Are You OK

Chapter 27: [Drag draft] 3



Yingtai watched the lone bird fly by at the end of the cloudy sky, full of melancholy. Seeing that Shan Bo was silent again, he couldn't help feeling sad, and wept, "How can you trust me? Is it my fault that they promised me to Mr. Ma?" Shan Bo laughed and said, "You marry me?" As for him, he is in the right family, so you don’t have to worry about following me.”

Yingtai untied the sachet, threw it down the mountain viciously, and cried, "You have taken my heart long ago, but you don't want it. If I marry him, I might as well die." She softened in a few words and hugged her tightly, and the two kissed on the top of the mountain.


"It's rote and rote, and there is no literary talent. The section of 'climbing the heights' just shows the low level of the pattern. The whole article moans without illness, without temperament and insight, and looks like a walking dead!"

This is the evaluation privately given by Mr. Li, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, after reading "The Black-bellied Gardener Falls in Love with Me". For some reason, these two harsh sentences spread quickly, and one stone caused a thousand waves.

During this period of time, "A Black-bellied Gardener Falls in Love with Me" has become so popular in Luoyang that it has fans all over the place, and it seems to have driven other novels to a dead end. Many literati and booksellers had been indignant for a long time, and they regarded Mr. Fan as a thorn in the flesh, but they had nothing to do with him. This time there was finally an authoritative voice, like a thunderbolt falling to the ground, immediately drawing echoes.

"Master Li said that looking at it is like walking dead!"

"Whoever sees who has no taste!"

"If the country doesn't exist, why should the family be? In troubled times, instead of writing about the flames of war, you write about the love of these children. Is it to weaken morale?"

"A truly excellent work should have a personality and insights. For example, "Wolf Fighting" just came out next door."

"Place an order to buy "Wolf Fighter" now, and have a chance to get the author's signature."


The flames of war in the literary criticism circle quickly spread to the streets of the city.

As soon as the storyteller in the teahouse mentioned the section "Yingtai throwing sachets", a big man jumped out and shouted: "Why are you talking about those boring things? The imperial court is fighting hard in the north, and we are in a corner in the south. Rely on these miscellaneous books to whitewash the peace!"

Another person said: "That is, those transmigrators burned my house and killed my family, but you are here to say that the two love each other and coexist peacefully. It is really heartbreaking."

But another person said: "The one who killed your family didn't have a part in the imperial court? If they didn't stand still and kill all the traversers, how could they cause war and harm the civilians?"

The burly guy from earlier mocked: "Grandson, did your father from the Pioneering Group pay you?"

All of a sudden, the bone saucer of the teapot fell to the ground.

"What are you arguing about?" A woman patted the table and said, "Grandma just wants to have fun, so all the scolders go out!"

She said to everyone at the table: "Look, this is a fan of brainwashed by those idle books."

The woman put her hips on her hips and said, "Hey, you are the sailor of the opposite family? I, Fan Lang, are so popular, am I blocking the way of your master?"

All of a sudden, the bone saucer of the teapot fell to the ground again.

"Whoever reads the book is stupid!"

"You are jealous!"

"That's right, our Mr. Fan is as talented as the sky, and the outdated old guy in the Imperial Academy just relies on him to find his presence."

"How did the one in front talk?"

"Is the Imperial Academy also stepping on?"

"Everyone, calm down, calm down! That's an anti-loyal black fan, and he's just making trouble for Mr. Fan!"


In the Wulin League.

After Fan Aiguo heard the situation, he said after a while: "It doesn't make sense to say that I am moaning without illness?"

"Don't worry, that's what caused the war."

Fan Aiguo shrugged and said, "What do I care about? I just make a living. Besides, I haven't kissed anyone on the mountain, so naturally the writing doesn't look like it—how about asking the Wulin League to sponsor it—?"

The landlord turned a deaf ear and said: "The level of tripping is so low, I think it is probably the imperial court's handwriting, and the pioneer team is still brewing a big move. Don't worry about that, we have arranged a national signing at the end of the month, and get ready early."

Fan Aiguo said: "Oh."

"Also, don't forget to write a manuscript for the signing and sale. The manuscripts for the last issue of the monograph must be submitted as soon as possible."


Fan Aiguo said in grief and indignation: "Why do you need the manuscript for three months?"

