Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 119: Reading 119 by volume


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Volume reading 119

With the complaints in his heart, An Yize even began to think about whether to take Gu Mingyue into his room tonight. After all, Jing Yao and Liu Ruicheng seem to be the type who would never take action. Jiang Lei also tasted the sweetness today, but he was holding back. After several days, I and Gao Jing could no longer bear it. They had accumulated a lot of things under them, ready to contribute to the little beauty.

All the men in the rest station gathered in the restaurant. They were all sitting or standing waiting for the members of the survivor team. The expressions on their faces were different, but most of them were frenzy and eager to try.

Atmosphere, something is wrong.

Comparing with this group of people is the calmness and leisure of the members of the Survivor Squad. Each of them walked into the restaurant with full aura and a leisurely attitude. The door behind them was slowly closed, but no one tried. Looking back, it reflects a strong sense of self-confidence. Gu Mingyue, who was surrounded by men, covered her mouth with her hands and coughed to hide the twitching corners of her mouth. She felt a little embarrassed in the middle of this group of mad and cool protagonists.

Forget it, now is not the time to pay attention to this sense of inconsistency, Gu Mingyue put down her hands and stayed quietly among the people. The fleshy world where she lives has been rationalized a lot by the spatial rules because of her involvement with the system. As for the protagonist... If you are not different, you are not the protagonist.

Being able to accept these settings calmly, Gu Mingyue felt a little wanting to laugh.

The contrast between the opponent's cannon fodder and his own protagonist is too stark. Gu Mingyue's face is serious. In fact, he is ready to wait on the side to watch the tricks of the people on the opposite side. Without a strong backup, he dares to extend the magic to the protagonists. , the end is a death.

Almost everyone present was dead. For whatever reason, humanoids that have lost their humanity can no longer be called humans. What makes humans different from other animals and higher than other creatures on earth is that this species has the ability to think rationally and has established The general category of morality that is followed by most people, human nature has both, and both are indispensable. Creatures that have lost their humanity are only slightly higher animals. Humanism does not apply to this type of humanoid creatures. Only the law of nature's law of the jungle.

It depends on what they plan to do next, Gu Mingyue actually found herself a little excited.

The leader walked in front of Liu Ruicheng, smiled very kindly and extended his right hand to him: "Everyone must have seen the living conditions here, where food and safety can be guaranteed, and there are more than 50 people present. One-third of them are survivors..." After he finished saying this, his eyes widened into a narrow slit, and a beast-like light flickered in it, "I don't know if I would be lucky enough to have everyone join. Woolen cloth?"

These men can be neat and tidy and have an astonishingly beautiful woman, and their strength should be extraordinary. But the survivors in the rest station have never experienced bloody fights, whether with zombies or humans... The leader is convinced that his own people can occupy an overwhelming advantage in both quantity and quality. , should not refuse the olive branch that he threw out, and the opportunity will never come again.

But the leader never imagined that these beautiful young people on the opposite side were more than ignorant. They were so confident that they were so defiant that they would not even be interested in the opportunity to join them. Liu Ruicheng ignored the right hand that the other party stretched out, smoked a cigarette and let out a breath of white mist, and politely declined the invitation.

Excluding not holding back the opponent's right hand, Liu Ruicheng was polite in his words and deeds, and there was no hint of contempt in his tone of speech. He simply conveyed his position on behalf of the entire team and declined the opponent's "kindness".

The leader who was rejected still smiled and retracted his hand. He clapped his palms twice, and behind him appeared three young women who were distributing food at noon. They stood behind the leader with empty eyes, neatly dressed. A beautiful dress with light make-up on her face, which seemed to have been dressed up on purpose. Gu Mingyue noticed that women's facial features were upright and beautiful. Before the apocalypse, they belonged to the ranks of natural beauties. It's even more rare, especially two of them are blond beauties with exotic flavors... The leader called them out, is he trying to tempt the members of the survivor team with a beauty trick, such a meaningless thing should not be his Purposeā€¦

"Let's make a deal." The leader asked someone to push the three women in front of the survivor team members, then pointed at Gu Mingyue, who was protected by the men in the middle, and said with a kind smile: "We use these three Women, how about the beauties among you, this is a good deal, three for one."

Gu Mingyue suddenly realized that these three women were actually used in exchange for her...

The men in the surrounding rest stops were agitated. The three women who were exchanged out were almost tired of them, and the inside was loose and unpalatable. They were all very interested in Gu Mingyue's once-in-a-lifetime beauty, man. Her inferiority is that she is fresh, especially Gu Mingyue's appearance and figure. Before her appearance has not faded, even if she is pressed under her body every day, she will not feel tired.

For the men at the rest stop, Gu Mingyue is just a woman with a rare beauty. Anyway, they are all things that live under men, and they are just like the vast majority of women in the apocalypse. Same fate. But Gu Mingyue is of great significance to the members of the survivor team. Even if she has no space ability, the particularity of this body itself cannot be let go. The unsolved mysteries on her body are like fog. It's hard to give up... Not to mention that Gu Mingyue as a member of the team is not the property of the team, even if she is, no one will use her in exchange.

Who would do such a mindless stupid thing to exchange a peerless treasure for a pebble with a slightly more beautiful appearance.

An Yize couldn't bear it anymore. He put a pure and innocent smile on Gu Mingyue's face. His cute and innocuous appearance like a teenager was his protective color, and his speaking style was always innocent and lively: "Sister Mingyue, I Don't let them take you away, those three women are so ugly, and half of them are beautiful..." Frost formed on his face, and his eyes filled with a devilish look: "Take all three of them and they will be played with looseness. An old woman who has passed away to replace my sister Mingyue and show off your IQ with us?"

Damn, the woman he didn't have enough sex with was blatantly coveted by others who were not teammates, and the anger of being looked down upon and regarded as a fool made him mock without hesitation.

The boy-like man's words showed no mercy, his anger was obvious, but it showed what the members of the survivor team were thinking at the moment.

"Don't worry, if this one doesn't work, then... it's okay to keep that little brother." The leader unexpectedly pointed his finger at Xi Wei and licked his lips.

Xi Wei's appearance is a little feminine. He seems to be the weakest in the entire team excluding Gu Mingyue, and he is not an important role in thinking. Maybe he has the same status as a woman, and it is not a bad idea to play for two days.

This is... what's the situation, being illuminated by Xi Wei's Tom Su halo...

After the initial shock, Gu Mingyue quickly regained her composure. She raised her head and looked at Xi Wei, whose mouth was slightly open and speechless. She reached out and held his cold palm, comforting the man who couldn't digest the information. smile.

Daring to reach out to the task object is simply unforgivable. Gu Mingyue, who was so calm that she didn't blink her eyes when she was exchanged with intentions, actually got angry in her heart at this time.

There is another person who is even more angry than Gu Mingyue. Jing Yao has silently cast a spirit formation to protect the surrounding members of the survivor team. What he wants to do most now is to unscrew the leader

Volume reading 119
