Apocalyptic Gods and Demons System

Chapter 25: Hard to consummate the strong!


"Go away!"

Yan Feng shouted violently, his already irritable mood was blocked by Zhang Ping, and he was even more anxious. At this moment, the words had already appeared in Zhang Ping's ears unceremoniously.

Zhang Ping jumped at the corner of his eyes and got away? How long have you not heard of this term? This guy is so defiant, maybe after catching him later, let him know that there should be no disrespect for someone who is more powerful than himself!

"Yan Feng?" Zhang Ping said softly, and his whole body was shocked. When the aura spread out, the oncoming Yan Feng's eyes narrowed.

Complete neutron

Yan Feng stopped abruptly, panting slightly, and looked at the middle-aged man who was less than five meters away from him. The dignified aura made him feel like he was standing in the mud, feeling unmovable.

"Wow!" The Dalmatian grinned and called to Zhang Ping, his eyes were full of vigilance. It could also feel the strong pressure from Zhang Ping and the strong hostility.

"Is the worm sac still there?" Zhang Ping said flatly, straight to the point, while staring at Yan Feng, trying to observe Yan Feng's every move after hearing these words, as well as the subtle facial expressions.

Yan Feng's face changed slightly. He didn't understand how the person in front of him knew about the worm sac, but after a little thought, he was relieved. The neutron-level consummate and strong person must be knowledgeable, and it is not strange to know the worm sac.

"Sure enough, is the worm sac on this guy? Haha, this saves me a lot of effort. I will kill this person directly and leave the camp immediately after taking the worm sac!" Zhang Ping saw Yan Feng's expression The change, immediately decided that the worm sac was definitely on Yan Feng, and when he secretly said in his heart, he had already made a decision.

Now that he has made the decision, Zhang Ping no longer wastes time, because he doesn't want to stay in this camp anymore. At this moment, Yan Feng hadn't spoken yet, he had already made a move. As soon as his aura condensed, he immediately used a special ability belonging to the neutron level, and the space was frozen!

Suddenly, Yan Feng was sinking into the mud, as if a giant mountain was pressed on his body, and even his breathing became extremely unsmooth. He felt Zhang Ping’s killing intent. Although it was a little unclear, he was obviously not thinking about why at this moment. when.

"God soldier!"

Yan Feng screamed, and immediately in the gods and demons space, beside the faith pool, the saint was standing there, watching the faith power in the pool disappear like running water, could not help but laugh, she has noble temperament, it is difficult to have Smile, but at the moment I don't know why, the smile blooms.

"It's really cheap for you!" Mei Nu leaned aside, propped her head, and watched all the power of faith in the faith pool, with a look of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"It's a pity, I don't seem to need you this time. The crystal nucleus left by his hunting monsters these days can only awaken the neutron mid-level magic soldier and deal with the neutron consummation. It doesn't seem to be enough." The saint smiled Speaking, taunting the charming girl.

"Humph! Every time you use your faith power, it takes one hour to recover. I'm going to see who will take advantage of it in the future!" Mei Nu pouted her mouth and said bitterly.

With the consumption of faith power, an extremely abundant force appeared in Yan Feng's body, causing his body joints to make a creaking sound, and the whole person actually rose a lot at this moment.

"This is the consumption price list of faith power corresponding to the awakening of the gods, so that you can see clearly, next time you can move towards the next goal."

A power of faith-awakening the first-order pawn-the mid-term electronic strength

Two Faith Powers—Awakening the Second-Order God Pawn—Strength Electronic Late Stage

Ten Powers of Faith—Awakening Tier 3 God Pawns—Strength Electronic Consummation

Fifty Faith Powers—Awakening Tier 4 God Pawns—Early Power Neutron

One Hundred Faith Power—Awakening Tier 5 Divine Pawn—Mid-period of Strength Neutron

Five Hundred Faith Powers—Awakening Tier 6 Divine Pawns—Strength Neutron Late Stage

One Thousand Faith Power—Awakening the Seventh-Order God Pawn—Strength Neutron Consummation

"Oh, by the way, you remember to protect those red beetles. If you die, these faith powers will be consumed. You have consumed a total of 753 faith powers, which can awaken Tier 6 god pawns. The strength is equivalent to In the late neutron stage, because you consumed an extra 253 belief power, I specially awakened you the weapon of the god pawn, butchering the magic knife based on your situation!" The saint’s voice appeared in Yan Feng’s mind. middle.

"Hey, hey! What kind of Slaughter Sword? Why isn't it called Mighty Sword? How come I haven't heard this broken sword have this name before?" Mei Nu yelled dissatisfied.

The saint ignored the enchantress and continued: "With the possession of the pawn in the late neutron stage, and the help of the butcher knife, you have a good chance of defeating this person, but if you want to kill, you don’t Possibly, unless it is a seventh-order god pawn."

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Feng's hand sank, and a pale golden sword suddenly appeared. At the same time, his strength was still in the late electronic stage, but his true combat power reached the late neutron stage.

Seeing Zhang Ping oncoming, Yan Feng did not retreat but moved forward. When he suddenly rushed out, Tu Moknife raised and slashed. With a simple action, Zhang Ping's face changed drastically, and his eyes showed that he couldn't believe it. color.

"You, your strength?! How is it possible?!" Zhang Ping exclaimed, he couldn't believe his eyes, how could an electronic late stage person suddenly have the peak combat power of the neutron late stage, and That pale golden broadsword, the coercion exuded, unexpectedly reached the level of super human rank.

After a face-to-face, Zhang Ping instantly retreated. Looking at the wound in his hand, the stinging pain made him understand that he was right. Yan Feng's strength indeed reached the peak of the post-neutron stage instantly, and the knife in his hand was Human rank is super.

