Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 86: Read 86 by volume


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Volume reading 86

Must leave as soon as possible.

Gu Mingyue looked at the man who was more than half a head taller than him, quietly opened a few cans with a knife, and swallowed them all until they couldn't eat any more. Xiao Jinglin can only get him out by himself, so he has the strength to carry people when he is full. Besides, after leaving the warehouse, he does not know what the situation is outside. Will Qingfeng receive the news of the attack on the young master and send support , under all unknown circumstances, she needs to prepare for the worst, and there may be a tough battle to fight.

The weapons in hand now are a few daggers, two pistols, and a very small number of refilled magazines. Fortunately, the bullet capacity of bsp;19 and p250 each has 15 rounds, which is probably enough if there are fewer enemies.

The following time is the moment to test the protagonist's aura.

Gu Mingyue squatted on the ground to help Xiao Jinglin, who was weak and confused, turned his back and pulled his arms around his shoulders, holding his breath, and lifted the man up with a force.

Uh, heavy, dead, dead!

It seems that now is not only the time to test the protagonist's aura, but also the time to test his physical fitness. This body must not fall off the chain, Gu Mingyue cheered in his heart.

She knew that even in a coma, a man should be able to hear some voices, so she turned her head slightly and placed a kiss on Xiao Jinglin's cheek, and said softly in a loving tone, "Young master, I will definitely took you out safely."

Xiao Jinglin felt like he was in a stove, and a flame burned his internal organs and skin from the inside out. His lips were chapped and white, his throat was swollen and itchy, and the injured left arm that was being pulled was even more painful, but when the cool soft skin touched his cheek, there was a soothing voice. When it was introduced into the eardrum, he felt inexplicably at ease, and the discomfort on his body was miraculously relieved.

"Um..." He also wanted to reassure the woman, so he murmured softly while holding back the pain in his throat.

Gu Mingyue obviously didn't expect a response. She looked at the man's face so close to her and thought for a while, and then teased with good intentions: "I put the young master to sleep, and naturally I will be more dedicated to the young master's safety. I would never do something so unprofessional as to run away after sleeping."

Xiao Jinglin immediately wanted to bite his tongue and punish himself. What was the madness he had just made to tell the woman that he was not completely unconscious, this is not what he is looking for, but what is it that you owe your mouth! Can't you just be a beautiful man quietly!

If there is a chance, he will definitely make this woman who dares to commit the following crimes to look good, and make up for the face that he has thrown back at one time. Since then, he will be so powerful that she can only lie under him day and night, and her body will be covered every day. Change your own tricks to play with.

Young Master Xiao, who was thinking of finding his way back, didn't notice at this time that he had thought of the future unconsciously, and the future in his life included Gu Mingyue, who made him grit his teeth with hatred but was helpless, including Physical contact with betrayal for Satomi Anyuan.

What can this phenomenon indicate

Although Gu Mingyue is taking risks, her drastic and adventurous actions can make Xiao Jinglin fall in love with her, arouse his various tangled psychological activities caused by her, and only think about her in his mind... Various manifestations of men , which means that the progress bar of the task has started to progress towards the end.

She can't be so rash in the future, and she must be cautious after consolidating the results step by step.

If she can't guess, it is estimated that the original heroine will act soon.

The aura of the protagonist is indeed infinite. Gu Mingyue carried Xiao Jinglin for a long distance without seeing the chasing enemy. It seems that Qingfenghui has already received the news. After walking out of this jungle to the main road, they should be able to join the people in the gang soon.

The main question now is... how long can my stamina last. Damn, this forest is much bigger than I imagined, and I can't find a way out.

In the original setting, Zuo Xiaonan's sense of direction is not mentioned clearly, so he should not be able to tell the direction clearly, but if Gu Mingyue's soul fits this body, she will not be Zuo Xiaonan, so there are some defects that cannot be rested at this time. is displayed.

Gu Mingyue was sweating on her back while carrying the man. At the same time, she needed to observe the situation around her in all directions, and make sure that she could respond immediately when there was a sudden situation. In principle, the focus was to ensure Xiao Jinglin's personal safety.

"Young Master?" She tentatively called out Xiao Jinglin with a faint worry in her voice.

Xiao Jinglin didn't know how long he had been lying on Gu Mingyue's back, but he could feel the woman's breathing gradually transitioning from gentle to rapid, and the skin that was close to her could feel the wetness from the woman's body. Walking on her own is really hard, especially when her state is not 100% perfect.

Stupid woman, it's not good to put herself in the warehouse just now, it's easier for her to go out to find rescue by herself.

"Of course not! How can I rest assured to leave the young master there alone, I must be with the young master!"

Gu Mingyue's firm tone made Xiao Jinglin's chaotic head shake. He actually said what he was thinking without realizing it. Was he confused? The man forced the corner of his mouth.

The woman's resolute voice made him feel inexplicably safe, as if entrusting her whole life to her would be reassuring without any hesitation.

Is she such a reliable guy in her heart? Xiao Jinglin refreshed her understanding of Gu Mingyue.

"If... too tired... just put me down.... rest... cough cough!"

"Young master, don't talk anymore, trust me, we'll be home in a while." Gu Mingyue gritted her teeth, she had to maintain her physical strength, can this man stop talking nonsense so much, knowing that she can't let him go, Wan Wan What to do if you can't recover after a break.

trust you... haven't i been doing it all the time... go home... our home...

This family word has never been so warm.

When Gu Mingyue was about to lose it, Shang Ren finally showed up belatedly.

"What a coincidence you came! Hurry up and carry the young master!"

The eighth female bodyguard who shakes the underworld

Xiao Jinglin's protagonist's aura is not lower than the average level. After being sent to the hospital, there will be no serious problem. Of course, hospitalization for a few days is inevitable. The task of investigating the assassination incident fell to the two bodyguards.

Gu Mingyue discussed with Shang Ren and decided that Shang Ren would lead the investigation, while Gu Mingyue, a woman, stayed behind to take care of the young master.

All Xiao Jinglin needs now is to rest more. When the man was sleeping, Gu Mingyue instructed his subordinates to guard the ward and went out to buy something by himself.

In the few days left before the original heroine appeared, it will be completely her performance time.

So after Xiao Jinglin slept in the dark, when he opened his eyes, he saw a woman in front of the hospital bed who was as serene as an angel. The window behind her could not block the warm golden sun, and the warm light gave her outline. Plated with a layer of holy Huaze. Gu Mingyue lowered her head slightly, lowered her eyes and cut an apple for the man earnestly, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and the graceful posture of sitting up could constitute an oil painting.

Xiao Jinglin thought of a word in an instant, which he thought was very suitable to describe his mood after seeing Gu Mingyue.

The years are quiet.

Gu Mingyue was trying to please men, but her attitude was not humble at all. She peeled the apple with a natural look, cut the pulp into bite-sized cubes, and cast a light glance at the man who was staring at her, very much. "Young Master, there is something in the corner of your eye."

Xiao Jinglin felt the atmosphere being dissipated for a second.

Volume reading 86
