Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 89: My cousin-in-law is widowed...with a frozen heart


"No... this is impossible..."

Li Jiayu's face changed slightly, and a bad premonition surged in her heart.

Seeing Li Jiayu stop immediately, with an extremely ugly expression on his face, Yan Zisu couldn't help but turn around and said suspiciously:

"Jiayu, is something wrong..."

"No, it's okay..."

Li Jiayu shook his head, feeling depressed. He did not dare to tell Yan Zisu his guess. In fact, he was also very uneasy, hoping that it was just the devil dog.

But he also said that was simply a luxury hope. The devil dog's nose was sensitive enough, and the chance of doing it was close to zero.

Okay... maybe my cousin was just bitten on one arm by the demon wolf. Maybe my cousin is not here, but escaped to another place...

It should be like this... It should be, but as Li Jiayu's team gradually approached, the devil dog once again told Li Jiayu a bad news

The cousin's breath... came from the mouths of more than a dozen demon wolves

More than a dozen

If there were only one, Li Jiayu could hope that his cousin's hand would be bitten off, but if there were more than a dozen, there was no need to place any hope.

Although she really didn't want to accept that fact, Li Jiayu was deeply -

My cousin was divided and eaten by more than a dozen demon wolves, and even his body was gone.


There was a loud bang in Li Jiayu's head, as if his head was hit by a heavy hammer, and the world was spinning. He wanted to rush forward and kill all the demon wolves, but his legs seemed to be filled with lead and couldn't move an inch. He didn't know how to face Yan Zisu.

"Jiayu, you stopped again..."

Yan Zisu was thinking about finding him, so she was naturally very anxious. She wanted to go to him right away, rub elbows with him, and talk about the pain of lovesickness. But now Li Jiayu was walking around again and again, her expression unnatural, she felt strange at first, but Soon he looked into Li Jiayu's eyes, his long eyelashes trembling, as if he understood.

There was a shadow cast over her heart, and her breathing was not smooth. She opened her lips and said hesitantly:

"Is there any other situation? Didn't you say...those demon wolves are easy to deal with? Wait, go to the nightclub to find him..."

Yan Zisu's voice was trembling, but she still maintained a slight smile on her face.

"The devil wolf is easy to deal with, but..."

Li Jiayu's chest felt uncomfortable. He opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start. He was afraid that if he said it, Yan Zisu would not be able to bear the heavy blow.

It is true that the cousins are very good to each other and share the same affection, but because Yan Zisu paid so much for him in the previous life, Li Jiayu's feelings for Yan Zisu are much stronger than those of his cousin. He does not want to see Yan Zisu feel sad, because He knew very well that hurt to the soul was far more heartbreaking than physical hurt.

No matter how painful the physical injury is, it will only last for half a month, but the injury in the heart will sometimes hurt for half a lifetime.

"But? Do you have a new one?"

Seeing Li Jiayu's worried look, Yan Zisu's pupils tightened, and a trace of fear flashed in her beautiful eyes. She vaguely guessed something, but she was very unwilling to do so. In desperation, she unconsciously hypnotized:

"Are you worried about Jiamin? Jiamin? Didn't you say that his aura is in front... He must be hiding well in the nightclub, right? There are many words on Wuxiaowu.com. Maybe you and Kikyo have exterminated those demons Wolf, the good people will rush out from the door to reunite with us."

"Well, cousin, if..."

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear it."

Yan Zisu's body trembled slightly and she parked her bicycle on the side of the road. Her smile suddenly bloomed like a spring flower. She stared at Li Jiayu and said softly:

"I can't wait, I want to see Jiamin within ten minutes... Can you satisfy my sister-in-law's request? Don't skip the word.

"Can… "

Li Jiayu nodded silently. He didn't like to be sloppy, and he didn't like to lie to his relatives. Facing a powerful enemy, he had all kinds of means, but he was at a loss as to how to minimize the blow that Yan Zisu would bear. At this moment, he could only nod. What else can be done

Can you calmly say to Yan Zisu, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law, please be a widow in the future."

Li Jiayu couldn't say such words. He still vaguely remembered that when he was fourteen years old, he attended his cousin's wedding and saw Yan Zisu for the first time in a snow-white wedding dress. She stood with her handsome and tall cousin. , they are simply a match made in heaven. He just feels that there is no more suitable lover in this world.

However, who could have imagined that four years later, the couple would be separated from each other, and Yan Zisu would be permanently widowed and become a widow, unable to find the warm and strong arms of a man again.

Widowhood... This is really an unpleasant term.

Li Jiayu shook his head and silently led the team to the nightclub a hundred meters away. But before he walked a few steps, Li Jiayu suddenly saw several windows opened on the second floor of the nightclub, and then several men and women climbed up. The window sill.

