Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 87: Octopus with silk thread... a powerful human shield



It's hard to imagine that something like an octopus could make a strange cry like a wolf's roar, but the scream was as shrill and harsh as a thunderbolt from the blue. The sound waves were almost visible to the naked eye, and the dust in the chemical plant was blown up. It even made Li Jiayu and Platycodon feel depressed.

In Li Jiayu's eyes, the image of the dark octopus is very shrunken, and the things it does are also quite shameless, so he always thought that the dark octopus does not have any domineering power, but when he saw the dark octopus covered with plasma and raising its head and roaring , he was really a little surprised, because the evolution of the dark octopus is really majestic.

Its body expands like blowing air, but then shrinks and shrinks. Repeatedly, the muscles are constantly twisting under the wretched body.

The tentacles are constantly rolling and waving, stretching and contracting, and viscous red fluid is flowing out under the stimulation of plasma.

Those suckers as big as steamed buns gradually expanded and intertwined, becoming more dense and powerful.

Its eyes have also changed, from the original black to a pale green, like a fist-sized opal, exuding a ghostly and evil aura. The appearance of its head has not changed, but its mouth has become more... Broad, the originally small teeth turned into cold fangs one by one, exposed outside the lips, looking quite ferocious.

As for the changes in its whole body, it is nothing more than its fragile and soft muscles. In the past, the muscles of the dark octopus were extremely fragile, not much better than human flesh and blood, and were often bruised by monsters. But this time it evolved. The surface of the skin rises and falls, like waves rolling and inflating under the epidermis. Li Jiayu can vaguely see that its surface is covered with looming fish scales.

Fish scales

The dark octopus actually grows looming fish scales? This is really unbelievable. In addition to having the blood of a tentacle monster, it can also roar like a wolf and even grow fish scales. God, how many unknown bloodlines are hidden in it

Time passed very long, and Li Jiayu had to be vigilant all the time. Although he was happy that the dark octopus had evolved, the dark octopus seemed to be beyond the scope of his knowledge. Now he was worried that after the dark octopus evolved, his mind would change drastically. From a humble and honest little idiot to a brutal killing machine.

After all, it is difficult for Li Jiayu to completely control a second-level low-level creature, let alone a mutated summoned beast like the Dark Octopus. The probability of it escaping from control is nearly 30%.

Fortunately, about ten minutes later, the dark octopus completely completed its evolution. The cement floor where it was located had already been destroyed by the rolling plasma, creating a small pit. The air was still full of electric ions, and it made crackling sounds. , but the idiot Dark Octopus immediately waved his tentacles and ran happily to Yan Zisu, showing his hospitality. His bright giant eyes were still full of the familiar dullness that Li Jiayu was as before.

"Sister Yan... The octopus has evolved... I feel comfortable all over... Look at the octopus's new image... Is it handsome or not..." The dark octopus shook its eyes excitedly.

"Handsome, he looks much more powerful." Yan Zisu said with a smile. She also liked the dark octopus as a pet. After all, compared to cats and dogs, it was not only more reliable in combat, but also could talk to please people.

"Then do you think the octopus is cool..." The dark octopus was proud, the corners of its eyes were shining, and its fangs actually made a "ding" sound.

"Cool, much cooler than lions and tigers. If you go to the zoo, the title of King of Beasts will be yours..." Yan Zisu covered her lips and chuckled.

"Then do you think... can the octopus be suspended? The octopus is two meters tall and weighs one ton... Sister Yan, do you think... can the octopus explode with its tentacles... the chrysanthemum of a red-topped beetle..." The dark octopus got carried away.

"Very cool... huh? Chrysanthemum... I can't guess this..." The smile on Yan Zisu's face froze.

"Octopus, shut your stinky mouth. Don't be complacent just because your strength has increased. If you dare to talk nonsense in front of your cousin, I won't deal with you." Li Jiayu was also made to swallow by the dark octopus. It was obvious that this guy was watching He looks so majestic, but his words are even more obscene than before, which really brings shame to his master.

Vulgar nouns like chrysanthemum would make sense if used on beautiful women, but if used on red-capped beetles, they would really make people vomit.

Having said that, the current image of the Dark Octopus is really good. Its skin used to be pink, but now it has turned black and red, with a faint metallic luster. It looks very metallic. The black and red tentacles on the front are , like complex black runes carved on red gemstones, indescribably beautiful.

Although this image cannot be said to be very attractive, it can still be regarded as domineering, especially because its suckers have become smaller and denser, not as thick as before, and it does not look too disgusting. It is conceivable that it will return to Xijiang It will definitely become more popular after college, and those girls will be surprised and love it even more - hey, no wonder it is so happy, it turns out that this is the reason.

Of course, as Li Jiayu expected, the image of the dark octopus changed drastically, but his intelligence still did not improve at all. He was still like a two or three-year-old child, stupid and stupid, always saying some funny stupid things.

