Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 69: Kneel down and die


Zuo Youjing has a high self-esteem. Her father is a junior officer at the police station. She has been mixed up with mixed society people since she was a child. When she grew up, because of her outstanding appearance, she seduced many men, and she was considered a good person in the circles in the south of the city. He is so famous that he even became the pillow of the leader of the alliance.

Although the name "Meng" sounds very domineering, it is extremely ridiculous to be strong on the outside but incompetent on the inside.

The members are just a group of ragtag organizations, several blocks away from the established underground organizations.

However, now that strange birds are rampant and social security is gone, Mengda can dominate the Anning Community with a few shotguns and fruit knives in his hands, which is extremely majestic!

Anyway, the entire Xijiang City is in such chaos, with so many people dead and so many buildings burned. Even if the strange birds and insects are driven away in the future, there won't be much evidence to threaten the alliance. It's better to take advantage of the current turmoil. Live the addiction of a local emperor!

Naturally, Zuo Youjing, who became the leader's pillow, felt that she was superior, thought that she could be tyrannical, and thought that the more than 20 people in the alliance would support her, so she was unscrupulous and arrogant, leading the minions of the alliance to run out. Dominate and prosper!

Just this morning, she had used the same method to teach two young women who had made her jealous before. One of the stubborn young women was beaten by her until her face was covered with blood and she knelt down to beg for mercy, while the other weak one was forced to agree to give her tonight. The allies slept with them... Seeing the young women who had made her extremely jealous in the past being tortured so miserably, Zuo Youjing felt waves of twisted pleasure in her heart!

The days without laws... were so wonderful, she could do whatever she wanted and torture any bitch with better conditions than her!

Now, Zuo Youjing wants to use the same method to deal with Yan Zisu. She has made up her mind to slowly torture Yan Zisu. If Yan Zisu resists fiercely, she will make up several excuses to use Yan Zisu's face to make her jealous. The beautiful face was burned with several wounds!


Everything was going very smoothly at first, but nothing happened. Suddenly, a stranger with white hair and blue eyes appeared and was meddling in his own business... No, that wasn't nosy, it was just drawing a sword to help when the road was rough!

With one slap, all five of Zuo Youjing's teeth spurted out, and he even smashed her against the wall. The pain was so painful that she almost lost her breath. Is this delicate-looking man a terrorist or a giant bear? Reincarnation, isn't it too harsh? Wu Novel Network has many words

"Tsk, this face is really tender."

Li Jiayu pinched Zuo Youjing's face hard, causing her pain. But when Li Jiayu loosened his fingers, he saw a light layer of foundation on his fingers, and couldn't help but sneer:

"You even put on makeup? Even better, I can make your death not too ugly..."

Even though he was sneering, Li Jiayu still smiled brightly, and his tone was completely gentle. People who didn't know the situation might think that Li Jiayu was confessing his love to others in a gentle voice, but the madness and violence in his pupils were like hell. The flames made Zuo Youjing, who was curled up into a ball, feel his scalp numb and his whole body trembling!

"Let go of Sister Jing! Don't think that I don't dare to beat you because you are a woman!"

The two strong men also jumped out from the crowd. When they saw Zuo Youjing curled up in the corner, moaning in the snow, their eyes bulged. One of the men was extremely fiery. He rushed to Li Jiayu in three steps and two steps, stretching out his big hands. He came out and wanted to pull Li Jiayu's hair at the back.

"Are you in a hurry to die? Don't skip the word.

Li Jiayu turned around in an instant, and a cold light flashed in the cold eyes on his side face.


Li Jiayu's left hand formed a claw and firmly grasped the strong man's wrist. Then, under the stunned gaze of the strong man, Li Jiayu stood up instantly and turned around. His toes suddenly kicked the strong man's knee, and with a strong pull of his left hand, he easily Throw the strong man to the ground.


The strong man was thrown to pieces, but before he could moan again, Li Jiayu's right hand was already pressing on the strong man's chest, and with his left hand clenching a fist, he raised it high like a heavy hammer and hit him mercilessly. The strong man's abdomen was so powerful that it made a muffled sound like hitting a sandbag!


In an instant, the strong man's eyes widened to the extreme, and the whites of his eyes seemed to burst out of their sockets, and they were also covered with bloodshot eyes!

The next moment, the strong man raised his head and vomited violently. Not only did he vomit out the chewed food, he also vomited out a large amount of blood, which flowed everywhere!

Zuo Youjing next to her watched carefully. She had never seen such a painful expression on the strong man's face. His rough facial features had been twisted into a ball, and snot and tears were pouring out!

Zuo Youjing remembered that even if this strong man was stabbed in the stomach with a watermelon knife, he didn't show his teeth, right? Wu Novel Network has many words

However, when Zuo Youjing saw that the strong man's abdomen was dented five centimeters by a fist, she understood how much pain the strong man was in!

"It's your turn to make trouble between me and her? Look, you've been taught a lesson this time, right? There are a lot of words on Wuxiao.com."

Li Jiayu didn't care whether his punch broke the strong man's penis. He stood up leisurely, patted his clothes, looked at the other strong man with tattoos and said with a smile:

"You are also with them, right? There are many words on Wuxiaowang."

The tattooed brawny man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, gritted his teeth and said:

"You... you are so unreasonable. Li Jiamin obviously owes us eight million, so it is only fair that we come here to ask for money. Look, this is Li Jiamin's IOU!"

With that said, the tattooed brawny man held up the forged IOU in his hand and looked at Li Jiayu with some palpitations.

