Are You OK

Chapter 39: [No medicine] 2


[Fate · Eight]

Zuo Yunqi forcibly brought back the topic again: "You must be very familiar with your own building. Is there any way to directly destroy that building?"

Lin Kaidao: "That's right, we still have a few people left in the capital, at least we can try to bury gunpowder or something."

The landlord said: "It's useless."

"Why didn't it work?"

"Because that building can't be blown down."

Lin Kai was puzzled and asked: "Where in the world is there a building that cannot be blown down?"

"When the building was built, the emperor was very generous. The pillars of the building were made of four thousand-year-old sacred trees. The wood itself is impervious to water and fire, hard as rocks, and highly poisonous. Not to mention being eaten by insects, even people have to eat it." Wear gloves to touch."

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just wood..."

The host said dumbly: "The wood is covered with a layer of metal. It is your unique vermilion silver. It is extremely light, but it is invulnerable. The four pillars are constantly blown up, and the building is basically unable to fall. The climbing platform they built can be blown up." , but if you want to start from the connection, you still have to rush upstairs."

Lin Kaidao: "Then what do you say?"

"I said we still have to carry out air strikes."

"There are no planes here."

The landlord smiled and said, "When I first came here, there was nothing here."


The woman is very clear in her heart that she has no power or power, and even if she announces the secret of the singularity to the public, she will not get any benefit from it.

The incident will be approved and taken over immediately. At that time, she will not even have the qualification to be near the factory.

What happens to people who touch the singularity? Is it really flying to another strange world, or just turning into a ray of dead souls? Women aren't sure about that, but they don't care that much either.

For someone like her, making the world more miserable is also a benefit.

She began to punish the disobedient children in the organization, asking them to take turns to stand in that ominous open space for punishment.

A year later, the first child died. It was a little girl who had just learned to speak, and she became the first data of a woman.

At the same time, the accomplices in the organization were sent all over the world to collect "death-prone" locations. There may be many guys who are keen on hunting novelties in the world, but no one has collected coordinate and time data year after year like them, trying to find out the law in the scholar's misty guess.

One day a few years later, the woman pinched the stopwatch and ran through a dark alley, knocking a passerby into a remote corner.

He got up cursing, and then suddenly fell down as if the power of the machine was cut off.


The girl on the side of the road was robbed of her mobile phone by a thief, and she fell to the ground and died after chasing her. The doctor said that she died of overwork; the man who snatched a red light crossed the road, was hit by a car that rushed into the green belt, and swallowed on the spot gas…

Out of a thousand murders, one happens to succeed. As a result, the data obtained by the woman became clearer and clearer, and the prediction became more accurate.

She regards it as a game, planning creative deaths again and again, but the world is ignorant of it, and only natural disasters come. This gave her a thrill of playing God.

Until one day, she heard that the scholar had become a lunatic recognized in the industry.

People said he had completely lost his mind, because he actually came up with a new conjecture—that singularities tend to appear in time and space where life is active.

In other words, those people who touch the singularity and pass through may continue to survive in another world.

[Fate Nine]

The Wulin League was mobilized from top to bottom; all the skilled craftsmen in the vicinity were invited.

The noise of "bang bang bang" in the camp was endless, sawdust and dust flew into the air like a blizzard, and the heat wave of blacksmithing made the vision float.

The landlord wants to build a flying wooden kite.

As if this idea was not bizarre enough, a time limit was added: within three days.

Everyone's eyes went dark when they heard the news.

The local craftsman was sweating coldly: "Maybe there is a way to build a wooden bird... But you said it will carry people? And weapons?"

"It's a beautiful idea to push the civilization process forward hundreds of years out of thin air. Will we be able to land on the moon next month?" the traveler in the alliance complained.

"Don't talk about building an airplane, I can't even build a steam engine."

"I can't even recite Newton's first law."

"The periodic table of elements in my mind has only the top ten left..."

[Fate · Ten]

After three o'clock, no one in the noisy camp slept peacefully.

The moonlight was obscured by smoke and dust, so the host went to the construction site to inspect it, and went back to the bedroom with his hands behind his back.

"Actually, you know it in your heart, don't you?"

The landlord raised his head upon hearing the sound, and saw Zuo Yunqi sitting at the table in the room. The candles in the room were dimly lit, and the young man's face was half hidden in the darkness, and his features became more and more lonely.

The landlord smiled and said, "Are you waiting for me?"

Zuo Yunqi raised his hand to pour a cup of tea for him, and said: "You know in your heart that they have no knowledge reserves, let alone only three days, even if they really build something that can fly, they will never be able to bear the weight."

