Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 44: Grandma Rong expressed that she would also join the war


Seeing a large group of clay puppets coming towards them, no matter how crazy the female vine is, she still knows that there is something wrong with those clay puppets, so she simply gives up attacking the ghouls and mummies, and branches out dozens of magic vines to deal with them. Clay puppet.

However, the clay puppet is extremely cunning and difficult to catch. What's even more tricky is that even if the magic vine catches the clay centipede, it will be tragic, because the one-meter-long clay centipede will explode so powerfully that it can kill it all at once. All the magic vines within a radius of two to three meters were destroyed!

Not to mention the flexibility of the clay grasshopper and the clay pigeon. One is jumping erratically on the ground, and the other is flying freely in the sky. It is difficult for the magic vine to touch their sides, and at most they can only be slightly suppressed. Keep the clay grasshoppers and clay doves away from the giant eyeball.

But does Female Luo Teng think this is useful

It's still too naive!


Several ant-sized clay spiders emerged from the tiles next to the giant eyeball!

They drilled into the tiles early, drilling all the way, and finally got close to the female vine's body underground!

Seeing the clay spider burst out of the bricks, the giant eyeballs widened in anger!

The female vine unleashed a spiritual storm!

But it has no effect, because clay spiders are not living creatures, they are just puppets and have no spiritual ocean!

In the blink of an eye, the clay spider had jumped onto the giant eyeball. Its body expanded violently, and then with a "bang", a moderate explosion was produced, which was only equivalent to the power of a miniature grenade.

The female vine was not injured. It is a spiritual monster. It can use its spiritual power to create a spiritual force field on its body. A mere small explosion can't really hurt it!

However, the explosion at close range still shocked the female vine's consciousness, and her movements slowed down a beat. However, the clay pigeons in the sky and the clay grasshoppers on the ground all broke through the demon vine's defense line at the same moment, attacking in one go. Arrived next to the giant eyeball!

The next moment, all the white pigeons and grasshoppers completed their tasks and turned into a dozen deafening explosions!


Like a small bomb exploding in the pit.

With the female rosette at the center of the ground, countless concrete fragments, marble fragments, and countless smoke and dust were lifted up. The colored lights and glass doors of the ballroom were all blown away, and the entire gymnasium shook several times. It seems like it will collapse after a few more blows!

The black explosion smoke rose, but quickly disappeared under the wash of cold wind and rain. Li Jiayu saw that at the center of the explosion, the female Luo Teng fell to the ground, looking miserable!

Green blood flowed out of the huge pale eyeballs, and the retinas were blown to pieces. The whites of the eyes were blown up in several places, and the overwhelming magic vines were all lifeless, paralyzed on the ground like dead snakes!

"Okay! I didn't expect to use this move to solve the battle so easily..."

Li Jiayu coughed up blood and sneered excitedly but cruelly. There was a sense of joy in his heart that he had succeeded in a leapfrog challenge. But more than that, he felt the bitter taste of the possibility of death. He never expected that he would hit the street again so soon after his rebirth. I am really unwilling to do so.

All this is thanks to the female Luo Teng!

It must be crushed to ashes, otherwise it will have no rest in hell!

"Mummy, ghoul! Use your most cruel methods to kill the female vine, tear it apart, bite it, trample it, and devour it!"

Li Jiayu's eyes were burning, and the rage like a prehistoric evil beast, the despair and death like a bottomless abyss, were all transmitted to the mummies and ghouls, causing them to roar and let out heart-rending sounds. Roar!

Even though there were only two mummies and three ghouls left, it was enough to send the seriously injured female Luo Teng to hell!

They staggered up to the huge eyeball, waved their bloody claws, stretched out their stinking teeth from their split mouths, aimed at the eyeball and bit it down!

The green juice surged wildly, flesh and blood flew, and the huge eyeball of the blinking female Luo Teng was chewed into shape, and the pupil was also taken out by the mummy, and it was bloody!

Seeing that the female Luo Teng was about to be completely killed, suddenly, something happened that left Li Jiayu completely speechless.

I saw several cracks opening around the mummies and ghouls, pulling them all out of the world!


What's going on

Li Jiayu felt a deep sense of exhaustion in his mind. He was afraid that his mental strength was about to reach its limit and he would not be able to sustain the consumption of so many undead creatures!

Just at this moment, the seriously injured female vine glowed slightly, and the bud above the head of the huge eyeball seemed to be trembling slowly, and it was about to bloom!

Li Jiayu was shocked. He didn't know what would happen to the rhododendron after it bloomed, but if he thought about it, it would be a bad result!

"Damn, blooming at a time like this..."

Li Jiayu wanted to pick up the Hyōrinmaru on the ground, run over and stab the female Luo Tenghua Lei to death, but his injuries were too severe and he couldn't walk at all. He wanted to put his hope in the Dark Octopus, but saw that this guy was pierced all over. There were more than a dozen wounds, and he was half dead. It was hopeless.

