Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 71: The peaceful community that mourns


Zi Su pulled Li Jiayu into the house, and Li Jiayu didn't have any objections. After all, the hundreds of flame crows outside were too difficult to deal with. He could hide if he could. There was no need to fight with them.

After entering the room, Yan Zisu quickly locked the door, pulled down the curtains, then quickly picked up the glass on the table, walked to the water dispenser, poured a glass of water into Li Jiayu's hand, and asked Li Jiayu to sit down. Next, he looked at Li Jiayu's face carefully and said in disbelief:

"Ban Yue, you will appear here? Strange birds are rampant outside, and people are often blown to death by strange birds. The north of the city is infested with insects, and there are piles of dead bodies in the east. The entire Xijiang City is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die on the streets. ... Did you escape many dangers along the way and come to reunite with your cousin-in-law? Are you not injured? There are many words on Wuxiao.com."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, cousin. This girl Ban Yue and her father are still staying in Yongcheng, and her life is not in danger for the time being..." Li Jiayu took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and then unbuttoned a button of his shirt. , patted his chest heavily, indicating that he had no breasts, and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"You see clearly... I am a man, now you have to decide who I am? There are many words on Wuxiao.com"

"You are... you are Jiayu? Is this possible?"

Yan Zisu's bright eyes looked at Li Jiayu's face in surprise, and then looked at his chest. It took him a long time to come back to his senses. He couldn't help but reach out and touch Li Jiayu's cold cheek. He could put an egg in his mouth. Got:

"You, you were living with me two days ago, why did you look like this all of a sudden? My cousin-in-law almost didn't recognize you! What happened to you in the past two days?"

"It's hard to describe. For my cousin, it's only two days... But for me, it's no less than a century... "

Li Jiayu's eyes slowly moved to Yan Zisu's eyes, with resentment, sorrow, jealousy, guilt, sadness... so many expressions flashing across his eyes, and his whole body suddenly trembled slightly. Meeting his cousin-in-law again made Li Jiayu's heart surge. The five flavors were mixed, and it was suddenly difficult to breathe.

Cousin-in-law Yan Zisu... This figure is deeply imprinted in Li Jiayu's soul. She cared deeply for Li Jiayu, pulling him from the edge of death countless times, and protecting him with her weak body countless times.

Li Jiayu clearly remembers that when he was ridiculed and beaten by the demon hunting group in Yong City, it was his cousin who came to the rescue and used her skills as a trainee water magician to fight against a large group of junior warriors. The final result can be imagined. Li Jiayu watched helplessly. The cousin-in-law was slapped several times by those damn demon hunting groups. At that time, Li Jiayu could only hide in the corner and cry silently.

The cousin-in-law did well in her demon-hunting group and was often given enough food and medicine for wounds. However, she always left most of the food to the losers Li Jiayu and Li Banyue. There were even several times when the demon-hunting group was The group wanted to go hunting together, but my cousin's sister-in-law was always absent because she had to take care of the injured Li Jiayu. As a result, she was often ridiculed by others in the demon hunting group, and several bastards from the logistics department also made things difficult for my cousin-in-law... At that time, Li Jiayu could only clench his fist tightly and let his nails dig deep into his palm, but he couldn't do it.

Later, his father was transformed into a biochemical blood corpse. Li Jiayu, who was promoted to a junior summoner, went crazy and rushed into the Yongcheng Research Institute to make a fuss. As a result, he was defeated and stepped on by a third-level mid-level berserker. Fortunately, The cousin-in-law rushed over and used all her previous connections to plead for mercy. She even knelt down and kowtowed in front of the berserker. Only then did Li Jiayu, who went crazy in the second grade, survive... At that time, Li Jiayu burst into tears, her soul was wailing, and she was swept away by self-blame, regret, and resentment. heart, but he still can't do it!

Cousin-in-law, you really don’t need to pay so much for me, a middle-aged boy who doesn’t know how to live or die. I’m just a self-righteous, stubborn, stubborn, and flawed character. Whoever comes into contact with me will be unlucky. In those days... you In fact, you should stay away from me!

Later, there was no more, because the cousin-in-law was angered by Li Jiayu's enemies and hacked to death...died on the busiest street in Yongcheng, in the eyes of thousands of survivors in Yongcheng!

If Yan Zisu had ignored Li Jiayu from the beginning to the end, she would have been promoted to a junior water magician with her good resources, and she could have used her beautiful appearance to find a guardian knight who loved her... But just because of Li Jiayu, let Not only did she lose her strength and dignity, but in the end she even lost her beauty and died.

