Are You OK

Chapter 47: [Spring Breeze CiPen]



Spring Breeze Ci Pen did not develop Feng Ci Pen from the very beginning.

But it was a dagger from the start.

As early as when the capital city of Great Liang was still a swamp and the sea had not yet turned into mulberry fields, this dagger had already killed countless people.


"Ancient" is a permissive concept, and it doesn't seem surprising that anything happened in this time period.

The dagger that drank too much blood unknowingly gained consciousness.

At that time it had no name.

The first person it killed as far back as it could remember shouted before dying: "My God, this thing is a monster!"

Dagger doesn't know what a monster is, but it sounds pretty cool.

It calls itself Little Yaoyao.


At that time, the universe was in chaos, and the tribes had been fighting for hundreds of years.

The owner of the dagger has changed one after another, and countless hands have held it and sent it into countless warm chests.

As an ancient divine soldier, it has personally experienced too many battles that later generations have turned into myths, and has known too many gossips that future generations would never dream of.

For example, someone who was said to be the God of War because he beheaded the enemy leader actually stumbled and stabbed it into the enemy's vest.

For another example, the cause of death of a certain emperor is confusing and has attracted countless conspiracy theories. In fact, he died of dehydration after eating a bad stomach.

Knowing so much gossip, but not being able to share it, is really lonely.


After killing thousands and hundreds of people, the dagger developed a new skill.

It found that its consciousness led to a dark and vast void. Those undead killed by it will be swallowed automatically and imprisoned in this void.

Ordinary souls will dissipate soon after they come in, and those who are particularly unwilling will try to break out and return to the mortal world.

They make the daggers make a low-pitched sound at night, as low as a dragon's chant, but with an unresolved hostility and resentment.

The name of "Soul Eater Weapon" is getting louder and louder. Dagger himself is quite happy. Now accompanied by these undead, life is no longer lonely. It is in this void, telling them gossip every day.


How does it feel to be chained by a dagger that killed oneself, and to whisper ancient gossip into ears every day

In short, the grievances of these spirits became more and more intense, and they often collided until the daggers buzzed continuously.

Things change, things change. What's new for the dagger is that it was picked up by an old monk after killing another man.

The old monk weighed it kindly, and said: "How innocent is the iron stone, so many murders are in vain. This thing can no longer be passed on to the world to cause trouble, let the old monk save the dead."


Since then, the dagger has been enshrined in a small ruined temple and listened to the old monk chanting scriptures day after day.

When the old monk dies, the apprentices of the old monk will consciously take over this important task, and the generations will be endless.

One hundred years have passed, two hundred years have passed. The grievances of those undead gradually calmed down and disappeared one by one without a trace.

Without the company of the dagger, he felt as if he, too, was about to turn back into a dead thing.

One day, suddenly the earth trembled. The ruined temple that had gone through hundreds of years of wind and rain collapsed directly in this earthquake, crushing all the monks inside, big and small, to death.

The dagger fell among the rubble.

Until the ruined temple that pressed it turned into dust, it lay in an empty valley, with grass growing over its body, exposed to the wind and sun, and it slowly rusted.

Just when it thought it would be good to just disappear, a hand picked it up.


The owner of the hand is a high-spirited and eager young man.

The dagger has watched generations of beauties turn into bones over the long years, no matter what kind of face they see, it is not surprising.

What made it strange was that the place where he was lying had long since been deserted, and there were actually people who ventured across mountains and rivers to such a place, as if they were having a good time.

The beautiful boy flicked it with his fingers, slightly startled by the low buzzing sound, and said with a smile: "It's terrible, use this thing to grind it, maybe it's a magic weapon."

As he spoke, he made a few random gestures with it, and the sharpness pierced through the air, as fast as a shooting star.

The boy said childishly: "Dagger, dagger, you are destined to be picked up by me, so you can hang out with me in the future. What name should you give it?"

The latter question was about the companion beside him.

The companion frowned and said, "Hmm... Fire Cloud Cthulhu?"


The young man said: "... sounds powerful, but this dagger looks very old. It should be given a more vicissitudes name. It sounds like a story."

The companion thought hard and said: "When you say that, I think of it. In my original world, someone wrote a sentence."


He Xun is getting old now, and he has forgotten his spring breeze.

Little Yaoyao has a new name since then.

It doesn't like the name very much, and thinks it's not as good as Huoyun Cthulhu. But it couldn't resist.

Moreover, "Chunfeng Cibi" soon spread all over the world along with its owner's name.

Only later did it know that the young man who picked him up was the world's number one martial arts prodigy.

His name is Gu Jiu.


The man said: "What happened next?"

"Later, I became Gu Jiu's personal dagger."

"Is he good?"

"He is invincible all over the world, and he looks so good-looking, everyone wants to make friends with him. But that kind of life has not passed for a few years, and several of his friends were discovered to be monsters from another world. Immediately came under siege."

"There will be time travelers then?"

"Yes, it's not easy to be scattered. Gu Jiu himself is too sharp, and has long been feared by others. He fell into the trap of others and fought with his friends. He couldn't help it. He killed his friend with his own hands, and then crippled his martial arts. After leaving, everyone only thinks he is dead... In my opinion, he is almost dead."

The man said: "What happened next?"

"Later, he sneaked into a small village, worked as a bamboo craftsman all his life incognito, and picked up a fool to raise him. The fool liked him, and he liked the fool, but he was even more stupid than the fool, and he never showed his feelings all his life. Just throwing me into a bundle and giving it to others, who knows what he means.

"Later, the idiot, who had been the head of the side door for decades, died. He was going to be buried in the mountain behind the side door, and he couldn't be buried with Gu Jiu, so he brought me into the grave.

"Later, the owner of the side door was replaced by a guy named Lefty. This guy has a bad heart, and he knew that I was a powerful weapon, so he forcibly dug me out of the grave to offer treasures... I fell into your hands.

"After that, you will be stabbed to death by me."


Chunfeng Cibi sighed contentedly in the dark and vast void: "It's been a long time since I talked about such a long gossip, and I had a great time. You are a good audience, and I appreciate it."

Dutifully smiling in front of the only man in the audience. He has long and narrow eyebrows, and he has a beautiful face of innocence and ignorance.

Chunfeng Cibi earnestly instructed: "Your life is over, this unwillingness must not dissipate too early. Once dissipated, you will leave. I can't gossip after you leave."

"I'm not leaving." The man said softly.


"I will always be here with your new master."