Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 120: Reading 120 by volume


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Reading by Volume 120

His neck, the dignity of his teammates should not be trampled on, especially Xi Wei who was pointed at by the leader, the killing intent was completely unstoppable.


Gao Jing kicked the chair beside him, the corners of his eyes were upturned, and the white area of his eyes was larger than that of ordinary people. The leader, at this time, the ruthlessness exuding from his body is shocking.

"Dare to attack my brothers and women, you must be impatient." Gao Jing's fingers clasped together, he turned his neck, and he was ready to attack at any time.

Jing Yao stood beside Xi Wei, while Jiang Lei and Su Shaoyuan wanted to pull Gu Mingyue between the two of them for good protection. Bai Junfei naturally walked to Xi Wei's side and stood still. It wasn't that he didn't care about Gu Mingyue, but Xi Wei. His research is of great significance to all mankind, and is naturally worth more than Gu Mingyue. After analyzing the pros and cons, he naturally wants to protect the hope of mankind.

Gu Mingyue's hand was tightly pulled with Xi Wei. She did not choose to be protected by Su Shaoyuan and Jiang Lei in the middle, but pushed him away under Jing Yao's cold eyes, raised her little face and said sincerely to Xi Wei. : "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Jing Yaokui, whose lines were robbed, was injured internally by Gu Mingyue. Su Shaoyuan and Jiang Lei, who were also robbed of their lines, had a slightly sad expression on their faces. Bai Junfei pushed his glasses playfully with his hands around his chest and eyes, but he wanted to look at himself. What ability does a woman who needs to be protected by others have to protect Xi Wei.

Even though Gu Mingyue's promise sounded unconvincing in the ears of men, Xi Wei felt inexplicably at ease. Her pupils were bright and clear, and he chose to believe it for no reason under the gaze of these eyes...

The protagonist's sixth sense is usually strong.

The words and deeds of An Yize and Gao Jing angered most of the men in the rest station. They aggressively walked into the members of the Survivor Squad who surrounded the survivors. The leader raised his hand to signal his team to be quiet, and said to Liu Ruicheng in a confirming tone: "It seems that the transaction cannot be established..."

Liu Ruicheng extinguished the cigarette butt with two fingers, acted calmly, and said with a dashing smile, "It can't be established at all."

"Then there is no way, I have already given you a chance." The leader opened one eye completely, and he smiled terribly: "Today, your people and things will be left behind."

The leader first made a wishful thinking to recruit the survivor team into the rest station, so that their bus supplies and women must be handed in for distribution. He has always welcomed young people who are not weak. However, the other party is obviously a hard bone without a brain, and they dare to speak and act so defiantly on their territory. Should it be said that young people are impulsive and arrogant, or should they thank them for choosing to become the stew on the table.

The survivors who passed by on this highway were a little smarter and took the initiative to hand over their supplies and belongings when the leader proposed to join the rest stop. The rest who dared to refuse and conflict with them at the rest stop were finally sent. The kitchen handles it, and all the valuables on the body are distributed as loot.

"Struggle as much as you can, young man." After the leader said this, the entire restaurant emptied, and all but the members of the survivor team disappeared.


"What's the matter?" The members of the Survivor Squad entered the first-level alert state, and their eyes quickly exchanged, but no one could explain what happened in the blink of an eye.

A half-meter-wide thunderbolt suddenly hit the ceiling of the restaurant. The members of the survivor team quickly dodged, and the ground was split into a deep hole. Yao's enchantment protects each other, and the flames will instantly devour everyone present.

Gao Jing fell to the ground with one hand, and a palm-wide earth wall immediately rose from the ground, blocking the hot flames from all sides, and then Jiang Lei used his fire-type ability to suppress the opponent's ability with fire attacking fire. As he stopped the power, the flames were extinguished.

Just after one wave of attacks, they immediately faced another wave of attacks. All the metal objects in the restaurant were suspended in the air and were converted into hundreds of sharp arrows, which shot towards the members of the survivor team overwhelmingly. An Yize released the water-type ability to create a large ice shield, while Su Shaoyuan used the whirlwind blade to cut off nearly half of the long arrows in the air. The arrows that were not destroyed were instantly wrapped in crackling electric light. The thick rattan on the wrist deflected the long arrow, and the few remaining arrows pierced into the ice shield with electric light. The ice shield was torn apart in an instant and turned into steam.

Bai Junfei's healing ability and Jing Yao's enchantment are both non-combat abilities. Bai Junfei outputs abilities among the crowd to relieve and replenish his teammates' abilities. Jing Yao's current enchantment mainly protects The three of them including Xi Wei, if they can lock on the opponent, his reverse enchantment can be used to restrict the opponent's movements, but currently facing an invisible opponent, he can only do his duty to protect his teammates.

hateful! What the hell is going on here? How could the other party disappear in an instant but keep attacking? There are four people on our side who can't fight remotely, and the situation is a bit tricky.

etc! The four... He, Bai Junfei, Xi Wei, and Gu Mingyue!

Where has Gu Mingyue gone? ! Jing Yao quickly began to look for Gu Mingyue's figure in the restaurant, but Gu Mingyue really disappeared, without everyone noticing...

Gu Mingyue was naturally still in the restaurant.

What she saw at this time was completely different from what the members of the Survivor Squad saw. After the leader's voice fell, Jing Yao and the others seemed to be sucked into another world, and they stood there dumbfounded like statues. Not moving, except for the ups and downs of breathing, which can show the passage of time, their expressions and actions are frozen in the second the leader finishes speaking.

Illusion, the leader's ability is illusion!

Gu Mingyue knew in her heart that the opponent's metal-type ability user, electric-type ability user, and fire-type ability user launched attacks one after another. The members were completely powerless. They may have activated abilities to block them in the world ingested by illusion, but in the real world, in addition to the massive loss of supernatural energy all over the body, abilities cannot be condensed into entities to block the attack.

I don't know how many supernatural beings died under the illusion, if there is no Jing Yao, they are no different from the lambs to be slaughtered.

The illusion has no effect on Gu Mingyue. Her body is neither a zombie nor a human being. Under the existing scientific speculation, if the zombie may be the evolution of human beings, then she is the ultimate body of evolution, completely detached from the fully evolved body in the usual sense, but the ability of the body is somewhat tasteless.

Uh, it doesn't seem to be tasteless, but she has no enviable ability at all... She still uses her own reward points to exchange space... The attribute of having to absorb semen to move is even more tricky. Without the energy of semen, she will be like death. , immobile waiting for a slow process of decay for hundreds of years.

There is no disease, no strong pain, and it heals quickly after being injured. Even if it is rotted, it cannot completely die. It has the characteristics of all monsters, but it also brings a lot of convenience to Gu Mingyue, such as present.

She is the only creature in the world not affected by illusions.

Gu Mingyue knew that the members of the Survivor Squad would break away from the illusion when Jing Yao's barrier failed. The protagonist's law is that no matter what kind of difficulty and abnormal situation they encounter, as long as they don't commit suicide, they will never die, so she I believe that even if they have little energy left, they will be able to get out of here safely.

The leader watched in surprise as the woman on the opposite side, protected by supernatural powers, walked out of the barrier step by step.

"You..." The leader opened his mouth and opened

Reading by Volume 120
