Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 99: The sound of wind chimes...the beginning of a great era!


"Stop joking...get out of my way"

Feeling Li Jiayu's breath hitting her earlobes, Platycodon felt a tingling sensation. She couldn't tell how uncomfortable it was, but the strange feeling made her feel at a loss.

"Shh... don't make any noise."

Li Jiayu said softly, and moved his fingers, rubbing on Platycodon's smooth and elastic lower abdomen as if it were tickling, which immediately made Platycodon tremble all over and his breathing began to become messy.

"If you dare to mess around again... I'll kill you."

Platycodon's breasts made her sweater bulge. Now because of her anger, the pair of little white rabbits were rising and falling with their messy breathing. Li Jiayu, who was hugging her behind her, could see clearly that the slightly open collar revealed A small half of the light, although the light was too dark to see deeper, Li Jiayu could still see that Platycodon was not wearing a bra.

This is also a helpless thing. After all, Yan Zisu's bust is a bit bigger than that of Platycodon. There is no underwear suitable for Platycodon. Moreover, it is very late tonight, so she simply doesn't wear any.

"I am your master, and I am stronger than you. You can't kill me... Hey, I said you are so stubborn. You will die if you cooperate obediently for one night. I won't bother you tomorrow night..." Li Jiayu was a little confused. He was angry. He rarely asked for help, but now he lowered his face and tried to persuade Kikyo nicely, but she was always against him

Although the girl's family must be reserved and pure, and the witch of light must remain holy, she will become private property within a month, and it's just a hug. What's the big deal? You won't get pregnant, so saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

From Li Jiayu's point of view, of course he is not that big, and with his character he would not think of doing it, but from Platycodon's point of view, Li Jiayu is a heinous gangster, and she now wants to kill Li Jiayu.

"It won't work tonight, get out of here." Kikyo could clearly feel that Li Jiayu's heartbeat was heavy and powerful, banging against her back, and the temperature on Li Jiayu's chest gradually became hot, and her body temperature spread through her clothes. Passed on to Platycodon.

"I don't care..." Li Jiayu's fingers were gently rubbing on Platycodon's lower abdomen, and suddenly they encountered a small depression, which was Platycodon's belly, so she pressed her fingers in and started teasing it like a mischievous thing.

"Ah, get out of my way... did you hear me?" If it was just the lower abdomen that was touched, it would not have happened. At least it was still within the tolerance range of Platycodon grandiflorum, but the belly button is too hidden. That kind of place can make strangers Men touch randomly

"Go away with one bite and kill me with the other. Is this your attitude towards the master? If you speak harshly to me again, you will regret it even in your intestines. Believe it or not?" Li Jiayu felt a sense of pleasure in his heart. Today he was Platycodon was very unhappy, and now seeing Platycodon shrivelled under his hands, like a lamb being slaughtered, Li Jiayu unscrupulously smiled like a devil.

"I also warn you for the last time, I will really kill you in the morning." Kikyo felt that Li Jiayu's fingers were too annoying.

"You still dare to threaten me? Let me give you some clues..." As he said that, Li Jiayu's fingers slowly squeezed open the belt of Platycodon platycodon and got in hotly.

"You..." Kikyo didn't expect that Li Jiayu actually dared to attack, and was stunned for a moment. Then her beautiful eyebrows stood up, mixed with shame and anger, and an unprecedented anger surged in her heart. It actually made her neck free from the shackles and could be turned. He turned his head and glared at Li Jiayu fiercely, with such murderous intent that he wanted to tear Li Jiayu into pieces.

"Ha, I'm just kidding. It's just a small punishment. Let's see how nervous you are..." Li Jiayu's fingers only penetrated a centimeter deep into Platycodon's pants, and then he jerked immediately. Fortunately, he woke up early to this crazy move. If he really touched Platycodon's sensitive parts, he would really fight to the death.

Platycodon couldn't help but bit her lip slightly, and looked at Li Jiayu unwillingly under the firelight. The anger in her eyes seemed to swallow up Li Jiayu.

The two hugged each other quietly and looked at each other quietly for more than ten minutes in the blink of an eye. Yan Zisu was so sleepy that she was about to fall asleep, so she reminded Jiayu, "Can't you?" "

"Well, Kikyo is too tired tonight. I'm going to give her a massage to relieve her fatigue." Li Jiayu said righteously.

"It would be best if you know how to care about Platycodon platycodon... Platycodon, Jiayu, a kid with a cold face and a warm heart, is actually very difficult to get along with."

Yan Zisu's words were as exciting as thunder in Platycodon's ears. How could Li Jiayu be so easy to get along with? If she was easy to get along with, he wouldn't come here in the middle of the night to be frivolous with her.

For some reason, Li Jiayu felt that this moment was very exciting. Being in front of his cousin-in-law, with Platycodon grandiflorum in his arms, he felt an electric shock in his heart, especially when he heard that his cousin-in-law wanted him to Taking good care of Platycodon made him even more moved. He leaned into Platycodon's hair and touched the tip of his nose behind Platycodon's ears, sparking passion.

