculously jumped out of the window. This highly venomous spider looked larger than the ordinary one, its venomous hairs were thicker, and its body was as black as ink.

Li Jiayu's eyes lit up, that's it!

At first glance, this poisonous spider looks like it is quite old and is about to evolve. It is really hard to find a way out of the iron shoes. You are the living thunder feng who has been sent to my door!

Gently putting down Hua Xiaolu, Li Jiayu jumped in front of the poisonous spider and swiped it with a gorgeous knife. The poisonous spider was worthy of being an old insect that was about to reach the first level, and it cleverly avoided it. .

However, there is no point in avoiding it. How can the dark octopus, which is so blamed for itself, miss the opportunity to make up for its past mistakes

Its nine tentacles waved together and wrapped tightly around the poisonous spider. The poisonous spider couldn't escape and was immediately entangled. The next moment, a long knife was inserted into its forehead!

"Quick! Search its brain core!"

The dark octopus did not need Li Jiayu's reminder. It retracted its tentacles and quickly penetrated into the poisonous spider's skull along the slot of the long knife. It was not in a hurry to suck out the brain marrow and immediately took out a piece of turbid crystal and handed it to Li Jiayu.

Holding the brain core, Li Jiayu felt like he had found a treasure. He quickly picked up Sun Weiwei's hammer and hit it on the brain core. A crack immediately appeared, and then thick white liquid oozed out. The smell was very pungent, a bit like mustard.

Li Jiayu put the white liquid on Hua Xiaolu's wound, and there was a sound of a match being struck. White smoke suddenly appeared from the wound. Hua Xiaolu, who was already weak and unconscious, was even more twisted. His face was covered with cold sweat, and he was woken up from the pain.

"It really worked. Fortunately, you were only stabbed by the barb, the venom was very small, and the brain core arrived in time. If it had been a few seconds slower and the poisonous gas had hit the heart, it would have been too late!"

Li Jiayu breathed a sigh of relief. His extremely tense nerves could finally relax a little. He looked at the Hyōrin Pill in his hand, at the devastated classroom, then at the dead and twisted insect corpses, as well as several male classmates. The mutilated corpses and several girls surrounding him took a deep breath and said:

"Let's go, leave this classroom, let's go to the thirteenth floor... I know you are full of doubts, but it's not a good place to stay here for a long time, let's talk as we go!"

With that said, Li Jiayu was about to carry Hua Xiaolu on his back, but at this moment a voice intervened:

"Uh, Jiayu, you were busy saving Hua Xiaolu just now. I'm sorry to bother you... But you should also take care of your male compatriots, right? Don't be too focused on sex and neglect friends. I also tore a deep hole behind me. The wound hurts more than being cut with a knife!"

The person who spoke was Lin Zhibin. This guy had a gash on his back just now by a sickle beetle. Although it was not fatal, he was bleeding a lot and it might be dangerous if the bleeding was not stopped in time.

But it's the end of the world and the insects are overrun. How can we stop the bleeding

"Uh... I'm sorry, I almost forgot about your injury. There is still more than half of the spider brain core, which is enough to stop your bleeding and temporarily seal the wound."

Li Jiayu glanced at Lin Zhibin with slight gratitude. He knew very well that Lin Zhibin stayed to protect Zhou Jiamin, and the four dead classmates were roommates with Lin Zhibin. They had a deep brotherly relationship. When the four of them saw Lin Zhibin staying, they actually stayed too. Of course, a small part of the reason was that they had expectations for the mysterious Li Jiayu, but unfortunately that expectation did not bring them good luck...

In fact, there is no need for these boys to stay. As long as there is a girl beside Li Jiayu, it is enough. The dark octopus will explode with 200% combat power in order to protect her. In the battle just now, almost all the boys were killed instantly. , apart from acting as a human shield, it has almost no function.

However, Li Jiayu was still very grateful to those classmates who died, and silently said in her heart - Du Wei, Liang Bin, Jiang Haitao, Zhang Lianhua, I will remember your names and will definitely take care of your relatives and friends if I have the opportunity.

While thinking, Li Jiayu had already walked behind Lin Zhibin, tore open his shirt quickly, and poured most of the remaining brain core onto the long wound on Lin Zhibin's back. The huge pain caused the strong man, who was 1.9 meters tall, to Han rolled his eyes and almost fainted from the pain.

The spider brain core is very precious. Yes, the value of the brain core is not even cheaper than the second-level insect crystal, because the chance of the spider brain core exploding is too small. In the end of the world, it can even be exchanged for twenty slaves. Li Jiayu doesn't know how to take it. Will I be lucky enough to get a good thing like the Spider Brain Core down the road? But I don’t regret using it on Lin Zhibin at all.
