Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 26: Are you really Li Jiayu?


[[[CP|W:210|H:140|A:/er/20122/1/2217297634637278122042247547576.jg]]] This kind of awakened person with endless potential will have a great chance to grow into a high-end power of mankind, the flame. Dancer, Sword Master, Dragon Knight, Magister, Blizzard Warrior, Light Priest, Half-Dragon Berserker...

They are fortunate to be blessed by nature, and they are also very outstanding beings. They are much better than those non-self-awakened combatants, making people envious and jealous. They can be called the most outstanding geniuses in the human race, and they are also human beings. The last hope!

In the three or four years after the end of the world, those awakened ones with endless potential will either become the lords of a city, the leaders of a powerful demon hunting group, the leaders of military regions, the lone rangers who can come and go freely, or the famous... The patron saint of the world…

All in all, compared with ordinary hard-working people - they are God's darlings! The poor people want to catch up in their footsteps... It's difficult!

It’s as difficult as going up to the sky!

If you want to be on an equal footing with them...

That is almost impossible, the probability is even smaller than buying a lottery ticket!

In other words, only one out of 100,000 people can work extremely hard and break through with blood and tears, which is worthy of achieving the same achievements as those geniuses.

One in 100,000, that will mean that the other 90,000-odd people will always be able to eat dust behind the genius!

And if you want to surpass those geniuses...

Don’t even think about it, it’s simply outrageous!

Even a late-blooming genius summoner like Li Jiayu cannot be said to be the best in the world. There are probably three people who are as strong as him in China alone. If you look at the world, Li Jiayu may not even be ranked in the top ten. , South Asia, West Asia, Europe, America, and Japan also have many amazing superpowers, and they may not be inferior to the powerhouses of China!

Even the sword master Ran Hongxia, who has a short-circuited brain and loves to express justice all day long, and comes to hunt down Li Jiayu when he has nothing to do, has at least 70% of Li Jiayu's power. I don't know how many times Li Jiayu was almost chopped into pieces by this Into meat sauce!

Historians from previous lives are very puzzled. According to the information they have, Li Jiayu's qualifications are not necessarily very good. He neither awakened in the first place nor showed amazing talents, but they just can't figure out why he stayed silent for three years. Later, he became a blockbuster, causing a bloody storm in the Celestial Empire, defeating countless geniuses, and killing the Abyssal Bone Demon. Even though he was misunderstood, he silently guarded Tiannan Province...

Regardless of Li Jiayu's achievements, if he were allowed to do it again, I'm afraid it would be difficult to reach that height again. If Li Jiayu hadn't accumulated a lot of experience and survived countless times, I'm afraid he would have been lost to everyone, let alone become one of the top ten strongest men in the world. , started a game with those super geniuses - but, full of bitterness, who would have known that Li Jiayu's road to becoming a strong man was extremely bumpy, full of blood and tears, while those geniuses enjoyed all the glory and wealth, and they could be called heroes without putting in too much effort. The king proclaimed himself emperor... It was really, really disgusting!

In this life, Li Jiayu doesn't know what attitude to use to face those self-awakening geniuses. Should he kill them in advance and make it difficult for them to fight against him in the future? Or maintain a good relationship with them and take care of each other

Or, conquer them and cultivate them into a powerful force

But Li Jiayu seems to have a peaceful mind, but is actually free and uninhibited. Can a person like him be able to run a powerful force

Unknowingly, Li Jiayu had swung his last sword and killed the only remaining sulfuric acid insect. After doing all this, Li Jiayu felt weak all over, panting, and probably used up most of his strength - after all, Hyōrinmaru was blessed by The strength is only doubled, but the physical strength is not increased at all. The continuous fierce battles are naturally too much for Li Jiayu, who has not been physically strengthened.

The dark octopus on the side is much more miserable than Li Jiayu. It is already scarred, with broken tentacles, corrosion holes as big as the mouth of a bowl, and half-meter-long scars, all of which show that it is on the verge of collapse. With such a serious injury, If it had been another summoned beast, it would have fallen to the ground long ago.

However, the dark octopus didn't feel any pain at all. Instead, it felt extremely glorious because it had saved so many beautiful and eye-catching females... In the dark cracks in the void, it was not lucky enough to see so many beautiful girls. Not to mention risking his life to protect them—hey, this pervert who is extremely easily satisfied!

"You... this, uh, no, this benefactor, I really appreciate everything you have done for us... Excuse me, are you not injured? There are many words on Wuxiao.com"

In the fourth hall, while all the students were still staring at the insect corpses on the floor in amazement, and watching Li Jiayu gasping in disbelief, an elegant young woman had already walked up to Li Jiayu and asked cautiously.

She looked to be about 27 or 27 years old, with a tall and slender figure. She was wearing a black L office dress, revealing a large area of fair and delicate skin on her chest. The most stunning thing was the breathtakingly beautiful face. With her face and the faint smile hanging on her lips, she is so mature and charming. She looks fresh but is actually as attractive as a ripe peach.

She is Vice Principal Xiao Wanqing!

The eldest sister that Li Jiayu loves and hates at the same time, and should not face her with an attitude!

After the apocalyptic crisis broke out in the previous life, Xiao Wanqing led the students to escape, but before they left Xijiang City, she was abducted by an evil force that had been coveting her beauty for a long time. Li Jiayu did not know that she had escaped, but two years later Li Jiayu was in Yangcheng When I met her, she was already the deputy city lord of Yangcheng, holding great power. And because of her status as a priest of light, she almost became a symbol of light for the southern province of the Celestial Dynasty, shining brightly!

