Are You OK

Chapter 50: [Heroes] Three



The business of the tea shop is booming these days. Long Daxia sat down by the window, ordered a pot of tea and two plates of snacks, raised his glass and just took a sip when he heard a group of men in the corner discussing the audition.

One person said: "Mr. Xie Liang Xie from Xiaoxiang Villa, Yushulin really looks better than Pan An. I heard that the long sword in his hand has never failed since he was trained."

Another person said: "It's just that you are still young, and the opponents you meet are not the strongest. I am afraid that you will have to practice for a few more years."

The one before said: "What do you know? How big is the foundation of Xiaoxiang Mountain Villa, and everyone who can use swords in the world has been invited to teach him. I went to the audition to see that the style is extraordinary, 'swish' so As soon as the move is made, the sword light is like a thunderbolt under the blue sky, that's bright."

Several people were amazed and full of praise. The man proudly said: "From what I see, this person will definitely win the championship this year."

Hearing this while drinking tea, Long Daxia couldn't help snorting and said, "It's just mere."

He didn't try to keep his voice down. The man in the corner slammed the table hard, blowing his beard and staring at him and said, "Wu, who are you, dare to say that about Mr. Xie? Do you know how hard he worked?"


At the next tables, people who had heard Mr. Xie's name turned their heads, wanting to see who made such wild words. At a glance, I saw this man was ashamed, and he couldn't help showing a look of contempt. Another person sneered and said: "Look at how cowardly he is, he is not even worthy of holding a sword for Mr. Xie." Several people laughed loudly, which was quite ear-piercing.

Long Daxia put down his teacup with a "snap"!

Several men fell silent immediately, waiting to see what he would do. Unexpectedly, Long Daxia picked up the teapot again, and filled himself with a cup of tea in a fairy-like posture.

Long Daxia said in a fairy-like manner: "Xie's swordsmanship looks pretty good, but unfortunately there are too many flaws. Let's talk about his commonly used move 'Xiaodiyunzhang', which focuses on continuous stabbing and quick attack without suffocation. Immature and late, it is hard to guard against. However, blindly seeking speed, at first glance, it seems to be flowing, but the inner strength cannot be truly continuous. In fact, the strength has already slackened by the third sword. At this time, if someone has advanced cultivation , pouring internal force into the sword body, swinging its blade—"

The man said: "You can go ahead."



Long Daxia said: "Damn it! But...."

Just at this time, there was a sudden commotion across the street! Long Daxia turned his head and looked through the window, only to see that the fortune-telling booth had been kicked over again.

This time it was a woman who came to vent her anger, her back was slender, but her attack was extremely vicious, the whip in her hand was aimed at the head and face of the little liar, and she was about to whip it off. Long Daxia was at the table, it was too late to rush to save people, he glanced over, picked up the rough porcelain chopsticks pillow on the table, and threw it out of the window.

The small piece of porcelain, with its internal force, castrated violently, almost hit the woman's Shenshu point, fell to the ground and broke into two pieces.

The woman felt a sudden soreness in her waist, and her whole body went numb. The strength in her hand was released immediately, and the whip fell from her hand to the ground. She turned around in shock and asked, "Who?"

Qian Zhenduo looked at the window of the tea shop with shining eyes, lowered his head and stroked his thin beard, and said pitifully: "God's will...God's will. If the heroine listens to the little one, don't do this again. lift."

The woman was suspicious, but she was jealous in the end, she gave Qian Zhenduo a hateful look, and spat: "Liar." Picking up the long whip, she walked away quickly.

Qian Zhenduo raised his head suddenly, and didn't care about cleaning up the stalls. Across the street, he bowed and bowed again, opened and closed his mouth, and said, "Thank you, hero! Thank you, hero!"

Long Daxia withdrew his gaze and drank a cup of tea lonely.

[twenty one]

When Long Daxia found that he had nothing to do, he would go down the mountain and wander around.

When the fortune-telling stall moved across from the noodle shop, he happened to want to try the noodle soup here.

When the fortune-telling booth moved to the opposite side of the tavern, he suddenly wanted to have a drink or two.

Since Qian Zhen Duo is called Qian Zhen Duo, it is natural to work very hard to earn money, and several times of distress will not stop him from continuing to fool these blood-licking quacks. After the Shanhai finals, he entered the group stage. Fewer people were eliminated every day, but his kung fu improved. Occasionally, there are people who have told their fortunes at the stalls with a lot of money before, and after losing, they are so angry that they come to trouble him.

Long Daxia sat across the street, looking up at Yunjuan Yunshu, slipped his hand from time to time, and blocked a sword for him from the air.

After going back and forth, people gradually mentioned that this fortune-telling stall is really a bit evil, and that if the fortune-teller has God's help, no one else will hurt him. It was spread ten times and hundreds of times, but the more it spread, the better it was, and the business at Qian Zhenduo's stall continued day and night.

So Long Daxia looked up at Yunjuan Yunshu for a longer and longer time.

[twenty two]

Qian Zhenduo knew how to repay his kindness, and made some small money, so he invited Long Daxia to drink and eat meat.

Long Daxia didn't refuse either. The other courtyard on the mountain has everything you need for food and wine, but he would rather be enshrined by this poor fortune teller.

After the two got acquainted with each other, Qian Zhenduo asked, "How do you call a hero?"

Long Daxia can't say his surname is Long. What's more, his surname was not Long. His ancestral surname is Ding, and this "Dragon Hero" is just a title passed down from generation to generation. After thinking about it, he decided to say his real name, which he had never used before.

