Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 67: This is all I can do for my hometown


The hall was filled with the unique pungent smell of flames and heat waves, as well as the burning smell of carpets and curtains being set on fire, as well as the sour and bitter smell of roasted dragon lice. Smelling the air in the hall made one feel slightly stuffy. .

"It's been roasted until it's cooked. I don't know if it will affect the insect crystals in its brain..."

Li Jiayu was in a good mood, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This was a second-level low-level treasure. It was a rare good thing for Li Jiayu at this stage. Under other circumstances, he wanted to kill a flying dragon louse. It is simply impossible, because it can fly away even if it cannot be beaten, and its shell is much harder than that of a red-capped beetle. It is extremely difficult to kill it completely. Li Jiayu never dreamed that one day he would take it in such a dramatic way. To the insect crystals of flying dragon louse.

"Octopus, your extra breakfast is still warm and ready for you."

Li Jiayu silently recited a spell in his mind and summoned the dark octopus. The creature's eyes shone brightly and he immediately pounced on the head of the flying dragon louse. It wriggled its tentacles one by one and wrapped the huge worm head under its abdomen. Reach into the mouth and eye sockets of the flying dragon louse.

"Eat slowly, don't be anxious, I can wait for you patiently."

Li Jiayu sat down on the soft sofa, took out a bottle of soda from his backpack, opened the handle with a click, and started chewing it, not caring about the thirty or so people who were watching in silence. The dark octopus was trembling all over.

"Young man... you are incredible... Ahem, when I was at the Central Party School twenty years ago, I came into contact with many ruthless people from the National Security Agency. They all had unique skills, but none of them were as shocking as you... Then It’s completely beyond what science can explain.”

After a long while, the seriously ill old mayor struggled to get up. His face was sallow, but his eyes were staring at Li Jiayu with piercing eyes. A chrysanthemum-like smile bloomed on his wrinkled face, and he seemed very happy. .

"Are you also guessing that I am a member of the Celestial Dragon Group..." Li Jiayu raised his eyebrows and said slowly.

"No, bullshit Celestial Dragon Group, that's bluffing... Of course I won't. Young man, you haven't thought about it. This skill is hard-won. If you only focus on it and forget to use this skill to serve the country, People, you are really heartless and unworthy of the people of heaven." The old mayor finished speaking in one breath, and quickly covered his chest with his hands, looking like he almost lost his breath.

"You mean... let me serve the country?" Li Jiayu blinked with interest.

"No, the country just needs geniuses like you. You help me get through this difficulty. I owe you a huge favor. When the people in the military region mobilize their troops and turn on heavy weapons to kill all the bugs, I will definitely I will use the connections in Youzhou City in Kyoto to let you work hard in the National Security Bureau. Within ten years, you can become a powerful figure in the National Security Bureau, and all you need to do is to accompany me for a few days. In exchange for a lifetime of glory and wealth, why not?"

"It's boring. It's a national security issue. It's so funny." Li Jiayu interrupted the old mayor forcefully.

"Young man, the power of the National Security Bureau is beyond your imagination... Well, since you don't like to be in charge of the dark forces of China, you can change it..."

The old mayor's withered lips trembled a few times and he immediately said:

"I can let you become the actual person in power of Xijiang City within three years, take over Zetao's position as municipal party committee secretary within ten years, and enter the power center of Tiannan Province within twenty years. If you want to go to Kyoto It’s not a bad idea to develop Youzhou City…”

After speaking, the old mayor's eyes widened and he stared closely at Li Jiayu's face, paying attention to every change in Li Jiayu's expression.

"Not everyone likes to be an official..." Li Jiayu smiled half-heartedly. He didn't mind wasting a little with this old man. He really wanted to see what kind of expensive remuneration this old man could offer him - although Li Jiayu definitely He won't stay to protect the old mayor.

"Don't like being an official? Well, you are still young and don't have the allure of power. In this world, the most glorious thing is to be an official... to lead a city, to lead a country, to kill and seize, what magnificence and respect. , every decision you make will affect the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the people under your command. Your thoughts will change the city and the world. Humph, you are not interested... "

The old mayor seemed to be anxious. He coughed and raised his head with difficulty. His deeply sunken eyes looked extremely strange:

"Okay, since you're not interested... Then let's change to others. Two of my three are doing business in Yongcheng, with assets of no less than 2 billion. If you..."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in money either..." Li Jiayu smiled faintly, his clear blue eyes filled with smiles, which were indescribably touching and beautiful. Those who secretly paid attention to Li Jiayu were stunned, but for the old mayor For me, that simple smile is very hateful!

"Young man... you are not interested in power and wealth, so what about fame? Children of your age like to be famous, right? Many characters on Wuxiao.com enjoy the admiration and admiration of their peers... You just need to help me get through this... In one disaster, I can control the public opinion and make your heroic deeds sweep the country. If you are interested in the entertainment industry, I can also make you a first-rate star... "

"Oh, star, I like it so much." Li Jiayu deliberately showed an expression of surprise, which made the old mayor feel happy and muttered, finally getting rid of this young man.

