Are You OK

Chapter 36: [Counterfeit] 3


[Three and a half hours before death]

When Zuo Yunqi came out of the pharmacy, he was pulled into the room by the landlord with a serious face.

The landlord said: "I need your help."

"What help?"

The landlord said: "There is no way to go, so we can only go in a crooked way. Let's practice the beauty trick."

Zuo Yunqi asked suspiciously: "Who is the beauty?"

The landlord said: "Me."


[Three and a half hours before death]

Regardless of man or woman, the quickest and most effective way to make a non-stupid person stupid is to seduce.

Once a person is picked up, he will somewhat lose his judgment.

The landlord has the initial conditions for seduction: he is handsome.

Jing Huanzhi left him with a fair face, the appearance of a white-faced scholar, but his lazy muscles and bones brought out a strange and romantic temperament.

Not only is he handsome, but he is also rich, very rich.

The landlord's extraordinary IQ is all used to make his life more comfortable. He used to serve the emperor, and later defected to Lin Kai, and no one stopped him from making large sums of money.

Such a landlord has never actively chased girls.

[Three and a half hours before death]

The landlord said seriously: "I want to practice flirting with girls from scratch to confuse Tan Qinghuan."

Zuo Yunqi said inexplicably: "And regardless of whether your plan is reasonable or not, I'm not a girl. If you want to practice flirting with girls, you should at least find Dr. Tao."

The host said: "No matter how good Dr. Tao's medical skills are, he's still just a big girl. How can he be contemptuous of her?"

Zuo Yunqi said: "The Martial Arts League still has many female heroes."

The landlord said: "I'm afraid of being beaten."


[Three and a half hours before death]

The landlord tried to persuade: "You pretended to be a time traveler and fooled me. I think you still have a lot of experience in acting. It is suitable for you to accompany me to practice."

Zuo Yunqi hugged his chest helplessly and said, "So how do you plan to flirt?"

The host slowly took a step closer to him, Zuo Yunqi took a step back uncomfortably.

The landlord took another step closer, Zuo Yunqi was forced to the wall, only felt that the scene of being threatened seemed familiar, and couldn't help raising his eyes to stare at him.

The landlord slowly raised his arms to support the wall, trapping Zuo Yunqi between himself and the wall: "How?"

"How about what?"

The landlord said: "Do you feel the blush and heartbeat?"


"Isn't there?" The landlord asked troubled, "This is the first form in our textbook, called Bidong."


Zuo Yunqi said: "You can't."

[Three hours before death]

The landlord said: "Then what do you usually do?"

But Zuo Yunqi remained silent, and went to pour a cup of tea in front of the case.

The landlord thought he was thin-faced and refused to give up easily, so he swayed over and said, "I'm thirsty too."

Zuo Yunqi poured another glass from the pot, then raised the glass and handed it to him.

The landlord reached out to pick it up, but the fingers of the two accidentally touched each other. Zuo Yunqi immediately retracted like lightning, almost spilling the tea.

The landlord looked at him suspiciously, but saw that he turned his face away.


The landlord said: "This...don't take it seriously..."

Zuo Yunqi turned his face back, expressionlessly said: "Have you learned it yet?"


The landlord said: "Yes, there are enough dramas."

[Three hours before death]

Zuo Yunqi said: "If you want to get away, you can get a good girl - all the dudes here say that. But it's just the superficial skills of sour literati."

The landlord said: "You seem to be looking down on it?"

Zuo Yunqi said: "My father taught me to grab what I like."


The landlord said: "Let's use the superficial skills of sour literati."

[Three hours before death]

Tan Qinghuan said: "You are here again."

The landlord quickly recollected Zuo Yunqi's head that was turned away, and there was an Oscar-level worried look on his face for a moment, but he lowered his eyes the moment he met her eyes, and sat down on the chair beside the bed quite forbearingly, as if After struggling for a while, he slowly asked, "How does your body feel?"

Tan Qinghuan smiled weakly: "It's useless to play the warmth card."

The landlord was stunned for a while, and after a while he said in a daze: "I... just worry about your hidden secrets, and I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on."


Tan Qinghuan slightly opened her eyes wide: "Are you really into the show?"

She was still indifferent, but the host was inexplicably convinced that she was on the right track, so she quickly smiled bitterly again and said, "Is it a play... I don't know it myself. After seeing you, my head has been hurting... maybe It was the interrogation that was so nerve-wracking."

Tan Qinghuan fell silent.

The host also looked down at his fingertips and said nothing.

[Three hours before death]

After a long silence, Tan Qinghuan asked when the landlord could not bear it any longer, "Then what are you going to do now?"


The landlord said unhurriedly: "I have a lot of questions that I want to ask you, and I guess you also have a lot of questions that you want to test me. Why don't we play a game and ask questions in turn, and we can't ask the next question until the answer satisfies the other party, how about it? "

Tan Qinghuan closed her eyes and said, "Okay."

The landlord breathed a sigh of relief, and heard her say: "Then the lady is first. How long can I live?"

