Apocalyptic Gods and Demons System

Chapter 24: Return


"The saliva of a highly toxic centipede, if it is not a powder, I would still be afraid of it three points, but the toxicity of the powder, besides letting me fall to a level and return to the post-neutron stage, what's the use? What's more, even if the neutron stage , I want to kill you, it's still easy!"

Li Zhong said coldly. During the words, he could not bear the killing intent that surged in his heart and stepped directly out. The aura around him was also weaker, but for Situ Bo and others, it was still strong.

After Situ Bo and several people looked at each other, they seemed to separate tacitly, forming a strange square, like half of a figure, covering Li Zhong.

Shangguan Yun scratched his head, there was still a slight pain, and he flicked the short gun in his hand, and the tip of the gun pointed directly at Li Zhong. The aura of the electronic mid-phase spread and covered Li Zhong, but it did not form coercion. Instead, he was attacked by Li Zhong. The breath is suppressed.

"The neutron-level powerhouse is still a late-stage master, challenging..." Luo Yucheng muttered, his aura spread out with a smile, and together with the other three, he enveloped Li Zhong, the position of the four, and the enveloping aura. , Both stood at the extreme second, making it seem at this moment that the gap between the strengths of the two sides was constantly narrowing.

Li Zhong's expression changed, he became more gloomy, and a little shocked. If these four people fight alone, he can solve it without 10% of the strength. Even if they all fight, without this formation, he still uses less than 30% of his strength.

But now, Situ Bo's tactics forced him to use 50% of his strength. You must know that the late neutron powerhouse has a full blow, at least 50,000 kilograms of strength.

In the electronic mid-term, there is only a mere one or two hundred kilograms of strength. The gap between the two sides is more than ten times, almost a hundred times, but it is such a gap, but because of a tactic, the combined strength of several people has increased to more than 20,000 kilograms. I'm afraid no one will believe this.

The four of Situ Bo confronted Li Zhong, and sweat faintly appeared on their foreheads. Obviously, Li Zhong's aura was too strong. Even if he used the tactics, he could still barely force the enemy. If they really fought, the four would not be able to resist two moves.

It can only be said that the difference in level is really too big. There are five small realms between them, not to mention that a few people still have shackles on their feet. It is basically impossible to beat Li Zhong.

"Everyone with the surname Xu told us to run away, but you have to come to save this woman. Although she is really beautiful, she has been a confidant since ancient times, and her life is horrible. Can I save it by myself? Do you have to come all together? , It's all right now, no one will dig a grave and erect a monument after death!" Luo Yucheng smiled, his eyes swept over Yan Wu's face, and then he looked at the battlefield of Xu Qing and two people over there.

"Stop long-winded! I'm dead in this life, and in the next life I don't want to be a woman anymore, I want to be a man!" Fang Lei said.

"It's a pity... we don't have a crystal nucleus, so we can't work hard with this pig." Luo Yucheng sighed and looked at Xu Qing's whole body glowing with fluorescence, and he was a little envious of defeating Zhao Zhengguo.

"Who said we can't work hard? With the method I said, we can temporarily have crystal nuclei, and use the method of burning vitality to fight against this pig. It is not difficult. It just won't work for too long. However, anyway, you and me. People are damned too. They were saved by Brother Yan for the first time, and Uncle Xu for the second time. Now is the time for us to give them back. At least Brother Yan's sister must escape!" Situ Bo Slowly speak.

"Hehe, hello! That woman! You are so lucky to have a good brother and a good uncle. In order not to let your brother and uncle's painstaking efforts in vain, then you will run away desperately for me!"

Luo Yucheng shouted at Yan Wu, smiled and took out an ocher spar from his arms. This is an electronically perfect crystal nucleus. He held it in his hand and made the same action at the same time. , And the three of Situ Bo, each of them holding an electronically perfect crystal nucleus.

Not far away, Yan Wu’s eyes were red, and when she heard Luo Yucheng’s words, tears rolled in her eyes. When she thought of Yan Feng being forced down the city wall by Zhao Zhengguo, she felt a pain in her heart, as if a piece had been dug out by force. Flesh and flesh, the heart is already dripping with blood.

"Yeah, I'm very lucky..." Yan Wu murmured, and her hatred for Zhao Zhengguo and Zhao Bing had reached a point where it could not be added. Originally, she wanted to find another opportunity to assassinate Zhao Zhengguo and Zhao Bing after marrying Zhao Bing. , But right now, there is only one way to escape.

The battle of a few people caused everyone in the camp to come here. Around the ruins of the clearing, there was a dense crowd of people. Among them, there was a figure standing with hands holding hands, gaze indifferent, looking so aloof.

This person is the Zhang Ping envoy, one of the four law enforcement envoys in the Sauron camp. He is also at the neutron level and has the same strength as Zhao Zhengguo. He is at the bottom of the four envoys.

Zhang Ping looked at the battlefield. He saw everything that happened just now, including what Li Zhong said, including the decline in Li Zhong's strength at this moment, but he did not go out, as if he did not pay too much attention to what happened at this time.

