Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 4: The storm is coming...I'm so scared!


"Come on, it's August 2013! 2012 has been proven to be false. Who would believe this ridiculous prediction of the end of the world now?"

"Li Jiayu, are you out of your mind? There are many words on Wuxiao.com"

"Is it fun to make such a vulgar joke? Do you treat us all like fools?"

"It also talked about space oscillation and parallel space. Haha, is it possible that your brain got wet while reading the novel?"

The classmates were all happy. They simply regarded Li Jiayu's words as a sensational joke and didn't believe it at all.

From ancient times to the present, there have been countless doomsday predictions, large and small. However, as time goes by, these doomsday lies have all been disproven. Especially after entering 2013, people even scorned the predictions of doomsday. Who would believe it? Who is stupid

"Li Jiayu, stop making trouble. Look at how sunny and sunny it is outside. Maybe the world will end soon?"

Sun Weiwei gave a disapproving laugh and pointed out the window. She saw the blue sky outside the window, the white clouds, and the campus scenery. She could vaguely see the laughing students and affectionate couples on the school road.

Li Jiayu approached the window, sniffed, and breathed in the fresh air greedily. He looked far into the distance, as if he wanted to engrave the last tranquility on the campus in his heart, looking at his classmates who were still carefree and living a nourishing life. The appearance of their tragic deaths vaguely emerged, and Li Jiayu felt uncomfortable in her heart, and said in a harsh voice:

"Watch it, my God, what is going to happen next will scare you to death. If you survive, you will never forget this moment in your life!"

Yes, if anyone can survive the bloody catastrophe of the end of the world, everyone will deeply remember the moment when the end of the world comes, accurate to the second!

August 29, 2013, 4:33:49

Li Jiayu clearly remembers that unprecedented disasters broke out all over the world. The violent shaking of the earth's crust caused the earth's crust to tremble, triggering a series of volcanic eruptions, mudslides, landslides, collapses, storms, floods, and tsunamis.

It is unknown how many cities were destroyed by earthquakes and tsunamis, and it is impossible to count how many people died in natural disasters.

But Li Jiayu felt that he might still be lucky to die in a natural disaster.

Because the remaining people will face more terrifying threats and live in panic and despair all day long. I don’t know how many people live in a life worse than death!

The number of humans who died in the first wave of alien attacks alone is roughly estimated to be over one billion!

The blood-sucking worms burrowed into the blood vessels and bit them...

The skull was pried open by the soul-eating beast and the brains were sucked...

Wrapped into rice dumplings by corpse-smelling spiders, and then melted into a puddle of meat...

The head was cut off by a sickle beetle, and then eggs were laid in the head...

The terrifying Zerg frenzy is staged a brutal massacre feast on the earth!

It is said that human war is cruel, but compared with the slaughter of the Zerg, it is as gentle as a female cat!

However, the Zerg are still the weakest race invading the earth, as well as zombies, zombies, skeletons, ghosts from the abyss, and many other non-living entities that are difficult to explain scientifically!

When the doomsday era comes, it also points out a new direction for the earth belt where technology is paramount...

"Now, cover your ears quickly, there will be a thunder that will deafen you."

"Who wants to believe you? Oh, it's almost here. Five...four...three...two...one. Sure enough, nothing was sent..."

A classmate who was arguing with Li Jia watched and read out the countdown loudly, but before he could say the word "生" ("happen") in his mouth, there was a sudden thunder in his ears!


The sound of thunder was so loud that the glass of the window shook slightly, not to mention the pain in the eardrums.


The girls who were caught off guard were so frightened by the thunder that they quickly covered their ears. Some of them were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they let go of their throats and screamed, which was extremely harsh!

"This is...a bolt from the blue..."

All the male classmates were shocked and looked at Li Jiayu a little blankly, but they saw that he still looked like that, calm and mixed with an indescribable heaviness - had he guessed it

Blind cat hits dead mouse

There can't be such a coincidence, right? Wu Novel Network has many words

After all, thunderbolts from the blue are rare, and such loud thunderbolts are even rarer. And Li Jiayu can predict that there will be a bolt from the blue in the next second, which seems very mysterious, and people can't help but think differently about him.

Faintly, many students began to feel anxious, and a not-so-optimistic premonition arose in their hearts.

"Damn it, have you mastered Feng Shui to the full level? You expected this. Could it be that you are really a cultivator? Please accept me as your younger brother..." A classmate said with a smile.

"I'm not kidding you... Just keep watching. In two minutes, the sky will be covered with thick black clouds... Or you can try calling now to see if there is still a signal."

Li Jiayu said, turned around and walked out of the classroom. Sun Weiwei became anxious and shouted to Li Jiayu:

"Where are you going? Are you running away after bragging? The class meeting isn't over yet..."