A perfect look of astonishment and bewilderment flashed across the landlord's eyes.

[Three hours before death]

Tan Qinghuan looked at his face and smiled: "I still have a sense of my state. You are so anxious, I can guess a little bit. Come on, give me a satisfactory answer."

The landlord said: "... no more than three hours at most."

Hearing the verdict, even Tan Qinghuan's calm face finally wavered a bit.

The landlord was not in a hurry to express his sadness: "Can I ask questions?"


The landlord put aside the Pioneering Group and the Wulin League in his consciousness, and pondered what he should be most concerned about at this time: "Actually, I really don't know if I am the person you are looking for, and you probably don't have enough time I need to prove it. Why don't you tell me... the story of the person you are looking for. If I remember something, then everyone will be happy; Who is it?"

[Three hours before death]

The landlord has always had good luck.

In front of the dying bed, each has a ghost, which can be described as the right time, place and people.

Tan Qinghuan said slowly: "Take it as a last word, let me tell you a story."

The landlord dared not speak out, fearing that he would not be able to hide his ecstasy.

Tan Qinghuan said: "There used to be two people... let's call them A and B."


The landlord said: "Are you unable to think of an alias for a while?"

[Three hours before death]

Tan Qinghuan said: "A loves B deeply, and B also loves A deeply. A and B have been living happily together, and they could grow old like this, but one day, A suddenly had an accident. He thought he was dead, but he opened his eyes. He opened his eyes, but he crossed over.

"A explored this world named Great Liang, and gradually discovered that there were many traversers like him in this world. The existence of the same kind did not give him a sense of belonging. Although he found a way to survive through constant adaptation, In his heart, he always felt that he was a lonely wanderer.

"As the years passed, many time-travelers got along with each other and formed families, and some even found true love among non-time-travelers. However, A has been alone all the time, and many years have passed like this..."

She stopped suddenly and asked, "Why do you think so?"

The landlord said: "'s not your turn to ask questions yet."

Tan Qinghuan said: "Oh, then go out."


The landlord felt that he had met his opponent.

[Three hours before death]

The landlord is somewhat familiar with this kind of lingering eight o'clock story, and pondered, "Because he didn't know whether he died or disappeared in that world when he came here... If he disappeared, maybe B is still looking for it." Him? And if he makes a home here, is he betraying B?"

Tan Qinghuan was finally visibly moved.

The host asked cautiously, "Did I get the answer right?"

Tan Qinghuan just said indifferently: "How do I know, I'm not him."


"A lived alone for many years, until he met C. C was also a time traveler. The two of them chatted, and they became more and more like each other. After they started asking each other about their backgrounds, they discovered that they knew each other in their hometown. C It is a mutual friend of A and B.

"A immediately couldn't wait to ask about B's current situation, but C was vague and hurriedly took the topic away. A was very anxious.

"After the two reunited for a while, C confessed to A. C said that he had always liked A in the past, and he couldn't forget A all these years. Unexpectedly, God heard his heart and sent himself here. Although A I was very touched, but I still asked eagerly, what happened to B... "

The landlord said: "Stop."

[Three hours before death]

The landlord said: "You are C. Jing Huanzhi from the school had already entered the capital at that time, and you finally found A."

Tan Qinghuan looked at him and said nothing, the host knew she had acquiesced.

"Then I want to jump in line and ask a question."

His nerves tensed in an instant, as if a bowstring would break at the touch of a bow, and he seemed to inadvertently ask the crucial question: "Did you come to Great Liang by accident, or by active choice?"

[Two and a half hours before death]

Tan Qinghuan didn't speak for a long time, he thought she wouldn't answer.

The people outside the door patiently eavesdropping on the eight o'clock stall also felt desperate.

The enemy is dark and we are clear, and this battle will be lost.

At this moment, Tan Qinghuan said, "It's an active choice."

The landlord is horrified!

Although I had doubts in my heart for a long time, when the suspicion was confirmed, I was still shocked beyond words!

He tried his best to suppress the turbulent waves in his heart, but his face was only puzzled or even disdainful: "But, how can it be done? If you can cross through with will, wouldn't there be large-scale missing cases in junior high schools in our country every day?"

[Two and a half hours before death]

Tan Qinghuan began to smile again: "Of course not by will, but by some operations and some luck.

"A's crossing, in the original world, was manifested as a sudden death. He had no disease, and the autopsy couldn't explain why. C decided that he was murdered, and investigated all the details of Rising Sun Square at any cost—he died suddenly there. Unexpectedly, it was the group of 'murderers' who found her first.

"They call themselves the Pioneer Group. C is a scholar who studies the history of war, so they believe that she has the value of being contacted. They offered to tell her the truth on the condition that she must go to another do something for them."

As soon as the words fell, everyone inside and outside the door broke out in a cold sweat.

The Pioneer Group is not a group of hapless ragtags who accidentally traveled through time, but an organization that spans time and space.

Then their strength cannot be calculated by the standards of this world alone.