Apocalyptic Gods and Demons System

Chapter 13: Team leader


Coming out of the space of Gods and Demons, Yan Feng had a complex expression. He didn't expect that the mother he had never met would be related to the legendary Mayan dynasty.

There is also the problem of my sister Yan Wu's breakthrough, and the solution is even more difficult, at least now only Yan Feng, who was in the early days of electronics, can't do it.

Looking at the sky outside, the dark red clouds are densely covered, and the feeling of groggy depression has not changed in more than ten years.

Yan Feng has long been accustomed to it. This kind of weather can't tell whether it is daytime or night. In addition, all electrical equipment can't be used, and he doesn't even know the time.

When I just thought of getting up, I saw Xu Qing coming in from the outside with a solemn expression. Not only that, there was still a little green juice on his body, and there were a lot of new holes that seemed to have been scratched by something sharp just now.

"What's wrong, Uncle Xu?" Yan Feng had a vague guess in his heart, but he still asked.

"The monster tide is coming." Xu Qing said briefly, and the atmosphere in the room instantly became serious.

Monster tide, during the recent period, every shortly, outside the first defensive circle of the camp, those terrifying monsters will come out together, waving sharp minions and attacking the camp.

I don't know what caused it. Every time the monsters come to this time, they are not afraid of death, desperately trying to destroy the camp, even if they die.

The monster tides these few times were crazier than ever. The Scarlet Scarab King Insect, which was originally outside the first defensive circle, also appeared outside the camp inexplicably, and attacked the camp together with other monsters.

It stands to reason that monsters of the level of the Scarlet King Insect should not appear in the monster tide. After all, these monsters are the first level of the leader among the monsters, and they are known as kings, just like the emperors of humans in ancient times.

But its unreasonable appearance also shows the unreasonableness of this monster wave.

Yan Feng may not quite understand these things, but Xu Qing is quite clear about it. It is precisely because of this that he is a little puzzled and feels the seriousness of the situation.

"The monster wave in the past will never break through the second defensive circle, but now because of the Scarlet Bee King Insect, the main city of our camp is in jeopardy. I feel that the Scarlet Bee King Insect is dispatched in person, I am afraid that something else is about to happen!" Xu Qing said.

"What's the matter?" Yan Feng asked.

Xu Qing's expression was serious, and her eyebrows were pulled together. When she slowly shook her head, she said: "I don't know, but I always feel uneasy in my heart. It seems that something terrifying is about to happen. In the next wave of monsters, and this terrible thing should be not far from our camp, it may even be... in our camp!"

Yan Feng suddenly felt terrified. Even Xu Qing, a perfect neutron-level expert, said it was horrible. How horrible was that incident? What will happen

"Uncle Xu, what do you think will happen?" Yan Feng asked.

"Since the monster tide is so violent, it must be related to monsters. Anyway, it can never be a good thing. You have to be careful. I am worried that there will be major changes in the camp. When I can't take care of you, you must be more cautious!" Xu Qing The tone was solemn, exhorted.

Yan Feng nodded and responded. He was always vigilant in his heart, not only because of the monsters, but because of Zhao Zhengguo.

Although I heard the saint saying that Zhao Zhengguo did not put himself in the eye, it is difficult to guarantee that he would not use means to sneak attack. His strength reached the neutron level perfection. A random blow could kill him, so he had to be cautious. .

"I've already told the leader about your sister. He didn't say anything. It seems that he doesn't care about these little things. You can rest assured. One more thing, I have already applied for a team for you. As the squad leader, follow me out this time to resist the monster tide." Xu Qing said.

"Isn't the team leader qualified to be the mid-electronics?" Yan Feng wondered.

"Even Zhao Bing of the late electronics stage is afraid of you. I don't believe that your kid really only has the early electronics stage. What's more, Zhao Zhengguo originally mentioned this matter, but I just seconded it later."

"Zhao Zhengguo? Why would he do this?"

"It's not to hurt you. Do you think the team leader is so good? If you rush to the front line, a monster will be divided by the monster if you don't pay attention. He asked you to be the team leader for this reason, but later I proposed to the leader. , Because of your lack of strength, let you follow me, so that I have the opportunity to protect you." Xu Qing said.

Yan Feng was moved in his heart and decided in his heart that he would repay Uncle Xu's kindness at this moment in the future.

"A small team of ten people, a large team of one hundred people. The first time you are a small team leader, plus the strength seems to be only in the early days of electronics, there will definitely be people who will not accept it. Now that I suppress them, they may not be so good. Once I leave you, I I'm worried that they will not listen to your command. On the battlefield, a negligence may cause regret for life. If they are not obedient, you can kill them on the spot. I will go and talk to the leader afterwards." Xu Qing said lightly, in a tone of voice. There was a bit of killing intent, and the astonishing cold air instantly dissipated, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye, causing Yan Feng to shiver unconsciously.

After saying this, he shouted at the door, and immediately there was a team of ten people who walked in in unison, all of them energetic, wearing neatly dressed guard costumes, and their strength was in the early days of electronics.

"This is Yan Feng! Your new captain is also your next comrade-in-arms who will live and die together! You can introduce yourself!" Xu Qing stood up, with a majestic face, and shouted.