He definitely couldn't beat Li Jiayu. He just hoped that Li Jiayu would stop meddling in other people's business, lest Li Jiayu beat him too, and look at how miserable his companion would be after being beaten until his vagina exploded.

"Oh? IOU? Show me."

Li Jiayu took the IOU with great interest, glanced at it casually, tore it into pieces, and his face darkened:

"Eight million, right? Wuxiao.com has a lot of words. I'll help him pay it back!"

"Uh...really?" The tattooed man was stunned and said in astonishment.

"Fake, such a clumsy forged signature... who can you fool? There are still 8 million. You might as well get 80 billion. Originally, I just planned to cut off your limbs and let you fend for yourself, but now it seems that you I have to die, otherwise I will be bullied by you, so just kneel down and wait for death." Li Jiayu's tone was cold, and a fierce murderous aura flashed across his eyes, like a magic weapon unsheathed, a ferocious beast After the lockdown is lifted, where is the bright smile from before

"Fart! That IOU... It's just a joke between Sister Jing and Yan Zisu. You don't have to open your mouth and shut up to kill someone, right? There are a lot of words in Wu Novel Network." A few drops of cold sweat oozed from the tattooed man's forehead, and he quietly took a few steps back.

"Then I'll make a joke to you too. You won't mind, right? There are a lot of words in Wuxiaowang." Li Jiayu took a step forward.

"You... you have great martial arts skills! I admit that I am no match for you. Today, the three of us in our alliance admit defeat! Okay? There are many words on Wuxiao.com to save three points in everything. You beat Sister Jing, you beat Ah Shui, and you also Isn’t it enough to relieve your anger? What’s more, Li Jiamin’s matter has nothing to do with you, right? Many words on Wuxiao.com are really going to make our alliance anxious... "

"Okay, okay, I don't care if your alliance is still a pig-killing alliance, the name is really rubbish... I only say one thing, kneel down and die." Li Jiayu smiled ferociously, which not only made the tattooed man feel cold all over his body, but also It gave the neighbors watching behind them goosebumps all over their bodies.

Seeing that Li Jiayu still refused to let him go, the tattooed man became anxious. He touched his butt pocket with a livid face, pulled out a dagger and protected it on his chest. He seemed to feel much safer, and then gritted his teeth and said:

"Don't push people too hard! I don't care if you are a 10th-level Taekwondo or a black belt in Karate. No matter how advanced your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. If you really push me hard, I will bleed you with one knife!"

"Dagger? Well, since you even took out the weapon... Then I can't let you be more beautiful than before. How do you think my weapon compares to yours?"

Li Jiayu smiled fiercely, burned an insect crystal, and summoned the Ice Wheel Pill, which was as cold as snow. The sword body was like a pool of spring water, emitting a dazzling light, which shone on Li Jiayu's face, making his ferocious smile even more terrifying!

In an instant, the temperature on the entire balcony dropped by more than ten degrees, and the slightest chill made everyone shiver slightly!

"Don't be so arrogant. If you have the guts, wait here!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the magic weapon, the tattooed strong man was about to suffer. No matter how slow he was, he could see that the power Li Jiayu possessed was definitely not something he could resist, so he ignored the safety of Zuo Youjing and Ah Shui, Turn around and run away. As long as the brothers from the alliance are summoned to bring shotguns, why won't that bitch just surrender and be captured

"Did I let you go? No skipping words.

Like a demon, Li Jiayu softly uttered a word, and then rushed forward like a sliding step, approaching the tattooed man in an instant. He stretched out his Hyōrin Pill like a spiritual snake in his hand, and drew two thin lines on the tattooed man's calves between the lightning and flint. Thin sword marks!


There was a muffled sound of falling, and the tattooed man fell to the ground in an awkward state. He ignored the pain of falling, but looked at his legs in shock because he felt an unbearable frost on his legs in an instant. feel!

The terrifying cold air traveled in the blood of his legs, destroying every capillary and eroding every cell in his. The huge pain almost made him suffocate!

And when he saw his legs clearly, he was even more horrified - they were frozen!

His legs... were actually covered by a thin layer of frost. The flesh of the legs under the frost was shockingly bloodless, instead reflecting the pale whiteness of a floating corpse!

"My legs! My legs are frozen... You... did you use evil magic?"

The tattooed brawny man stiffened his lower body, collapsed on the ground, and screamed miserably. His voice was extremely harsh. He pointed at Li Jiayu as if he had seen a ghost.

"Evil magic? It's magic. Don't make random guesses if you don't understand!"

Li Jiayu slowly walked up to the tattooed man and pressed the tip of Hyōrinwan against the tattooed man's throat. A bit of cold air eroded from the Adam's apple of his throat, instantly destroying the man's vocal organ and making him unable to speak again. He couldn't make any screams, he could only roar in a low voice!

"If you had just knelt down and died, I would have given you a good time... But now, just taste the feeling of every muscle being destroyed by the cold. Wash your eyes clean in the next life, not everyone can offend you! "

Li Jiayu smiled cruelly, and swung two sword lights again, breaking the tendons of the tattooed man's left and right hands. Cold air eroded from the wound, and immediately froze the tattooed man's arms into a pale white!


The tattooed man's eyes were so wide that he was about to burst out. However, with all his limbs frozen, he didn't even have the chance to roll on the ground to vent the severe pain. He could only endure the inhuman torture silently. He clearly felt it. The flesh was destroyed inch by inch under the erosion of the cold!