"That adult... That adult... Could it be that the organization has penetrated here, and their purpose is that thing too? But isn't that thing already taken away by that kid?" Zhang Ping muttered, thinking about Li just now. The conversation between Zhong and Zhao Zhengguo, the more he thought about his face, the more solemn his face became.

"I have been searching for more than half a month. I have searched every corner of the defensive circle, but I have found nothing. Maybe that thing was mistakenly swallowed by some monster as food."

"Moreover, the corpse of that kid is gone. Alas, I blame everything that happened so quickly. Who could have imagined that that kid was so decisive and jumped directly out of the city wall and into the tide of monsters. If I knew he would be like this, I I shot it right away, anyway, if I got the thing, my task was considered complete." Zhang Ping sighed, and when he thought of not being able to complete the task, he frowned and looked ugly.

Just as he was helpless and staring at the battle ahead, a guard hurriedly squeezed out of the crowd and squeezed to Zhang Ping's side, said a few words in Zhang Ping's ear, and Zhang Ping's expression suddenly changed.

"What are you talking about?! That kid is back?" Zhang Ping was taken aback, then shocked, and then immediately turned into ecstasy. This expression really made the guard in front of him look a little sluggish.

"Where is he now? Take me there!"

Zhang Ping suppressed the joy in his heart without revealing the slightest, but his hastily speaking and messy steps showed the excitement in his heart.

"It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort. I thought this kid was dead, but I didn't expect him to be alive. I hope the thing is still on him..."

Zhang Ping prayed in his heart, quickened his pace, and rushed towards the gate of the city.

Before leaving, he glanced at the battlefield. The four Situ Bos used the crystal nucleus to burn their own vitality, and the battle against Li Zhong was inseparable. What surprised him was that these four people really have this ability and can compete with Li Zhong. In the late neutron stage, Li Zhong drew a tie.

In normal times, he might study the peculiarities of Situ Bo's people, but today someone gave him a million crystal nuclei for nothing, and he would never stay for a second.

When he turned back, Zhang Ping shook his head. He was not optimistic about Situ Bo and the others. Burning vitality is a move equivalent to burning a crystal nucleus, but it is three points more terrifying than burning a crystal nucleus. After all, burning a crystal nucleus is only capable of strength. Degenerate into an ordinary person, and burn too much vitality, it will cause death because of the exhaustion of vitality.

He could see that Situ Bo and the others would not be able to hold on for long, at most five minutes, they would die because their vitality was exhausted. On the other hand, Li Zhong was full of strength and vitality. In this battle, he would be slightly injured at most. Four Stubbs lived and died.

It's really boring for a battle where the outcome has already been divided.

Zhang Ping shook his head, no longer paying attention to the fighting there, but looking in the direction of the city gate. Whether Situ Bo and the others are dead or alive, it is none of his business. He just wants to catch Yan Feng and force him to commit. He would never be merciless if he didn't hand over that thing.

Not long after, a murderous figure appeared in Zhang Ping's line of sight while he was running wildly. He looked around and his face was joyful.

Sure enough, this kid didn't know what method he used, and he survived the monster tide, and his strength had reached the late electronic stage!

Zhang Ping was very excited. When he saw Yan Feng, he wanted to cheer for joy, because he had been searching for more than half a month and hadn't found something, but now it may be on Yan Feng and he will get it and complete the task. No need to stay in this place where the birds don't shit.

Yan Feng was anxious. Even though he was so far apart, he could still hear the roar of fighting coming from the place belonging to Uncle Xu’s house. Without thinking about it, he could guess that this must be the sound of fighting between Uncle Xu and Zhao Zhengguo. .

"Wow!" The Dalmatian ran wildly on all fours, running fast. It didn't understand what Yan Feng was running or where Yan Feng was going, but it could feel Yan Feng's anxiety, so it also followed.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Sister, you must have nothing to do, wait for me, and wait for three more minutes!" Yan Feng shouted in his heart, using all his strength, and ran towards the direction of the battle at the fastest speed. , But the few miles of road in this mere mile is like a world apart, no matter how you run, you can't run to the battlefield.

Every time the battle roared, it sounded like an explosion in his heart, making him inexplicably frightened, afraid to get there, but only to see the body of his sister, afraid that it would become forever between the two in just a few minutes.

He was afraid, the inexplicable irritability in his heart, and the cold killing intent revealed, so that many people around him were surprised, not knowing why this person was murderous.

After another half a minute, the faint roar of battle became more frequent and clearer. This meant that he was getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

But... what's the matter with the person in front? How do you stand in front of me

Damn it! Don't let go!

Yan Feng's irritable mood made him more and more irritable. Seeing the guy in front of him who was too busy, holding his arms, waiting for him to arrive, he was murderous and unconsciously came to his heart.

With the God Demon Bow in his hand, Yan Feng touched the bow. The cold touch made him calm a little anger. He suppressed the irritability in his heart, moved some of his body, and tried to pass by the person.

But what Yan Feng didn't expect was that the guy holding his arms even smiled and stood in front of him again, seeming to be waiting for Yan Feng here deliberately.