"Luo Yucheng!"

"Fang Lei!"

"Xie Yu!"

Ten people spoke loudly, from left to right, uttering their names in an orderly manner, all of them kept their eyes open and showed good discipline. They were not very old, and the oldest Xie Yu was only twenty-four years old. The youngest Fang Lei is a female, only one year older than Yan Feng.

Yan Feng took a deep breath. As the captain of ten people, he felt a little nervous and cramped in his heart. From childhood to adulthood, he had been accustomed to it alone. It was so fierce in front of so many people that he couldn't help but feel like he didn't know how to speak.

Xu Qing smiled slightly and nodded to encourage Yan Feng. Looking at Yan Feng now, he was just like him back then, how similar it was before. Time is like flowing water, and decades have passed by in a blink of an eye.

"My name is Yan Feng, serious Yan, the peak of the mountain. You have seen the strength. In the early days of electronics, maybe this level is not suitable for small team leader, but I think people come here like this. Maybe today I'm just the early days of electronics, but I believe I will never be in the early stage of electronics for a lifetime! You are my teammates, but who knows what the meaning of teammates is?" Yan Feng has a serious look and sharp eyes, but he has something that he has never had before.

The ten people looked at each other. They didn’t know what Yan Feng meant by saying. They talked in a low voice. Among them, Fang Lei, the youngest woman and the only female in the team, stepped forward, and after taking a step, stared at Yan Feng and said: "I I think teammates are friends!"

"I don't think you are right. Teammates are teammates and friends are friends. How can they be confused?" One person retorted.

Fang Lei raised his eyebrows, staring at the man fiercely, and said angrily: "Luo Yucheng, what do you mean then?"

Luo Yucheng laughed and said, "Aren't teammates used to betray each other?"

"Humph! A dark-minded guy!" Fang Lei grunted angrily.

"Not only is psychologically gloomy, but also psychologically abnormal. State!" someone said.

"What do you want to interrupt? Shangguan Yun?" Fang Lei glared at one person.

Shangguanyun curled his lips and hummed dissatisfiedly.

Looking at these people, Yan Feng couldn't help but feel a little helpless. The emotions that had been brewing disappeared, but it was impossible to watch them continue to quarrel. He coughed and caught their attention.

"A teammate is a comrade-in-arms, born and died, and more precious than friends. The teammates who can give their backs to the opponent are the teammates! The teammates who can put their lives on the other side are the teammates!" Yan Feng said loudly.

Everyone was silent. After a while, applause rang out. Perhaps some of them were not from the sincerity, but at this moment they were also infected by Yan Feng's words.

There was a smile on Xu Qing's mouth. These naive words made him feel a lot of emotion, but there was a touch of sentimental remembrance. Only people like him who have experienced life and death can understand the precious emotions between teammates.

"Go to the East City!" Xu Qing waved his hand and let the ten people go out first. Then he patted Yan Feng on the shoulder and signaled Yan Feng to follow.

"I personally selected a few of these ten people. You don't have to worry too much about them not following the command. But the others were brought by Zhao Zhengguo. You need to be careful not to give them your back. !" Xu Qing said to Yan Feng beside him.

"Which people?" Yan Feng asked.

"Fang Lei, Luo Yucheng, Xie Yu, Shangguanyun, Situ Bo, Fang Lei must have known you, that grumpy eldest lady. Luo Yucheng's psychology is different from ordinary people. You'll know it after you have been in contact for a long time. Xie Yu's age The biggest is the good old man among the few people, commonly known as He Shi Lao. Shangguan Yun is a little older than you, but his personality is too naive. Situ Bo, you must make good use of him. With him, the team’s survival rate will increase by 9%. More than ten! Among ten people, the gentleman wearing glasses is Situ Bo!" Xu Qing pointed to the team in front and introduced them one by one.

Yan Feng looked forward and saw a gentleman with glasses in the team looking back. The two looked at each other. Yan Feng's hair was instantly horrified, as if everything in his body was seen through by this person.

The Sven was only twenty-two years old, and he was wearing a shabby suit. His glasses had no lenses. They looked like decoration. There was no bright spot on the whole body and was extremely inconspicuous.

However, it was just such a person that made Yan Feng feel that in this team, I am afraid that everyone else in this team would not be able to deal with him if they joined forces, like a dormant beast, if it doesn't come out, it will be astonishing when it comes out.

"The remaining five people, if you want to stay, stay. If you don't stay, you can find a chance to kill them all. Anyway, the monster tide will come, and if a few more people die, no one will be suspicious." Xu Qing said lightly. Zhongman is cruel, revealing the rules of this era.

Not long after I left, there was a roar of noise in front of him, and there was a panic crowd running around. On the ground here, there were pits and pits everywhere, traces of being corroded by monster saliva.

There are bloodstains that have never dried up, even human remains, and ferocious monsters that have been dead for a long time.

Before the battlefield, there was a tragic, bloody and solemn expression of blood, and the air filled this place. From time to time, there would be people wearing guard costumes rushing past here.

But there is everything here, only one thing is missing, and that is the injured person!