There was no movement at all in the ballroom. I'm afraid that the female Luo Teng had previously placed a mental restraint on Ran Hongxia, and she wouldn't be able to wake up for a while. I'm afraid she couldn't expect her to come and stab the female Luo Teng to death. As for lying on the battlefield, The remaining swordsmen were either so shocked by the psychic storm that their heads exploded, or they fell into a severe coma. How could they help

If you look at it this way...

I still have to take action myself...

"The endless void, the deep cracks, even though we are separated by thousands of space barriers, we are still connected by fate..."

The song of summoning sung again, which was the spell he used to summon the dark octopus. This is a classic spell randomly summoned. It consumes the least mental power and puts the lightest load on the body. Li Jiayu It can be used at this stage, but it's hard to say what creature is summoned. It may be a hen with close to zero combat power, or it may be a skeleton knight with relatively low combat power.

In a moment, a magic circle appeared in front of Li Jiayu, and a figure vaguely emerged!

Um? It seems that you are not lucky, are you humanoid creatures? Humanoid creatures are usually more capable in combat, at least they are above the first-level intermediate level, right? Wu Novel Network has many words

However, when Li Jiayu saw this so-called humanoid creature clearly, his expression turned out to be extremely strange.

That's a man wearing a flag dress and a wooden sign on his head!

No, but he is an old man with an arrogant expression and wrinkles on his face!

She held several steel needles in her hands, each one reflecting the cold light and extremely sharp!

Li Jiayu has never seen such a strange and strange humanoid creature, holding a steel needle... Hmm, is it a banshee who is good at using hidden weapons

But this banshee is a bit too old and ugly... isn't it said that banshees are all charming and coquettish

"Ziwei, you little bitch, look at me, Auntie Rong, if I don't give you some color..."

Unexpectedly, the first words spoken by this humanoid summoned beast were such inexplicable words that left people scratching their heads. They were not so much provocative words for fighting, but rather harsh words when jealous!

This... what on earth is this

Li Jiayu has summoned thousands of otherworldly creatures, large and small, but he has never seen one who opened her mouth and said "little bitch". Isn't this banshee too uncivilized? Wu Novel Network has many words

However, when randomly summoned, the summoning rules will not give any information prompts. Li Jiayu doesn't know which plane this "banshee" is from, nor does she know how powerful she is in combat. Whether she is reliable or not!

"Excuse me, are you..." Li Jiayu coughed and asked.


Only then did the old banshee come back to her senses. Her face was drenched by the rain, and a large area of foundation melted. She looked like a female ghost seeking her life. She touched her old face and stared blankly at the strange and dilapidated buildings around her. The unbearable battlefield, the limp swordsman, corpses everywhere, and two inhuman monsters, the female vine and the dark octopus, suddenly understood that she had come to a terrible place!

"Ah! Where is this? Aren't I teaching that little bitch Ziwei a lesson? Me, that little bitch Ziwei must have used evil methods on me... Protect the queen, protect the queen! As long as I, Grandma Rong, are here, I will never do it. The Queen will be hurt to the last hair!"

The humanoid summoned beast who calls herself "Mama Rong" has a panicked look on her face and is trembling faintly, but her voice has the courage to look forward to death, and she is holding the bloody steel needle in her hand tightly!

"Sorry, I would like to ask, which plane are you from... How is your fighting ability?" Li Jiayu asked patiently.

"Who are you! Hmm, you have white hair and blue eyes. You look like a demon heretic at first glance! You must be a demon who is in cahoots with 'Huanzhugege'. If you have the ability, you can attack me, Grandma Rong." Come on! I want to see if there are evil heretics to be afraid of! Ziwei little bitch, you can’t confuse me!”

He said "evil heretic" on the left and "little bitch" on the right. Li Jiayu felt like his head was spinning. This was the first time in his life that he had summoned such an inexplicable creature. It didn't obey the command, and he couldn't even communicate. This... this really goes against the rules of summoning!

Could it be that Li Jiayu is not the master of this summoned beast named "Mama Rong"

"I don't care who you are... Anyway, I order you now to stab the female vine to death!" Li Jiayu looked a little tired, his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. He felt that his life was passing by, and he was afraid that it wouldn't be long before he could no longer maintain it. Sober.

"Who wants to listen to the orders of an evil heretic like you? Do you think you are the Queen? How can I, Nanny Rong, deal with such a terrifying monster? What if it breaks out and hurts someone?" Nanny Rong asked. He pouted.

"you… "

Li Jiayu was shocked, this summoned beast didn't listen to him!

This may

Could it be that this summoned beast is a second-level high-level one

Li Jiayu's current mental power has barely reached the second-level intermediate level after burning his soul. It stands to reason that only summoned beasts that are one level stronger than the summoner can break free from the shackles of the summoner and act without permission without obeying orders!

It is true that people should not be judged by their appearance. This Grandma Rong is not very good-looking, and her words and deeds are not like a master. Unexpectedly, she is a second-level high-level expert!

Judging from the blood dripping from the steel needle she used, I guess she must be the Queen of Steel Needles from the Abyss Plane, right? Wu Novel Network has many words
