Apocalyptic Monsters Evolution System

Chapter 963: Don't be sad anymore


"None of us thought about what happened to Master Xuyun, and we can't blame anyone. We can only live stronger, carrying his share, and live together."

Yang Kun nodded, wiped the tears from his face, patted Qian Xinxin's hand that was hugging him, then looked at Yue Fengqing and the others and said, "I understand, Sect Master, don't worry, I won't fall down like this, and I won't let Master Xuyun's hard work go to waste. I will fulfill his last wish, and live well with his share."


Yue Fengqing nodded, then turned and left. Zhao Yishan and the others also patted Yang Kun on the shoulder and comforted him: "Yang Kun, don't be sad anymore. We think if Master Xuyun knew, he definitely wouldn't want you to be sad for him."

"I know because Master Xuyun told me that this ending might be the best arrangement for him, so I don't feel sad for him."

Yang Kun said this sadly, asking Zhao Yishan, Jiang Wenlong, Qi Ming, Tie Xiangyang and even Qian Xinxin to rest assured, and they all lowered their heads sadly.

"This time, thanks to Master Xuyun's self-sacrifice, the disaster was able to end so quickly. After the disaster is over, it will be our battle against the God of Creation. This time, I will not back down!"

Yang Kun stood up, looked into the distance, and spoke with a firm expression.

In the sphere of Western influence, a tall man was walking on the street with a somewhat lonely look. People passing by were all stunned by the man's appearance, and some bold women even confessed and invited the man directly.

The man paid no attention to anyone, whether it was a man or a woman, an old man or a child, he paid no attention to them and did not stop.

But no one could stop him or touch him.

Suddenly, a hurried figure ran over from a distance and knelt directly in front of the man.

"Sir! I am late! Please forgive me!"

The person who came was the most loyal guard under Morning, and also the second in command under Morning.

Mo Ning looked at the guard kneeling in front of him and suddenly remembered what Yang Kun had said to him.

"You knew that your men were still in the mortal world, but you ignored their safety and forcibly took away the Buddhist temple. If you really cared about their safety, you wouldn't do this! What's the difference between you and the Holy Lord for disregarding the lives of your men?"

Seeing that his subordinates discovered his whereabouts at the first time and rushed over to help. With such thoughts, it is really hard to say that they are not loyal. So did he really do something wrong? ? Shouldn't he take away the Buddhist temple that suppressed Tianyanhong in order to obtain the Book of the World? And shouldn't he ignore the safety of his subordinates

"Get up, you're able to rush over to take over the fight quickly, that's already great, what's wrong with that?"

The guard raised his head in disbelief, but quickly lowered it: "I am willing to serve you, sir."

"Shadow, do you think I'm not very nice to you?"

Hearing what Morning Ning said, Shadow was extremely surprised. He had followed Morning Ning for many years and was the only guard under Morning Ning. He thought he understood Morning Ning's thoughts, but what Morning Ning said now made him a little confused.

"The adults have always been very kind to us and have never been harsh on us."

"Get up."

Mo Ning asked Shadow to stand up from the ground, and after seeing the curious eyes of the people around them, he disappeared with his hands behind his back. When Shadow saw this, he quickly followed.