Apocalyptic Monsters Evolution System

Chapter 72: Weakness is the original sin


Qin Yao was suddenly at a loss after being yelled at by her mother, so Yang Kun had to walk up to her and pat her on the shoulder to comfort her.

"Hello, Aunt Qin. I'm Yang Kun. Aunt Qin thinks that the Long family is angry at the Qin family because they can't find me. This is a typical weak mentality. I just don't know if Uncle Qin thinks the same way?"

"Yes, if my Qin family has the strength of Xiaoyao Sect, how can the Long family come to provoke my Qin family? I'm afraid it's too late to honor us. In the final analysis, weakness is the original sin, but it is difficult to become strong!"

Unlike Qin Yao's mother, after hearing Yang Kun's words, Qin Yao's father Qin Yue looked at Yang Kun with admiration.

Qin Yue is a middle-aged man in his fifties, who still has the heart of a strong man. He wants to make the Qin family stronger all the time, and even wants to make the Qin family the ninth largest family in Songxi Province.

Yang Kun asked Qin Yao to sit down, and he stood in front of the communicator, smiling and said, "Wealth and honor are sought in danger. As long as the Long family is annihilated, we will get enough resources to make the Qin family stronger. And I have a way to destroy the Long family."

"But, the Xiaoyao Sect is behind the Long family. If we destroy the Long family, what will we do if the Xiaoyao Sect's people come looking for us?"

Yang Kun did not say anything, but looked at Qin Yue patiently. He knew that with Qin Yue's status, he would make him figure it out.

Sure enough, Qin Yue pondered for a moment, then made a decision. He looked at Yang Kun and said, "Do you have any way to destroy the Long family?"

Seeing that Qin Yue had figured it out, Yang Kun smiled: "You should know how the two sons of the Long family and the elders and disciples died, right? As long as I can lead all the people of the Long family to the old city, I can wipe them out. However, I also need the Qin family and the Yuwen family to guard around the old city. I'm afraid someone will escape."

The last time Zhao Wu escaped, Yang Kun had already learned a lesson. If it weren’t for him, no one would know that he was the one who killed the people from the Long family.

"I heard that he was killed by monsters. Could it be..." Qin Yue looked at Yang Kun strangely. He already understood what Yang Kun was going to do, but he couldn't figure out how Yang Kun let the beast tide besiege the people of the Long family.

Yang Kun did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes, I can control the monsters to trigger a beast tide. Uncle Qin just needs to lead them to the old city. Moreover, this matter requires the participation of the Yuwen family. I wonder if Uncle Qin can..."

"Leave this matter to me. I will also take care of the Yuwen family."

After that, Yang Kun and Qin Yue chatted for a while, then turned off the communicator, leaving Yang Kun and Qin Yao staring at each other.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze in an instant, and Yang Kun felt a little embarrassed because Qin Yue had just shown that he admired Yang Kun very much and asked him to take good care of Qin Yao.

But there was no love between him and Qin Yao, even though Qin Yao was extremely beautiful and looked pleasing to the eye next to him.

But he is not an irresponsible person. He cannot promise Qin Yao anything now, so he cannot deceive her feelings and body.

Yang Kun spread a lot of clothes next to the fire and made a simple bed for Qin Yao to rest on. Yang Kun then summoned the saber-toothed tiger and used the flesh-and-flesh collision of its claws to forge the body.

The night passed quickly. Yang Kun lay on the ground, using his spiritual power to repair his body. However, Qin Yao also did not sleep all night and stared blankly at Yang Kun's figure.

I didn't expect that he had worked so hard for me to achieve his current level of cultivation. I was not wrong about him.

But at the beginning of last night, he didn't want to recognize me and asked me to leave. Man, he is really a pig's hoof.