The host said: "The drama troupe wants to start the adaptation in advance. When the time comes, the new play and the new book will be released at the same time, and they will drive each other's popularity. It is very high-end."

Fan Aiguo said: "I have no inspiration."

The landlord said: "What inspiration do you want to expand according to the outline?"

Fan Aiguo said: "My hands hurt. My neck hurts. My eyes hurt."

The landlord didn't raise his eyelids and said, "I'll eat for a while."



No matter how many debates there are, the popularity of "A Black-bellied Gardener Falls in Love with Me" has risen unstoppably.

At the end of this month, Mr. Fan opened a nationwide signing. It is said that it is the whole country, but in fact, the itinerary is some areas that have not been affected by the war.

Fan Aiguo expressed deep concern about this: "What if I am assassinated by the imperial court or the Pioneering Group?"

The landlord snorted and said: "They will only try their best to protect your life. An unarmed literati is killed in their territory, and the spittle of the people can drown them."

Fan Aiguo said: "Then what if the two sides assassinate me in each other's territory?"

The landlord said: "You don't have that face for now."


As expected, the local government attaches great importance to Fan Aiguo's personal safety, and there are officers and soldiers around every signing place.

Although the Wulin League said it easily, it still sent a group of experts to serve as secret sentries.

Xie Liang, the personal bodyguard with a blunderbuss hidden on his body, stood beside Fan Aiguo Yuan Tingyue, and stopped the wave after wave of idiots and resentful women without squinting.

"My fan friends, please keep a polite distance and wait in line for autographs."

"Fan Lang!" The stopped girl straightened her arms and said eagerly, "Can you accept my handkerchief?"

Fan Aiguo was stunned by his popularity.

He was flattered and took the silk handkerchief she handed over.

"Ah—" the crowd screamed wildly, and for a while, brocade sachets were thrown towards him like rain.

Fan Aiguo picked up a sachet, raised the corner of his mouth and glanced at Xie Liang.

Xie Liang ground his teeth without looking sideways.


Staying at the inn at night, Fan Aiguo beat him up and said, "Mr. Xie, have I broken your sachet record?"

Xie Liang snorted coldly: "What people love is your writing. And your writing is not your writing."

Fan Aiguo said nonchalantly: "It wasn't originally, but it is now."

Xie Liang was about to fight back, when suddenly a secret whistle knocked on the door and said: "The landlord's flying pigeon is passing the letter."

Xie Liang took the letter and opened it to read a line, then changed color slightly and said: "...It's really not this time."

Fan Aiguo's heart skipped a beat, and he heard him say, "The Pioneer Team's big move is here."

[thirty five]

Seeing a tombstone hastily erected on the grave, Zhu Niang couldn't help but knelt down and said in mourning, "God, if you feel my sincerity, then ask me to go with Liang Sheng!" The thunder and lightning pierced the sky, and "Kara" hit Liang Sheng's grave, splitting it in half.

Everyone screamed and tried to escape, but Zhu Niang was the only one with a happy face, and murmured: "Liang Sheng, you are here." Saying this, she jumped into the tomb. Everyone wailed, "Miss! Why bother!" They were about to search, but where was Zhu Niang

Not long after the thunder stopped and the rain stopped, someone suddenly pointed to the tombstone and said, "That's..." A pair of colorful butterflies came out of the tomb, playing and flying away slowly.



Fan Aiguo blinked blankly a few times as if he had just been split in half by lightning.

Fan Aiguo said: "What is this?"

Xie Liang handed him the letter paper, and saw that the letter read: Excerpted from the new book released by the Pioneer Team Gunners a few days ago.

Fan Aiguo said: "How do they know..."

"Your male lead is Shanbo, and your female lead is Yingtai. They don't know why." Xie Liang said, "It's good this time, they found a gunman to write the ending of Liang Zhu first, and it sold well. You If you write like this again, it will be blatant plagiarism and ruin your reputation."

Fan Aiguo said: "Then what should we do?"

Xie Liang said: "The landlord told you not to panic, work harder and think of something that surpasses it, it is more tragic, more tragic, and more brainwashing."


Fan Aiguo smiled and said, "I was born in PPT for the leader, and he asked me to work harder to surpass Butterfly Lovers?"

Xie Liang was silent for a while.

Fan Aiguo walked over and threw himself on the bed, lying still on his stomach.