Are You OK

Chapter 14: [To end] Two



Zuo Yunqi blinked.

Hearing this tone, Li Ke felt as if he was of the same kind. He just opened his mouth and shouted "help", when Zuo Yunqi suddenly took out a pair of shackles from his arms.

Zuo Yunqi handcuffed himself with lightning speed.


Zuo Yunqi shouted loudly: "Help, the cops are arresting people randomly."


The masked men rushed towards the prison car one after another upon hearing the sound.

When the first person pried open the cage door, a bloody arrow suddenly popped out of his chest!

[This is another turning point]

I saw a few well-dressed women falling down in the air, setting up Zhou Rongjun and Li Ke and leaping, passing over the heads of the crowd like lightning, and they were already a few feet away when they rose and fell suddenly.

Zuo Yunqi pricked up his ears, only vaguely heard the sentence "it's late to come down".

The masked man hastily drew his sword and chased after him, barely holding Li Ke back. Unexpectedly, the female guard of the palace was not a good person, and the hidden weapon shot out like a rainstorm, and there was another heart-piercing cry.

The atmosphere at the scene was very enthusiastic, and only the officers and soldiers were left standing aside, at a loss.

[Officers and Soldiers]

The officers and soldiers turned around and found that Zuo Yunqi was handcuffed, and they looked for a key to unlock him in surprise.

Zuo Yunqi said: "Don't come here."

The officers and soldiers said: "Young Master Zuo, who should we kill?"

Zuo Yunqi suppressed his voice and ordered: "No one will be chopped down, you run away."

The officers and soldiers were moved and said: "We will save you first."

Zuo Yunqi said: "Don't come over, I will kill whoever comes over!"

The officers and soldiers were moved: "We must save you."

In the chaos, Zuo Yunqi didn't know who was hit, he only felt a dull pain in the back of his head, and then his eyes went black.


When Zuo Yunqi woke up, there was still darkness in front of his eyes.

At first he thought his eyes were covered with a cloth, but it took him a while to realize that he was in a dark hole in the ground.

Zuo Yun started to move and found that his hands and feet were bound. His face was cool, and the human skin mask was removed. He used his eyesight enough to try to investigate, and then he heard someone beside him say: "Are you awake?"

Zuo Yunqi was surprised: "Li Ke? Didn't you get rescued?"

Li Kedao: "I was chased and robbed by them. Your Highness escaped."

Zuo Yunqi pondered and said: "Judging from the weapons and poisons used by the masked men, this must be the lair of those recent perpetrators."

Li Ke said: "Oh, don't you doubt me now?"

Zuo Yunqi said: "... Is it really not you?"

Li Ke said angrily: "No."

Zuo Yunqi said: "Then the strange poison you used..."

Li Kedao: "It's just a kind of mushroom, shared by my mother's circle of friends."



Li Ke said: "However, from the tone of those people, it seems that they are all time travelers."

Zuo Yunqi said with a half-smile, "It doesn't look like I'm racially discriminatory. But how many unregistered transmigrators are there in Daliang..."

Li Ke didn't have the heart to listen to his analysis at all, and said without love: "I hope I can have a chance to escape, so that your Highness won't save me—" before finishing his sentence, he suddenly stopped talking.

Zuo Yunqi said: "The emperor doesn't know that your highness has to mobilize troops, I'm afraid he will expose himself to save you, isn't it?"


Li Kegeng said bluntly, "How do you know everything?"

Zuo Yunqi said: "I said, I have my own way."

Suddenly there were footsteps coming from far and near, and the door creaked open. There was a flicker of fire, and someone lit a lamp.

Zuo Yunqi squinted his eyes, it seemed more like a cave here. The person who came was a woman with a kind face. She smiled and said, "Hello, handsome guys. My name is Jiao Jiaoran. Recently, the imperial court has been arresting time travelers everywhere. Fortunately, we caught up with you this time and saved you."

Li Ke looked down at the rope that was tightly tied to him, and said, "Your rescue method is very creative."


Jiao Jiaoran said without changing her face: "Oh, maybe they made a mistake. I'll untangle it for you."

Jiao Jiaoran untied the two and said, "Come with me."

The three of them walked out of the cave, Zuo Yunqi had just regained the feeling of his legs, he grinned and looked up, stupefied.

There is still a cave in front of me. Countless caves.

To be more precise, the entire mountain has been hollowed out, and they are in the belly of the mountain, facing the winding and complicated tunnels like intestines, and the rooms like ant nests that the tunnels lead to.

Li Ke tremblingly said: "Have you built an excavator or..."


Jiao Jiaoran led the two of them for a while, Zuo Yunqi's mouth never closed again.

Several caves are filled with bottles and jars, filled with strangely colored liquids, and some people wearing masks are fiddling with beakers and test tubes, and a cage of white rats is squeaking beside them.

Heat waves are rolling in several caves, and liquid metal is rolling out of large smelting furnaces.

Jiao Jiaoran said: "There are several kinds of metals with strange properties in this time and space, so they can create magic weapons with incredible lethality. We get these magic weapons from everywhere, let researchers analyze the composition, and quickly forge them in batches gone."