Li Jiayu reunited with her by chance, and they hit it off like old friends. Regardless of their relationship as principal or student, they treated her like sister and brother. Xiao Wanqing cared for Li Jiayu meticulously, allowing him to taste the warmth of the world, which somewhat alleviated the grief of losing all his relatives.

It's a pity... Xiao Wanqing noticed some of Li Jiayu's thoughts early on. She seemed to really only regard Li Jiayu as her younger brother and had no other intentions.

In order to prevent Li Jiayu from sinking further, Xiao Wanqing drove Li Jiayu away and never interacted with him again.

However, Li Jiayu was still the same. Many times he was fatally injured and when he was unconscious in the wilderness, Xiao Wanqing would appear silently, treat him quietly, awaken his vitality, and then leave silently, lest she would harm Li Jiayu. Everything he did.

In fact, Li Jiayu knew very well why Xiao Wanqing was suddenly so cold to him on the surface, but secretly guarded him because he was the most wanted criminal in the empire and the number one evil against humanity! Anyone who has anything to do with Li Jiayu will be in trouble!

Later, Xiao Wanqing was forced to be besieged by the "Black Knight Legion" in Yangcheng, and Yangcheng was short of troops. Xiao Wanqing had to agree to the conditions of a young strong man, marry him three months later, and join his army...

When Li Jiayu heard the news, he felt that the only spiritual pillar in his life had collapsed... because that young and strong man was Li Jiayu's biggest enemy in his previous life!

"Sister, you can be with anyone... but you must not be taken in by him! I have a sworn hatred with that old enemy. How will I face you in the future?"

Ruin the wedding!

We must not let my sister fall into the hands of that disgusting guy!

Even if it causes irreparable consequences, we won’t hesitate!

Li Jiayu, who was full of grief and anger, planned to rob Xiao Wanqing when she was getting married to her old enemy. Unfortunately, Li Jiayu died in a tree hole before three months!

I don’t know... what was Xiao Wanqing’s ending in her previous life? Li Jiayu doesn’t blame her. Who said she was the patron saint of Yangcheng and was forced to sacrifice something to protect Yangcheng

Or... Who said Li Jiayu was alone and weak

If Li Jiayu has a lot of troops and strong strength, why should Xiao Wanqing draw a clear line with him, and why should she agree to be with someone she doesn't love

"It's okay, I'm fine... I'm just a little tired, you don't have to worry."

Li Jiayu dodged his eyes and his voice was slightly choked.

Sister, I haven't spoken to you for a long time since we parted ways in Yangcheng, and I haven't even seen you again... You don't know how much I miss you.

"Tired? Oh, that's right. My benefactor, you are a hero in your youth. You are not afraid of danger and saved all of us... On behalf of all the teachers and students on the 13th floor, I would like to express my gratitude to you. You must be tired of all the polite words. Anyway, if you If you have an errand, I, Xiao Wanqing, will never refuse... Oh, without further ado, although my benefactor is resting, the crisis has not been resolved yet, and I hope that my benefactor can regain his combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

Xiao Wanqing said calmly, looking dignified and generous, not at all like the frightened look of others. He was worthy of being a god-level figure who could become a priest of light in the future.

"That's natural. There's nothing to fear from the sulfuric acid beetles. What's really difficult to deal with is the red-capped beetle!"

Li Jiayu nodded slightly. In his eyes, this beautiful woman with the charm of a young woman had an indescribable charm in her movements, elegance, calmness, and even a little careless laziness. All of these constituted A kind of natural beauty.

Xijiang City has beautiful mountains and clear waters and is known throughout the country to be rich in beauties. It is known as "There is heaven above and Xijiang below." The girls in Xijiang City are all pretty and pretty, slightly taller than girls in other places. Xiao Wanqing is thirty-two years old. She looks like she is 27 or 28 years old. Her skin is as tender as a smooth egg with the skin peeled off. She has veritable ice skin and snowy skin. And her beauty needs no elaboration. She can be famous in Xijiang City. How can she be ordinary? Her beauty

"Red-capped beetle..."

Xiao Wanqing's gentle, watery eyes suddenly dimmed, filled with sorrow, and sighed:

"Is that the red beetle that's bigger than a bullfight? There must be nearly a hundred of them... It must be difficult to deal with. If they charge up, the consequences will be disastrous. My benefactor, you..."

"Don't call me my benefactor, um... if you can, just call me Jiayu." Li Jiayu tried his best to keep his voice as soft as possible. Facing Xiao Wanqing, he did not dare to be as cold and fierce as he was to Ran Hongxia.

"Jiayu? Strange name... You, are you a female? The name Jiayu is very feminine."


Li Jiayu's face was filled with frost, and he rolled his eyes in a subtle way, wailing in his heart:

"I'll do it! I'll do it! My white hair makes it easier for people to misunderstand me! One day I'm going to rob a hairdresser! I'll dye my hair black again! Whoever doubts my macho status in the future, I'm going to blow them away. Leftover!"

At this moment, a girl next to him exclaimed:

"? Jiayu? Are you really Li Jiayu? You're lying! That sissy Li Jiayu is not as handsome as you!"
