Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 66: Read 66 by volume


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Volume reading 66

Being seen by so many people, I can't help but feel the desire to talk.

Finally, thanks for the gifts from the wheat pockets and wool blankets.

I hope everyone can implement their beliefs and do what they want to do. I wish my dear ones a regret-free future.

Daddy's Child Bride No. 6

In the early summer morning, the mountains and forests were misty and misty, the morning dew was heavy, and the gentle breeze brought coolness to wake up the white birds and beasts.

Xie Lang and Gu Mingyue packed their bags early, closed their doors and headed towards Ji Jiangcheng. The basket on the man's back is full of all kinds of processed animal skins. Today, he is going to take it to the market to exchange some money to support his family.

According to Xie Lang's usual pace, this trip to the market will take about an hour and a half, but because of the addition of Gu Mingyue this time, their time on the road will be stretched, and the little girl's physical strength After all, a man who can't keep up with his thirties.

Gu Mingyue rarely has the opportunity to walk in the mountains. At most, she is active in the valley or the nearby woods. She goes into the mountains on weekdays just to pick some wild fruits, wild mushrooms, and dig some wild vegetables. Deep in the forest.

When she came to this mission world, she hadn't had a chance to go out of the valley to take a look. On the sheep intestine trail, listening to the chirping of white birds in the woods and the clear chant brought by the wind blowing through the leaves, Gu Mingyue took a deep breath and jumped happily, a natural look. Wild kids make pie.

She is looking forward to this trip to the market. From the previous life to the beginning of the mission, as long as the background of the mission era is ancient, she is almost a bird imprisoned in a cage. The girl is still a maid, and she has to wear clothes all the time, and she is not restricted by her behavior. The feeling of freedom makes Gu Mingyue feel the taste of freedom.

Her smile sparkled like a diamond, her bright eyes were like stars, and her entire face was radiant. Xie Lang looked at the little daughter who opened her arms, ran and stopped, and the corners of her mouth evoked a pleasant smile, and her slightly low-pitched emotions were also driven to brighten up.

What should come will always come, as long as he can watch her happy all the time, Xie Lang thought.

The two stopped and went all the way, and when they arrived at the market, the time happened to be stuck at the opening hour.

Xie Lang and Gu Mingyue found a small piece of land on the ground of the market, spread a brown linen cloth on the ground, and placed the animal skins hunted from the mountains and forests on it.

They sat side by side on the ground and waited for a while, and then one after another, people came over to ask Xie Lang about the price. These people touched and pinched the fur with their hands, but their eyes kept drifting towards Gu Mingyue's body. Obviously, the drunkard's intention was not to drink.

Most of the people who came to ask for the price were young men of different ages. In order to take a look at Gu Mingyue more, they were picking and choosing, and it took a long time to jump out of the most outstanding piece of fur from the pile of fur. After paying the corresponding amount of money, he turned back and walked away, and the reluctance to part made Xie Lang see his forehead clenched and angry.

These little bastards dare to think of his little daughter who is like a fairy girl, it is simply beyond their own power! But I don't know what he thought of, Xie Lang's expression darkened in vain the moment he was angry.

Gu Mingyue is looking at the lively market with interest. How can those young men compare with the handsome, well-mannered male protagonist in the mission world, and in her heart, the importance of the mission male protagonist is also more important. It's just... Well, there are some things that can be remembered inadvertently all the time, but they can't be thought deeply. Gu Mingyue knows this well, and it is easy not to touch the dusty memory.

So I thought of the past life, when she was the owner of Yuhua County, when she wanted to buy items, she didn't directly ask the servants to call the shopkeeper of a well-known shop to directly lead the goods to the house to help her choose. Even when she was on a mission, she had never made a public appearance on the street. This time, she was able to sit cross-legged on the ground of the market and observe the bustling crowd. How could it not be new

Occasionally, there will be some middle-aged men in their booths to choose furs. Some of them are regular customers of Xie Lang. Gu Mingyue took most of his attention away.

After Xie Lang sent the old customer away with his expressionless and serious face, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and stared at Gu Mingyue's efforts for a cup of tea with indescribable eyes, only to see Gu Mingyue's hair on the back.

Being stared at by the expressionless man with complicated and subtle eyes, that strange feeling is really sour.

At this time, in Xie Lang's heart, what I thought about was: when I didn't pay attention, the little daughter was so beautiful and moving, and began to attract the attention of men... As a father, I should feel happy, but I really can't be happy... If only she could always belong to me... If... could be my woman...

It is not easy to make a living in the deep mountains. It not only requires a strong physique, but also requires knowledge of wild survival and hunting skills, so there are not many capable hunters. As one of the few good hunters, Xie Lang sold out all his leathers within an hour.

The man put the money he got on his chest, stood up and patted his clothes, pulled up Gu Mingyue and said, "Let's go, Daddy will take you to a place."

Gu Mingyue didn't know why, and thought that Xie Lang was going to take her to buy some household items, so he followed behind him obediently until the two stopped in front of the door of a family.

Xie Lang walked up the stone steps, pulled the door knocker on it, and knocked it gently. After a while, someone opened the door from the inside, it was a clean and happy middle-aged woman, she was squinting a pair of crescent-like smiling eyes, and opened her mouth to greet her: "Xie Dalang, you are here. "

Xie Lang nodded noncommittally, pointed at Gu Mingyue, who looked bewildered behind him, and introduced: "This is the little girl Xie Yi."

The middle-aged woman opened her eyes wide and looked at Gu Mingyue from the top of her head to her heels, and only smacked her lips: "It's really a symbol of the little lady, I don't know how many men are crying and wanting to marry and go home~ Don't worry, Put it on me, you have a hundred hearts, I will definitely find a good husband for her."

When Gu Mingyue heard this, she realized that this middle-aged woman was actually a private media. I didn't expect that Xie Lang brought her here, originally with the idea of promoting her. It was ridiculous. The two of them slept together every night, seeing each other naked. The relationship has reached this point. How can she still be in this era? There is innocence... But this man still wants to deceive himself and give her a marriage, Gu Mingyue is at a loss for words, and Xie Lang is selfish, and he doesn't want to break the moral bottom line, so even if he has done everything he can, he still She didn't want to pierce that layer of film, she couldn't make him wish, how could there be such a cheap thing in the world.

Xie Lang thought for a while, and after several struggles in his heart, he nodded in agreement. He reached out his hand to take out some matchmaking gift money from his chest and handed it to the matchmaker, but before he reached into his collar, he was held down by a pair of small hands. .

"Dad, I don't want to marry." Gu Mingyue's clear black eyes reflected the figure of a man, and she lightly opened her red lips and said in a firm tone.

"Hey, Miss Xie, how can there be a woman of age who doesn't marry, even if you don't want to marry, how can the government allow you to be self-willed when you reach your age, how can it be good for Xie Dalang to be implicated then?"

Gu Mingyue turned a deaf ear and just stared at the man's face with stubborn eyes. Of course, she knew that it was illegal for women in this era to not marry at the right age, and they would end up imprisoning their family members, but she was not afraid of this. These days, the army was in chaos, and the household registration was a mess. Her body was abandoned. Is it a black household? It needs to be discussed, not to mention that she lives in a deep valley, as long as she doesn't leave the mountains, she will be an old girl all her life and no one else will know.

Xie Lang was seen hesitant, he finally

Volume reading 66