The landlord walked across to him and sat down. The candlelight was flickering, and the expressions of the two of them couldn't be seen clearly.

After a moment of silence, Zuo Yunqi was puzzled and said, "I used to think that you would always have a solution. It turns out that you will also have times when you are at the end of your rope."

The landlord put away his vain smile, spread his hands and said slowly: "There is a specialization in surgery... I am not a fairy, and my business is not that wide."

Zuo Yunqi froze for a moment, but still couldn't believe it and said: "You really can't do it? I guess you put up a battle for the frontier team to see, maybe you have another plan."

The landlord said: "There is a plan. But if it can't be implemented, I will simply not mention it."

"Tell me."

The landlord was amused: "Why, Xiao Yunqi wants to take my class?"

Zuo Yunqi stubbornly said: "Tell me what happens."

[Fate · Eleven]

The landlord lowered his head slightly, thinking of something, got up after a while and turned to the bookcase, retrieved a long and thin box, and pushed it in front of Zuo Yunqi.

"open to take a look."

The box was made of iron, one arm long, and had a metallic gray-white color.

Zuo Yunqi unpreparedly opened it and peeked in, was so horrified that he almost threw it out: "What the hell is this?"

I saw that the box was filled to the brim with a huge worm. The worm's body was covered with colorful and strange armor, and its head was wrinkled in an ugly way. It was impossible to tell where the eyes were and where the mouth was. In addition, some kind of dark debris was scattered in the box.

The landlord also seemed to think that the bug hurt his eyes, so he turned his head away and said, "I asked Doctor Tao to ask for this. This kind of bug was originally a rare medicinal herb, called a worm. A worm is addicted to wood, and it can chew on any tree." ,include… "

"Including the highly poisonous pillars in your building?" Zuo Yunqi tilted his head and stared at the black sawdust.

The landlord nodded, and said again: "Do you remember, when we first met, I asked you a question-how many floors does my building have?"

"Remember. Everyone in the world thinks there are seven floors, but you told me there are eight floors."

The landlord smiled and said: "I am actually a very careful person. I am always afraid that the emperor will kill me one day. There is an exit in the secret room under the ground, which leads to a secret passage to escape. But the secret passage is not too long. It only extends to the capital. A private house in…”

Zuo Yunqi suddenly realized: "If you can't live from the sky, you can draw your salary from the bottom of the earth!"

The landlord concealed a wry smile, and said: "That's right, the plan is to continue digging down from the secret room to the foundation, and then avoid the outer layer of vermilion silver, and let the snake eat the wood in the middle. A single pillar and the building can collapse."

Zuo Yunqi saw that the landlord still looked calm, frowned and said: "Then what are we waiting for?"

"How should I put it..." the host said, "There is only one worm in the world. By the time it finishes eating the pillar, you'll probably have a grandson."

[Fate · Twelve]

Zuo Yunqi came out of the landlord's room, his steps were numb and slow, but his thoughts were still running tirelessly. Like a headless chicken, stubbornly trying to find a way out.

In fact, Zuo Yunqi also has a vague plan.

But he didn't want to mention it to the landlord.

He was ashamed to let anyone know.

The flames were flickering in the distance, Zuo Yunqi raised his head, and saw Tao Zhongchi rushing over in a coat and carrying a lamp. Zuo Yunqi stepped forward and said: "Doctor Tao, why are you in such a hurry?"

Tao Zhongchi's face was haggard, but his eyes were shining brightly: "I've made it."

Zuo Yunqi shuddered: "Could it be..."

"The antidote to Li Ruo Chong Gu. My previous direction has been wrong. It should not be the crown prince and Li Ke who took the antidote, but the heretics. The female worm is in the body of the leftist. If he drinks the antidote, he will If the mother worm dies together, the prince and Li Ke will not pay for each other with their lives."

"That is to say... to commit suicide?"

Tao Zhongchi sighed: "That's right. Zuo Dao is really a strange person. He seems to know that it is extremely poisonous even in a coma. His jaw is closed tightly and he can't pour the medicine. Even a big man can't pry it open. I just went to report to Leader Lin. He Said that the landlord had many ideas, so I came to ask for help."

Tao Zhongchi was about to excuse me, when Zuo Yunqi said slowly, "Wait."


Zuo Yunqi looked at her with a calm face: "The landlord is busy with Feiyuan's business, I'm afraid I can't get away. If Doctor Tao doesn't mind, I have an idea, you might as well try it."