Li Ke said: "Why don't you just make a gun directly."

Jiao Jiaoran said: "We are waiting for talents in this field to pass through."


[Lecture Hall]

Zuo Yunqi was trying to memorize information item by item, but Jiao Jiaoran turned around halfway and led them into a room that was decorated as a lecture hall.

The men and women sitting cross-legged in the room turned their heads in unison.

Jiao Jiaoran said: "Compatriots, two new members came today, let's say hello."

Everyone clapped their hands three times in unison, and said loud and clear: "Welcome, welcome, welcome."


[Pioneering Group]

Jiao Jiaoran motioned for the two of them to find a place to sit down, stood up on the podium, smiled and said, "Let's introduce ourselves to the newcomers, okay?"

Everyone said loudly: "Okay."

Jiao Jiaoran asked, "What's our name?"

"Pioneering group."

"our target is?"

"Violence promotes the development of Great Liang's civilization and fully realizes the modernization of the other world."


Zuo Yunqi glanced at Li Ke. Li Ke's expression was twisted.


Jiao Jiaoran asked, "Are we afraid of obstruction?"

"Not afraid."

"We are not afraid of oppression!"

"Not afraid."


"Mountains of swords and seas of fire are not enough to watch, a hundred thousand troops are just waiting!"

Jiao Jiaoran raised her fist high and said, "What is really powerful!"

Everyone said: "Mathematics and chemistry!"

"What is it!"



Jiao Jiaoran revealed a smug smile, and said, "Then welcome new friends, and say goodbye to old ones too. Drag it up."

The "old friend" was indeed dragged up. Zuo Yunqi saw his appearance clearly, and his hair stood on end.

The man was barely human-shaped, his whole body was torn apart and flesh was bright red, and there were even thick bones protruding from them, and a trail of blood was dragged behind him.

Everyone in the room became agitated. The men who dragged him up began to distribute daggers and whips around. The man on the ground was still conscious, and twitched twice like a fish that had been cut open.

Jiao Jiaoran smiled and said, "What is the first rule of our group?"

"The defector dies!"

The crowd cheered and rushed forward.

Zuo Yunqi turned his head away, and glanced at Li Ke again. Li Ke silently looked back at Zuo Yunqi.

The two read a consensus from each other's eyes: they might be in trouble.


It was night, and everyone arranged Zuo Yunqi and Li Ke in a bedroom, and then locked the door.

Zuo Yunqi lay on the bed until midnight, and only dared to let out a long sigh when he heard the silence outside the door.

Zuo Yunqi said: "What kind of evil place is this Pioneering Group?"

Li Ke, who was in the next bed, turned over and said, "It feels like a pyramid scheme."

Zuo Yunqi said: "What is that for?"

Li Kedao: "Abduct people in for brainwashing, let people pay for them to work, and if they want to escape, they will be cut into three pieces for public display."

Li Ke said in despair: "You're going to die."

Zuo Yunqi said: "Perhaps His Royal Highness King Yu will lead troops to rescue you."

Li Ke said: "Why don't you say let the emperor lead the troops to rescue you." He and Zhou Rongyun shared their nostrils, seeing that the emperor was very unhappy.

Zuo Yunqi smiled bitterly and said: "With my superior's ability, it is still possible to find me, but it is as difficult as heaven to dispatch troops to suppress the rebels."

Li Ke said: "Wait a minute, something flew into my mind just now."



Li Kedao: "I remembered, there is a sensitive celebrity in the capital called Lou Zhu, who is a time traveler who specializes in helping the emperor review time travelers, and he also holds a vast intelligence network in his hands. If you are his subordinate, It’s not surprising to know some secrets!”

Zuo Yunqi weighed it up and said, "No. I'm just a tenant in his building."

Li Keqi said: "Then why is it your turn to investigate the case?"

Zuo Yunqi said: "I volunteered."

Li Ke said contemptuously: "Greed for merit and glory, the dog emperor's minion." Zuo Yunqi didn't defend himself, and retorted: "When it comes to hugging thighs, you don't give up too much."

Li Ke said angrily: "At least I don't rely on others to save me, I will save myself."

Zuo Yunqi said: "Heh, why don't we see who escapes first."

Li Ke said: "Okay, you'd better live until the day you see me off."

Zuo Yunqi said: "It shouldn't be a big problem, after all I have a brain."

[Second Loss]

In the early morning of the next day, Jiao Jiaoran knocked on the door of the room, handed in a pen and paper and said, "Welcome to the Advanced Traveler Examination."


Zuo Yunqi said: "Huh?"

Jiao Jiaoran said: "In order to prove your identity as a time traveler and at the same time show your talents, please write down the knowledge you have as a time traveler on these two pieces of paper. The more the better, the time limit is one hour."



Zuo Yunqi held the brush in his hand and entered a state of emptying.

Li Ke frantically wrote for a while, looked up and saw that Jiao Jiaoran had gone far away, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly, "Did you forget to bring your brain today?"

Zuo Yunqi said: "Not at all, I still know some information about traversers."

Li Ke said: "Then why don't you write?"

Zuo Yunqi said: "I don't know simplified Chinese characters."
