Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 18: Reading 18 by volume


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Volume reading 18

Ma enjoyed the scenery along the way, chatting and laughing with the other sons of noble families, while Gu Mingyue, as a woman, could only stay in the carriage.

The people who pulled the carts were all good horses. After an hour, Gu Mingyue and his party went out of the city gate and joined the chariots of the royal family and the various palaces. As a white body, Mu Jinyu was at the end of the party, hanging tails with other family members without official positions, and followed the mighty motorcade in front. At the front of the convoy were military officers and guards of honor to clear the way. The emperor's chariot was in the center of the convoy, surrounded by royal guards to protect the safety of the monarch. People like Mu Jinyu who were at the end of the line were too far away from the heavenly home, so they were much more relaxed and comfortable than the noble sons who followed the monarch.

Not long after she got into the carriage, Gu Mingyue leaned against the wall of the carriage to doze off. It was because Mu Jinyu neither spoke nor stared at her with an obscure look from time to time for no apparent reason. That gaze was unpretentious, making her feel like she was about to be seen inside and out, and she could only close her eyes with a guilty conscience, hoping to escape the see-through sight.

The beauty is wearing a plain twill shirt, with a green and green beaded small group pattern interlaced collar and sleeveless back, and a bright high-waisted pomegranate skirt on the lower body, with multicolored pink crystal butterfly silk sash tied around the waist, the contrasting colors are bright and soft. Her lustrous hair was all tied to the top of her head, she simply wore a conch bun, embellished with a pink crystal cluster peach blossom hairpin, and a rose-red garnet hung by a very thin gold chain hung down on her milk-white face. The earrings swayed beside the smooth and delicate skin as the carriage shook.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Jinyu sighed inaudibly, and then a small sound of the clothes rubbing against the clothes came into Gu Mingyue's ears. Soon, a large warm hand touched She touched her cheek, rubbing it back and forth from top to bottom with the pulp of her fingers. Gu Mingyue was a little nervous in her heart. This grandfather doesn't know what's wrong with him today, so it's strange.

She tried to relax her body as much as possible, closed her eyes tightly, and kept her breathing even and long. It looked like a beauty was sleeping soundly to outsiders.

"Thank you for being able to sleep, don't you think the carriage is shaking too much?" The man's low and gentle voice was like a mellow wine, which made people intoxicated. He used interrogative sentences, but he didn't expect Gu Mingyue to wake up and answer him.

Gu Mingyue was highly nervous, which was interesting to say, she actually fell asleep pretending to be, so she missed the scene of the man kissing her forehead lightly and the wonderful expression of his panic and anger afterward.


After Gu Mingyue completed the fourth task, one day the system was upgraded inexplicably.

The upgraded system interface has an additional option [Follow-up of the previous mission world], so Gu Mingyue clicked it with great interest.

She finally had a chance to learn about the follow-up story that happened there after she left the previous mission world. Of course, at the same time, she deliberately avoided those people and things that she didn't want to recall and deliberately wanted to forget.

First, is the world in which she first performs a novice mission. Gu Mingyue stared at the dimly lit big screen in front of her eyes, and unexpectedly, her spiritual body was instantly pulled into the mission world.

At this time, Prince Qin was still in court, while Lu Shuyan was walking in the garden with her belly at full term. She has a big belly, and Gu Mingyue's heart skips a beat when she walks.

This is Liu Yi's first child, and all his future children will also come out of Lu Shuyan's belly.

For an ancient noble man, this is tantamount to the most touching love words and the most romantic romance.

Gu Mingyue and Lu Shuyan's hearts seemed to be connected by a thread as thin as a silk thread. Through that thread, Lu Shuyan's emotions and thoughts were continuously transmitted to Gu Mingyue's mind.

The current Lu Shuyan is like a perfect fusion of the original body and Gu Mingyue. She has the memories of Lu Shuyan from childhood to adulthood, and inherits all of Gu Mingyue's thinking, speech and behavior characteristics like a copy. Her character is exactly the same as Gu Mingyue.

This is... another me growing up in the mission world...

