Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 34: The third call


There was a suffocating silence at the edge of the road. The cold wind blew by. The women lurking at the corner couldn't help but shudder. Except for Li Jiayu, whose face was stern, everyone else's heart beat wildly and they were as silent as cicadas.

After a while, the rustling sound got closer and closer. Soon, a red-topped beetle with a bloated body and shiny red body jumped out from the corner. Its body was obviously larger than the ordinary red-topped beetle. In a circle, the back is covered with sharp barbs, and the six limbs are extremely thick, thicker than pig legs!

This is a red-capped beetle that has lived for a long time and is about to advance!

Its combat power is three-thirds stronger than the average similar ones, but the various materials on it are also more precious than similar ones, especially its insect crystals, which are definitely the best of first-class high-end insect crystals!

What surprised Li Jiayu the most was that there was a golden ladybug as big as an egg flying above its head. It was particularly conspicuous in the dim light, just like a golden will-o'-the-wisp!

"The golden ladybug! It's actually the accompanying golden ladybug! Okay! This red-capped beetle must die! Everyone, take action!"

There was an imperceptible low "Hey" sound, and then Li Jiayu issued an order to attack everyone. Immediately, Li Jiayu suddenly shot out from the corner, the Hyōrin Pill in his hand bloomed with snow-white cold mist, and headed towards the red top. Slap the golden ladybug off the beetle's head!


The golden ladybug was attacked and anxiously gave out a warning, but before it was too late, Li Jiayu's Hyōrin Pill had already rushed in front of it, just like playing baseball, the blade of the blade slapped the golden ladybug hard, knocking it away. It hit the wall with a "pop" sound, and then passed out with a layer of ice!

The red-capped beetle roared angrily. The golden ladybug that accompanied it was so abused by humans. It would be strange if it didn't become furious.

I saw its two small round eyes glaring, its body suddenly slumped down, and its bloodthirsty horns as sharp as a gun were as fast as thunder, and it crashed towards Li Jiayu menacingly!

"It is indeed a top-notch red beetle... its speed is 30% faster than the ordinary one!"

Li Jiayu rolled around in embarrassment, dodging narrowly and narrowly. The red-capped beetle was naturally unwilling to let go. Within three seconds, it launched several critical strikes at Li Jiayu, either hitting it with its horns or hitting it with its body. Or cut with the forelimbs, the lethality is so terrifying that the marbles on the walls and floors were turned into powder by it!

"...Red Beetle...go eat shit..."

Seeing that Li Jiayu was about to be forced into the dead corner of the stairs, with no way to retreat, the honest and silly voice of the dark octopus was finally heard, and he saw that this guy was thinking of using heavy weapons, such as large iron blocks, wrapped in his tentacles. Machine tool components, microwave ovens and other brains were thrown onto the red-topped beetle.

If it were an ordinary person, if those dozens of kilograms of iron were hit on the body, the muscles and bones would be broken for at least thirty days. Unfortunately, the red-topped beetle in front of him was as hard as stone, much harder than the ordinary ones. So when the iron tool hit it, it only had a small white mark on it, and it was only slightly injured!

However, this also successfully attracted the attention of the red-capped beetle, which slightly slowed down its attack rhythm. Li Jiayu seized the opportunity and slipped out of the blind corner!

"Good job! Octopus, according to the old plan, I will fight with it first, and you can find an opportunity to control it! Don't rush to take action yet! Just watch from the sidelines!"

Li Jiayu adjusted his breathing, fully attracting the hatred of the red-capped beetle, and started to deal with the red-capped beetle at the corner of the slightly crowded corridor. Although the venue was slightly narrow, it was not good for Li Jiayu to dodge, but it was even more unfavorable for the red-capped beetle. It can hardly take advantage of the speed of charging and can only move in short distances.

The people in the team watched uneasily in the middle of the stairs, their hearts beating wildly. They were completely shocked by the terrifying momentum and destructive power of the red-capped beetle. Large beasts such as polar bears, Siberian tigers, and jaguars were simply weakened! A red-capped beetle is not worthy enough to carry shoes!

What surprised them even more was that Li Jiayu's dodge skills were extremely superb. He was like a prophet, able to predict the next attack of the red-topped beetle perfectly, and would easily dodge the extremely dangerous attack every time.

Several times, everyone thought that Li Jiayu was certain to die, but unexpectedly, he miraculously survived by lightning flying through the gap between the red-topped beetle's attacks. He even had the energy to backhand his sword, leaving scars on the giant insect's carapace. .

Of course, Li Jiayu still made a mistake. His body couldn't keep up with his consciousness, and his movements were a little slower. Immediately, the long horn of the red-topped beetle opened a gash on the edge of his thigh. Although it was not deep, it was still leaking. Less blood.


Ran Hongxia and Xiao Wanqing were upset when they saw it, feeling scared and happy at the same time. They were really worried about Li Jiayu, for fear that he would have another accident. At the same time, their evaluation of Li Jiayu was once again elevated in their hearts.

The other male team members also felt their hearts jump into their throats. If they had been in their shoes, they would have been instantly killed by a red-capped beetle in just one encounter!