This made him unbelievable. He felt unbelievable and unbelievable. Even if Yan Feng was promoted extremely fast, it was impossible for him to reach the late neutron stage in this half a month.

Moreover, human-level super weapons also require materials from monsters above the neutron level before they can be refined.

"Get out of here!"

The roar in the distance was more frequent, as if it had reached a critical juncture, Yan Feng was anxious, but Zhang Ping in front of him was like a dog skin plaster, and he couldn't shake it off.

"Are you trying to save them?" Zhang Ping instantly understood Yan Feng's mood at the moment. Suddenly, his eyes flashed brightly, and he thought of a way.

"Then Xu Qing may have burned the crystal nucleus to the extreme. Even if you go, it will be of no avail. Xu Qing will definitely die. There are also those four mid-electronics boys who have paid a heavy price for your sister. I think about it. , For more than three minutes, I think the four of them will run out of vitality and die there, and your sister... Hehe, I remember that guy Li Zhong, but the one who likes beautiful women the most, and likes everyone to come together, I want to In a few minutes, everything will disappear. These people died because of you. Don't you feel guilty?"

Zhang Ping spoke slowly, describing the situation on the battlefield for Yan Feng at the moment. With his words, Yan Feng's breath gradually became heavy, and there was blood red in his eyes. An indescribable violent meaning filled the air here. .

Zhang Ping looked happy when he saw it. Knowing that his words worked, they disrupted Yan Feng's mind and controlled his emotions. With these as a basis, then, next, killing Yan Feng would be easy. .

"There is a person named Xie Yu. I don’t know what he has to do with you. In short, for you, his old mother was seriously injured by Zhao Zhengguo and then brutally killed by Zhao Bing. In the end, even himself is dying. , Maybe it's dead..." Zhang Ping pretended to sigh.

"Stop talking!"

Yan Feng's eyes were red as blood, and he roared, with endless killing intent, and suddenly rushed out, turning his body into a streamer, and appeared directly in front of Zhang Ping Pian, making Zhang Pian Pian's color completely changed, and faintly felt that something was wrong. .

Shouldn't this guy blame himself to be completely useless? Why the more you listen, the stronger your strength? Wouldn't this guy blame himself a little bit

boom! !

Zhang Ping spit out a mouthful of blood and rolled his body upside down. At that moment, an indescribable force touched his body, causing him to be beaten out without resistance.

After rolling on the ground for several laps, Zhang Ping was stunned when he stopped. He had no idea what he had done wrong. He did the same in the past, and he did not need much effort to subdue a lot of powerful people. His moves are called mind-attack.

Unexpectedly, Xinxin was useless for Yan Feng. Instead, it made him more powerful. Originally, he still had the power to resist. Yan Feng could barely make a tie with him, but in the end, he was swept away by a single blow.

"Zhao Bing!!"

Yan Feng gritted his teeth, the roots of his teeth were bitten out of blood, and his whole body felt like he was about to condense into substance. After hitting Zhang Ping, he stopped chasing, but turned around and galloped toward the roar of the battlefield.

Next to him, the Dalmatian grinned and made an angry grin. It was like a single-celled creature. Even if he didn't understand why Yan Feng was like this at the moment, he still had a feeling of why I wanted to understand it.

Looking at Yan Feng's back, Zhang Ping gritted his teeth a bit. After struggling to get up, he ran out of the camp and said in a low voice, "I can't deal with this guy. It seems that I can only send another person down."

Zhang Ping limped away, leaving behind the crowd watching the battle with shocked faces, looking at the backs of the two of them, everyone lost their minds for a long time, until after a long time, they took a deep breath, and the shock still remained in their eyes.

At this moment, in that battlefield, the battle has reached a white-hot stage. Indeed, as Zhang Ping said, Xu Qing's burning crystal core has reached the extreme, and his strength has reached the most powerful peak.

The four of Situ Bo slowly weakened their vitality, and their strength was also going downhill. Did they faintly fight against Li Zhong just now? The strength of Li Zhong, but now, after losing one after another, he was beaten to vomit blood.

"I really don't understand, you idiots, you obviously have a chance to escape, why come back and die!" Li Zhong still has a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"I don't understand... Cough cough... But if I don't come back, I feel that in this life... Cough cough... I can't lift my head!" Luo Yucheng coughed up blood, his eyes were crazy, and when he vomited blood, he smiled. meaning.

"How can a pig like you understand that it will be rewarded by the grace of others!" Fang Lei gritted his teeth and vomited blood.

"En? Haha, it's this age, what kind of kindness are you still telling me, you are really a fool, hopelessly, you repay your favor, but lost your life, do you think it is worth it? Then Yan Feng boy, if not Death, maybe where you are hiding at this moment, leisurely, you see if he changes to him, will he repay any kind of shit?" Li Zhong started a bit harder, causing Shangguan Yun to break the spear in his hand, vomiting blood, and then retreat. , The look instantly wilted.

"Will I repay my gratitude? How would you know if you are a wolf-hearted thing?"

Suddenly, a low voice, accompanied by the barking of the dog, suddenly appeared here.

Almost the moment the sound spread, Yan Wu's body and mind trembled, and she was stunned.

The four of Situ Bo turned their heads instantly and looked at the master who heard the voice.

Zhao Bing looked at the black figure with a look of disbelief, until he could see the face of the person, he immediately screamed as if he had seen a ghost, and then rolled back and walked away.

Li Zhong was also startled, looking at Yan Feng who was on the verge of triggering, an incredible flash of light flashed in his eyes.