Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 23: The Thirteenth Floor and the Sulfuric Acid Bug


The thirteenth floor is different from ordinary floors. It has no ordinary classrooms, only four halls and some utility rooms. Each hall is extremely spacious and is generally used for large lectures, large debates and even large conferences. For indoor performances, even if hundreds or thousands of people are seated, it will not seem crowded.

Now, the four halls on the thirteenth floor already feel overcrowded. I am afraid that 90% of the survivors in the entire teaching building are gathered here. A rough estimate is that there are close to two thousand people. Looking up, All they saw were women with panic-stricken faces, or women who were so frightened that they burst into tears, or boys who were so frightened that their faces turned pale. What spread among the crowd was no longer panic and anxiety, but a touch of despair.

This... what the hell is going on

The end of the world is coming? Or am I having a nightmare

Why did so many bugs suddenly appear, each one ferocious and terrifying, gnawing on human bones? Oh my god... Isn’t this a peaceful era and a society ruled by law? Why did so many classmates die all at once? Who can tell me, this is not real!

Nearly two thousand people were scattered in four halls. Although the students were all close together, no one felt the slightest sense of security. Instead, they were shivering. Some just cried, and some were in a daze at loss. Some crossed themselves in fear and prayed to God to send a heroic legion of angels to save them.

It's a pity that at this time, let alone God's angel army, even the Eighteen Arhats sent by Tathagata Buddha were too late, because they found that a group of green long worms flew out of the window!

These long worms have interlocking bodies, a bit like silkworms, but they are hundreds of times larger than silkworms. Each head is one meter long and almost 20 centimeters in diameter. Plus, it has shiny green skin. , at first glance, it looks like long strips of winter melon!

What is even more contrary to biological common sense is that these long worms have thin wings similar to those of bees, which flap rapidly. Even though they do not fly very fast, when they are in groups, they can fly like seventy or eighty times. When the first group of people swarmed in, everyone was so scared to see it!

"That's... what kind of bug is that? It's so disgusting!"

"Who knows what they are, anyway... they must be very scary, just like the giant red insect that can bite off my roommate's waist in one breath..."

"Ah, they are flying towards our hall, what should we do?"

"Wahaha, dead, dead! It seems that we are all going to die! No one can save us!"

"Don't be stupid, don't be stupid. Those bugs are invincible. They are so ferocious. Humans are no match for them...A Tao, why don't we jump off the building and die..."

"No, no! Are we just going to sit back and wait for death? Absolutely not. If we want to survive, we must do something!"

"Boys! Boys, hurry up and organize a resistance force!"

"Girl, back off! Back off!"

"Don't panic! There are five to six hundred people in our classroom, and only about twenty of the bugs flew in. We have a huge military advantage! As long as we unite as one and fight bravely, we can still repel those bugs!"

"Take it! Here are the used chairs found in the utility room... and the wooden sword from the kendo club. Strong boys will be equipped first!"

All of a sudden, the students and teachers in the four halls were all excited and tangled together in a mess. Even if some old professors tried their best to organize some boys to form a self-defense group, it had little effect. After all, morale was really low and the weapons were super crude. , the hall was full of cries and screams, how could one summon enough courage to form a student self-defense group that could fight

Soon, those green bugs had flown to the window!

Everyone was shocked! Hold your breath!

The window is made of layers of high-quality tempered glass, with the thickness and hardness reaching the standard. Even football played with full force cannot damage this window - those bugs look as fleshy as silkworms, they should be Can't break the window

The higher the hope, the higher the despair. It turns out that bugs from the insect world are definitely beyond everyone's imagination!

When the students saw the green bug's funnel-like mouthparts spurting streams of sperm, they all shuddered!

But I saw the alloy glass "sneak", and black smoke actually came out, and the glass also quickly melted to create interlocking holes!

"Impossible! Strengthened glass is not a metal, so how can it be corroded?"

"What a horrible acid!"

"It's over, it's over. The ** that is sprayed out is definitely a super concentrated acid dozens of times more than aqua regia. If you get even a drop of it on your skin, it will probably quickly corrode half of your body..."

"Fuck you! You're still resisting! No, absolutely not. If I fight against those bugs that are full of acid, and if the acid is splashed on my body... I will be completely wiped out, completely reduced to nothing, ah, It’s up to you to use this wooden sword!”

At this time, the tempered glass had been corroded to create large enough holes, and the first green bug suddenly flew in!

Everyone's scalp was numb and they couldn't help but retreat. However, there was also a brave boy who immediately raised a chair and threw it fiercely. The flying speed of the acid bug was not fast, and he was not too alert. So he was hit on the head by the flying chair, making a "gurgling" sound.

"Wow! Good job!"

Everyone's morale was shaken. It seemed that the bugs were not invincible. As long as they carefully launched "long-range attacks" against them, they could still be harmed!

However, the sulfuric acid bug did not suffer much damage. Instead, it was irritated. With a "squeak" sound, it raised its head and sprayed the foot-long cone-shaped mouthparts at the old professor closest to it. Release a rapid water ball!

The old professor's body swayed, and the next moment his chest began to burn like burnt ash, completely annihilated, and then spread from the chest to the head, abdomen, and limbs. In less than three seconds, there was only a pool of fishy smell left on the ground. The tangy yellow and turbid ** can no longer be found to prove that the old professor is still alive!

The students' faces turned pale. They originally thought it was disgusting enough for the red-capped beetles to chew on the corpses inch by inch, but when they witnessed humans being corroded to death by sulfuric acid bugs with their own eyes, they realized that there are such gruesome ways to die in the world!

Merciful God, how could you allow such ferocious sulfuric acid bugs to appear in the world...

In an instant, the students' fear reached its peak.

However, when fear reaches its peak, human beings will have polarized attitudes. Either they will be completely frightened and overwhelmed, or they will no longer know what fear is and fight to the death!

Next, more than twenty sulfuric acid bugs outside the glass flew in one after another, and among the more than five hundred students, thirty or forty people silently stepped forward with extremely crude and crude weapons, carrying out a desperate struggle. .