"Master, the octopus has become very strong... Look at the octopus's sucker... it can easily crush pebbles..."

The dark octopus squawked, rolled up a wooden box next to it, and exploded the wooden box with a click. The suction cup contracted violently, compressing the wooden block and twisting it, and the contact area shrunk a full four times.

"Okay, okay, I know you're good, okay? I'll leave the next battle to you." Li Jiayu rolled his eyes.

"Yeah... the octopus will protect all... the beautiful sisters..." The dark octopus danced happily. Compared with the improvement in strength, it was more happy that it could protect more beauties in the future. However, it was happy for a few times, and Li Jiayu brought him again. Get into the squad and head towards the warehouse.

Why go back to the warehouse

Because there is still a toad's body there, the second-level crystal core must not be wasted. Although they are still worried about the abyss crack in the warehouse, Li Jiayu's team's combat capability has become much stronger. Even if they encounter two more frost toads, There is no need to be as embarrassed as before.

When I returned to the iron bridge, I saw blood and broken bones on the ground. I guess most of those part-time workers had been eaten by frost toads. Judging from the footprints, there should be one or two temporary workers who survived. However, they were all frightened and fled the dangerous area in the rain.

"Jikyong, are you pitying those temporary workers..." Li Jiayu couldn't help but asked when he saw that Qikyong was silent and chanting **.

"They were implicated by us..." Kikyo felt a little sad. Indeed, she was a powerful witch who killed monsters and was used to seeing the world. But no matter what, she was still young and couldn't be hard-hearted. She couldn't kill like Li Jiayu. Cut decisively.

"You don't need to blame yourself. Life and death are your destiny. There will be more killings in this world than you think. If you blame yourself all day long, you will get mentally ill sooner or later... What's more, your mission in this world is just to surround me. The situation has changed, I don't allow you to be too compassionate, do you hear me?" Li Jiayu adjusted his collar, his coat was still wet, and it felt a little uncomfortable when it stuck to his body.


Kikyo nodded perfunctorily and remained silent. She was considered a heroine who fought in all directions. Naturally, she knew that excessive compassion would only harm others and herself, but killing innocent people for no reason was still a bit difficult for her to accept.

Li Jiayu shook his head. He knew that Platycodon, like most ordinary people, would have difficulty adapting to the cold world of the end of the world for a while, but he was not in a hurry to let Platycodon adjust her mentality. Anyway, he had plenty of time, and it would not be too late to train her slowly in the future.

Walking on the wet muddy path, Li Jiayu's team finally returned to the warehouse, only to find that the door of the warehouse had been squeezed open by frost toads. It was dark inside without any light, making people feel uneasy like a beast in the night.

Li Jiayu frowned and tensed his body, while Platycodon prepared his bow and arrow, held his breath, and stepped into the warehouse step by step. The air was filled with a strange stench and an indescribable chill.

There was no danger. After entering the warehouse, there was no attack from the frost toad again. Only the corpse of the toad that was killed first was lying quietly next to the door. However, Li Jiayu was still very worried and picked up the discarded backpack. He took out a few bug eyes from inside, then lit them with a lighter, raising a dazzling flame. With the light of the fire, Li Jiayu cautiously entered the depths of the warehouse.

"Sure enough... abyss cracks... abyss cracks visible to the naked eye are very rare..."

Li Jiayu looked at the slender space crack in front of him, shaking like smoke and dust, with cold eyes. It was this abyss crack, which appeared so stubbornly in this remote abandoned warehouse. The toads that jumped out of it almost caused him to be annihilated. .

The space crack has begun to weaken, shrinking significantly, but it still ripples like water ripples. Obviously, monsters will pop out of the space crack before it disappears. Li Jiayu smiled coldly and told Platycodon to prepare for the "strong wind" "Arrow", in less than two minutes, a toad really popped up, but it was greeted by a violent arrow full of destructive power.

Easily, relying on the right time and place, the fifth toad was completely killed, and the space crack completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Next, the dark octopus took out two ice crystal cores, and Li Jiayu signed the contract again without any courtesy.

A first-level high-level summoner can sign five or six contracts. Li Jiayu is a strange existence, which is difficult to calculate using common sense. In fact, he does not know what happened to him, but no matter how strange he is, at this stage, he can The contracts signed were not many, only ten.

Dark Octopus, Hyōrinmaru, Ghoul, Mummy, Underworld War Horse, Clay Bomb, Fallen Angel, Platycodon, Mutated Fire Element, of course, Grandma Rong is not included... If you add it all up, there are nine, that is to say , Li Jiayu only has one contract position left.

Not knowing what type the last summoned beast will be, Li Jiayu is vaguely looking forward to it. He currently lacks a lot of summoned beasts of various professions, but the most lacking thing at the moment is human shields.

Without a strong human shield to fight monsters in front, you will be very passive.
