Apocalyptic Monsters Evolution System

Chapter 961: The last wish


"My life has come to an end, but you still have a lot of life ahead of you. No matter what happens in the future, I just hope you can be safe and sound."

“Senior Brother!”

Yang Kun finally admitted that Master Xuyun was his senior brother, even though Yang Kun had called him senior brother before, but he didn't admit it in his heart. Now Master Xuyun was so courageous that he chose to sacrifice himself to save the world, and he really deserved to be called senior brother by Yang Kun.

After Yang Kun called Master Xuyun, he started to build the Buddhist temple with Master Xuyun's encouragement.

When Yang Kun injected spiritual energy into the Buddhist temple, it began to slowly grow larger, and then spontaneously flew to the top of Tianyanhong and fell down.

Yang Kun watched as Monk Xuyun made seals with his hands and muttered something, and then Monk Xuyun turned into a golden figure and flew towards the Buddhist temple.

After Monk Xuyun flew into the Buddhist temple, golden light became so bright that Yang Kun was unable to open his eyes. When he opened his eyes, the Buddhist temple had suppressed the Tianyan flood, and Monk Xuyun disappeared.

Seeing that the floodwaters were no longer pouring out of the Buddhist temple, Yang Kun knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes, kowtowed several times towards the temple, and never looked back.

Feng Moting and Feng Yunan were originally waiting for the flood to rise on Fenxin Mountain. Their spiritual energy was exhausted and they thought they could not escape death. Unexpectedly, when they were at the end of their rope, they found a new way out.

Not only did the flood not rise, but it receded and finally disappeared without a trace.

Feng Moting and Feng Yunan looked at the land that had returned to dryness in confusion and looked at each other with some doubt.

"What's going on? Why is the flood receding?"

This flood was not only fierce, but also extremely dangerous. Once you fall into the flood, it will completely swallow you up. That's why Feng Moting and Feng Yunan thought they couldn't escape it. Unexpectedly, not only did they escape it, but the flood also receded. Did someone save them

Feng Moting took out the divination tools with a serious face and divined carefully. He found that the hexagram showed that the disaster would turn into good fortune and the truth would be revealed.

It seems that this time, someone really saved them.

Who could that be

Feng Moting couldn't help but think of Yang Kun, who was blessed with great luck. If someone saved them, could it be Yang Kun? After all, he had great luck and could turn misfortune into good fortune. This hexagram was in line with it. The truth was revealed. Could it really be Yang Kun

Feng Moting thought, no matter who it was, as long as the disaster was over, it would be fine.

Walking back to the Feng family's land, Feng Moting sighed when he saw that the already dilapidated buildings were in even greater disarray. It seemed that it would take a lot of time to rebuild the family!

Yang Kun, who was being talked about by Feng Moting, saw that the flood in the fairyland had receded, so he hurried down to the mortal world to see it.

Thanks to the destruction caused by the Tianyan Flood, the fairy world and the mortal world can now interact with each other. However, this phenomenon should end soon because the Tianyan Flood has been suppressed again, so this phenomenon may recover soon.

After Yang Kun saw that the flood in the mortal world had receded, everyone was cheering, but Yang Kun could not laugh, because when he saw these people's smiling faces, he would think of the figure of Monk Xuyun who resolutely rushed towards death.

Yang Kun closed his eyes, knowing that he shouldn't think too much about it. This was Master Xuyun's choice, and he should respect it instead of blaming others for his grief.