Apocalyptic Monsters Evolution System

Chapter 949: Jumped out


"That's right! How powerful is Master Huiwu? How could he be possessed by someone? That Leng family is just a stray dog, how can they compare with Master Huiwu?"

Feng Moting saw Leng eavesdropping from behind, so he deliberately said this loudly, making Leng, who overheard, feel complicated.

Although he heard these people praising Monk Huiwu, and he was Monk Huiwu now, which was equivalent to these people praising him, why did he belittle himself when he heard these people praising Huiwu? Could it be that he was really not as good as Monk Huiwu

Leng had complicated thoughts, not knowing whether to be happy or angry.

However, Feng Moting, Feng Yunan, Lilith and Yang Kun did not give Leng any chance to think clearly.

"Oh! It's hard for you to do anything in the name of Monk Huiwu! I don't know if you really worship Monk Huiwu or are you deliberately trying to discredit him? Monk Huiwu was really not possessed by Leng, so why didn't you make any move after hearing that his master, the abbot, who loved him so much, committed suicide? Could it be that he is not the kind of person who cares about the world and is compassionate as you say? Otherwise, why did someone so close to him die without any movement? Not only did you not pay homage to him, you didn't even go back to see him once. Could this be the compassionate Monk Huiwu that you say he is?"

When Leng heard what Yang Kun said, she thought to herself, "Oh no!"

The person Huiwu cares about most is Leng's senior brother, the host master. Now Huiwu's soul has heard what Yang Kun said, and heard that the host master committed suicide, and he did not pay homage to him when he was in Huiwu's body. Will Huiwu suddenly riot? Want to wake up and take control of the body

What you fear will come true! Just as Leng finished thinking, she found that the sleeping Huiwu soul had indeed shown signs of waking up, so she ran out in a hurry, trying to stop Yang Kun from talking any further.

"Shut up! You despicable villain! Not only did you take my treasure, you even dared to slander me! My master passed away, and I was very sad, but I was in seclusion at the time, and after I came out, I encountered other things, so I didn't go to pay homage to my master for a while. How could it be like what you said?"

The Leng family wanted to whitewash the situation and persuade Huiwu's soul to awaken, but Lilith and the others were unwilling to do so. So, focusing on the appearance of Huiwu monk's supporters, Lilith and the others dismantled Leng's platform one after another.

"Master Huiwu, are you in seclusion? Then why did I see you drinking and eating with the head of the Lou family before?"

"That's right! I also saw you, Master Huiwu, drinking and eating meat on the anniversary of the death of the host master, and you even specially invited singing girls to listen to your songs. Why don't you admit it now?"

"That's right! Master Huiwu, are you really as hypocritical as this little brother said?"

"Shut up!"

Leng scolded Lilith and the others with an ugly look on his face, not understanding why those who had always been considerate before would now ruin his plans

Feeling that the sleeping Huiwu's soul was moving more and more loudly, Leng's face became more and more ugly.

Leng's scolding seemed to have angered Lilith, Feng Moting, Feng Yunan and the others. Feng Moting and Feng Yunan no longer pretended, but returned to their normal selves and looked at Leng.

When Leng saw that her previous supporters had turned out to be the two young masters of the Feng family and a strange woman, and then saw the smile on Yang Kun's face, she knew that she had fallen into a trap!