Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 3: Volume reading 3


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Volume reading 3

You got stunned.

As if she suddenly figured out something, Gu Mingyue bit her lip and quickly took off the phoenix crown and handed it to the nanny who was still stunned. A pair of clear and agile eyes were stained with mist, and she moved her eyelashes slightly, teardrops. Rolling down her cheeks that were as pink as peach blossoms, she looked pitiful.

"Mommy, what are you crying for? I married into the palace and got a royal jade. From now on, my status is honorable, so what's there to cry..." Having said this, Gu Mingyue's voice was slightly choked up.

The nurse couldn't bear it any longer when she heard this, she put down the phoenix crown and hugged Gu Mingyue, crying: "My good lady, you are so beautiful, even if you enter the palace as a noble concubine, Lord Hou, why are they willing to let you marry this sick child, my poor young lady!"

"Mammy, what are you talking about? It's a blessing for someone of my status to marry the prince. The prince has a long life. You won't have to say these words again in the future." Although Gu Mingyue's voice was hoarse, she said The words were firm. She pushed the nanny away, and then said, "Master Shizi can't bear it, so he has to cultivate well, so how can he take care of it here. You go and call Yage Yayan, and let them serve me and wash up recently."

The nurse wiped her tears and wanted to say something, but she heard Gu Mingyue bluntly saying that she was so hungry that she felt distressed and had to go to the small kitchen in the deceased child's house to get some easy-to-grow food.

After grooming, Gu Mingyue, who was completely refreshed, sat at the table with hibiscus chicken noodle elegantly, and behind her stood the personal maids Ya Ge and Yayan who were fragrant for her hair. After she finished eating the noodles, Yage handed over a cup of bamboo salt water, Gu Mingyue rinsed her mouth, and Yayan gave a cup of fragrant jasmine tea, which she kept in her mouth and covered with her hands. Spit into the blue and white enamel bowl.

Yuhua County Master, who was full of food and drink, was also a little tired. After swaying away the personal maid, he couldn't wait to lie down on the bed. Gu Mingyue's actions are magnanimous and upright on weekdays, and every move shows everyone's demeanor. In addition, she has royal blood, and her whole body shows an indescribable extravagance. This is the third Miss Houfu, who is usually cowering like a mouse, can't keep up. In order not to let people notice that Lu Shuyan's shell has been replaced with a core, Gu Mingyue has even been despised and pitiful on weekdays, and she has dressed the pear flower with rain. Fortunately, the personal maid and the nurse did not notice anything unusual, thanks to On weekdays, Lu Shuyan was too timid to talk, and her facial expressions were crying except crying, so Gu Mingyue was fooled.

As for the future, Gu Mingyue decided to follow her usual path. If there is any doubt, it is possible to prevaricate the extravagance of the heavenly family by immersing her eyes and ears. At this time, she didn't care that the sudden change would make people suspicious, and she concentrated all her energy on a few brightly colored brochures on the bed.

Gu Mingyue, a former wife, knew that it was a secret play chart to guide husband and wife to have sex. When she married into the Qingjiang palace, she also had a set of masterpieces by everyone, but at that time, she was thin-skinned, and after a quick glance, she became very dry. , and have not seen it since.

Today's Gu Mingyue witnessed the shocking movements of the pseudo-white flowers and the group of men, and her face was not even thicker than before. This time, she only blushed slightly, and opened the album to observe carefully.

Gu Mingyue's idea is very simple. In order to be reborn and go back to save her mother, she must complete many, many tasks. Since she can only complete the task through intercourse, she is fortunate to put aside her restraint, put aside shame and put aside arrogance and learn more boudoir secrets that can please people, which will not only help to complete the task, but also make her feel more comfortable.

The reserved and arrogant Yuhua County Master or something, after all, it was a matter of the previous life. Once you have a goal, you must start to look forward, and you can get what you want by putting aside the world and unscrupulous means. This is what she realized after witnessing all kinds of false white flowers. the true meaning of life.