Li Jiayu didn't look back, and clenched his fists. There was a faint desire to fight in his heart, and he said as he walked:

"Get the weapons!"


"Fire axe!"

"Are you crazy? You will be punished for taking the fire ax from the corridor casually!"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. Let's take care of it first."

Seeing Li Jiayu walking out of the classroom door, Sun Weiwei was about to catch up, but heard Qiao Nana's voice coming from behind. There was really no signal. "

Jiang Linchuan's voice then sounded:

"Mine too, the signal is interrupted."

The students checked one by one, and without exception all could not receive the signal.

At this time, Sun Weiwei was panicking. If it was just a bolt from the blue, it could be explained as a coincidence, but Li Jiayu could even guess the signal interruption, so it was definitely not a coincidence, but most likely inevitable.

"He... who is he? Could it be that what he said was not a joke?"

Not only Sun Weiwei, but all the girls in the class felt unsure and their scalps started to feel numb.

"Don't panic, everyone. Signal interruptions happen all the time. We're all used to it. Don't take what Li Jiayu said to heart. He must have taken medicine today. Don't go crazy with him..."

A boy who was not very friendly with Li Jiayu said, but he quickly shut his mouth because he saw dark clouds outside the window appearing at an extremely fast speed!


The students in the class gathered at the window, dumbfounded as they watched the dark clouds rapidly gather and roll in. At first, they treated it purely as a rare thundercloud, but soon someone was wrong, because of the rolling speed and condensation speed of those dark clouds. Too fast, incredibly fast, like it appeared out of thin air!

In less than a minute, thunder was rolling in the sky, the sky quickly darkened, the sun was completely obscured by dark clouds, the air quickly turned cold, and the cool wind blew in waves, which was actually quite chilly.

"This... will it get dark so quickly? Are these dark clouds coming out?... Oh my God, just now Li Jiayu said that dark clouds will cover the sun in two minutes... "

Looking at the rolling black clouds, all the students were stunned. Some timid girls kept trembling their lips. By this time, they no longer dared to doubt Li Jiayu's words, or in other words, it was difficult to muster the courage to doubt...

"It's okay... It's okay. What are you worried about? Li Jiayu said that at the end of the world, there will be a power outage first, and all electrical appliances will not be usable. Look, our teachers' computers are still on, and ours are still on..."

Sun Weiwei tried to comfort people, but before she could finish her words, the teacher's computer automatically shut down with a beep, the fan stopped rotating, and all the computers in the hands of the students malfunctioned and the screen went black!

At the same time, Sun Weiwei also felt a cold energy sweeping through her body, freezing to the bone, as if her bone marrow was freezing, and her mind was like being bombarded by dozens of cannonballs. Uncomfortable, buzzing in the brain, and for just a moment, she felt as if she was dead.

Fortunately, this energy disappeared in just an instant. Sun Weiwei woke up for the first time, but cold sweat broke out on her forehead and she felt indescribably tired.

"Ah, that was just now. I felt as if I was electrocuted!"

"It's hard to breathe... I almost can't breathe, like I'm being choked."

Everyone was gasping for air as if they were separated. Some people couldn't even stand firmly and fell directly to the ground.

Some boys with weak constitutions were caused by the energy shock just now to have nosebleeds, which could not be stopped. The blood flowed all over their mouths, and even the collars on their chests were stained with dazzling blood red!

"Ah, my pants are wet... I was so scared that I couldn't control my urine..."

There are thirteen girls in the class, and five of them were so frightened that they peed just now. They peed while standing, in their white underwear, and flowed down their smooth thighs...

In front of the whole class, she was frightened and even wet her skirt and stockings. This made those girls with tender skin so ashamed that they blushed to the base of their necks and almost cried.

What's terrible is that their underwear is wet and stuck to their buttocks, which is indescribably weird. If their legs weren't weak and weak, they would have run to the toilet crying and not daring to see anyone.

However, at this time, there is actually no difference. Boys will not laugh at them, because boys' thinking is more sensitive, and an unspeakable panic spreads in their hearts...

A boy was shocked. He looked at the black screen and said with a trembling voice:

"Cosmic storm!"

"It's the cosmic storm Li Jiayu said! What just swept over our bodies was the cosmic storm, and it paralyzed all the electrical appliances..."

"It's over, I can't even turn on the backup light..."

"Everything Li Jiayu said has become true..."

Everyone looked at each other in horror!

Black clouds were billowing in the sky, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the wind was roaring and blowing, sand and rocks were flying. Looking from a distance, everything was gray.

A bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across, illuminating the vast sky and earth.