[Fate Thirteen]

"Master Zuo really thinks this method is feasible?" Tao Zhongchi looked worriedly at the prisoner lying horizontally in the pharmacy. Zuo Dao's eyes were closed tightly, his cheeks were sunken, and if it wasn't for the slight rise and fall of his chest, he would have looked like a mummy at first glance.

Zuo Yunqi said: "There will be no mistakes. With his current condition, it is impossible for him to have the strength to resist. After waking him up, I will persuade him to swallow the antidote by himself. Please also pay attention to Dr. Tao, as long as he reveals Just the slightest hint of manipulating the crown prince with his consciousness will make him dizzy again."

Tao Zhongchi hesitated and said, "The only one among us who can persuade him is probably Mr. Zuo."

Zuo Yunqi smiled wryly, and said: "I'm afraid that's the case. Anyway, father and son, I also want to say a few words to him before he dies."

This remark made sense, Tao Zhongchi didn't doubt that he was there, brought the antidote and put it on the bedside, opened the medicine box and took out a pair of gold needles. The doctor's hands were dry and stable, and he performed needles on the prisoner's body at a leisurely pace, before he let out a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, Mr. Zuo..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Zuo Yunqi stretched out his arms to catch her silent and limp body, carried her to the seat beside him, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, a little drug, it will be fine soon."

Zuo Dao on the bed had already started to move, his breathing gradually became heavier, he coughed dryly for a while, and slowly opened his eyes.

Zuo Yunqi's face was the first thing that caught sight of these cloudy eyes.

Zuo Yunqi sat on the edge of the bed, calmly said: "I have two things to ask you, Dad."

Zuo Dao half-opened his eyes and was silent for a moment, probably analyzing the situation. When he finally opened his mouth, he didn't ask what was the matter, and said directly: "What if I don't agree?"

Zuo Yunqi leaned over slowly, leaned close to Zuodao's ear, and said softly: "I found a few things from you. For example, the token of the side door... and a small barbed wire."


Zuodao's ashen complexion suddenly became even uglier.

Zuo Yunqi smiled lightly and said: "I forgot to tell you all the time, when I was a child, I secretly saw once, you used that barbed wire as a key to open the secret room in the back of the pharmacy."

He straightened up, looked down at the left and said: "If you don't agree, I will set a fire and burn all the poison you have developed in your life."


There was a vague sound in Zuodao's throat, which gradually turned into a hoarse laughter.

He laughed and coughed, "Take what he loves first, then listen. You finally have something of a villain's future, I am so pleased for my father."

These words hit Zuo Yunqi's inner demons, the young man almost became angry from embarrassment: "Stop talking nonsense. The first thing is to drink this bowl of antidote. The second thing is to hand over the medicine Yin of Li Ruo Chong Gu."

Zuo Dao raised his eyebrows and said, "I can smell what's in that bowl. But what are you going to use the insect Gu for?"

"How you dealt with King Yu is how I will deal with Pioneering Group." Zuo Yunqi said coldly, "Since I can't stop them, I will control them to stay on their own."

Zuo Dao was startled, and then he laughed heartily.

His skinny chest rose and fell, and he couldn't breathe with a smile: "Don't you despise these dirty tricks the most? Don't you wholeheartedly abandon the dark and turn to the bright? Why, after spending so long with those righteous martial arts people, I still can't change my nature. Follow in the footsteps of your father?"

"To shut up."

"Yun Qi, Yun Qi, everyone's fate is determined by God, don't you understand? I said earlier that this world will end sooner or later—"

"You just want it to die!"

Zuo Dao said with a smile: "If you can't break it, you can't stand it."

Zuo Yunqi didn't want to say any more, he took out the barbed wire from his bosom, and held it up to Zuo Dao's eyes. He noticed that his fingers were trembling, and angrily tightened his grip: "Where is Yao Yin hidden?"

Zuodao said with a smile: "burning the pharmacy or looking for medicine, don't you have to go back to the sect? It's not the style of being a father to spoil the child. If you have the courage, you can go find it yourself and see if the **** recognizes you. However, as a A reward for your progress—"

He stood up with difficulty.

Zuo Yunqi watched him coldly as he picked up the bowl of antidote by the bedside, raised his head and swallowed it one mouthful at a time.

Zuo Yunqi didn't try to stop him.

The empty medicine bowl rolled to the ground and shattered into several pieces. Zuo Dao always had a smile on his lips, and his sunken eyes stared blankly at his son until they lost their luster.

Zuo Yunqi stood up from the crooked corpse, and walked out staggeringly, like a marionette without joy or sorrow.

Now is not the time to sit down and doubt life. Those who can wait until after it's all over...

He forced himself to quicken his pace and headed for the stables.