Defeat the sick and weak partner 2

It's been a month since she got married, except that Gu Mingyue still hasn't seen the target person she needs to conquer, life can be said to be quite nourishing. When she worshipped her in-laws on the first morning after marriage, she was told that she would not have to go to say hello every morning, nor would she need to make rules on weekdays. Gu Mingyue knew that Princess Qin didn't look down on her own body background, so she wouldn't rush to get hot and stick to other people's cold buttocks.

Because the Prince of Qin was worried that he would be "sick" to his new wife, he avoided seeing him after marriage. On the day after the marriage, Gui Ning sent a few carts of gifts to express her apology for not being able to accompany her. Gu Mingyue stared coldly at the disrespectful passage of the prince's personal maid, raised a smile and repeatedly thanked him, expressing that he was ashamed for not being able to serve the prince's sick bed. The prince is so considerate, even if she can't accompany the prince to serve, she should stay in the mansion to read scriptures and pray for the prince, so in the end, only the rich return ceremony was sent to the Hou mansion by the servants of the palace. Gu Mingyue didn't want to go home alone. She was not the real Miss Lu Shuyan of the Hou Mansion.

In the past month, Gu Mingyue has slowly and unquestionably changed from a timid and timid concubine of Hou's house to an elegant, graceful, orchid-like concubine of the King of Qin. , Even with Princess Qin, she couldn't help expressing surprise at her change, and she thought highly of her.

Seeing that the day when the target of the strategy and the heroine met, Gu Mingyue told Princess Qin that she was going to Honglong Temple to burn incense and pray for the prince. Princess Qin had been looking at her a lot recently, and because it was for herself The son prayed for blessings, so he answered.

Burning incense and praying for blessings requires sincerity. Gu Mingyue used this excuse to push back the guards in the palace. With only the nanny, two maids and a few guards, he took a lightly loaded car that didn't look like it at all from the outside. The eye-catching carriage went to Honglong Temple.

Honglong Temple is not far from Zuo Xiang's mansion. There is an alley at the back door of the temple. The target person climbed the wall from Zuo Xiang's mansion, escaped to the alley after being injured, and hid in when he was exhausted. In the female lead sedan just passing by. Now that Gu Mingyue knows the plot, she will naturally not let such a simple meeting between the male and female protagonists succeed.

Although the carriage she was riding was much larger than ordinary carriages, it was inconspicuous in terms of materials and workmanship. It looked ordinary from the outside, but in reality there was something in it. The carriage, which could accommodate the three of them, was covered with soft deerskin, the four corners of the roof were hung with sachets containing precious spices, and a curtain of pale pink smoke shadows separated the carriage from the middle. Inner room and outer room. The wall of the car in the outer room is equipped with a folding table that can be put down and a cabinet for storing odds and ends, in which snacks and tea sets are readily available. The inner room is covered with several layers of thick cotton pads, all covered with eight-colored brocade of colors ranging from thick to light, and even the cushion covers are covered with exquisite fish play lotus leaf Su embroidery. It can be seen from this that although Gu Mingyue is not favored by the princess, he has not been treated harshly because of it, and his application is good.

After pretending to go through a set of procedures of burning incense and worshipping Buddha in the temple, the sky was completely dark, Gu Mingyue took the time to leave the back door of the temple and walked to the carriage that specially made the groom park at the exit of the alley. She parked the carriage here not only to block Liu Yi's road, but also to eliminate the possibility of the heroine's sedan chair and her grabbing the land, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone effortlessly. After Gu Mingyue entered the carriage and took off the moon-white wide-sleeved robe embroidered with dark Ruyi patterns with silver thread, he lied that the jade pendant he was carrying with him had landed on the worship mat in front of the Buddha, and supported the nurse and two guards to go. After taking it, she just waited for her big fish to take the bait.

At this time, her black hair, which was as smooth as black pearls, was pulled into a police bun, with a hibiscus-dotted emerald hair comb with rubies embedded in her hair, and an emerald ear hairpin engraved with water lilies. There is a tired golden coral bead pendant hanging by the ear, dressed in a thin and transparent dress with a little sparkle

Volume reading 3