"Sister Zisu... Li Jiayu... um..."

Kikyo couldn't bear it any longer. Li Jiayu went too far, not only hugging her, but even touching her everywhere. Especially when he unscrupulously put his nose between her hair and breathed in her body fragrance. It was so embarrassing that she was afraid that if things continued like this, things would happen that she couldn't even imagine.

Therefore, Kikyo had no choice but to play her last trump card. She no longer lowered her voice and reported Li Jiayu's actions to Yan Zisu in an upright and dignified manner... He covered his mouth and could only make a whimpering sound.

"...I'm going to take Kikyo to rest first. Sister-in-law, go to bed soon. She has to get up early..."

After saying that, Li Jiayu got out of bed, held Platycodon in his arms, and then walked out of the bedroom cautiously.

The dark octopus in the hall saw Li Jiayu holding Platycodon grandiflorum, and its giant copper bell eyes immediately glowed. It seemed to be stupid, humming and waving its tentacles, as if to cheer Li Jiayu up. It did not expect that its owner would be like this. Mighty and domineering, this morning he kept saying that he was not close to women, but tonight he took down Platycodon so quickly.

Li Jiayu ignored the dark octopus, walked into his room magnificently, put Platycodon on his chest, and then closed the door. There was no bug-eye candlelight in his room, it was very dark. Although he could not see his fingers, he could only I can only see the figure clearly.

"You... what do you want to do by bringing me here?" Platycodon was lying on Li Jiayu's bed, panicking. Things had progressed to this point. She was really worried that Li Jiayu would really do that kind of thing.

"No, as I said, I'm just sleeping with you. Don't worry, I really won't touch your body again, but the premise is that you cooperate with me and don't make me angry." Li Jiayu sat on the table Beside the bed, he took off his riding boots, riding clothes, and trousers with a rustle. He hadn't gotten into this soft quilt for six years. Li Jiayu missed this soft and warm quilt very much. I wanted to sleep well for the last time, so I took off my clothes.

However, when Kikyo heard the sound of Li Jiayu taking off her clothes, she felt even more panicked. Like a huge whirlpool in the deep sea, her heart was surging. She fully thought that Li Jiayu was really going to do such an animal thing.

"It seems... you are determined to humiliate me. Even if I beg you again, it will be useless... You have an extraordinary appearance, but your heart makes me despise you... "

Platycodon seemed to be mentally prepared, and her voice sounded calm, preventing Li Jiayu from knowing her fear and panic.

"Hey, are you talking about something incomprehensible? Stop being so sentimental. Even if I, Li Jiayu, have no taste, I won't be interested in you, who is as cold as an iceberg. You'd better save your energy and don't put too much pressure on me."

Li Jiayu laughed, got into the long-lost plush quilt, and then held Platycodon in his arms, facing her face to face. Li Jiayu could clearly feel Platycodon's hair pouring onto him, smooth and smooth. It's a nice touch.

Platycodon grandiflorum's delicate body was very stiff, but gradually it became hot. She didn't say a word, but she exhaled like blue, and a delicate fragrance penetrated into Li Jiayu's nose, which made people intoxicated.

Platycodon pressed against Li Jiayu's body, and her breasts were inevitably close to Li Jiayu's. They were plump, soft, and extremely elastic. Even through her clothes, Li Jiayu could clearly feel the alluring elasticity and pink cherries.

"Jikyong, can I tell you something? Don't skip the words." In the darkness, Li Jiayu suddenly said.

"..." Kikyo said nothing. At this time, what else could she say

"It's okay not to answer... You just need to be my audience. Anyway, you are mine, and you don't belong to this world. It's best for me to tell you these things that are on my mind. I have suppressed them for so long, and I can't. It's time to vent..." Li Jiayu said quietly.

The cold wind blew the wind chimes hanging outside the window, making a clear and sweet tinkling sound. Li Jiayu just hugged Platycodon and said many mindless words to her. There was no logic. He just said them as he thought, intermittently, but Platycodon has a delicate mind and can naturally understand what Li Jiayu said.

However, she couldn't understand. Wasn't what Li Jiayu said just a prophecy? Didn't all the things he encountered happen? Why did his tone sound like it had really happened to him, especially when it came to the later part, when Li Jiayu was all dressed in semen and wandering around, Li Jiayu even let out a sigh of vicissitudes of life, which made Platycodon secretly scold Li Jiayu for being really good at acting.

But is that really acting? Could there be another hidden secret? If it were just acting, would Li Jiayu's tone be so low and sad? Even Platycodon can feel Li Jiayu's regret for various regrets and the joy of "starting over again."

