Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 50: Read 50 in sub-volumes


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Reading in 50 volumes

A perverted young man who likes underage girls, so he quickly explained with reddish ears: "I see that you have nowhere to go. You might as well live in my house for a while, and then move out after you find a house. Don't worry, I "..." The words were a little hard to say, but fortunately, the girl seemed to understand and nodded to him.

"Why do you help me like this, do you always take people home from the roadside?" Gu Mingyue still thinks it's better to ask. Even if the world relies on his face to build his goodwill, this man is too warm and helpful. Well, it's a little unusual.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of person who can bring anyone home." Song Zhenyi breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want the girl to think that he was an infinitely bad person, "I just think, you How unsafe it is for a girl to grow up to be outside, you don't want to inform your family and insist on giving birth to the baby alone, I respect your opinion, but I also have my insistence, and now that I know this, it is my responsibility to make sure your safety."

As a doctor who saves lives and heals wounds, Song Zhenyi is a kind-hearted doctor. He has a warm and lustrous appearance with a soft heart. He belongs to a lovely man who sees injured animals on the roadside and takes them home to carefully disinfect, bandage and treat them.

How could he ignore Gu Mingyue, who ran away from home and was pregnant.

"Can I take a look and decide?" Gu Mingyue asked cautiously, without saying anything.

"Of course." Song Zhenyi said in a pleasant manner, and teased like a promise: "Don't worry, this is the hospital where I work, and everyone saw me taking you in, so if you leave with me, yes There will be absolutely nothing wrong, otherwise if something happens to you, I will be the most suspicious."

So the two were in the same single apartment at the same time.

Gu Mingyue looked at the apartment hesitantly. After seeing the environment and layout, she was really moved, but she was so suspicious of the man in front of her before, and now she is really embarrassed to show a satisfied expression. , and then stayed down cheekily.

Song Zhenyi obviously saw the girl's scruples. He frowned and said amusingly: "Even though we meet by chance, we are considered to be destined. You can stay at ease. Do you want my master to beg you with a shameless face?"

But it wasn't like that. The two of them only met twice. Both times were extraordinary times, and they were bumped into by Song Zhenyi.

"Thank you." Gu Mingyue knew that the man said this on purpose to relieve her embarrassment, and thanked him sincerely, she bowed her head, and there were many other words of thanks in her heart that she couldn't say. It was the first time she met a good person like Song Zhenyi. His words and deeds came from a pure and kind heart. She didn't even know how to get along with him.

People who are accustomed to living with masks and seeing unpredictable and eccentric people, when they encounter the pure and unsullied truth, goodness and beauty, they are somewhat self-conscious and uncontrollably attracted.

Seeing Gu Mingyue's determined expression of thanks to him, Song Zhenyi also relaxed with relief. He thought that he still needed to spend more words to persuade her to stay.

However, he seems to have forgotten something very important...

"Hey, what's your name." Gu Mingyue stretched out her right hand, thinking that the two of them have never known how to address each other, "I don't know your name yet, roommate."

"Song Zhenyi." The man had an expression of sudden realization on his face, and then he held the girl's fair and delicate little hand, and said with tears in his eyes. In this way, the two ushered in the late self-introduction process.

"Gu Mingyue, 17 years old in two months, an unmarried mother who dropped out of school and ran away from home." Gu Mingyue thought about it for a while and said the most real situation.

"28 years old, single and unmarried, working in Capital Hospital." Song Zhenyi added that he knew about Gu Mingyue's situation, but he did not despise her, but chose to understand and accept her. "Have a nice stay, new roommate."

On the first day of Gu Mingyue's departure, he hugged Song Zhenyi's thick thigh and started a carefree cohabitation life.

The two agreed to three chapters of the law. Gu Mingyue would pay part of the rent, and then take care of simple household chores such as cooking and washing dishes. The rest would still be cleaned up by hourly workers twice a week.

She changed the phone card, because the money from the bank card was enough, she cut it off with a ruthless heart and threw it in the trash with the phone card.

Gu Mingyue can no longer go to withdraw money, otherwise her location will be easily found out. Although the technology in this era is very advanced, if a person wants to hide, it is very difficult to find, especially in a metropolis with a large population base and rapid population flow.

"How are you feeling today?" Song Zhenyi was full of flavor. After chewing and swallowing the fish in his mouth, he asked the girl who seemed to have an appetite. She was eating very gracefully, but her speed was like a gust of wind and a cloud of remnants. A full bowl of rice was finished in no time.

Seeing Gu Mingyue eating, Song Zhenyi was always able to arouse her appetite.

"Well, I feel pretty good today. I went out for a walk in the afternoon." Gu Mingyue was very satisfied with the taste of today's dishes. Her favorite taste now is sour.

Song Zhenyi was very relieved after hearing this. This week, Gu Mingyue has finally recovered from her early pregnancy reaction. Thinking about what she ate and vomited in the past two months, she lost a lot of weight, her appetite increased greatly and she became energetic. The appearance put him at ease.

The two babbled on a lot of everyday things, mostly Song Zhenyi asking Gu Mingyue what he did during the day, and at the same time making some healthy suggestions, Gu Mingyue listened carefully.

As usual, after the two of them had dinner, Song Zhenyi sat on the sofa reading a book, while Gu Mingyue also sat on the other side of the sofa after washing the dishes, put on headphones and started listening to early education music.

The whole room was very peaceful and quiet, and an indifferent and warm atmosphere flowed between the handsome and elegant young man and the charming girl.

The time on the living room clock pointed to 10:30, and the two stood up from the sofa at the same time, one went to the master bedroom, and the other went to the study.

"Good night." The girl standing at the door of the master bedroom smiled at Song Zhenyi and closed the room.

However, the man standing at the door of the study did not step in for a long time.

He suddenly felt very hot. It was obviously the end of November and winter had come.

This feeling of restlessness in the blood vessels has been deepening recently.

Song Zhenyi stared at the closed master bedroom door and sighed faintly. He knew that something was wrong with him, and he was so moved by a girl who was pregnant with someone else's child 11 years younger than him. No matter how you looked at it, it was not normal.

In fact, he couldn't explain why he cared so much about this girl in the beginning. He just thought he should help her and simply followed his heart.

Maybe she was attracted by her stubborn and firm eyes, maybe she was very curious about the story behind her, or maybe she couldn't let go of her helpless but stern and stern look like a small animal.

Gu Mingyue may not know how lonely and lonely she was at that time, and the dazedness that came out of her soul made people worry unceasingly.

Song Zhenyi is not the type of person who pays attention to beauty. He knows very well that he is not attracted by Gu Mingyue's appearance.

Her appearance was enough to attract anyone's attention, but Song Zhenyi paid more attention to the girl's beautiful heart.

The longer she lived with the girl, the more surprised Song Zhenyi was at her cultural literacy. Obviously, Gu Mingyue's previous family background should be excellent, otherwise, how could ordinary people be able to pay for such an elite education.

She is very understanding, usually quiet, but she is also witty and humorous when it comes to conversations. Gu Mingyue's profound knowledge of Chinese studies made Song Zhenyi feel ashamed. Looking at her usual words and deeds, many times she felt ashamed.

Reading in 50 volumes