Cousin-in-law Yan Zisu was one of the people Li Jiayu felt most guilty about in his previous life. He remembered that after he ascended the throne of the Great Summoner of Darkness, he once secretly sneaked back to Yongcheng and made a tomb for his cousin-in-law. He sat blankly beside her cousin-in-law. In front of the tomb, Li Jiayu was as silent as a stone. His tears had dried up, and Li Jiayu had no choice but to go.

Fortunately, now that I have been reborn, everything can be reshuffled. I, Li Jiayu, finally have the opportunity to compensate my cousin-in-law. Even if it costs me my life, I will never let my cousin-in-law be wronged!

However, while swearing in her heart, Li Jiayu always had a feeling... The cousin's willingness to sacrifice so much for him was out of sheer love for him, or did she regard him as a substitute for her cousin? Or... my cousin-in-law was pregnant with Li Jiayu at that time...

It doesn't matter anymore. No matter what attitude my cousin-in-law had towards Li Jiayu in her previous life, there is no need to pursue it, because in this life, you only need to cherish the present.

"Jiayu, your appearance is incredible. My cousin-in-law has always thought you were a woman just now..." Yan Zisu's eyes flashed with admiration and surprise, and fleetingly, the jade hand touching Li Jiayu's cheek moved towards her. He slid it down, caressing Li Jiayu's neck all the way, and finally stopped at his chest, pinched it, and then he was completely sure:

"Sure enough... this little body is a bit skinny, is it Jiayu's? You've been a picky eater since you were a child, but you just haven't gained weight... Hey, are you crying?"

"Cousin, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry!"

Li Jiayu called softly three times, as if she was talking in a dream. The next moment, she grabbed her cousin's beautiful hand, pulled her into his arms, hugged her tightly, rested her chin on her cousin's shoulder, and whispered softly. Choking, she couldn't control the tears in the corners of her eyes, sliding down her cold cheeks and dripping on her cousin's clothes.

Being hugged by Li Jiayu for an instant, Yan Zisu was stunned for a moment, but then she felt strangely ashamed and angry. But when she heard Li Jiayu's choking sounds, she couldn't help but soften her heart. She patted Li Jiayu's back gently and leaned towards Li Jiayu. In his ear, he said softly:

"I'm crying... I feel wronged. Just tell your cousin. She can't help you, but she can share your worries... Were you frightened by the monsters along the way, or did your daughter die from the jaws of a bug? Or maybe Is there anything more worthy of fear?"

"No, no, everything is fine... Everything is fine. I'm sorry, I just lost my temper."

Li Jiayu quickly stopped the excitement in her heart, wiped her tears awkwardly with the back of her hand, sobbed, then let go of her cousin's soft body, and said with a slight embarrassment:

"Where's my brother? Where did he go?"

"Neither do I… "

"you do not?"

Li Jiayu's heart trembled, and she stared at Yan Zisu closely. The two looked at each other for a long time, and Yan Zisu sighed quietly, with lingering sadness filling her brows:

"Before the strange bird came, your brother Jiamin was checking data in the company. He works in online games and is usually very busy. He didn't go home for lunch that day..."

"Company? Cousin, are you saying that I haven't been here for two days and may have been trapped in the company?" Li Jiayu said.

"No... no, all the colleagues in the company have escaped, but your brother is missing. The company headquarters where he is located has been bombed by strange birds and has been completely changed beyond recognition. It was burned down by fire. There is no way he can still stay. The company... As for where he is hiding, I don't know. All I can do is wait for him at home." Yan Zisu said sadly with his eyes red.

"That means... Brother, he might have encountered something unexpected?"

Li Jiayu opened her mouth, her heart tightened, and she vaguely guessed that her cousin might have died long ago, but Li Jiayu quickly frowned, shook her head and said:

"Don't worry, cousin, my brother is not a short-lived person. He will be fine... After the strange bird leaves, I will take you to find your cousin immediately!"

"No! It's too dangerous outside. I don't want to lose Jiamin and then lose you!"

"Sister-in-law, I am no longer what I used to be. Don't forget, I turned those bastards into ice cubes just now. I am not sure how to deal with those strange birds, but I still have the ability to protect myself." Li Jiayu He clenched his fists with a look of confidence on his face.

"It's different! Those strange birds are endless. With your flesh and blood body and a weird long sword, it's impossible for you to protect yourself... Jiayu, listen to your sister-in-law's advice, don't do anything stupid, wait. As soon as the strange bird leaves, we will leave Anning Community and hide elsewhere. As for whether the good people will come looking for us... let's not worry about it for now."

