Are You OK

Chapter 11: [Sick] Three


[Xie Liang]

In fact, Xu Xuan's flying dagger killed me on the spot.

My three souls came out of my body and slowly ascended to the sky. Suddenly, I remembered that I was wronged by Dou E, and I couldn't move up immediately.

I floated in the air and looked down, seeing the three thieves talking around my corpse. Knowing that love is powerless, I just want to remember the enemy's face before going to Naihe Bridge. Unexpectedly, looking at it, he suddenly saw another extremely thin and pale soul faintly appearing beside his corpse, slowly burrowing into the corpse.

I am very angry.

The master came to seize the house before leaving, it was really deceiving.

I was so angry that my soul sank, and I fell back to the ground. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my internal organs, blood and flesh. .

I was still dizzy, so the two deputy gang leaders held up their swords and wanted to fill up a few holes. I jumped up and attacked them all by instinct, beheading them.

Everything at that time was like Hua Xu's fantasy dream, and I only thought that I survived a catastrophe. I didn't think of the wild ghost who tried to take over the house until I found out that I had this strange disease during my escape.

When I was awake, I couldn't perceive the existence of the other party, and I could only know his origin from the letterhead he left behind.

His name is Fan Aiguo, he is not some lonely ghost, but

[Fan Aiguo]

"...a vain scholar who floated over from a remote village far away from thousands of mountains and rivers." I forcibly changed my words.

Long Daxia squinted his eyes.

Long Daxia said: "Isn't that still a lonely ghost?"

I said, "Don't say that, it hurts my heart."


Long Daxia exchanged a glance with the beauty sitting beside him. The beauty's crescent eyebrows are on her temples, she looks gentle and elegant, she doesn't look like a person in the rivers and lakes.

Although Long Daxia secretly escorted us all the way back to the Wulin League, he didn't take us to meet the leader Lin to state the truth. Instead, he arranged us to this extremely secluded guest room and invited this beauty over.

Long Daxia introduced his words like gold: "This is Doctor Tao."

I clasped my fists and said, "I've admired the name of a genius doctor for a long time." She should be a genius doctor, otherwise I'm embarrassed to be so high-profile.

Doctor Tao responded gently.

Long Daxia said: "This is a serious matter, I also ask Dr. Tao to give them a consultation."

I said: "Do you have to wait for the miracle doctor to prove that Xie Liang is really sick before you believe our testimony?"

But Long Daxia only said indifferently: "I don't need to bother you. Treating illnesses is only right and proper. I have no habit of treating suspects harshly."

I asked suspiciously, "How to cure it?"

Doctor Tao said: "This case is really rare, and there is no record in the medical books I have studied. I heard that Miaojiang witch doctors have a method of expelling evil spirits with insect baths, maybe you can try it."

[Xie Liang]

Long Daxia said: "Try it."

… try what

The beauty next to him smiled and said, "Then let me ask first, Mr. Xie and Mr. Fan, who is the evil spirit?"

"What evil spirit?" I had a bad feeling.

The beauty said: "The two share one body, one must be expelled to restore the other to normal."

Long Daxia said: "In short, which one of you will go and who will stay?"

I said, "Of course I'll stay."

Long Daxia narrowed his eyes and said, "Who are you?"

[Fan Aiguo]

I said, "I am Fan Aiguo."

Doctor Tao said: "Then Xie Liang agrees?"

I said: "I agree."

Long Daxia said: "You let him come out to prove it."

I said, "Okay, wait a minute." I changed my expression, "What did Fan Aiguo just say?"


Long Daxia said: "You really don't know how to act."

"… Oh."

Long Daxia pondered: "In any case, the original owner of this body is Xie Liang."

I said: "Xie Liang's fate is over, he is already a dead person, he should have entered reincarnation early according to his fate."

Doctor Tao said: "There is some truth to it."

[Xie Liang]

I said, "No matter what Fan Aiguo said just now, I don't agree with it."

Long Daxia said: "...he said that your life is over."

I flew into a rage and said, "He died first!"

Long Daxia said: "There is some truth to it."

[Fan Aiguo]

I said: "It doesn't make sense. I took over Xie Liang's body because of God's will, but he insisted on pushing back but against the sky."

Doctor Tao said: "Wait a minute, I'm a little dizzy... you are now

[Xie Liang]

who is it? "

I said: "I am Xie Liang!"

[Fan Aiguo]

I said: "I'm really sorry, Xie Liang has a problem, the more nervous you are, the easier it is to switch..."