Gu Mingyue thought this, and her heart warmed. In fact, this is the truth. After she penetrated into this world, she changed the original plot and the fate of the main story characters. Therefore, Lu Shuyan's data was automatically adjusted, and all attributes of Gu Mingyue were copied exactly.

Lu Shuyan is different from Gu Mingyue. She truly loves Liu Yi wholeheartedly, with pure feelings without any impurities. She can take care of Liu Yi more considerately than Gu Mingyue, and is more gentle like water. She gave her wholeheartedly, and naturally got a 100% response from Liu Yi.

Just like his oath, he did not have sex or concubines. Even if Lu Shuyan couldn't have sex during pregnancy, Liu Yi would keep her alone.

She knew that Lu Shuyan had a very happy life, which was good. Lu Shuyan did not have the painful memories of her own experiences and the hatred she carried, instead of herself, she was innocent and lived happily here.

At this moment, Lu Shuyan suddenly exclaimed, and then large water stains appeared on the hem of her skirt and the ground under her feet. The maid and maid next to her immediately found someone to deliver news to the King Qin couple and the prince, and invited the two midwives who had already come to the house, and then quickly helped Lu Shuyan to the arranged delivery room.

In the delivery room, Lu Shuyan screamed loudly. Gu Mingyue's spirit body stood beside her, and the midwife was afraid that she would use up her strength by yelling, so she bit a piece of wood into her mouth. Lu Shuyan was sweating like rain, her face turned pale as paper in the pain, and the corners of her eyes were bloodshot.

Gu Mingyue knew that giving birth to a child was extremely painful. She had also been pregnant in the previous mission world, and she had given birth to a healthy and lively boy. In that world, medical technology was extremely advanced, and she almost had a difficult birth when she gave birth to him. In the ancient task world where medical technology is relatively backward, a woman has stepped into the gate of hell when she gives birth to a child.

Lu Shuyan's situation doesn't seem to be very good, she is almost out of strength, but the child still has no birth canal. The two midwives had to massage her stomach, causing her to scream again and again.

Gu Mingyue anxiously wanted to do something, but she was just a spirit body now, and she was more than enough.

"Concubine Shi?! Concubine Shi?!" The screams of the maids came from her ears. It turned out that Lu Shuyan's eyes were a little distracted, which was a sign that she couldn't hold on.

Gu Mingyue knew that Liu Yi had rushed back, just outside the delivery room, but unfortunately he couldn't come in. She doesn't think the delivery room is a place where men can get bad luck. No man here was born in the delivery room, but considering that men may have bacteria on them, Gu Mingyue thinks that it actually makes sense to prohibit unnecessary people from entering the delivery room.

"Concubine Shizi has a difficult childbirth! Hurry up! Go and ask the Prince of Qin whether to protect the Lord or the child!" There was anxiety in the midwife's voice. There is one out of ten women who suffer from dystocia. She is used to doing this.

Liu Yi listened to the message of the maid outside, and his body shook suddenly. Hearing the sound of "Qiang", he pulled out the saber from his waist and shouted at the people in the delivery room: "The concubine and grandchildren must be protected, if anything happens to the two of you, you will all be buried with them! "

His eyes were blood red, the hand holding the hilt of the sword trembled, and there were two lines of clear tears in the corners of his eyes. Gu Mingyue was also shocked when he saw him, such a cheerful and sassy man on weekdays can make such a sad expression without concealment.

Gu Mingyue returned to Lu Shuyan's side, and said into her ear, "You have to work hard, you will be able to give birth to a child safely. Think about Liu Yi, you two have to be together for the rest of your life."

As if she could really hear her words, Lu Shuyan's eyes instantly regained focus, and she started to push the birth canal with all her strength. I don't know how long it took, only to hear the loud cries of a lifetime baby, and everyone was pleasantly surprised: "I'm born! It's a little grandson! Go and congratulate the prince and the prince and princess!"

Gu Mingyue exchanged her reward points and system to ensure that Lu Shuyan could not only give birth to this child safely, but also give birth to many love crystallizations with Liu Yi in the future.

Well, although

Volume reading 18