No, not climbing up, but being pushed up

Li Jiayu's eyesight was very good. He could see the men and women crying profusely, with tears and snot smeared on their faces. Their expressions were extremely panicked. They turned around frequently to beg, but the people behind them did not react at all.

Seeing this scene, Yan Zisu didn't react, but Li Jiayu and Platycodon at the same time understood that those men and women at the window were probably taking the initiative to give food to the demon wolf.

"No, Boss Jiang, please let me go. I have worked in your territory for five full years. I have attracted so much business for you and helped you swindle so many rich people. Even if I have no credit, I still have hard work. You He was willing to push me out..." A haggard looking man with messy hair, despair and horror written on his face, his hands tied with ropes, like a poor lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Why did you choose me, you bastards, just because you don't like me? Jiang Zhe, I will fight with you after all. When you were beaten severely, if I hadn't wiped your ass for you, you would have been jailed. "Jiang Zhe, you bastard grandson, you turn your back on me and don't recognize anyone. You use me as food. I will not let you go even if I am a ghost." A fat man in a suit with sloppy clothes flushed with excitement. His massive belly was shaking with rage and fear.

"Lao Jiang... you don't even want me anymore? I've been sleeping with you for thirty years." A middle-aged lady who still had the charm, sat on the edge of the bed in despair, with tears streaming down her face and her heart broken.

She never imagined that her best friend, who was always so submissive to her, would take the initiative to push her out. She cried so hard that she couldn't breathe. She didn't dare to believe that this was true. She still remembered that when she married Jiang Zhe thirty years ago, he He was broke, but he told her that he would love her for the rest of his life.

But why would he be so cruel and push his married wife into the wolf's mouth

"It's useless no matter how much you argue... People will die anyway. It depends on whether the death is worth it. I'll use you to fill the belly of the strange wolf. We, the people, can be temporarily safe for six hours. Don't you think it's great? ? does not skip words.

The middle-aged man named Jiang Zhe has half-white hair and a tired look on his brows, but his eyes are still sharp. He wears a meticulous suit and has a calm temperament. There is also a faint cruelty of a gangster. To achieve his goal, he can play hard.

He is the owner of this nightclub, and he is also considered a figure in Xijiang City. He accepts both black and white. After a while, he has become famous and has many die-hard subordinates.

It was about four o'clock when the doomsday came. Although it was not yet evening, Jiang Zhe had already made appointments with many old people to prepare dinner at the nightclub, and because the environment here was very pleasant, people who came to visit nearby also There were not a few, so when the strange wolf appeared, people nearby also ran into the nightclub to take refuge. There were nearly 80 evacuees in the nightclub at that time.

But now, there are only more than thirty survivors left. The others have already entered the mouth of the demon wolf and turned into rotten flesh, with no bones left.

Jiang Zhe is a very reserved person and is also afraid of death. He has more than a dozen men who have followed him in the nightclub for many years. They are very loyal and capable of fighting. With these men, Jiang Zhe is in charge of all the survivors. The power of life and death.

Even though the door of the nightclub is made of alloy steel and is very strong, the wall is not strong at all. The demon wolves below will leave deep holes in the wall with just one claw. If they are allowed to tear it down, it will definitely He will tear down the wall and break into the nightclub, and everyone will die by then

So Jiang Zhe came up with a way, which was to fill the demon wolf's belly with meat from the kitchen. Maybe the demon wolf would not be restless after it was full.

In fact, this crazy method really worked. After the demon wolves were full of pork and steak, they became much more honest. However, the pork, steak, chicken and duck were quickly consumed, and they began to attack the nightclub crazily, and even some A demonic wolf jumped so high that it jumped into the second floor, where it bit more than a dozen people before being shot to death by two officers with more than a dozen bullets.

Jiang Zhe became anxious and simply ordered his men to throw down the corpses of more than a dozen deceased people. Sure enough, the demon wolves stopped attacking and began to chew the corpses silently. After eating, they lay down lazily on the ground to rest until they were hungry. Only then will they continue to be restless.

As a result, Jiang Zhe came up with an even crazier way to fill the belly of the demon wolf with human flesh.

This method is simply crazy, but it is also a helpless move. We can't let everyone be punished at the same time, right? Many people on Wuxiao.com agreed with this method, but when it came to choosing who would be the meat and bread, everyone hesitated because no one wanted to die.

Jiang Zhe has absolute authority and power, so it is entirely up to him to choose who to feed the wolves. In the past two days, more than 40 people have been consumed, most of them are Taiwanese, guests, and tourists, but the remaining survivors Everyone was already in danger, and even his subordinates began to disobey the management. In desperation, Jiang Zhe had no choice but to make a big bet and put his men on the line.