[Xie Liang]

The odds were against me. Long Daxia didn't like me in the first place. Fan Aiguo can use my five senses to control my every move, I am in the light, he is in the dark.

I thought to myself, no matter what, I must hurry up and kill this guy.

[Fan Aiguo]

Think beautifully!

[Xie Liang]

Long Daxia rubbed his forehead and said: "This matter is really difficult to decide. Can't one be kept while the other is not dead?"

Namei said humanely: "The soul should go to heaven after leaving the body, unless another body is found to use it."

Long Daxia said: "That's impossible. The dead are all buried in the ground."

The beauty continued: "Even if it is a person who exposes the corpse on the street, as a doctor, I can't do such a disrespectful thing."

I hurriedly said: "Doctor, the doctor is benevolent, do you have the heart to see my body being taken over by others?"

[Fan Aiguo]

I knelt down with a "plop" and said, "Hero Long, Xie Liang has done his own crimes and cannot live, but I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no grievances in the present, please uphold justice—"

"Okay!" Long Daxia frowned and shouted, "You two can reason about this matter on your own, and just treat my good intentions in vain."

I still want to struggle: "Hero, I am innocent..."

Long Daxia sneered and said, "Innocent? It seems that you really think I'm stupid. You didn't come from a village thousands of miles away, you traveled from a thousand years later, right?"


Long Daxia said: "My Great Liang's law clearly stipulates that people who travel through must be escorted to a special government office, and then enter the palace for trial. After that, if they are not favored by the emperor for appointment, they will be sent to the prison to avoid trouble. This is the matter. After that, even if the Wulin League releases you, you will have to be sent to the capital."

My heart felt cold, and my whole body felt tired.

I refuse.

[Xie Liang]

"I refuse." Fan Aiguo wrote on the paper.

It was night, the door of the guest room was locked tightly, and insects danced around the candlelight. I sat under the lamp and quarreled with him.

Fan Aiguo wrote: "In the situation where the two of us can only slap each other for three sentences, it would be a ghost to be appointed by the emperor. We can only squat in the sky prison until we die."

After I read it, I immediately wrote and said: "If you occupy this body, you will have to go to jail, it is better to go to heaven as soon as possible, and you can accumulate some evil virtues."

After I finished writing, my eyes went dark, and when I opened my eyes again, the neat lowercase letters I just wrote had been smeared with ink, and he wrote next to him in big characters like dogs crawling: "You think everything will be fine after I leave? What Yi Wu! That Dragon Hero never lets anyone see the lord, and he picks this kind of time to drive us apart, which shows that he doesn't believe us at all, and just waits to see you destroy yourself!!"

Finally, he tried to frighten me with that feigned charm.

[Fan Aiguo]

That's called an exclamation point.

[Xie Liang]

I couldn't convey the blazing anger, and the writing became crazy: "Dragon Hero doesn't believe us, because you always utter nonsense and I can't win people's trust"

Not to be outdone, Fan Aiguo said, "I can't even tell a lie, so you can rely on me to tell a lie? When you are in danger, you faint. Who helped you escape from death again and again?"

My crazy writing grew bigger and bigger: "If you weren't in the way, I would have fled to the ends of the earth, why are there so many troubles?"

"Brother, have you forgotten something? If it weren't for me, you would be flying in the sky now!!"

I've had enough of his spell: "Should I thank you for bringing me back to life!!"

"It was originally!!!"

I was speechless.

[Fan Aiguo]

My grievances erupted all at once: "Tell you Xie Liang, in my previous life God sentenced me to die young, I have nothing to say. But God let me live again, I don't want to make meritorious deeds, at least I want to eat, drink and enjoy Let’s take a look at life—what’s the result? Tell me about the result? Squeeze in this body and follow you in fear, eat and sleep in the mud, and when you open your eyes, it’s either flying arrows or darts. What did I do wrong to have to suffer this crime?”


Xie Liang didn't write a word this time, thinking about it, he knew he was wrong.

But I couldn't stop: "Don't talk about living out a person, you can't even see your own face when you look in the mirror. Do you know what it feels like not to have your own face? I am obviously much more handsome than you."


"Do you think I care about this body? My arms and legs have no flesh, and it hurts all night after being beaten. In exchange for my original body, one hand can lift you up..."

I wanted to write more, but Xie Liang added a sentence at this time: "What is handsome?"

"... just looks good."

"Are you prettier than me?"

Can this guy catch the point

"Of course." I didn't change my face and my heart didn't jump, "It's so beautiful, the legs are longer than your whole body. Didn't you see it that day?"