Apocalyptic Gods and Demons System

Chapter 31: Killing intent!


The tragic battlefield is full of stumps and arms. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as a river of blood. Zhang Ping is a neutron-level consummated powerhouse, and the others in the camp are just electronic-level, almost a face-to-face. Five or six people died in his hands.

The air was full of blood, and everyone was red-eyed and rushed towards Zhang Ping regardless of their lives. This was a battle for survival. If this battle is lost, everyone will undoubtedly die.

A tragic vigor echoed here, even Yan Feng was infected. He only felt that there was a surge of blood in his heart. At this moment, he was like everyone else, even if he knew that he was invincible, he still rushed forward to fight.

Inside the camp, all the people in the camp are rushing here. Among them are five or six-year-old children, and there are also 40-50 year-olds with gray hair and wrinkled faces, and they look like withered old people.

Everyone is murderous, and they know very well in their hearts that if they continue to stay steadily and don't fight and fight desperately, then only death is waiting for them!

In front of the collapsed city wall, Zhang Ping, who was killing one person, couldn’t hide the panic on his face. The crowds were constantly pouring in like a sea of people. Wife's hatred reveals an unforgettable hatred.

Zhang Ping was scared.

He was scared and timid. Even though he was a neutron-level Consummation, so many people came, just the invincible aura made him frightened, and his heart was flustered.


Someone yelled, and countless people immediately agreed. The entire camp was full of one or two thousand people, all gathered here. At this time, the camp's people's hearts were unprecedentedly consolidated.

"You you!"

Zhang Ping stepped back again and again, although every time he took a shot, he would take away a fresh life, but in the face of this endless stream of people, as if he did not know what was afraid of, he was cowardly after all, and his neutron level was complete. His strength does not give him a sense of security in the slightest.

"What about the Aoki Camp? Are the people in the Aoki Camp a human, but ours in the Sauron Camp are not humans anymore?!" Someone shouted angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill this ****!"


Countless people rushed forward. The crowd thrust into Zhang Ping’s chest like a sharp sword with a determination to die. Finally, someone used a dying counterattack to wound Zhang Ping and cut a large strip on his back. Mouth.

Although the price of this was his life, his mouth was smiling before he died, as if he had done something happy. Even death would not make him feel fear.

Zhang Ping panicked, he yelled, swept away the people in front of him forcefully, and then turned and flee. He didn't dare to stay any longer. Although Fang Hao's order was important, his life was even more important. After all There is only one life.

"The **** wants to escape!"


Everyone discovered Zhang Ping's attempt, and they wanted to stop it, but they had no choice. After all, Zhang Ping was still a neutron-level consummate powerhouse. If he wanted to escape, the extremely fast speed could not be caught up by too many people.


A low and old voice whirled over the crowd, causing everyone to stop and look at a fragment of the city wall. There was an old man standing there with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, the leader Sauron.

"Don't chase, I have an important thing to say, cough cough..." Sauron's old face became paler, like a dying wood, and the vitality of his body has also been lost.

Everyone was silenced. The originally noisy battlefield was silent for a moment. Everyone looked at Sauron, everyone with uncooled blood on their faces, sadness and hatred in their eyes.

Sauron looked around for a week and saw Yan Feng standing in the crowd. He immediately waved his hand to signal Yan Feng to pass. Yan Feng also nodded, squeezing the crowd away, and stood beside Sauron.

"Presumably everyone knows about the space crack, right? That's right, the crack appeared a few months ago, and it was precisely because of the crack that caused the monster wave to come more ferocious than before, and the Scarlet King insect appeared. Such a monster!

One thing I want to say is that our camp is about to start moving, and it will become a monster’s nest soon. If you continue to stay here, no one will survive!

The transfer requires a leader. I have already helped you find this leader. That is the one next to me. He is Yan Feng, a neuter of strength. I believe he has the ability to take you to escape here! "

Yan Feng's indifferent eyes did not carry the slightest emotion. After so many things, his heart was like ice and stone, and he was not as immature as he was more than half a month ago. After scanning the crowd, he immediately noticed that many people were unhappy. Obviously Not very convinced of myself.

"Then, how about you, boss?" someone asked.

Sauron laughed and said, "I have something to do, and I can't be with you."

"Huh, don't you want to escape by yourself?" Someone whispered, although the voice was small, but it spread all around.

"What are you talking about?!" Yan Feng was angry, looking directly at the person speaking with cold eyes. It was a young man of twenty-six and seventy-seven, who was plain looking, hiding in the crowd.

The young man shrank his neck, a little timid, but he still muttered again: "Otherwise, why wouldn't he be with us? With him, a proton-level powerhouse, wouldn't our chances of escape be much greater?"

As soon as the voice came out, the scene suddenly became a little noisy, and some people agreed with the young people. They all believed that Sauron wanted to escape by himself, regardless of the safety of other people in the camp.

