Apocalyptic Monsters Evolution System

Chapter 7: Crazy synthesis


In the next two hours, Yang Kun rode the vicious dog to eight places. There was only one or two or three vicious dogs in each of these eight places.

In one morning, Yang Kun subdued a total of twenty-four ferocious dogs. In the middle, he also encountered three lone civet cats, which were also subdued by Yang Kun.

Twenty-four level one vicious dogs were combined into twelve level two vicious dogs.

Twelve level 2 vicious dogs were combined into six level 3 vicious dogs.

Six level 3 vicious dogs were combined into three level 4 vicious dogs.

Two level 4 vicious dogs were combined into a level 5 vicious dog.

Four first-level civet cats were combined into a third-level civet cat.

Yang Kun discovered that in the end he combined a level five ferocious dog, a level four ferocious dog, and a level three civet cat, plus the original level three ferocious dog, for a total of four monsters.

The level five vicious dog was as big as the evil tiger, and looked even more ferocious and terrifying, with its hair changing from normal yellow to golden yellow.

Yang Kun discovered that its size could change freely. He made it grow to the size of an ordinary puppy so that it would not be too conspicuous when walking on the street.

"Ding, the host has synthesized a fifth-level beast, meeting the space upgrade conditions, and three more monster spaces have been added."

Yang Kun discovered that the screen, which originally had only nine spaces, now had twelve spaces.

I didn't expect that this space can be upgraded, which will make it much easier to synthesize in the future.

"It's noon now. Let's eat something first, and then go to the farm in the southwest corner of the old city. There are eight vicious dogs there."

The sun was a little strong, and Yang Kun found a big willow tree in front that could provide shade. He let the three fierce dogs go to find food, left the civet cat to guard on the side, and walked towards the big willow tree.

Sitting on a big rock under the willow tree, Yang Kun took out three roasted sweet potatoes and a bottle of water from his space ring.

After taking a sip of water, he put the mineral water aside and threw a roasted sweet potato to the civet cat. Yang Kun also held the roasted sweet potato and started to eat it.

After Yang Kun had eaten and drunk his fill, he rode on the level five ferocious dog, holding the civet cat, and let the other two ferocious dogs lead the way as they rushed to the farm.

When he arrived near the farm, he found eight vicious dogs gathered together. Yang Kun ordered three vicious dogs and a civet cat to surround them.

Although there were only four monsters, their strength was not comparable to that of the eight level one ferocious dogs. In just a short moment, all the ferocious dogs were knocked down.

After Yang Kun followed up and dripped blood to subdue them, Yang Kun discovered that the eight ferocious dogs finally merged into a fourth-level ferocious dog.

Together with the original level 4 ferocious dog, it formed a level 5 ferocious dog.

The two level 5 vicious dogs combined to form a level 6 vicious dog. Together with the original level 3 vicious dog and level 3 civet cat, Yang Kun now had a total of three monsters.

Although the number is smaller, the strength is incomparable to before.

Just as Yang Kun was rushing to the next location, he heard the barking of ferocious dogs and the sound of humans running desperately from afar.

Yang Kun put away the three monsters, carefully climbed up a tree on the farm, and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

There were five people, three men and two women, running towards them, followed by more than fifty ferocious dogs and five ferocious bulls.

Yang Kun couldn't help but frown. How could these people attract so many ferocious beasts? Although he was not afraid of them, it would not be easy to deal with them.

There are too many vicious dogs, and also vicious cows.

As the distance was still quite far, he couldn't see the faces of the five people clearly. While watching their fight, Yang Kun discovered that the one with the highest cultivation level was actually a tall woman with a hot body.