After fighting for a while, the dark octopus finally seized the opportunity, jumped up, and pressed on the red-topped beetle. Its nine tentacles desperately wrapped around the red-topped beetle, greatly controlling its body and forcing it to speed up. , unable to fully exert his strength, and could only struggle violently.

"It, its strength... is so big, the octopus can only control it... for three or five seconds..."

The dark octopus exerted all its strength, so that its pink skin turned purple. Li Jiayu naturally did not dare to neglect it. After being pressed and beaten by the red-topped beetle for so long, his heart was already full of anger. He shouted:

"Chu Xiang! Take action!"

Then he inserted the Hyōrin Pill into the mouth of the red-topped beetle. At the same time, Chu Xiang immediately ran away after receiving the order. His extremely tall body was like a terrifying monster, carrying unparalleled momentum, holding it high. He picked up his heavy weapon and hit the red-capped beetle on the head with great force!


There was a muffled sound of metal colliding. The three-hundred-kilogram heavy weapon was really no joke. The heavy weight hit the red-topped beetle's head and dented less than half of it!

One of its eyes was forced out of its socket by this terrifying force, which shows how heavy the blow it received!

Li Jiayu's Binglun Pill also broke through the thick oral muscles of the red-capped beetle, went straight to Huanglong, and completely eroded its brain. The cold breath instantly froze its brain tissue completely!

The red-capped beetle's body shook violently, and then it could no longer move, and its whole body was frozen to death.

"Huh... this beetle is really a torment."

Li Jiayu pulled out the Hyōrin Pill and panted slightly. He felt that the red-topped beetle that was about to evolve had amazing combat power. It was probably comparable to two red-topped beetles. Without the help of the dark octopus to control it, there was really no chance of severely damaging it. .

"No matter how much it tosses people, it is no match for you."

Chu Xiang raised his head, and a heroic laugh broke out on the ugly lizard's face. Obviously, he felt extremely happy that he could severely damage the insect and smash its eyes out with one blow.

"No, it was only through our cooperation that we killed it. Chu Xiang, your performance was not bad..."

"Haha... I didn't help at all, but it was your injury..."

"It's not serious, it won't affect our actions..."

Li Jiayu looked at the scratched thigh and responded calmly. He was already used to wounds of this level. He casually touched the wound with the blade of Hyōrinmaru and used cold air to shrink the wound tissue, which stopped the bleeding. It doesn’t hurt much anyway.

Next, the dark octopus pulled out the insect crystal of the red-topped beetle, which was almost as big as a quail egg. It looked like a bloodstone and exuded a blood-like red light. Li Jiayu held it in the palm of his hand and could clearly feel a Strange heat.

"It is indeed an insect crystal that is approaching the second level. It contains such rich vitality... It's a pity that if it weren't for the fact that it's not suitable for me, I couldn't help but absorb it now... "

Li Jiayu looked at the envious Chu Xiang and said expressionlessly:

"Use it, this type of pure strength is the best for you."

"Uh... In this business, it is very precious at first glance, so you should use it..." Chu Xiang glared and shook his head resolutely to refuse. He is a teaching assistant with good character. He is not greedy or selfish. He naturally understands that Li Jiayu should Prioritize strengthening.

"No, power-type insect crystals are not suitable for me... For future development, the first one I absorb must be mental-type insect crystals, so you're welcome, keep it for the sake of keeping it, I might as well use it for you first. "Li Jiayu still has a king-level insect crystal of the Scythe Beetle King in his hand. If he wanted to absorb it, he would have absorbed it when he obtained the king-level insect crystal. Why has it been delayed until now without strengthening it

"Uh... Insect crystals are divided into power type and spiritual type? It's really complicated..." Ran Hongxia asked.

"Well, there are grades of insect crystals, and there are many different types. Power-type insect crystals are the most common, and there are also vitality-type, spiritual-type, regenerative-type, elemental-type, persistent-type, and immune-type. In short, it's very complicated. If Counting mutated insect crystals, it becomes even more unclear..."

Li Jiayu looked at Feng Liaoyuan and Lan Xiaoyue and said:

"The insect crystals of the red-capped beetle are not suitable for you. On the contrary, the flame-type insect crystals and regenerative insect crystals are most helpful to you... Of course, if you really can't find the most suitable insect crystals, you can use other ones instead. Yes, it will still speed up your awakening, but it will only waste your potential, which will be about 20% weaker... "

"Don't look at it. It's only 20% weaker. It may not be affected when you are at a low level... But when you are at a high level, even the slightest difference will be a world of difference."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now... Chu Xiang, hurry up."

Chu Xiang hesitated for a moment, then stopped being pretentious and absorbed the insect crystals in a few seconds. His muscles instantly expanded in a small circle and looked stronger. The suit that was almost torn by him had completely stretched his body. , the restraint made him very uncomfortable, and he could only tear all his clothes to pieces, revealing his gray-brown strips of muscles, like pieces of cast iron!

"It feels so good! This is what power feels like! It seems like there is endless power coming out of your bones!"

