Apocalyptic Monsters Evolution System

Chapter 965: buy


Mo Ning sneered in his heart and was somewhat disdainful of the words that appeared in his mind.

Did all these people think that Mo Ning was a fool who could be fooled? They thought that if they offered such conditions, Mo Ning would agree to work like a slave for them? How naive!

The same is true for the Lou brothers and sisters, and also for this mysterious man. Does Mo Ning look so easy to be bribed and become someone's subordinate

Seeing that Mo Ning didn't answer for a long time, the voice in his mind became a little anxious.

"If you agree, all the wealth in the world will be yours, all the power in the world will be yours, and all the beauties in the world will be yours! I have everything you want. As long as you agree to be my subordinate, I will make everything happen for you!"

"I'm sorry, I won't agree to your request, because I won't be someone else's subordinate, unless you become my subordinate, that's ok."

Mo Ning directly rejected the mysterious man's bribe, which made the mysterious man stunned for a moment, and then he became a little angry and embarrassed.

"In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After saying that, the voice in his mind disappeared, but it was replaced by overwhelming pain, which made Mo Ning kneel on the ground.

"My lord! My lord, what's wrong with you?"

Mo Ning's sudden action startled Shadow. He supported Mo Ning and then looked at the mysterious man viciously: "What did you do to the adults?"

The mysterious man didn't even look at Shadow, because in his opinion, only Morning was worthy of his attention.

Seeing that he was ignored, Shadow was very annoyed. He supported Morning and saw that Morning frowned because of the pain in his head, which made him think of an idea.

Shadow gently put Morning down, then rushed directly towards the mysterious man. Unfortunately, before he reached the mysterious man, he was bounced out fiercely.


Shadow spat out a large mouthful of blood and his spine was in great pain, but when he saw Mo Ning's appearance, Shadow endured the pain and pounced on him again.

Shadow's end was still severely bounced back, and this time Shadow could never stand up again.

After Shadow hit the wall, his body suddenly broke and began to shatter like porcelain.


When Morning saw this in pain, he cried out in shock, but pieces of Shadow's body began to fall off, revealing his beautiful body underneath.

Mo Ning opened his eyes wide and looked at the body that was revealed after Shadow shattered, then quickly turned his head away and stopped looking. Because he found that Shadow was actually a woman!

"Huh? It's actually a woman?"

The mysterious man seemed to be attracted by Shadow's situation. He raised his hand and moved it, and then Shadow, who was lying against the wall, was sucked over by the mysterious man.

The mysterious man imprisoned Shadow's body and looked at him without any color. Even though his face was blurry, Morning saw a hint of interest in it.

"What an interesting thing! It is possible to reshape the body by refining porcelain, and it is outside the main body. This technology is really interesting!"

"In that case, I'll take it first. Let's take a look!"

Seeing that the mysterious man seemed to be about to take Shadow away, Mo Ning suddenly stopped the mysterious man anxiously: "Where do you want to take Shadow?"

"This is none of your business, because you will soon enter the underworld and disappear from this world."

The mysterious man raised his hand and pointed it at Mo Ning, and then Mo Ning saw a golden light flying towards him...