Others insisted on believing in Sauron, but when they saw someone questioning Sauron, they immediately became angry and insulted.

Sauron looked at this scene now, couldn't help sighing deeply, turned his head and looked at Yan Feng, his eyes had already revealed a decision.

"You don’t have to struggle. Those who believe in me listen to what I just said, follow Yan Feng, and don’t believe me, I don’t force it. Need to know." Sauron started, after speaking these words, he turned and left.

"Yan Feng, you can solve the next thing by yourself. If it is really a life-and-death crisis, then run away and leave them alone." Sauron's rickety body revealed a bleak and desolate body, and the back was like that. Old, but so tolerant.

Yan Feng couldn't help but his eyes were red. The leader Sauron had to bear too much. Obviously he had the opportunity to escape alone, but for everyone in the camp, he fought to stop the monsters coming out of the crack, just to delay everyone's escape. time.

But after doing this, it was still questioned. If it weren't for Sauron's prevention, Yan Feng would definitely drag out the young man who questioned Sauron just now and throw it out of the camp to let him understand who this stable life is now. For him!

"I'm not going to put my life in the hands of a little kid, whoever wants to die, just follow him!" The young man stood up and stood in front of others.

"I don't want it either. Since the leader of Sauron lets us fend for ourselves, then I don't need to listen to him!" a big man echoed.

"Leader Sauron will never abandon us! I am willing to follow Yan Feng!" A young woman walked out of the crowd and stood behind Yan Feng.

"I believe in Chief Sauron, and I am willing to follow Yan Feng!" Another person stood behind Yan Feng.

Gradually, the crowd searched for their own teams, and slowly formed three teams. One of them was the team led by Yan Feng, and the remaining two teams, one was led by young people, and the other was scattered. They are all people who don't believe in Yan Feng and don't want to follow the young man.

"His name is Yu Feng, a strong neutron. He was originally a candidate for law enforcement, but he didn't expect these things to happen..."

I don't know when, Situ Bo stood beside Yan Feng, looked at the young man who was the leader of the other team, and spoke to Yan Feng.

Yan Feng nodded, remembering the name, looked at the other two teams, couldn't help but say, "Yu Feng, right? Since you don't want to go with us, then I won't force it, just a few words. Then I want to tell you, first, since so many people believe in you and are willing to follow you, then I hope you take it seriously, and second, I hope we will see each other one day, and I hope to stand here now. There are a lot of people..."

"Enough!" The young man Yu Feng looked impatient, "Don't be pretended to be good people here, why? Really regard yourself as the leader of the camp? I don't need you to teach me how to do things!"

Yan Feng's words were stagnant, and his face was flat. If it hadn't been for the words of Chief Sauron before, the life and death of these people in front of him really didn't matter to him, and he wouldn't be boring himself. But how to say these people are the ones that Chief Sauron regards them as family members, and he doesn't want to see them die tragically under the monster's mouth.

"The dog bite Lu Dongbin! Brother Yan, leave them alone, let them die!" Fang Lei, who was grumpy, immediately became angry, glanced at Yu Feng in disgust, and couldn't help but speak.

"I hope that when we meet next time, we are not enemies!" Luo Yucheng said softly with a thought-provoking smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Stop talking, let them go, we just need to take care of our team. To be honest, I really don't know what we will face next." Stuart pushed his glasses, a little worried. Said.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm here!" Yan Feng smiled back and patted Situ Bo on the shoulder.

He was confident that he took everyone to escape, because he still had a hole card, and he had more than one hole card.

The silly dog heard its barking just now, where is it hiding now

Yan Feng muttered secretly, his eyes swept around, and when he saw a corner, his eyes brightened, he walked straight to the spotted dog, squatted down, and looked curiously at the one who kept biting something. Dalmatians.

"What is this?" Yan Feng took the thing from the Dalmatian's mouth. It was a stone coin, which was polished very delicately. It was originally hard as steel, but now the Dalmatian had several tooth marks. Some drool.

"It's a crystal coin!" Situ Bo walked over, looked at the Dalmatian in surprise, and said.

"Crystal coin?" Yan Feng stood up and looked at the crystal coin in his hand over and over. It was cold in his hand, and it contained a strong crystal core power, even Yan Feng could feel it, if it was absorbed like this With this crystal coin, his strength will be significantly improved.

"Well, this is the common currency of the five camps. It is made of monster crystal nuclei above the proton level. Such a small crystal coin is equivalent to a neutron-level late crystal nucleus!" Fang Lei received Words.

"Such a value?" Yan Feng felt a little unbelievable.

"It is of high value for us, but for people who often live in the five camps, a coin falls on the ground, and I don't even bother to pick it up," Fang Lei said.

"Too extravagant!" Yan Feng took a deep breath, looking forward to the five camps for the first time.

"They are gone!!" Shangguan Yun suddenly shouted.