Although he was reluctant to push for death, Jiang Zhe had no choice but to do so. He and his men still had hope in their hearts. Maybe if they persisted a little longer, the dozens of demon wolves would get tired of this place... Or maybe, in the eastern suburbs of the city, The army came and wiped out all the demon wolves

"Okay... push them down."

Jiang Zhe waved his hand, and his men rushed over and pushed all five people down to the second floor.

The second floor was not high from the ground. Those five people would definitely not fall to death. They only suffered some superficial injuries. However, they all screamed in despair, and their faces were twisted with extreme fear. They, how many times would they be killed? The ten demon wolves gnawed into pieces of meat and died in Ling Chi.


Dozens of demon wolves were pitch black, stepping on soft white wolf hooves, making very strange wolf roars, and approaching the new meat step by step. They are abyss creatures, different from the wolves on the earth, they are very strange. They are easy to satisfy, as long as you give them enough food, they will appear very happy.

The wolf king, which was as big as a bull, was covered with dark hair and looked majestic. The single horn on its head flashed with green poisonous light. It couldn't wait to pounce forward, pressing down on the fat man with a big belly. On the director's body, he bit off his neck in one bite and blood spurted everywhere.


The other four "meat grains" were horrified. They watched dozens of demon wolves gradually approaching and closed their eyes tremblingly.


A wolf roar suddenly sounded in their ears, but this time the wolf roar did not have the same momentum as before. Instead, it sounded like a groan of pain. When the four meat grains opened their eyes, they saw the corpses of three demon wolves lying on the ground, with blood and Offal is spread all over the floor

All this happened so suddenly. The demon wolf, which was difficult to kill even with a pistol, actually killed three of them at once

Not only were the four meatheads looking not far away in shock, but even the thugs who were lying on the window edge to check the situation had their eyes widened in astonishment.

But more than eighty meters away from the side of the nightclub, there was a Japanese woman holding a bow and arrow standing.

Due to the angle just now, no one noticed that there was a Japanese woman there, nor did they expect that a super master who could kill wolves as well as dogs would suddenly appear.

No, it’s not just a Japanese woman, there is also a beautiful woman, a white-haired young man whose gender cannot be determined, and even an octopus-shaped monster. The most incredible thing is that there is a woman next to the white-haired young man. , and surprisingly there was a large ball of strange-shaped flames

That ball of flame was actually suspended in mid-air, with a head and arms. It was extremely weird.

Before anyone could make too many guesses about the appearance of such a strange team, the Japanese witch nocked her bow and arrow again, and the white-haired young man led the octopus monster and quickly rushed towards the wolves.

As for the attack of that ball of flame, it is really amazing. It crossed its hands and suddenly sprayed out three blazing fireballs from the innermost part. The red light roared and spanned tens of meters in an instant. It was a bit inaccurate. , but also hit two demon wolves, which instantly caused the demon wolves to wail and wail, and instantly turned into charred corpses.


It was so strong. In the blink of an eye, five demon wolves were killed instantly. This made everyone dumbfounded - those demon wolves were thick-skinned and extremely agile. They were not imprisoned in the market. The chickens and dogs were waiting to be slaughtered, but the people in that team actually killed them at will, just like chopping melons and vegetables. Everyone couldn't believe it and suspected that they were dreaming.


The wolf king who bit off the fat director's neck was furious, and every hair stood on end, like a sharp steel needle. It roared, dropped the human head in its mouth, and rushed towards the small team like the wind, one wolf leading the way. , the speed of the demon wolf behind is far less than that of the wolf king

In just one and a half seconds, the Wolf King had already exchanged hand-to-hand combat with the charging Li Jiayu.

However, the first thing it faced was Platycodon's wind arrow. The Wolf King's spiritual sense was sharp and he rolled suddenly, barely avoiding it, but what greeted it was the Dark Octopus.


The tentacles of the dark octopus wrapped around the Wolf King, and red light flashed all over its body, and plasma flowed, immediately electrocuting the Wolf King to paralysis and suffering.


Suddenly, a gorgeous sword light seemed to cut through the void, carrying colorful snowflakes, from extremely still to extremely moving, as if infinite electric light folded together, and went straight to the Wolf King's nostrils at a speed that was difficult for the human eye to discern.

At this moment, the Wolf King was controlled and could not move at all. He could only widen his wolf eyes, and the sharp sword was stabbed into his nose and out of his brain.

Li Jiayu withdrew Hyōrinmaru with cold eyes. Due to the excessive movement, his snow-white hair fell down, almost covering his eyes.

"As expected, it's you who has the strongest aura on your body..."

No one could hear Li Jiayu's soft words, but those in the nightclub all stared at Li Jiayu, astonished beyond measure.