Long Daxia said: "My surname is Ding, and my name is Ding Ri."


Qian Zhenduo said happily: "Brother Ding, my name is Qian Zhenduo."

Long Daxia said: "How short of money is your family, why did you give you such a name? No wonder—" What he thought in his heart was no wonder he was blind to money and gave away this ill-gotten wealth.

The money was really protected by him, and he didn't care when he was said like this, and said with a sneer: "It wasn't taken by my parents, but by myself. I am an orphan, living on the streets since I was a child, and I have done begging and stealing money. I want to make a living, and I really feel that there is nothing better than money, so I thought of this name."

Long Daxia looked at Qian Zhen Duo intently, it seemed that he was just a young man, but his face was weathered from the wind and the sun, and he deliberately grew such a fine beard to pretend to be old.

When he thought back to his age, he was still a well-clothed little overlord at home, and suddenly felt a little sad.

Long Daxia said: "It's not good to be a swindler, and it's dangerous. You'd better hang out with me in the future, stand upright in the world, and you'll have food and drink."

There is so much money and I am very moved! Qian Zhenduo asked: "Brother Ding, what sect are you from?"


Long Daxia bit the bullet and said: "There is no family, no sect. I do day labor to deliver darts, and occasionally take orders to arrest people."

There is so much money that I can't help but feel embarrassed, thinking: Isn't that also a hungry meal, how can there be more room to support the younger brother

Qian Zhenduo was afraid of hurting his benefactor's feelings, so he quickly smiled and said, "Brother Ding is so powerful in martial arts, he will definitely become famous in the martial arts conference, and he will not worry about making a living in the future."


[twenty four]

Qian Zhenduo said: "But you are right, although it is forced by livelihood, cheating is not what a gentleman does."

Long Daxia said: "Just understand."

Qian Zhenduo said: "After finishing the vote for the martial arts conference, I will wash my hands and be a good person, and find another decent way to make money."


Long Daxia trembled and said, "Hurry up and swallow that sentence back."

Qian Zhenduo wondered: "Why?"

Long Daxia said: "There is a mysterious phenomenon in the rivers and lakes. People who say this sentence will die before the golden basin washes their hands."


Qian Zhenduo said: "That sentence just now doesn't count, I'll repeat it. When the martial arts conference is over and Big Brother Ding becomes prosperous in one fell swoop, maybe he can join some big gang." He said with a smile, "I will hang out with Big Brother at that time."

Long Daxia's heart shuddered, and he faintly felt that something was wrong.

[twenty five]

A lie needs to be covered by a hundred lies. After that, every time Qian Zhenduo saw Long Daxia, he would enthusiastically ask if he had won the martial arts competition.

If Long Daxia lost, there would be absolutely no reason to stay here, so whenever he was asked, he could only nod lightly. Qian Zhenduo would eagerly say: "Brother Ding is really amazing!"

With the continuous elimination in the group stage, there are fewer and fewer heroes left on the field, and Qian Zhenduo's eyes on Long Hero are becoming more and more admirable.

Staring at him with shining eyes, Long Daxia couldn't help but feel uneasy. After all, this lie will be exposed sooner or later. If you have a lot of money, you only need to check the list and you will find that Ding Ri is not on the list.

Long Daxia has lived incognito until now, and it is impossible for him to reveal his identity for a small fortune teller. If you want to keep this lie from beginning to end, the best way is to let Ding Ri lose before he finds out.

Once Dante loses, he should leave.


That day, Long Daxia was caught by Lin Kai before he could go down the mountain in the future, and he went through a few tricks in private.

The leader of the alliance was really mediocre, and Long Daxia tried his best to let him win once.

Lin Kai withdrew his momentum, breathlessly waved his fan and said, "Hero Long, you should look at me with admiration for three days, do you feel that my skill has greatly increased?"


Long Daxia said: "I feel... I feel it."

Lin Kaidao: "It's hard for you hahahaha. Hero Long is making great progress. I'm afraid you won't be able to let me win in two years."

Long Daxia wryly smiled and said: "If the lord puts more energy into martial arts, with your wisdom, your achievements will never stop there."

Lin Kaidao: "Everyone has his own aspirations."

He had heard these words before, and Long Daxia didn't take them seriously, but now he heard them with emotion: "Leader, brother envies you, you knew what you want early in the morning."

Lin Kaijun raised his eyebrows, fanned the cool breeze and said with a smile: "What you already have is what others are still pursuing. You don't know what you want, because you have everything. The authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear. In my opinion, the dragon What the hero wants now is nothing more than 'willingness'."


"Abandoning everything you have, what are you willing to live for?"


Long Daxia walked around the forest alone for half a day, and didn't go to Qian Zhenduo's shop until evening.

Qian Zhenduo waited for a day, but he saw him, and said happily: "Brother Ding, I bought something incredible today, and guess what it is."

Long Daxia said: "What is it?"

Qian Zhenduo showed a square stamped paper.

Long Daxia took a closer look and said in shock, "You bought the ticket for the finals before reaching the quarter-finals. If I lose halfway, wouldn't the money be wasted?"

Qian Zhenduo said: "It's true that I spent a lot of money, but I have saved some savings during this period, and I will support Brother Ding. The tickets for the finals are too popular, and if I don't buy them again, I won't be able to buy them. I don't have enough money. Go to the field to cheer, and simply wait for you at the finish line, Brother Ding is so good, I know I will see you."

While Long Daxia was moved, he felt a trace of regret for the first time.