Chu Xiang puffed out two streaks of white smoke from his nose. He looked excited. He clenched his fist tightly and slammed it on the marble. With a bang, the marble was smashed into pieces!

"Very good... Your dragon-like bloodline is originally pure strength. Coupled with such good insect crystals, you may have increased your strength by 2.5 times that of ordinary people in one go. It is conservatively estimated that you punched That's seven thousand newtons of force."

Li Jiayu said calmly, and at the same time issued orders to the six swordsmen and axemen:

"This red-capped beetle... weighs about six to seven hundred pounds. If you work together, you should be able to carry it to the thirteenth floor."

"? Want to move it to the thirteenth floor?"

The swordsmen and axemen looked at Li Jiayu in astonishment, wondering what he wanted to do in order to issue this order... The thirteenth floor was already the base camp of the students. How could they get rid of the corpse of this ferocious insect without scaring some fragile girls to death?

Moreover, the corpse of this insect is useful, can it be used for dissection

"The meat of the red-capped beetle is very delicious. It can repel colds and diseases. It nourishes the body better than ordinary supplements. If you eat more, you can slightly improve your physical condition. Its brain is also very useful. It can greatly relax the nerves and relieve pain." Pressure, if someone can't think about it and wants to commit suicide, give him a little brain juice, and he will naturally calm down... Well, the most important thing is that in the end of the world, food is scarce, and this precious red-topped beetle cannot be wasted. You organize some people to use sharp saws to slowly grind off its shell, and then take out its meat and dry it... "

"this… "

The six axemen hesitated and felt nauseated looking at the ugly and ferocious giant insect corpse. Damn, these are human-eating insects. We actually want to eat the insect's flesh. It's weird.

"Go on, don't make ink marks, just do as I say. It's your turn to hesitate! You won't feel sick anymore after you taste the insect's meat!"

The six axemen gritted their teeth and carefully pulled one of the insect's legs, grinning and carrying it up to the high building, while Li Jiayu also went to harvest his trophy of the battle - the golden ladybug.

This top-quality insect that is associated with the red-topped beetle has a rare and magical effect. Li Jiayu doesn't know the details, so he just collects it quickly. In the future, when an "alchemist" grows to the second-level intermediate level, he can ask him to help Refining some "guilt medicine" that tortures the soul, if you can survive the illusion, you can slightly improve your mental strength - yes, the value of this kind of guilt medicine in future generations is very scary, even if you take ten low-level third-level pills You can't even exchange it for a level of insect crystal.

Compared with the red beetle crystal that is about to be promoted, this golden ladybug is obviously ten times more precious!

"Very good, a great victory... The first red-capped beetle we encountered after forming the team has yielded so many benefits. Sure enough, the first stage of the insect plague is the best stage for accumulating wealth... "

Li Jiayu continued to lead the team with satisfaction. He killed the remaining three red-topped beetles on the sixth floor one by one. He quickly used the insect crystals he captured, one for Sonic Warrior Chen Kun and one for a certain performance. One of the excellent axehands was given to Chu Xiang, and it still increased his strength by 1.8 times that of an ordinary person, which was extremely terrifying.

There were not too many red-topped beetles on the fifth floor, only four. This time the team began to try to challenge two at the same time. Li Jiayu, Chu Xiang, Dark Octopus, and Ran Hongxia fought, but they were able to defeat them without any risk. Once solved, the harvest is very gratifying.

When cleaning to the fourth floor, Li Jiayu saw a pair of red-capped beetles mating in a classroom!

These two idiot bugs!

After eating enough human flesh and being crazy enough, they started to play the game of "creating bugs". Unfortunately, they chose the wrong place and happened to be encountered by guys like Li Jiayu who were "beating mandarin ducks with sticks".

Originally, the vigilance of the red-capped beetles was not weak. Unfortunately, the smell of blood on the fourth floor was too strong, and there were several corpses in the classroom. The ground was stained with blood, so that they could not detect the smell of Li Jiayu and others. In addition, they were at a critical moment and could not escape, so it was not until Li Jiayu's Hyōrin Pill was close at hand that he noticed the danger approaching!

The battle was extremely easy and the sneak attack went very smoothly. These shameless insects who mated in broad daylight died tragically under the fierce attack of Li Jiayu and Chu Xiang before they had time to resist. Even when they died, their bodies were still intact. Tangled together!

"Oh, this is a good sacrifice. Two bugs communicate together... Well, double the quality, but only consumes a share of my mental energy... No, I must bet this time!"

Li Jiayu had summoned Dark Octopus and Hyōrin Maru before, and he didn't have much mental energy left. Although he rested for a while and recovered a lot, he still didn't dare to use them casually. After all, the bodies of these red-topped beetles were not necessarily precious. , using them as sacrifices can generally only summon first-level high-level bugs, which will not help much in the cleaning task. On the contrary, it will make Li Jiayu weak in mental strength and reduce his combat effectiveness. This is not cost-effective.

However, the sacrifice in front of me is in a special situation, and it has great consumption value for summoning. If nothing else, it should be possible to summon some consumables with special functions, such as Violent Pill, Thunder Zhenzi, Thunderbolt Crossbow and so on...