From beginning to end, Platycodon didn't say a word. It was Li Jiayu who was talking to himself for the whole hour. But after saying this, Li Jiayu felt a lot more comfortable in his heart, as if he had emptied his worries and felt half relaxed. He patted Platycodon's graceful waist and hips and smiled:

"Thank you for being my listener... Well, it's very late and it's time for me to go to bed. Good night, Platycodon..."

Li Jiayu was in a good mood. She closed her eyes, relaxed her mind, and fell asleep instantly.

, will be a new beginning, and Li Jiayu is looking forward to seeing the bright sunshine again.

"Jingle Bell… "

The wind suddenly picked up, blowing the wind chimes outside the window, and once again made a sweet and crisp sound like clear spring water.

Feeling Li Jiayu's orderly breathing, Platycodon Li Jiayu had already fallen asleep. It was impossible for her to sleep. She just pressed on Li Jiayu and breathed Li Jiayu's unique breath. She felt very peaceful.

Li Jiayu originally had no smell, but after swallowing the crystal core of the female vine, he slowly produced a cold and light fragrance. If it was there or not, it would not be smelled at all. Only when you are very close to him can you smell it. You can smell it, the smell is like the cold moon over snow-capped mountains, and it smells very comfortable.

Platycodon can already move freely.

After Li Jiayu fell asleep, he naturally released the shackles of Platycodon, but if Platycodon dared to have murderous intentions towards Li Jiayu, he would be the first to know, so Li Jiayu was not worried that platycodon would attack him, and platycodon's calm and watery character, She would not crush Li Jiayu to death secretly. If she really wanted to take revenge, she would challenge Li Jiayu openly.

"This bastard..."

Platycodon struggled for a while, but unfortunately Li Jiayu's hands were wrapped around her waist, hugging her so tightly that she couldn't break free. She couldn't wake up Li Jiayu, so she could only lean against him and feel Li Jiayu's heartbeat. Thinking back on the words Li Jiayu confided to her, she fell asleep while thinking about it.

Outside the window, the thick dark clouds were gradually dispersing, and the moon, which had not been seen for a long time, finally appeared in the sky, exuding a dim yellow halo, and the surrounding stars were sparse and twinkling lonely.

At the same time, the large monsters, bugs, and corpses throughout Xijiang City were also restless, making strange noises, swaying in the sky, or crashing on the ground, wreaking havoc everywhere, as if they wanted to take advantage of the last moment. It's like venting all your energy at the critical moment.

The three hardest-hit areas in the north, south and east of the city ushered in the last round of "indiscriminate bombing". Under the last round of crazy baptism by the aliens, they once again suffered a big blow. The Flame Crow in the south of the city did not move, but the hidden However, all the low-level monsters rushed into the residential area and ate people randomly. Needless to say, in the north of the city, all kinds of colorful bugs gathered into a swarm. Instead of wandering around the streets, they rushed into the building and started a new massacre. .

The corpses in the east of the city were roaring crazily, and the sinister wind was gusting, like a hundred ghosts walking at night. Although they were few in number, they were enough to scare the citizens in the east of the city into screaming loudly and causing their spirits to collapse.

The most tragic thing was the military area on the eastern outskirts of the city, which was surrounded by nearly a thousand dead corpses. Zombies, skeletons, blood corpses, ghouls, zombies, and dozens of weird corpses were beating against the steel of the military camp crazily. The soldiers in the barracks were so horrified that their faces turned pale.

That night, at least half of the people in Xijiang City were on tenterhooks and couldn't sleep.

Around early in the morning, the steel gate of the military camp could no longer withstand it and was blasted through by the zombies. Then they exploded and pounced on the soldiers in the military camp with their claws and teeth.

It's over, Captain Li wailed. His damn corpses were so terrifying. Ordinary firearms couldn't deal with these corpses. Moreover, even with moonlight, humans couldn't clearly see the movements of corpses in the dark. This wasn't exactly waiting to die. What

The soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty are not afraid of the enemy, but if the enemy is an unexplainable undead corpse and has something to do with ghosts and ghosts, it will be very frightening. The morale will be half depleted, not to mention that the enemy also has an immortal physique. It is extremely difficult to kill. How can ordinary people living in modern society and receiving scientific and technological education not be afraid

The zombie clan invaded the military camp and just killed a few people. Then they suddenly exited the camp like a tide, or burrowed into the soil, or disappeared into the distance. Within three or four minutes, there was no longer a corpse clan in the entire military camp. Unless there were still zombies killed by sniper rifles and bombed by grenades on the ground, the soldiers would almost think they were dreaming.

"That's what happened... Those damn corpses clearly had the upper hand and almost wiped us out. Why did they retreat all of a sudden..."

A few drops of cold sweat broke out on Captain Li's forehead, and he sat on the ground with weak calves. Suddenly, he noticed that the belly of the fish in the east turned white, and a red sun slowly jumped out from behind the blue mountains. A long page finally ended. Ushered in the light of dawn

The era of supernatural magic has officially begun