As soon as Yan Zisu finished speaking, there was a sound like thunder outside the community!

"Boom boom boom"

The huge roar made Yan Zisu's heart tremble. He quickly covered his ears like a frightened rabbit and huddled on the sofa. Li Jiayu remembered that this cousin, who was now a young woman, was as afraid of thunder as a girl.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

Li Jiayu comforted him, but the bombing sound outside was so loud that Yan Zisu couldn't hear what Li Jiayu was saying, and the vibration caused by the bombing sound was also very strong. The entire glass table shook with a "click", and the table The glass on the table is jumping!


There was an extremely loud explosion, which made Li Jiayu's eardrums hurt. The glass was shaken so much that it fell off the table and shattered into pieces on the ground!

"Did the flame crow hit the door... Fortunately it is an alloy security door, otherwise, this house would be in disaster."

Li Jiayu shook his head. There were too many flaming crows raging outside, and they seemed to have endless energy to bombard and destroy. Every fire bomb they sprayed was like a miniature hand grenade, with amazing power - now there are Nearly a thousand strange birds are raging around here, which is no less than a thousand bombers!

Li Jiayu walked to the window, quietly opened a corner of the curtain, and secretly checked the situation outside. Sure enough, he saw many red flaming crows flapping their wings, flying wildly in the air, circling and dancing, like red ghosts. , dragging out a red flame afterimage behind him!

They look very much like black crows, but the difference is that they are more than ten times larger than crows. Their tails have brown feathers, and the tips of their feathers are beating with beautiful crimson flames. They are extremely gorgeous and can't be said. Looks great!

However, they have extremely violent personalities. They will bombard their prey desperately when they see it. They will not stop until they blow the prey to pieces. They can be called red demons in the sky. Even though they are only low-level monsters of the first-level mid-level, they are enough to make even high-level warriors. What a headache!

"There are so many...it's really tricky. I don't know how long they will wreak havoc before they leave. If it lasts until night, then I can go out to find my cousin."

Li Jiayu murmured to himself, looking out the window. The cement road was blasted to pieces, the green plants were burnt black, the parked cars were blasted into scrap metal, and the hard basketball hoop was blasted to the point of creaking and crumbling...

From time to time, the cries and screams of the neighbors can be faintly heard.

But at this moment, he noticed a few figures emerging from the bottom of the community. Obviously, these people were neighbors living on the first floor. Their room was invaded by the flame crows and they had to run out, but they had not taken a few steps. , were targeted by the flame crows in the sky, and they were bombed collectively. Dozens of round flame bombs detonated on them, and their flesh and blood immediately exploded all over the sky, and the buildings were everywhere. It was extremely miserable!


The Flame Crow likes human flesh that has been fried to pieces and scorched. They rush down one by one to share the freshly made human flesh pizza.

Not only the people below the community suffered, but even Yan Zisu's neighbor on the left side of the building was bombed by the flame crows. Then three flame crows circled and rushed in, rushed into the neighbor's living room, and then blew it up. The computer, home theater, and refrigerator in the living room were destroyed wantonly, and the entire living room was blown up beyond recognition. There were flames everywhere, and the white walls were scorched black. The family of five in the room could only hide together and tremble. , but in the end he was still blown up by Flame Crow's flame bombs. His brains, intestines, and internal organs were splashed all over the walls and vagina, and there were even several severed arms hanging together on hangers!

Apparently, the five members of this family were holding hands before they died...

Although there were not many flame crows that broke into the house and destroyed it, thirty or forty families were affected, and human tragedies were staged everywhere!

"Ah, mom, a strange bird has come in!"

"Xiaofang, open the door and escape!"

"Please don't blow up my child, come at me if you can!"

"Grandpa, hide under the bed!"

", chopper, give me the chopper!"

"It's over, it's over! We're dead!"

"Oh, my legs! Li Ming! Don't leave! For the sake of our classmates of more than ten years, drag me away too... You ungrateful beast, sooner or later you will be blown up by a strange bird!"

"What a sin... My old woman has gone through so many hardships in her life and lived to be ninety-nine... I didn't expect that the day before her 100th birthday..."

"Aya! Cheer up! Don't die! The strange bird is gone... It's gone. We are safe. I don't want you to die. Cheer up. I'll blow up half of my body. You won't die." , absolutely not..."

A series of extremely sad cries were sung in the small peaceful community, and the billowing black clouds in the sky were as heavy as thick ink, which was indescribably weird!
