Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 81: Read 81 by volume


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Volume reading 81

After burning red, the tip of the knife pointed down at the man's left arm, which was shot by the bullet, and he dug out the bullet from the wound as quickly as lightning. The white palm that was pressed against his mouth was stuck in his throat.

Xiao Jinglin has just completed a big deal on behalf of Qingfenghui with an anti-government underground organization in Europe today. On the way back, he was suddenly ambushed by a group of armed men who appeared out of nowhere. , He was unfortunately shot in the left arm, and the people he brought out suffered heavy casualties. The two of them lost sight of each other. Gu Mingyue pulled him away from the fire area without a word, and was separated from another bodyguard, Shang Ren, during the retreat.

Relying on accurate shooting skills, Gu Mingyue repelled several chasing attackers on the way to escape, dragged the man for a long time before he accidentally discovered a hidden underground warehouse, which seemed to be a few years old. A hidden arsenal built during the World Wars. Gu Mingyue felt that her plan went very smoothly, and she was pleasantly surprised.

Looking at the man with a golden face, Gu Mingyue began to rummage through the warehouse for useful things. She really found some sealed and unopened spirits, medical bandages, lighters, and some old cans.

They are all decades old, but fortunately, the dressings and food are sealed from air and can be used immediately.

Then there was a bloody scene of just digging bullets. Gu Mingyue put down the dagger and opened the bottle of spirits, and poured the liquid that had accumulated for decades on the bloody wound, causing the man to twitch again.

After sterilizing the wound, she skillfully used a bandage to bandage the wound, and then she talked to distract the man's attention, trying to relieve his pain.

Xiao Jinglin listened carefully to the woman's voice and slowly and steadily made guesses about the organization behind the attackers. He nodded with a pale face, apparently agreeing with Gu Mingyue's conjecture, believing that the attack was revenge from the Anyuan group. behavior.

It was obvious that they provoked and assassinated him first. The leader of the third generation of Anyuan Group was a warning and a demonstration of organizational strength. In this underground world where the weak eat the strong, one cannot stand without enough strength and ability.

Originally thought that the Anyuan group must have lost their vitality in a short period of time, but it seems that it is not the case at all, and more powerful measures should be taken, and when necessary, they will be uprooted and destroyed!

Gu Mingyue silently praised herself in her heart, and came up with this tactic that not only pitted the heroine but also deepened the hatred of the hero, which really made her lose her mind.

She just pushed the relationship between Xiao Jinglin and Anyuan Limei to the point where they couldn't coexist without their knowledge. Who let them go through the plot while she was recovering~~~ It's too late to cross this time. , Fortunately, the hero and the original heroine of the mission haven't torn apart their faces. The two are in the stage of sweet love and cherishing the first night. They didn't make the last step, otherwise she would have failed the mission as soon as she wore it!

Gu Mingyue thought so, the movements of her hands became unnaturally aggravated, and there was a rapid light panting in her ears.

Huh? Why is this gasp different from the groaning of an injured person.

She tried to press the wound lightly with a little more strength, and Xiao Jinglin groaned uncontrollably. The sound was like pain and joy... Then... Gu Mingyue was stunned...

It seems that something unusual happened... Could it be that aphrodisiac was smeared on the bullet head

Gu Mingyue felt that maybe she was thinking wrong, so she tried to press it again, and there was a more high-pitched moan in her ear. Obviously, the man did not notice his strangeness. Gu Mingyue's eyes suddenly lit up two groups of bright flames amid the man's groaning. In order to confirm her guess that she kept pressing back and forth on her hands, Xiao Jinglin followed her movements. Started to flush, moaning and panting more and more rapidly.

Until he suddenly snorted, Gu Mingyue watched helplessly as the tip of the man's crotch, which had been standing for a long time, shook violently up and down, and then the small piece of cloth quickly seeped water stains, with a slightly fishy and bitter taste. smell.

I see.

At this moment, Gu Mingyue touched the door of the new world and slowly opened it.

The fourth female bodyguard who shakes the underworld

Gu Mingyue can be sure that Xiao Jinglin in the original book does not have such a m-attribute that the more painful it is. It can be said that from the time he and the heroine knew each other and fell in love with each other until they fell in love with each other, they have always behaved very normally.

Well, not right.

Shaking the m attribute or something, maybe there is no chance to be discovered, after all, who is the ambitious leopard who dares to bully the head of the young master of the Qingfenghui.

Thinking about it carefully, Xiao Jinglin also suffered one or two minor injuries in the original book, and every time the doctor bandaged him, he was very gentle and careful. It is not so much that the doctor's professional skills in painless bandaging are superb, it is better to say that they are Don't dare to offend the injured person who is not easy to deal with when looking at the background. Don't you see the row of strong men in black suits behind him, muscular and muscular, standing together like a wall, just by looking at the momentum. Makes people shudder.

The pomp and circumstance of being so ostentatious and not being destroyed by the government can simply make people despair of the order of this mission world.

Because in the original book, it was Zuo Xiaonan who was seriously injured blocking guns and knives. All the serious injuries that should belonged to the male protagonist were magically transferred to her. Therefore, after she was shot, the plot entered a stable stage, and the male protagonist also Only a chance to be slightly injured.

When the owner of Zuo Xiaonan's body is replaced by Gu Mingyue, let her still be the meat shield as before? Hehe, don't be too whimsical.

There is no plot of Xiao Jinglin's injury today in the original book. Gu Mingyue only played a driving role in this attack. He poured a bucket of hot oil into the hearts of those who were just about to move, and made their revenge flames burn brightly. Come on, anyway, this matter is inseparable from Anyuan Limei, and the Anyuan team will definitely be more difficult in the future.

Alas, there is no way, who made the male protagonist's identity so tricky, for this body to live a happy and stable life in the future, the obstacles in front of her must be eliminated.

The woman's face burst into a beautiful smile, and with her body at the center, an overwhelming sense of oppression spread in the dark warehouse.

There are thousands of so-called evils, and like goodness, they have two sides and cannot be judged by a single standard. It is not appropriate to act on the basis of one's own desires and interests, but if the predictable results can benefit social stability, how can it be? To be used for self-interest? For example, weakening the power of the underworld or something...

The man in front of him had hazy eyes and peach blossoms on his face. His chest heaved violently with the frequency of gasping, and the cloth between his legs was wet.

Seeing such a delicious appearance of him, those more excessive thoughts that breed in the dark, how can I not stop it...

Gu Mingyue thinks that maybe this is a godsend opportunity, but she is not sure. When she was carrying out the last mission, she had an active volcano in her heart that could not erupt. Now it seems that she can finally find an outlet to express herself.

Perhaps, the pain of the bullet passing through his chest that he had to endure as soon as he passed through can take the opportunity to clear it up together.

how should I do it? The corner of Gu Mingyue's mouth raised an evil curve. She looked at Xiao Jinglin as if she was looking at a pile of meat or a pile of dough, her eyes flashing with eagerness to try.

After venting, Xiao Jinglin's eyes finally became clear. The feeling just now was simply too wonderful. There was a tingling feeling of itching in the severe pain, which penetrated from the outside of the skin to the bone marrow. The sensitive point resonates at the same time, bringing him a supreme pleasure...

wait... something doesn't seem right...

Xiao Jing

Volume reading 81