"However, I heard that the entertainment industry has hidden rules and is very dirty, so I'd better avoid this. I personally like to keep a low profile and don't want to be an insect-slaying hero, so you should find something else." Seeing the old mayor relax with a smile on his face, After taking a breath, Li Jiayu gave him another blow at the right time.

Hearing Li Jiayu's words, the old mayor's face flushed. He was obviously very angry with Li Jiayu. After a while, his lips wriggled a few times and he said tiredly:

"You don't want power, wealth, or fame... All that's left is sex. But judging from your conditions, it seems that I don't need to worry about it at all..."

"Well, you are somewhat self-aware." Li Jiayu raised her eyebrows and said, "I am too lazy to tease you... I respect you as the old mayor of Xijiang City. I have made considerable contributions to Xijiang City before I am willing to talk to you so much." , but please don't overestimate it too much. In fact, you are not qualified to impose any conditions on me, because... insects are not limited to Xijiang City. Your connections are completely useless. "

"You mean, there are endless bugs in the entire heaven... and even the entire world?" The old mayor still kept a clear mind. He had vaguely guessed the answer when he saw the expression on Li Jiayu's face.

"Nonsense, do you think that Xijiang City is the only one that has fallen under the insect tide? The army has too much time to take care of itself, so how can it still have the energy to kill all the insects? If the insects don't kill humanity, it will be over." Li Jiayu stood up, The dark octopus finished its special breakfast, and it was time for Li Jiayu to pat his butt and leave.

"This... could the earth be taken over by bugs so easily? Human missiles and nuclear weapons are not for nothing!" This time, the old mayor's grandson finally couldn't help it and jumped out and shouted again.

"Oh, then just put your hope in nuclear weapons. Anyway, you think the army is omnipotent and invincible." Li Jiayu sneered.

"Young man, please don't... ahem..."

The old mayor wanted to retain Li Jiayu, but suddenly he became so angry that his already extremely bad condition worsened. He actually vomited blood while coughing. The old mayor looked at the blood stains on his palms, and the withered muscles on his face were trembling, his eyes There was a touch of despair in it.

"Old mayor, actually you still have some use value..."

Li Jiayu gently took the flying dragon insect crystal handed to him by Dark Octopus, placed it in front of his eyes to reflect the wonderful luster, then turned back and smiled at the old mayor, and suddenly took out a crystal clear oval red crystal from his backpack , walked to the old mayor in a few steps.

"Drink all the ** in this, and your illness should get better a little." He still had that extremely cold expression, but for some reason, the old mayor felt that there was a little self-deprecation on Li Jiayu's face

It was indeed self-deprecating. Li Jiayu had never thought that one day he would be of such great help to a politician who met by chance. It was very funny when he thought about it. After all, Li Jiayu had always looked down on politicians.

But, who said the old mayor was once the helmsman of Xijiang City? Who told the old mayor to have such high prestige in Xijiang City

As long as this old man is still alive, he can stabilize the people's hearts a little after the insect tide recedes, so that Xijiang City will not become chaotic like hell during the ten-day buffer period. Even if Li Jiayuming's role is not great, it cannot be done. Don't give it a try, because there is only so much he can do for his hometown of Xijiang City.

All because Li Jiayu still has a deep attachment to his hometown!

"Drink the ** from this thing?" The old mayor coughed and looked at Li Jiayu's delicate face with a pale face, and was stunned.

"Grandpa, be careful. Is that poisonous?" The boy came to cause trouble again at an inappropriate time. He blocked the old mayor with one hand, pretending to protect his grandfather.

"Zhennan, don't cause trouble... I won't survive tonight anyway, so I might as well choose this girl... ahem..."

Fortunately, the innermost "girl" of the old mayor was interrupted by a cough before he could finish speaking. Otherwise, Li Jiayu might have just slapped his butt and left with a dark face, not bothering to care about the life and death of the old mayor.

"Stay there, kid. Open your mouth."

The old man lay on his back on the sofa and opened his mouth obediently. Li Jiayu pinched the brain core with the middle finger and thumb of his left hand and placed it ten centimeters away from the old man's face. Then he crushed the sickle beetle's brain core with force, and a thick stream of * * flowed out from the brain core and slowly dripped into the old man's mouth.

Seeing the old man quietly swallowing the semen of the brain core, the municipal party committee secretary, boys and girls, lady security guards and others all fell silent and stared at Li Jiayu's jade-white fingers, while also paying attention to the change in the old man's face.

Sure enough, the old man's face soon became slightly rosy. He only felt a fire burning in his chest, and the blood all over his body rushed faster. It seemed that his body suddenly became several times more relaxed. He could even straighten up from the sofa. Sitting up!

Seeing that the old mayor had become so much healthier all of a sudden, the municipal party committee secretary and others wiped the sweat from their heads, laughed with relief or surprise, and quickly walked to the old mayor to ask questions, but there were more people Then he looked at Li Jiayu with even more surprise.

"Young man... thank you for the panacea..." The old mayor's face was full of excitement, and he respectfully handed over to Li Jiayu. He was suffering from a terminal illness and his death would be within a month or two, but he The terminal illness that I really feel is more than half cured, and even if I live for another year and a half, it won't be a problem!

What kind of elixir has such miraculous curative effects? Could it be that the red crystal is the legendary elixir

"I don't need your thanks. I only ask you to do one thing." Li Jiayu changed his previous indifference and said solemnly that in two days, most of the insects will retreat, and Xijiang City will have a ten-day safety and preparation period. At that time, you must stay to appease the people and preside over the post-disaster public security work. With your influence, the people of Xijiang City will have a slightly better life... Did you hear me clearly? Don't skip the words.

"Well, young man, the bugs will retreat in two days. How do you know that there is only a ten-day safety and preparation period?"

"I'm just asking you, do you hear me clearly? Don't skip words.

"I will dedicate myself to Xijiang City. You, Commander Shen of the Chengdong Military Region, have a long-standing friendship with me...I believe that the security work will not disappoint you..."

"It doesn't matter if you disappoint me, just don't disappoint Xijiang City! Because Xijiang City is the hometown you and I share! I want to do something for it before leaving Xijiang City. Maybe I will never have the chance to return to Xijiang City again. …”

Li Jiayu nodded, turned around suddenly, his snow-colored hair fluttering in the wind, like catkins blown by the wind. He greeted the dark octopus and quickly went down the stairs, but Li Jiayu's sweet voice could still be heard from a distance:

"Don't move around with that roasted bug. As long as it's stuck in the hall, other low-level flying bugs won't dare to attack you. Officials, just survive these two days!"

Everyone in the hall was silent for a long time. The boy and the girl wanted to chase downstairs to see Li Jiayu off, but they were held back by the municipal party committee secretary. They could only watch from the window as Li Jiayu and the dark octopus disappeared into the depths of the municipal party committee compound.

"That girl...she is from Xijiang City, so one day, I will meet her again. Then I must thank her properly." The old mayor staggered to the window and looked at Li Jiayu disappeared in the direction and said deeply.

After leaving the municipal party committee compound, Li Jiayu carefully avoided the insects and spent half an hour walking one kilometer along the alley. At this time, he had already left the north of the city, which meant that Li Jiayu had left the area hardest hit by insects. The ground can take a breath. Even though there are still many low-level insects on the road, they can no longer pose any threat to Li Jiayu!

All the way south, Li Jiayu originally wanted to summon the underworld war horses again, but thinking of the tens of thousands of flame crows in the south of the city, he had to give up. The flame crows are not that easy to deal with. What if the underworld war horses attract tens of thousands of flame crows? If you pay attention, Li Jiayu will really be in trouble, because the flame bombs sprayed by the Flame Crow are long-range attacks, which are much more powerful than the insects that can only fight hand-to-hand!

Sneaking around the alleys and eaves in the south of the city, although he occasionally encountered some monsters other than the flame crow, they were all extremely weak and low-level monsters. Li Jiayu didn't even need to take action, just the eight handles of the dark octopus. A fire ax is enough to chop those low-level monsters into pieces!

However, while traveling in the south of the city, Li Jiayu also encountered many people who dared to run out of the streets to snatch food. There was nothing he could do about it. After all, there were no dense insects in the south of the city, only tens of thousands of flame crows, and they didn't like to eat them. The people, except for the occasional fire bombs sprayed from the sky, seemed quite friendly.

Of course, the south of the city is actually very chaotic. You can tell just by looking at the many houses on fire in the south of the city...

Li Jiayu walked quickly without taking a break. He walked more than 20 kilometers in five hours and finally arrived at Anning Community in the south of the city, where his cousins live!

"This outdoor trip is really not easy... But cousins, you can rest assured. With me, Li Jiayu, your safety is definitely not a problem!"

Li Jiayu looked at the blackened door of Anning Community. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he put away the dark octopus, then strode in, turned twice, and walked up to the sixth floor of Building B. Soon he approached his cousin's sister-in-law's commercial house. Unknowingly, Li Jiayu felt a burst of excitement in his heart. He was afraid that seeing his cousin-in-law would remind him of the tragic events in his previous life, but he also hoped to see the cousin who treated him like his biological brother again. Sister-in-law.

"Huh... the door is open? There are so many people surrounding the door. What are they doing?"

Li Jiayu frowned, feeling bad in his heart. Sure enough, a familiar sobbing sound and a loud slap came from the room!

"Pa! Yan Zisu! I'm not done with you!"
